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Being a snzfcker gravitating towards rarepairs and less popular blorbos is the agony of wanting to talk about snzcanons for characters/ships hardly anyone has even thought twice about in the regular fandom and multiplying that niche by like a lot
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I'm a sucker for a character just getting over a bad cold, waking up, realizing how much better they feel, turning over to tell their partner - and finding said partner in the midst of desperately fighting off a fit of wet, congested cold sneezes
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An experiment...
So usually I don't sneeze when I don't have a cold, I don't have allergies, and I don't tend to induce for fun because I'm not that into just inducing (whether myself or other people) without a cold or allergies being involved (let's face it, I just love suffering, my own and others'.)
BUT these past few weeks I've been sneezing once or twice a day and once sneezed four times in a row--not much but much more than my usual 0--with nothing to apparently make me sneeze. So then I got curious, what is the maximum number of sneezes I can induce in a row, when perfectly healthy, before it stops working? And I also, for unrelated reasons, have a new, better mic...
I expected the answer to be like "five" at most so didn't think to start recording until after I'd sneezed nine times in under two minutes...so you've missed a few, sorry about that, also sorry for the rustling around with the tissue that i'm not sure how to edit out.
MESS CW and audio under cut
I was very surprised by how snotty I got--by the 11th or 12th sneeze (total, so 3rd or 4th on the recording) there were strings of snot and I had to blow my nose 4 or 5 times (mostly sounds like static on the recording though)...the last 20 seconds are all messy noseblowing so you can stop early if that's not your thing, though there are some others that aren't quite as messy. The tissue was absolutely soaked. I've never had to blow my nose when I didn't have a cold before.
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Feeling sneezy yesterday
My claims that I very rarely sneeze are becoming less and less true...
I sneezed naturally probably 7 or 8 times yesterday. Most were just singles but then I suddenly sneezed 4 times in a row...before I could record it. I was still feeling very sneezy so got my phone out and the next sneeze would not come.
[mess and audio under the cut]
Just those four sneezes got my nose running down my face so I had to blow, and then I was just hitching and rubbing at my nose, desperately needing to sneeze...eventually I gave in and induced. It was very easy to induce, even a slight touch with a rolled-up tissue would immediately make me sneeze--but it took a lot of sneezes before I finally stopped feeling like I needed to sneeze more. Had to blow my nose again afterwards, too.
I'd love if I keep sneezing naturally 5-10 times a day every day from now on instead of the zero I was used to before the past couple of weeks.
(Though today I've only sneezed once so far--though even that one sneeze left me needing to blow my nose, and I've had 5 or 6 false starts, feeling sneezy constantly which is driving me crazy.)
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Picrew of myself...
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Desperately hitching and sniffling, needing to sneeze (like I was earlier today--I don't feel as sneezy now).
The only picrew I've found with a runny nose option (and ironically it's basically noseless...)! The art style doesn't really work for my characters though hence why I've been editing lots of bloody nose picrews to be snotty instead...
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OC Vale: picrew
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I'm not sure they look right without their scars and prominent broken nose, but at least they're almost snotty enough. Look at them trying to be a suave and charming rogue while they're all sniffly.
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here are the snezcanons questions for your OCs!!!! or your fav characters whatever!!!! sneezecanons!!! whatever you call em, ive got em!!!!!!!!!
How DO they sneeze?! (Possible details incl. general sound, volume, frequency, build-up, covering method(s), if they ever deviate from the pattern, and so on.)
Allergies? Other sensitivities? Under what circumstances do they usually experience them? How do they deal with it?
When they get sick, do they talk about it a lot or try to hide it?
What are they like with germs? (Their own and others’.)
Do they have a general routine or anything special that they do when they aren’t feeling well?
Feelings/habits surrounding medicine? What about doctors?
Do they have any obvious/visible tells when they’re unwell? If yes, do they know about these tells themselves?
What do they find more irritating, a bad cough or a frequently recurring urge to sneeze?
How do they respond to other people sneezing? (This is the blesscanons question.)
How do they respond to someone blessing them? (The other blesscanons question.)
Do they have abilities that change at all when they’re feeling off? What about other things, like reflexes, energy, and mood?
Are they good at taking care of people?
Good at being cared for?
What is their limit? How bad does it have to get for them to take a day off and stay home?
Do they tend to always catch the same type of cold, or do the symptoms vary each time?
How often do they get sick?
Do they tend to run fevers? How do they take their temperature?
Least favorite thing about being sick?
Do they have any weird beliefs or superstitions about illness? (e.g. the rain thing, or going outside with wet hair…)
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Picrew of myself...
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Desperately hitching and sniffling, needing to sneeze (like I was earlier today--I don't feel as sneezy now).
The only picrew I've found with a runny nose option (and ironically it's basically noseless...)! The art style doesn't really work for my characters though hence why I've been editing lots of bloody nose picrews to be snotty instead...
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whump-and-suffering · 10 days
someone (gently, sympathetically--or maybe exasperated but still fond) telling their friend or lover to cover their mouth when they sneeze or cough
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whump-and-suffering · 10 days
Feeling sneezy yesterday
My claims that I very rarely sneeze are becoming less and less true...
I sneezed naturally probably 7 or 8 times yesterday. Most were just singles but then I suddenly sneezed 4 times in a row...before I could record it. I was still feeling very sneezy so got my phone out and the next sneeze would not come.
[mess and audio under the cut]
Just those four sneezes got my nose running down my face so I had to blow, and then I was just hitching and rubbing at my nose, desperately needing to sneeze...eventually I gave in and induced. It was very easy to induce, even a slight touch with a rolled-up tissue would immediately make me sneeze--but it took a lot of sneezes before I finally stopped feeling like I needed to sneeze more. Had to blow my nose again afterwards, too.
I'd love if I keep sneezing naturally 5-10 times a day every day from now on instead of the zero I was used to before the past couple of weeks.
(Though today I've only sneezed once so far--though even that one sneeze left me needing to blow my nose, and I've had 5 or 6 false starts, feeling sneezy constantly which is driving me crazy.)
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whump-and-suffering · 10 days
✨ and 📕 from the ask game from a few days ago?
✨: Vale is so sneezy that pretty much just a light touch to their nose would start them sneezing. The other two aren't as ridiculously sneezy but Sylitha is fairly easy to induce. A rolled-up tissue would definitely do it but they didn't have tissues yet back then...I'm sure a feather would work too and would get multiples easily from her. Booker is not so easy to induce but I'm sure you could get at least one, just takes a bit longer.
As for 📕...watch this space? I'll post an actual fic soon.
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whump-and-suffering · 11 days
Just thinking a lot about sneezes that are particularly snotty
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whump-and-suffering · 12 days
Obsessed with characters who just look sick. The pale face, maybe with a feverish flush along their cheeks and nose; shadowed, red-smudged, too-bright eyes that look simply exhausted; pale, cracked lips, a slight sheen of sweat on their forehead...
And they're trying so hard to keep it together for just a little longer, but anyone can see it's not going to be long before their poor body refuses to let them keep going...
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whump-and-suffering · 12 days
Snz, smoking, injury (all in picrew form) under cut
Two fucked-up aliens sharing a cold, and a smoke. Both feeling like absolute shit, but at least they can commiserate.
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The sunglasses come from different stage versions even though I see them as the film characters here. I just like them having sunglasses. And I headcanon that all Tr\\nsylv\\nians are very photic.
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whump-and-suffering · 12 days
Characters I plan to write for and their tags
I'm starting an emoji tagging system so I don't have to always worry about slashes.
All these are for snz and other whump.
Under cut:
R\\ff R\\ff: 👽 (yes all three of them are aliens but I have vanilla friends who use the gun emoji for him)
M\\g\\nta: 💋
Fr\\nk: 🌭(for the pun)
Sp\\ke: 🧛🏼‍♂️(Sp\\ke/Dru era only)
G\\les: ☕
X - M\\n (comics, 70s/80s era)
M\\gn\\to: 🧲(if I can get over the part where snz of him reminds me of a old, old fic with bad stuffy talk that I loved when I was too young to know better... other whump of him is fine... I'd like to do snz of him one day)
W\\lv\\rine: 🍺(why is there no Canada flag emoji or something... sorry L\\g\\n you are represented by beer now)
Fr\\nk\\enstein (yes the book)
The Creature: 🔩(I want to write him getting a cold for the first time one day. Will probably be a one-off fic really but might as well make a tag.)
Elr\\nd : 🧝🏻‍♂️(might need to brush up on lore first)
R\\s\\dent Ev\\l
This is not a main fandom of mine and I'll only do it for requests--I know it well enough to write, I'm just not that motivated to write it.
Currently the only character I'm writing, for a request, is...
W\\lliam B\\rkin: 👨🏼‍🔬
I'll make tags for others if I get requests for them. Note that while I love W\\sker he's a close vanilla friend's main blorbo and they're into whump so the idea of writing him makes me nervous in case they find it and find this blog. But one day I might find the courage.
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whump-and-suffering · 12 days
sneezes from women with deep voices >>>>>>
thank you for coming to my tedtalk
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