Progression is on it's way! Images of our new location are coming shortly! Sadly we'll be leaving Anmer Hall behind, but we're excited to go to RAF West Raynham given its rich history.
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It is incredibly vital for Wooden kitchen worktops to be aware of the source that our timber comes from as, trees are a key source that help sustains the well-being of this planet. Since wkw does not personally cut down timber, we have researched into depth to confirm and find the best qualified suppliers to ensure that they are renewable and will always maintain renewable sources.
Making the timber renewable means, every tree will be replanted to ensure that the source of timber may remain, ensuring that the forests can produce in large number, so that are able to maintain and sustain the ecosystem. The species of timber must meet the ten principles of the organisation to be considered and protected.  The ten principles are as follows:
The forestation must abide by the law international treaties and agreements of the country which they reside in.
Documentation of the long-term tenures and use rights to the land and forest resources must be kept in incredible detail.
Surrounding land, rights to property and resources must be recognised and respected. An understanding and respected area will allow the organisation and protection become smoother and easier for all near and far.
The management of the forest shall either remain or enhance during long-term social and economic well-being of forest workers and local communities.
Forest management operations shall encourage the efficient use of the forest’s multiple products and services to ensure economic viability and a wide range of environmental and social benefits.
It is vital to still be able to sustain the original ecosystem, while still being able to adapt after given biological resources such as soil and water.
A management plan shall be appropriately to scale, providing intense scripture of all updates and adjustments. All documents must be kept with a regular update and any necessary achievements must be stated clearly.
Monitoring shall be conducted appropriately to scale and the intensity of the forest. Management will take precaution and describe and note the condition of the forest such as the yields of the forest, chains of custody, management activities and their social and environmental impacts.
Management activities in an important values protected forest shall either maintain or enhance one or many attributes which may remain within the area. Such as an endangered species, define the area and decision regarding conservation value forests shall always be taken into account and processed.
Keeping a regular plan of plantation is necessary, maintaining the documents will allow for the principles and criteria one to ten to be kept under strict control. Plantations can be provide both social and economic benefits, as well as a tribute to satisfying the world’s needs for forest products..
Here at wkw we are proud to say we have the support of this council. Not only will it help us create your bespoke wooden products, it will help preserve the trees, the planet and most importantly all of us who live our daily lives.
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Wooden Kitchen Worktops: Bespoke wooden sample!
When choosing your wooden kitchen worktop, WKW finds that seeing is more efficient than dreaming. Therefore seven different worktop samples, in different styles can be produced to help you make the decision between the many timbers provided. Each timber possesses a unique grain to the next, for example: maple – this is the palest, porcelain-like timber with a delicate wavy grain. Then comparing it to iroko: a rustic medium tone timber with a deep contrast of grains. So each sample leaves you with different impressions and here at WKW we aim to please.
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Wooden Kitchen Worktops; glorious oak wooden worktop
Timber comes in all different shades, shapes and sizes. wkw provides five different timbers of which are split into light and dark. Doing this helps stress the individuality of each type making it easier for you to confirm your choice.
To begin with American white oak worktops are sourced from the Northern Appalachian Mountains. The oak is extremely durable and possesses a beautiful tight grain structure. Oak worktops work immaculately in a traditional setting especially when matched with oak knobs that we can provide. There are three styles which wkw offer with this oak, each unique and inviting.
Butcher’s block style Oak worktops are also known as 40mm and 60mm staves. There are many shorter planks which are selected and inserted together to make up this style, there are many joints so that the staves are able to be as wide as possible whilst still keeping it together. Having this lovely worktop has its advantages, worktops can contain many different grains, depending on the amount of different planks used, that way there is greater and a wider range of texture and adds character. The difference between the 40mm against the 60mm is that it 20mm smaller, therefore it will show less grain pattern. 
Oak possesses incredible strength, consistent colour and a delicate grain pattern; oak worktops are brilliant where you need light reflecting back. It will help bring together with a wide range of kitchen units, classic and all.
All oak worktops can be pre-oiled, having done this it will help sustain the worktop. To complete this the oak is left to soak in a large secure container of linseed oil, it will remain therefore up to 48 hours. Results will then show a matt finish and a glorious finalized oak worktop.
After the final product has been produced and oiled in linseed in our oil dip tank, it is then ready to be installed straight away, making the process easier for you to add the finishing touches by applying the final coats.
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How To Repair A Damaged Wooden Worktop
The other day I was drinking a cup of tea at a friend’s house while she cooked us some breakfast. Suddenly she shouted out in anger – She had placed her hot pan onto her wooden worktop and now, somehow, there was a rather large unsightly mark. Panic stricken she looked at me and wondered what on earth she was going to do. Her lack of knowledge left me wondering about others who have this or similar heart stopping moments and feel clueless as to what to do. In a bid to empower us all for any future ‘mishaps’ I thought I would share some remedies to these occurrence’s that, let’s face it, can’t always be helped….
Generally when surfaces become damaged there is a simple fix. If like my friend, your worktop becomes scratched or marked then the top can be sanded down. This will remove the scratches or marks. Finish with a re-oil and your work top will be restored to its original splendour. What we need to remember is that timber is a natural product – that’s what   makes it so unique and beautiful - however a consequence of this is that over time it may be prone to slight movement. For example, small cracks may appear. This may induce concern but really it is nothing to worry about as they can be easily treated using hard wax fillers. Hard wax is available in many different shades so you will be able to find one that suits your worktop or, if you’re feeling brave, you can melt different shades of wax to achieve an exact colour match! Once you have the correct wax, apply it directly to the area by gently rubbing it against the grain of the wood. Once applied into the relevant crack, using either wire wool or sandpaper, gently rub the filled area back before re-oiling the affected area. This method can also be used for any pesky chips or dents that may also appear.
If you are ever unsure of what to do you are more than welcome to give us a call at Wooden Kitchen Worktops. Not only will we be able to guide you through the process but if you have any individual worktop issues photos can be sent into ourselves and we can advise accordingly.
So you see, between us all, we have a wealth of knowledge so that when these moments strike we are fully prepared and able to tackle the issue ourselves without panicking too much! My friend and I managed to resolve her worktop issues pretty quickly so when her partner arrived home that evening and asked us if we’d managed to stay out of trouble all day we were able to giggle and say “Of course” before exchanging a knowing wink at each other. The worktop looked as good as new and now no one would ever know what happened, well, except for us of course!
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Information You Need To Order Your Wooden Worktop
Firstly, congratulations! You’ve finally made the decision that you will treat yourself to the kitchen that you have desired for what feels like an eternity. It was an arduous conclusion to come to but now, at last, you are able to indulge feelings of excitement and creativity; well, until that moment when you realise that you are now faced with the daunting prospect of more, apparently, difficult decisions. Well, worry not, I am here to help.   
Your first hurdle will inevitably be selecting your timber. Already I can hear you questioning which timber will suit your kitchen the most, how will you know whether it will look right and what are the differentiations in Stave style? The good news is that you cannot go wrong. Our homes allow us to express our own personality and style and your kitchen is no different from this; so take a look over our gallery and see which timber and stave design you prefer. Come to a decision?, then why not order a sample from ourselves. This is an excellent way to know what to expect when your worktop arrives and will make you feel much more comfortable when placing your order.
First hurdle completed and on to the next; should you purchase your board pre-oiled? We advise that this is best, not only because it saves you time and that your worktop will come ready for installation but because we use our own hot oil dip tank to apply an ultra pure food grade linseed oil.
This is absorbed throughout the entire worktop and guarantees protection of your beautiful timber. Don’t worry though, if you don’t opt for this we will guide you through how to do your own pre-installation oiling.
We’ve made an excellent start so let’s move on to the size of your worktops. Most kitchen designers should be able to advise on the dimensions that you require or provide a worktop plan if you are unsure of what you need. Going it alone? Why not try using electrical tape to map out the dimensions you think you need and see if the sizes work for you? As we manufacture everything to order we have the ability to meet all your needs; cut-outs, up-stands, radius corners, end caps, butt joins, drop down mitred end panels and drainage grooves are just a few of the services that we can offer you.
You have now collected the information needed to place the order so when you’re ready give us a call and we can begin to process your purchase. Once everything’s ordered you’ll probably find that you’re still feeling a little unsettled, worried that something could go wrong. To ensure that this doesn’t happen we send an order confirmation with a Cad diagram to yourself so that we can be absolutely certain that your order is to your requirements.
So breathe, you’ve done it and are now the proud owner of a new kitchen worktop! 
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Spring Clean Your Wooden Worktop
The other day a friend and I went out for lunch in the hot sun. As we sat and chatted as only girls can do I couldn't help but notice how much happier everyone around me looked. There is something about the warm spring air that lifts our spirits. The longer days alongside the sun shining leaves us wanting to embrace the outdoors. Our coats are shoved to the back of our wardrobes and our warmer clothing comes out in full force.
With spring comes the expectant ‘spring clean’ and it is this that made me think that while I do my spring clean it would make sense to carry out some maintenance work to my worktop. They are not only due a re-oil but I also, rather annoyingly and stupidly, managed to cause some damage to the back of my worktop the other day (don’t ask how!) so it looks as if I will be doing some sanding too.
In other blogs I have written in greater detail how to maintain your wooden worktop but I thought I would briefly go over this. In short, of areas of damage it is best to give the worktop a light sand with a piece of low grit sandpaper. This is to be done along the grain and must be done gently – you don’t want to remove the timber! Once this has been completed you are then able to re-oil your worktop. Do so with a cloth and pour a little bit at a time working the oil in to the timber. You will know when it has had enough oil because the worktop will no longer look dry and water will bead on the surface rather than be taken in by the wood.
Once these steps have been followed your worktop will have been appropriately protected before the warmer months settle in and the moisture in the environment changes. This means that you can sit outside and enjoy a lovely BBQ or spend time with loved ones rather than be worried that the warmth is affecting your worktops. So if you’re like me and find these jobs rather mundane then turn the volume up on your radio, have a tipple of your choice to hand and crack on. Once it’s done, it’s done and all that is left to do is to relax and enjoy spring!
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How Much Will My Worktop Change And Move?
Recently I made an observation that over time things can change. There are varying factors, both causal and non-causal, that can play a part in this process. Sometimes there can be a large noticeable effect and other times the alterations are minimal. Positive or negative, most things are subject to these shifts. So what change can you expect to occur to your wooden worktop?
The answer is simple, not a lot. People worry that their worktop will move and/or deteriorate over time but the chances of this happening are minimal. This is because we do everything that we can to prevent this from occurring. Although timber is hygroscopic and will absorb or release moisture according to its environment, we take a great amount of time to dry the timber correctly. Not only do we dry the timber ourselves but we also achieve unusually low moisture contents averaging around 7%. This is comparatively less than standard European timber that is typically dried to around 13%. Once the timber has been glued, machined and delivered, we would expect the moisture of our timber to increase slightly to 8.5-9.0%. During the winter months we would expect the moisture to settle at about 8% moisture, and in the summer around 9.0-9.5% depending on how wet the summer is.
Alongside these precautionary measures taken during the drying process we also offer a pre-oiling service that gives the worktops an overall protective barrier which helps to minimise any moisture movement. This coupled with the surface treatment of finishing oil gives the best possible protection for your worktop.
We use kiln dried timber, and a rule of thumb is that a 5% change in moisture will result in a 1% change in width dimension. Therefore if any movement were to occur it would be extremely minimal and would go virtually unnoticed. In a 640mm wide worktop there wouldn’t be more movement than 1-2mm.
You can therefore be rest assured that when you order a worktop from ourselves that you are getting not only the highest quality timber but also the most cared for timber that you can buy.
Customers also become concerned about the deterioration of their wooden worktop. They worry that in a year or so it will rot or turn black. This is something that shouldn’t happen to your worktop. Instances like this are extremely rare and only occur when the worktop has not been looked after and maintained. It is important that you look after your worktop with maintenance coats of oil and by cleaning up any spillages, including water, as quickly as possible. For more in depth information please look at a previous blog that I wrote; ‘How easy is it to maintain a wooden worktop?’, that is solely on this matter. Here you will find all the information you need to look after your worktop and will leave you feeling confident that a wooden worktop is for you.
As we are all aware, things can and do change. However, one of the luxuries of timber is that this change is relatively in your control. Although a natural material, if it is cared for appropriately you can make sure that any changes that do occur are so slight that you won’t even be aware that they have happened.
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How Easy Is It To Maintain A Wooden Worktop?! And Will It Last?!
Over the weekend most of us were lucky to experience a change in weather; the sun was shining and there was a warmth to it that gave us hope of spring. Not ones for staying inside this was a wonderful opportunity for my partner and I to go for a country drive. Taking it in turns to decide whether we went left or right we ended up not too far from the outskirts of Ely where we decided to take actual direction. Shortly after arriving we had settled down with a drink and some lunch at a pub that overlooks the river. As usual, our eyes were too big for our stomachs and we waddled away in a blissful haze of contentment that only a stretched stomach can offer! As we strolled through the park we both looked at Ely Cathedral and thought that it would be a fantastic day to be part of the tour where you can climb to the very top of the Cathedral and see for miles over the fenland expanse. We were fortunate to be the only two on the tour which allowed for an exclusive private tour. As we were half way through the ascent of an extremely tight staircase we were informed that we were about to be shown an original piece of construction material that dated back over 900 years. For someone who loves design this was an extremely exciting moment and it certainly helped me climb some more of these 250 steps that we were tackling. So you can imagine my delight when I made a turn and was faced with a solid piece of timber. 900 years strong and counting, this incredible piece of timber just single handily proved what I have been trying to explain for months; timber is a beautiful natural material that stands the test of time!
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 There are so many queries and concerns surrounding wooden worktops and their durability and this is an exemplary example that should squash any worries that you have.
As long as wood is looked after and cared for there is absolutely no reason as to why your worktop shouldn’t outlive generations to come. Maintaining your worktop is what makes the difference between a beautiful worktop that lasts and a worktop that is black and rotten because it has been left to fend for itself. It is important to remember that wooden worktops are a natural product that, like flowers, has been removed from its original source. This results in its lifespan, thereafter, being dependable on you and the aftercare that you provide for it.
Maintaining a worktop really is simple. Firstly you need to make sure that it has been thoroughly and correctly pre-oiled; a service that we offer at Wooden Kitchen Worktops. Having your board pre-oiled prevents any moisture from being taken on by the worktops. It is fair to say that worktops and moisture don’t agree with each other so the sooner that it can be the oiled the better.
Once your worktop is installed it will require some finishing coats of oil just to add those final layers of protection and for you to be able to achieve the level of finish that you require.  You will know when your worktop has the correct level of oil because water will bead on the surface. As soon as water starts to saturate in to the timber you can safely assume that your worktops need a re-oil. How often you will need to re-oil your worktop is dependent on the environment it sits in and how you use it.
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If you splash water on the worktop it is important that you wipe it off as soon as possible. It is fine to put your mugs of hot drinks on to the surface but it is advised that you always use trivets to protect the worktops from the heat of any pan or dish especially if it is coming directly from the oven.
If you’re like me and a little prone to mishaps you needn’t worry because the beauty of timber is that in most instances it can be re-sanded and re-oiled to be restored to its original splendour.
As long as you keep these few things in mind, your worktop is going to look just as beautiful years and years down the line as it did new.
I am hoping that by having written this blog that people will become much more comfortable and less concerned over the durability of a wooden worktop. It is only in rare circumstances where worktops are neglected that these unsightly black marks and such like occur. Ultimately there needs to be a belief in our work practices and ethos as a company that Wooden Kitchen Worktops would not purposefully supply you a worktop that is prone to damage. All our staff are not only dedicated to what we do but passionate too. The workshop love to make your worktops and a lot of time, diligence and care goes in to producing every product that leaves our premise.
“ This Beautiful 900 year old piece of timber proves that it really does stand the test of time…What more proof do you need?!...”
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What Are The Different Timber Style Options Available At Wooden Kitchen Worktops?
At Wooden Kitchen Worktops we offer a couple of different Stave styles to suit your personal design taste. However it would seem that one of our most commonly asked questions is the following; what exactly is a Stave?!
That in itself is a very good question and is something that can easily cause confusion but once explained I am hoping that it becomes much clearer. When we ask you what Stave design you would like, we are in fact referring to the widths of the planks of timber that make up the width of your worktop. The smaller the width of the Stave, the more planks of timber needed to make up the width of your worktop. The wider the width of Stave, the fewer planks that make up the width of your worktops.
Still with me? Great……..
Here at Wooden Kitchen Worktops, we offer you 2 different stave styles. Firstly, we have our 40mm Stave, consisting of beautiful staves of widths of 40mm. You can expect to find 14-16 staves across the width of an average worktop of around 620mm with joins along the length. The wider your worktop, the more staves that span the width, the smaller the width of the worktop the fewer the staves across the width.
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We then also have our 60mm Stave option. This has a similar pattern to that of our 40mm Stave but the difference lies in that the Stave width is 60mm rather than 40mm. This means that the Staves are wider and there are therefore fewer planks of timber making up your worktop, typically 9-11 planks of timber remaining with an average width of 620mm with joins along the length.
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It can take a while for the above to become comprehensible but I hope that it has helped even in a small way. If you would like to talk it through we would be more than happy to do this with you. Feel free to call our office on 01485 600 555.
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Recently my partner and I started to look in to buying our first home together.  Having studied Interior Architecture at university it is fair to say that I am going to be the picky one in this process. I love everything design related and as my other half so politely put it, I am a nightmare when it comes to choosing a home. One thing I do know however is that I have a love for exposed brick and wooden beams. Its beauty is outstanding and it was during this home searching that I wondered how timber can be manipulated to go from a twisted, distorted beauty to a clean and smooth beauty such as found in our worktops.
Most people have seen old beams in buildings where the beams are all twisted, split and warped. Whilst this is fine for a building, the same cannot be said for a wooden kitchen worktop. Once it’s in situ, you want it to stay stable, flat, and not start cracking and splitting. Of course as any timber adapts to its environment, and any changes in that environment, it will move but with correct treatment, installation and maintenance this will significantly reduce these changes to the point where they are unnoticeable, however it still requires that the timber was dried correctly in the first place.
As soon as a tree is felled, it needs to be planked and laid out ‘on sticks’ allowing air to flow freely around the timber aiding the drying process. This must be regulated to prevent the timber from drying unevenly or too fast. One of the first steps to stop the timber from drying too fast is to paint the ends with a wax based paint. This is because the capillaries are exposed which results in significant moisture loss.
The next step is to place the stack of timber, in a shed called a ‘T’ shed. This is simply a roof to keep the sun and rain off, and also to provide a fixing for ‘curtains’. The curtains are made from a tight mesh that allows air flow, but crucially stops wind from blowing over the timber. Wind is a big enemy when drying timber, as it takes the moisture out too quickly, and leads to splitting. It is also a good idea to place a few sheets of thick ply on the top to weigh it down and hold it flat. Once all that’s in place, the timber should be left for a minimum of six months, but preferably 12-15 months.
After this, the next stage is to kiln dry the timber. The kiln drying process is where most of the damage occurs from trying to dry the timber too quickly. The temperature needs to be built up very carefully so that the balance between the core moisture content of the timber and the surface reading are never too far out. Too much, and the moisture is being forced out too quickly, and will split and damage the fibres of the timber, which will then be in there forever. Modern kilns use an array of moisture sensors to ensure evenness of drying.
Once the timber is down to around 6% moisture, it is then conditioned with heated steam back to up to 7.5%, which makes the timber stable. Obviously each step adds complexity and considerable cost, but without these elements, production of quality dry timber is all but impossible. Timber which is force dried too quickly will eventually equalise, however during this equalisation it will almost certainly warp, split and crack. High quality timber is something we will never stray from.
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Bespoke Worktops
One of the most fantastic things that I find about design is the ability to create someone’s vision. The power of turning an idea in to a reality really excites me. As we manufacture everything on site here in the UK we have the luxury of being able to make your worktops to your exact requirements. Unlike many other companies we control every part of the manufacturing process and therefore have no stock items. This allows us to supply you with whatever lengths and widths that you require and furthermore allows you creative control over the shape of your worktop. As long as we have your design specification we can work alongside you to help you achieve your design, after all, if you’re going to spend your money it is well worth getting what you want.
Besides having creative freedom over the shape and size of your worktop, you also have the ability to choose any of our other bespoke services that we offer. We can offer you our pre-installation oiling service where your worktops will be pre-oiled ready for immediate installation, hob and sink cut-outs, radius corners, a variety of edging, drainage grooves, hot rods, butt joins, end caps and drop down panels. Whatever design idea you have in mind we can help make it happen.
It is services like this that further my love for design and my work at Wooden Kitchen Worktops. There is nothing better, in my opinion, than being able to offer a customer everything that they need. Give us an obstacle and we will face it. Give us a design and we will make it happen. There is a reason that we are specialists in what we do and it shows.
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Ideal Home Show and Timber As A Trend
In the office we have been busy talking about the Idea Home Show. We were able to go at the weekend and it was a great opportunity to see what design trends are about to come in to play. An area that caught my attention, rather surprisingly, was that of the garden area. I noticed that designers and landscapers alike are trying to move the indoors out. Lately there had been a strong desire to bring the outdoors in and while this is still very much there it has also been drawn to my attention that we would also like to have our home comforts extended to our outdoor areas. I noticed that this had been achieved in a variety of ways such as using indoor styled furniture, painting walls to a ceiling height and through a intriguing way of displaying foliage. I even saw a fireplace that was in fact a water feature.
Something else that I noticed while at this show is that timber continues to be present at design exhibitions. Timber is a timeless and classic material that can be used in numerous ways throughout the design industry. It is as a result of this that Wooden Kitchen Worktops are able to always stay on trend. Whichever of our products you decide to go for you can be confident that you have invested in a beautiful piece of timber that not only looks stunning, elegant and has been lovingly made by our workshop but that it will not be going out of fashion.
With financial times remaining hard, designers are being forced to focus on bringing designs in on budget and creating designs that will look stunning and not just for a season. So if you’ve been finding it difficult to decide what material to use for a current design project you should ask  yourself whether you would rather spend a lot of money on something that will go out of fashion in a year or two therefore costing you more money, or would you rather spend it on something that has clearly been proven not to go out of fashion and that will continue to stay on trend?
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