willfulwombat · 11 months
Morning tea, or?
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╮ (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.) ╭
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willfulwombat · 11 months
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Since the first picture made me kinda sad, I felt like I had to let the scene end on a more hopeful note.
Also this whole comic is heavily influenced by me listening to the Titanic soundtrack and ‘Avalon’ by Roxy music. Like, I’m picturing Snape standing on the balcony, looking at the school grounds bathed in morning sunlight, his hair flowing in the wind, and ‘Rose’s theme’ is blasting from my EarPods.
Is it cheesy? Is it dramatic? Yes. Am i ashamed of it? Hell na.
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willfulwombat · 1 year
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[Image description: A series of posts from Jason Lefkowitz @[email protected] dated Dec 08, 2022, 04:33, reading:
It's good that our finest minds have focused on automating writing and making art, two things human beings do simply because it brings them joy. Meanwhile tens of thousands of people risk their lives every day breaking down ships, a task that nobody is in a particular hurry to automate because those lives are considered cheap https://www.dw.com/en/shipbreaking-recycling-a-ship-is-always-dangerous/a-18155491 (Headline: 'Recycling a ship is always dangerous.' on Deutsche Welle) A world where computers write and make art while human beings break their backs cleaning up toxic messes is the exact opposite of the world I thought I was signing up for when I got into programming
/end image description]
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willfulwombat · 2 years
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wake up babe new jesus just dropped
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willfulwombat · 2 years
mad props to Severus Snape for having the courage to act out my innermost fantasy of hurling myself from one of the top floor windows at my place of employment. what a way to resign. legendary.
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willfulwombat · 2 years
I truly am obsessed with how Knives Out was like. Hello Daniel Craig, man who has spent the past two decades of his career being alternately beaten up and objectified playing an action hero with no personality. Would you like to please put on a shirt and an incomprehensible vaguely Texan accent and flex your character acting dark comedy muscles as well as your pecs for a while. And he's like BOY WOULD I and they made a work of art. Also love that they put Chris Evans in sweaters. Get your beefcakes then dress them nice make them soft and give them some bonkers character work to do it's what cinema needs more of
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willfulwombat · 2 years
please behold the 24 Hours of Lemons race, in which you can only spend $500 total on a car to cross country race for 24 hours
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named after the legendary 24 hour Le Mans race, Lemons rallies barely legal cars in an endurance race across America. had the privilege of sharing the freeway with this race and seeing the absolute art od this event
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willfulwombat · 2 years
A circulating video of sisters who bought the same clothes for their husbands 😂❤️
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willfulwombat · 2 years
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ᵖᵒˢᵗ ʰᵒᵍʷᵃʳᵗˢ
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willfulwombat · 2 years
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What’s writing, you know? What does writing actually mean?
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willfulwombat · 2 years
Why does Snape only permit students with an O on their OWLS to progress to Newt level?
Because he had Gilderoy Lockhart in his 7th year class, during his first year of teaching, and that was a total disaster.
Snape still has dreams about the time Gildy stole an ounce of amortentia from his classroom. That baffling buffoon put it in a perfume bottle, vaporized it, and sprayed it through all the hallways.
Tens of people were caught in the blast. Even the rats and spiders went running to give Gilderoy their affections.
Snape spent four evenings in a row brewing batches of antidote. And for days after, every nook and cranny of the castle smelt heart-breakingly of lilies.
Which is why NEWT level is now reserved for a trusted few.
Ok, I made it a fic.
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willfulwombat · 2 years
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Plein Air Paintings by Tomas Honz
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willfulwombat · 2 years
A beautiful scene I wrote.
A book I get totally immersed in.
Family gatherings.
A surreal movie.
Finishing a painting.
Hugging my partner.
Tell me seven things you love!! No time to really think about it! Just boom boom boom write it!!
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willfulwombat · 2 years
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Jurassic Cookie
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willfulwombat · 2 years
From my (unposted) WIP, set in August 1981:
Lily straightened, her anger tightening into a cold, sharp blade inside her. "James was right about you." That struck a nerve. Severus stood, rubbing his jaw. "Ah yes, dear James. Shining beacon of truth and light. Tell me, did he ever mention what he had his toadies got up to, once he had you in his pocket?" She scoffed. "Telling tales out of school? I don't care about him skiving off classes." "Oh, but didn't you tell him to stop tormenting me? I know you, Lily. No matter how angry you were with me, you could never tolerate a bully." He pointed to a scar behind his ear. "Got this at the beginning of seventh year. Black immobilized me and then the three of them took turns trying new stinging hexes on me, until I bled. They were late for the welcoming feast. You might remember that? I'm certain you were scanning the crowd for your saintly beloved." "He… said he stopped." But James, Sirius, and Peter had all been late for the welcoming feast that year. When she'd asked Remus, he'd shrugged but wouldn't meet her eyes. "And this." He pointed to scarring along his wrist. "Your bastion of nobility used a variant of incarcerous to tie me up in the girls' bathroom, so tight it took two hours to get me down. I nearly lost a hand."
Hey Snover. I want to torture myself. Pls share your hc about how marauders or his other schoolmates bullied Severus
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willfulwombat · 2 years
I don’t want to be told, ‘You’re going to be brilliant!’. I want to be told that it’s ok if I’m not. 
I don’t want to be told, ‘There’s nothing to worry about!’. I want to be told that it might be scary, but that doesn’t mean it’s not worth doing.
I don’t want to be told, ‘You won’t make a mistake!’. I want to be told that it’s ok to make mistakes, because it shows you are learning, and because you can always try again. 
I don’t want to be told, ‘I’m sure you’ll pick it up quickly!’. I want to be told that how quickly you learn something and whether you learn it at all isn’t a part of your personality, and doesn’t reflect on your worth as a human being. 
I don’t want to be told, ‘Everybody’s in the same boat!’ I want to be told that even if I struggle with things they don’t, my learning process is just as important as theirs, and I am just as deserving of help. 
You don’t know why somebody is nervous. You don’t know their history with this particular struggle or environment.  You don’t know what’s going on behind the scenes. Telling someone ‘You’ll be great!’ isn’t the reassurance you think it is.
If you want to encourage learning and growth, you need to establish that it’s safe to fail. 
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willfulwombat · 2 years
He also works two jobs and will die before he retires.
Millennials love Snape because he, too, is employed below his skill level with a boss that sees him as disposable, has no hope of ever being happy or fulfilled, old enough to remember the last time things were this fucked up and yet young enough to be expected to take an active role in stopping it, and most importantly, is completely dead inside on account of being Done With This Shit
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