wilddarkchocolate · 24 days
Wow it has been a while
Sooo I'm not dead and to the people still following me, hi. My guess is you know me from arcana stuff I used to post here. If you like my writing you'd be pleased to know I joined a game jam, otome jam specifically. It's a romance visual novel because I'll always be a hopeless romantic for however long I live. I'm the team lead of the game I'm working on with my wonderful team. The game is going to be out early July or end of June depending on how fast we can work. It's going to be up on itch.io and it's completely free because I have no intention on monetizing my first ever game. Oh and the title is:
Adventures in Clairune
I'll post stuff about the game here more over time but if you have any specific questions please don't be shy. I won't bite 030
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wilddarkchocolate · 3 years
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wilddarkchocolate · 3 years
So um....I'm not sure if this is a glitch in ibispaintx but this happened. I didn't edit it. I was just looking looking through my edits and drawings when I found this.
Asra don't scare me like this
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wilddarkchocolate · 3 years
So I've said before I can't draw and I count this a edit since I traced over the flowers and just edited the panther.
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(If you think this is ominous then you're onto something)
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wilddarkchocolate · 3 years
Soooooo I just played muriel's reversed ending and oh do I have ideas-
This is a ramble so please understand that not much is gonna make sense.
Also spoilers~
This happens chronologically after MC and Muriel falls asleep at the end of the reversed end
Starts off with Muriel waking up and finding MC's side of the bed cold before realizing that they were gone. And that they had taken their part of their luggage and travelling equipment with them.
He goes back to bed thinking it was just a nightmare but no. When he wakes up they're still gone. Now he panics, after everything they talked about last night. About how they wouldn't be separated again and how stubborn MC was being with Muriel telling them to leave him and go back, surely they wouldn't have left in the middle of the night right? But no they're gone and what's left is a strange talisman on the pillow they slept in last night.
So Muriel thinks MC left and probably was on their way back with Asra and Julian to Vesuvia. He had expected this but it didn't stop the aching he felt without them. And the betrayal too. MC had been so stubborn about being with him so why did they leave?
Muriel tries to not question it and focus on his next destination but can't find himself to be motivated at all. Even saving people or killing beasts doesn't bring him any closure. It eventually is too much
He travels fast on his feet without taking breaks to intercept Asra and Julian's way to Vesuvia. He decided that if MC is going to put themselves in danger then so is he.
Cut to Muriel who's panting, covered in sweat and blood after all the beasts he had to slay to get to them. Yet when he does he finds them alone. MC no where in sight. He asks no demands where MC is but they have no clue. Asra even saying "Aren't they with you?" And that's when Muriel pales. Where would they have gone if not back to Asra and Julian? A million questions run through his head as Asra pieces together things and an overwhelming feeling of fear and shock overtakes him. He knew MC was capable of defending themselves yet he also knew how MC would rather die than leave Muriel. So what happened?
It wasn't an easy choice to make for MC. Being suddenly transported to Muriel's hut where some of the arcana were, while they were asleep. The Hanged Man, The Empress, The Magician and others. They come to MC telling them that they need their help to save the world once more and they have to revive Lucio as well as the devil that died with him.
They are mortified asking why the arcana had waited for a whole year before reaching for help and they explained that the balance breaking between worlds caused communication to be rather difficult.
MC eventually is asked whether they are willing to take this task of reviving Lucio. The arcana promise to help them along the way. At first MC says no, says that they had promised not to leave Muriel. Knowing reviving Lucio was going to not only anger Muriel but also having to go back to Vesuvia was going to be bad
The arcana insist that it's the only way for all of the worlds to be safe but MC who now no longer believes they can achieve much in the first place says no
The arcana are disappointed at first but the Magician being as sharp as ever says "what if we give you something in return? Something that can guarantee your lover's safety while you're away. You always talk about how he's not allowed to die so how about we set that in stone?"
MC is interested and the Magician explains that MC has been getting stronger gradually and that all the memories they have shared with Muriel are a lot stronger both due to their emotional connection and their magic.
So basically the Magician agrees that he can help them convert the memories into a strong protection spell that could protect Muriel from being hurt ever
MC is incredibly swayed while they had never doubted Muriel's ability to fight they have noticed the monsters have gotten stronger by the days and knew that they wouldn't be able to fight them forever.
So they agreed and while travelling alone with the help of the arcana they made a fast journey over to Vesuvia. Faster that the other confused and worried trio
Asra admits that he had been having weird dreams lately. Saying since ever since the sky broke and the beasts started showing up his connection to the magic realm had been muddled and he wasn't able to be in contact with his arcana.
He said he saw a vision where MC was able to fix everything but also remembering seeing Lucio being there. He said that he doesn't know how accurate his visions are anymore but says that it probably is important. After a talk they decided that they'll all three head back to Vesuvia. Thinking that's the most likely place they would find MC.
End scene for now :)
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wilddarkchocolate · 3 years
Hi there, I'm just checking in, hope you're doing good?
Take care, sending love to your side of the world ♥️♥️
Aww thanks. Sorry I've been really inactive school stuff has gotten me quite busy and unmotivated honestly. And to all the people still following. First why. Second I can't promise I'll be very active so if I one day vanish I apologise in advance.💜💜
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wilddarkchocolate · 3 years
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a project i literally did overnight
gonna make it a booklet…
EDIT: booklet now available in my online store!
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wilddarkchocolate · 3 years
Just a reminder that I am alive and sorry for not being active as much as I used to be 💜
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wilddarkchocolate · 3 years
So I realised I have been pretty quiet for a few days. I have two requests I'm working on right now and will probably post one tomorrow (Probably).I doubt I'll be very active. Not saying I won't post it's just I can't stay up as late anymore XD. Either way thanks to the people leaving notes on my stuff. Y'all make me happy even with a simple like honestly. Okay bye~
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wilddarkchocolate · 3 years
Rate the main six from best to worst at handling kids
I could give context why but where's the fun in that-
Judging by how Muriel is the only character in the main six that actually interacted with kids I'm gonna put him first and because he's a gentle giant. And then Asra because he knows how to put on a good show with his magic to distract the kids if they get out of hand. Then Nadia because she can absolutely spoil the kids into being good. Portia has gathered her skill of taking care of kids from making sure her brother doesn't get into trouble. Then Julian because as much as he tries to handle the kids the best he can, he can also get carried away from trying to impress them or trying to have fun. Then Lucio because I don't think he can handle kids.
Requests are still open btw.
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wilddarkchocolate · 3 years
Thy has been injured by words yet again
hi! could you maybe write something for muriel where the mc hears him talking to asra about how he doesn’t like the mc’s constant touching and how she talks too much, so the mc completely stops touching him and only speaks when spoken to? and maybe the main six realising more and more that the mc is keeping to herself and trying to find out what’s wrong, but she’s deeply hurt and embarrassed? sorry if that is too specific, it’s a dream i’ve had x
I’m gonna take it you want a she/her apprentice for this one? There aren’t any names here but there are gonna be she/her pronouns! Heads up here!
I wrote a little fic for it. First person since I’m still trying to get a hang of second it’s a work in progress XDD.
This is very angsty with Muriel and Apprentice (kinda ooc Muriel? Idk think of this as towards the start of his route. I love him so much this hurt to write)
Also sorry this didn’t go over everything you asked lol this got a little long but maybe I’ll add more later if y’all want ^^!
Requests are open! Fic and headcanon requests open still check out my pinned post for info! 
I hope I did this ask justice XDD lol have fun with the angst! 
TW: None.
Tags: Angst, tears, hurt/comfort, good friend Asra, great friend Faust. Lot’s and lot’s of angst. 
My day started like any other. 
Woke up to Asra’s soft snoring and Faust’s little tongue blepping out as they snuggled together on their half of the bed. I was a bit groggy and my body ached, but I got up and ready for the day. 
Making breakfast I thought about what I would for the day. Nadia and Portia were out. Julian was making housecalls all day, I didn’t know what Asra was going to do but judging by his snores he would be asleep for a while. 
A grin broke it’s way across my face as I thought about visiting Muriel. I’ve been meaning to say hi again to the ladies (the chickens) and give Inanna a gift I had made for her a bit ago. 
I finished up breakfast and hurried to get my things together. Surprised, I found no Asra in our bed. He must’ve left while I was eating. 
It was no matter, I had a mountain man to see! My heart fluttered a little as I thought about him, he just...he made me so happy. 
His little blushes, when he actually smiled. Oh that soft smile was killer. I couldn’t be mad or sad when he gave me that soft little smile. 
My skin buzzed as I thought about touching him. Running my hands along his arm as we talked (me talking more, chattering on about what was going on in the shop and what everyone was doing while he listened, nodding along).
I seemed to skip on my way to his house, humming a happy song I heard a while back from Julian. 
“Hi little Apprentice! How are you?” Selasi called, smiling at me. I waved vigorously, grinning back at him.
“I’m doing great Selasi! Going to see a friend!”
“Would you like some pumpkin bread for the lucky person? New batch is coming out of the oven now!”
I pursed my lips, fighting back another large grin. “Okay! I brought enough for it anyways!”
“Ohh dear you don’t need to pay I’ll make it special for you!”
“Selasi this is a very poor business you’re running,” I chided with a laugh. “Let me pay for it, please.”
He sighed before laughing. “Stubborn as ever, fine. But it’s half off. Just for you.” He winked, making me roll my eyes. I would not win this fight.  
I paid for the bread, Selasi handing it to me in a small bundle. The spices wafted up to my face, making me sigh with happiness. 
Selasi laughed, waving me off as I headed back to the forest. “Have fun up there apprentice!”
I waved back with a large smile. “I will!”
It didn’t take long for me to get to the forest and begin my trek through it. My cloak got caught on a few branches but it didn’t do anything to sway my mood. I was determined to stay happy today.
Today was going to be a good day. 
Turning against the now beaten path, I spotted Muriel’s hut. I picked up my cloak and started to run, the chickens running around my feet, cooing at me. I bent over to run my hands along their backs. Their feathers were so soft, almost like silk. 
I wondered if he used a charm when bathing them, or maybe they just were taken care of so well their feathers reflected it.
“Hey ladies, can you point me in the direction of Muriel?” I asked, one of the chickens squawking like a reply. 
I nodded, pretending to understand. “Oh! He’s inside his hut? Thank you darling I’ll head there right away.” Another squawk. “And bring food out. Don’t worry.”
Tucking the bread into my side, I made my way to his door. I wanted to surprise him with the pumpkin bread, he seemed to like it a lot. Even asked Selasi for the recipe (the former replying with a wink saying ‘that’s a family secret’)
I could hear muffled voices when I got to the door. The door was cracked open. I tensed, magic sparking at my fingertips. 
Then I heard Asra’s voice and relaxed. I smiled again. He was here! Great! He would be ecstatic over the pumpkin bread I brought.
I snuck closer, listening to their conversation. It sounded heated. I stopped moving. “-I just hate how touchy she is!” Muriel’s voice. 
I froze. 
Was...was he talking about me? I was the only person to touch him as often as I did but...
“Muriel she doesn’t mean any harm by it! She’s just friendly!”
“Yes but I don’t like it when she gets so close to me like that. Like she’s always got to be touching me or she’ll die.”
I froze. 
When Asra dropped my name my blood ran cold in my veins. 
“Muriel she’s just being friendly. She loves you and she loves being around you. Touch is how she communicates that!”
“Yes but she talks so much and I never can get away. She always so touchy and always talking. It makes my head hurt. What if I want to be alone?!”
Asra let out a small sigh. “I understand. I know what you’re feeling but Muriel please understand she loves touch and she loves having conversations with you.”
“She just talks too much. Touches too much. It’s all too much.”
Each word was a knife to my heart. 
I did talk too much. I did touch him too much. And he hated me for it. Of course he hated me for it. 
Tears sprung up in my eyes. I didn’t know any of this. He never told me any of this.
I thought he was fine with it, used to it!
It just hurt so badly. 
Swiping at my eyes I turned and started to run. I dropped the pumpkin bread along the way but I didn’t care. I just needed to get away from them. Away from Muriel especially.
I let out a choked sob, tree branches scratching my arms and my cheeks. My tears fell faster and faster, my stomach curdling. All hopes for a good day were dashed. 
Tripping on a branch I went sprawling, my cries getting stuck in my throat as I pushed myself to sit upright. My hands were scratched up and they stung but I didn’t care. My cries were silent, my chest heaved and my body trembled. 
There was a cracking of twigs to my left. I tensed, but it was only Faust.
I sniffed. “I’m fine Faust. Go back to Asra.” She flicked her tongue at me.
Friend hurt!
“Faust I’m fine.” I snapped. She blinked, and she stopped swaying. I wanted to bite back my words. Just because I was hurt and upset didn’t mean I could make her feel like that. “Faust I’m...sorry. I just...”
Muriel? Touch? Friend sad.
I nodded. “Nailed it right on the head.” She slithered closer, curling onto my lap. I ran my hand along her head and down the coil of her body.
Faust help.
“I don’t know if you can help...Muriel hates me. I’m so stupid!” My hands shook. My head was starting to hurt. Dizziness would soon set in. My hands, arms and face were still bleeding. 
Friend not stupid! Friend smart!
“Friend hurt another friend by not picking up body language clues.” Faust looked down at my bloodied palms.
Friend needs help.
I smiled, tears rolling down my cheeks. “Yeah. Yeah. I’ll just go home. A-And sleep.” My voice cracked as I spoke. “I want this all to be a dream,” I whispered to the snake on my lap.
The day had just started and I already wanted it to be over.
Faust curled around my arm. Faust come with friend.
I got to my feet, my legs shaking under me. I’d go home, clean up, sleep...and then....figure something out from there. 
“Thank you Faust,” I said softly making my way home.
The days after that moved slow and sluggish. Asra watched me, concerned with my wellbeing. I didn’t eat much. And I was sleeping more. 
I knew he knew. When he brought back the cheesecloth the bread was in I knew he knew. 
He didn’t mention it. We only went about our days. 
Me only talking to Faust in fractured sentences. Whenever I saw Muriel I kept silent unless he spoke first. 
I never touched anyone, keeping my hands curling into my sides, tucked into my arms. 
Just not touching him.
He seemed to notice my behaviour with a wrinkle in his brow and a small huff. 
I didn’t care. I didn’t care.
I didn’t care about how my skin ached without touch. I didn’t care about how I wanted to cry every time to open my mouth to give a short answer to a question or conversation. 
I didn’t want to make him uncomfortable. I didn’t want him to hate me.
So I swallowed into myself. 
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wilddarkchocolate · 3 years
MC is a they/them neutral character. It's not an OC and I'm just lazy to put (y/n).
Warning:Mentions of major character death. This is not canon but there are still spoilers.
A talk at the dock.
They let their legs dangle on the edge of the docks in this cold night. Looking out at the dark sky that blended with the sea. It almost looked like an abyss of darkness. There were no stars in the sky tonight. Only the proud moon who shine in a complete circle tonight. It was unfair.
The moon had no right looking so majestic tonight. Not after all hell broke loose in Vesuvia. Not after the plague broke out and took people out. Not after the Lazaret was built for the victims. Not after all the doctors in Vesuvia refused to treat patients of the plague and instead used them for experiments to find a plague solely because the count was infected. Tears were streaming down their cheeks as they look down at the sea. They could barely see their reflection. Distorted by the waves and the tears blurring their vision.
"I'm so sorry....." They said and refused to look at the moon. Refused to look at the distant island that haunted their dreams every night since they had return. Too late.
"I'm sorry I left......." They said and finally looked to the moon. The moon reminded them of his white fluffy hair. The shop reminded them of him. The smell of bread reminded them of him. The sight of fresh tea reminded them of him. Everything reminded them of him.
Muriel stood behind them. He had just arrived to the docks not too long ago. Inanna had insisted on him coming here tonight. He watched their figure hunched over and sitting on the edge of the docks. He hesitantly stepped forward and took a seat beside them. Crossing his legs instead of dangling them.
"It was his choice to stay" he said softly. They merely sobbed and answered harshly.
"And it was my choice to leave him" they wiped at their tears. "My choice to abandon him like a coward.....it's my fault that he's dead"
Muriel fell silent for a moment and they thought he'd continue to stay silent for the rest of their breakdown but instead he spoke up. "I tried to convince him that it was pointless.....that he shouldn't put himself at risk finding a cure. I told him that being at the palace was dangerous. That he could die of the plague like so many other......But he didn't listen to me..........even if you stayed I doubt he'd change his mind."
They looked over to Muriel. Both of them had lost him. And they know very well that Muriel was probably in more pain. That Muriel who had known Asra since they were children would feel more, would lose more. Their eyes darted down to the sea again. The vast sea that was just darkness tonight, the only light being the bright reflection of the moon.
"Don't do something Asra wouldn't want you to" Muriel said softly. And placed a hand on their shoulder. They were shivering harshly but seemed to calm down at his touch. They only noticed the smell of myrrh. So caught up in their pain and grief to notice it. The smell comforting him.
They let out a sound of anguish and pulled their legs to their chest instead of letting them dangle. Muriel was right. Of course he was. And once again the only sounds were of the howling wind, the waves hitting the docks and their soft whimpers.
"I'll bring him back......no matter what it takes" they said after a while. And despite their sobbing and crying, the determination behind their statement was clear. They were going to try. And nothing could stop them.
"I'll help you" Muriel said solemnly. "He was my friend. And I owe him too much to let this be the end of him"
They wanted to protest. To reject his help. "No. This is my fault. My burden to bear. I'll bring him back, you-"
"If you want to blame yourself then blame me too. This is equally our fault. Neither of us could have stopped him." Muriel said firmly. The hand on their shoulder squeezing slightly.
They fell silent and took it into consideration. "You were still here for him" they couldn't say the same for themselves. Not when they left him.
"And you are here for him now" Muriel replied. He looked over to them and said "I'm doing this for Asra and because Asra wouldn't want anything bad to happen to you" their breath hitched at his name.
They finally nodded. "Okay.....we can bring him back together" they said. They were silently relieved that they would not have to do this alone. They knew they didn't have to voice out their gratitude. Knew that the fact their shaking had been reduced to small shivers was the only sign Muriel needed to know that they were grateful.
He pulled his hand away from their shoulder and instead slide his cloak over their shoulder. They were about to speak up when Muriel spoke with a tone that held no room for refusal. "It'll rain soon. Keep it" he stood up and walked away.
They wrapped the cloak tightly around themselves as they heard both Muriel and Inanna walk away. A familiar presence slithered into their lap. Faust looking up at them with their red beady, flicking out their tongue and squeezing their wrist to try and comfort them.
"Sorry for leaving you alone at the shop. I just needed some fresh air." They said and gently run their fingertips on Faust's scales.
Miss Asra
"Me too. But we'll bring him back. I promise you" they said and got up. Using the cloak to cover their head as it started to rain. Walking back to the shop as they started to think on ways to bring Asra back.
Read the headcanon
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wilddarkchocolate · 3 years
I feel called out
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Apparently I like my characters the same way I like my ice cream. Vanilla, strawberry, or both.
Science side of tumblr please explain?
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wilddarkchocolate · 3 years
Reversed route go brrrr
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It’s Valerius route yearning hours
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wilddarkchocolate · 3 years
MC is a they/them neutral character. It's not an OC and I'm just lazy to put (y/n).
Warning:Mentions of major character death. This is not canon but there are still spoilers.
A talk at the dock.
They let their legs dangle on the edge of the docks in this cold night. Looking out at the dark sky that blended with the sea. It almost looked like an abyss of darkness. There were no stars in the sky tonight. Only the proud moon who shine in a complete circle tonight. It was unfair.
The moon had no right looking so majestic tonight. Not after all hell broke loose in Vesuvia. Not after the plague broke out and took people out. Not after the Lazaret was built for the victims. Not after all the doctors in Vesuvia refused to treat patients of the plague and instead used them for experiments to find a plague solely because the count was infected. Tears were streaming down their cheeks as they look down at the sea. They could barely see their reflection. Distorted by the waves and the tears blurring their vision.
"I'm so sorry....." They said and refused to look at the moon. Refused to look at the distant island that haunted their dreams every night since they had return. Too late.
"I'm sorry I left......." They said and finally looked to the moon. The moon reminded them of his white fluffy hair. The shop reminded them of him. The smell of bread reminded them of him. The sight of fresh tea reminded them of him. Everything reminded them of him.
Muriel stood behind them. He had just arrived to the docks not too long ago. Inanna had insisted on him coming here tonight. He watched their figure hunched over and sitting on the edge of the docks. He hesitantly stepped forward and took a seat beside them. Crossing his legs instead of dangling them.
"It was his choice to stay" he said softly. They merely sobbed and answered harshly.
"And it was my choice to leave him" they wiped at their tears. "My choice to abandon him like a coward.....it's my fault that he's dead"
Muriel fell silent for a moment and they thought he'd continue to stay silent for the rest of their breakdown but instead he spoke up. "I tried to convince him that it was pointless.....that he shouldn't put himself at risk finding a cure. I told him that being at the palace was dangerous. That he could die of the plague like so many other......But he didn't listen to me..........even if you stayed I doubt he'd change his mind."
They looked over to Muriel. Both of them had lost him. And they know very well that Muriel was probably in more pain. That Muriel who had known Asra since they were children would feel more, would lose more. Their eyes darted down to the sea again. The vast sea that was just darkness tonight, the only light being the bright reflection of the moon.
"Don't do something Asra wouldn't want you to" Muriel said softly. And placed a hand on their shoulder. They were shivering harshly but seemed to calm down at his touch. They only noticed the smell of myrrh. So caught up in their pain and grief to notice it. The smell comforting him.
They let out a sound of anguish and pulled their legs to their chest instead of letting them dangle. Muriel was right. Of course he was. And once again the only sounds were of the howling wind, the waves hitting the docks and their soft whimpers.
"I'll bring him back......no matter what it takes" they said after a while. And despite their sobbing and crying, the determination behind their statement was clear. They were going to try. And nothing could stop them.
"I'll help you" Muriel said solemnly. "He was my friend. And I owe him too much to let this be the end of him"
They wanted to protest. To reject his help. "No. This is my fault. My burden to bear. I'll bring him back, you-"
"If you want to blame yourself then blame me too. This is equally our fault. Neither of us could have stopped him." Muriel said firmly. The hand on their shoulder squeezing slightly.
They fell silent and took it into consideration. "You were still here for him" they couldn't say the same for themselves. Not when they left him.
"And you are here for him now" Muriel replied. He looked over to them and said "I'm doing this for Asra and because Asra wouldn't want anything bad to happen to you" their breath hitched at his name.
They finally nodded. "Okay.....we can bring him back together" they said. They were silently relieved that they would not have to do this alone. They knew they didn't have to voice out their gratitude. Knew that the fact their shaking had been reduced to small shivers was the only sign Muriel needed to know that they were grateful.
He pulled his hand away from their shoulder and instead slide his cloak over their shoulder. They were about to speak up when Muriel spoke with a tone that held no room for refusal. "It'll rain soon. Keep it" he stood up and walked away.
They wrapped the cloak tightly around themselves as they heard both Muriel and Inanna walk away. A familiar presence slithered into their lap. Faust looking up at them with their red beady, flicking out their tongue and squeezing their wrist to try and comfort them.
"Sorry for leaving you alone at the shop. I just needed some fresh air." They said and gently run their fingertips on Faust's scales.
Miss Asra
"Me too. But we'll bring him back. I promise you" they said and got up. Using the cloak to cover their head as it started to rain. Walking back to the shop as they started to think on ways to bring Asra back.
Read the headcanon
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wilddarkchocolate · 3 years
Reversed Roles of Asra and MC Headcanon (I'm totally going to write short fics of this don't worry)
Spoilers as usual
Asra managed to switch places with MC after MC died with the power of magic
Basically Asra stayed in Vesuvia when the plague broke out and MC left. Then Asra died. Tragic I know.
MC comes back to Vesuvia and Faust tells them everything.
MC even went to the Lazaret and did the whole scene with digging till my fingers bled.
MC and Muriel fought because Muriel blames MC for leaving (mildly)
Sad Muriel and MC moments.
MC brings Asra back to life and sacrificed part of their soul.
Asra does not remember anything or anyone when he comes back.
Asra does not remember MC, Muriel,his parents, Faust, etc
Asra does not remember that he had switched roles with MC and that it should be MC who died
MC is the one that teaches Asra everything
Good news is Asra is now the Apprentice/the Fool. So he has six love interests.
Thanks for reading this mess of a headcanon. I will write short fics about this. Feel free to ask about this because I really like this idea. Bye~
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wilddarkchocolate · 3 years
Yeah get us some bedrock.
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Yeah if you see my optimistic outlook down there, bring it back, will ya?
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