I logged back onto Tumblr for the first time in like 6 years to say Amazon Prime might be picking up the series.....*cough*
Mercy Thompson Casting Stuff *work in progress*
Bradley James - Bran Cornick
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Chris Evans - Sam Cornick
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Eddie Spears - Charles Cornick
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Jessica Matten or Julia Jones - Mercy Thompson
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Colin Morgan - Ben Shaw
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Taylor Laughter - Coyote
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Richard Madden - Adam Hauptman
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Jensen Ackles - Warren Smith
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Endless list of favourite K/S scenes in TOS 
And The Children Shall Lead
One of my favourite episodes when it comes to K/S is “And the Children shall lead”, S3E4. The episode is pretty famous because of the turbolift scene above, which is something we really need to talk about. 
KIRK: I’m losing command. I’m losing the Enterprise. The ship is sailing on and on. I’m alone. Alone. Alone. I’m losing command. SPOCK: Captain. KIRK: I’ve lost command. I’ve lost the Enterprise. SPOCK: Jim. KIRK: I’ve got command. I’ve got command. I’ve got command. SPOCK: Correct, Captain.
The most heartbreaking thing here is probably that Jim believes he’d be alone in the universe as soon as he loses his command, which tells us a lot about his character development throughout the series. When people flirt with him he usually shuts them down with the knockout argument that the Enterprise is his only mistress. And it’s true that he lacks a social life because of his demanding post. 
But it’s quite telling that he thinks no one will stand by his side as soon as he loses his title or his ship. 
ENTER Spock. 
Spock who recognized Jim’s rapidly approaching panic-attack and pulled him into the privacy of the turbolift in the first place. 
Spock, who tries again and again to pull Jim back, to calm him down. He calls him captain over and over to remind Jim that the panic-attack is unfounded, that the aliens on the ship induce them in everyone except Spock himself (the lucky Vulcan). But Jim continues to panic, Spock seems unable to reach him in this state.
And than Spock calls him “Jim”, something he usually only does when he is emotionally compromised or feels especially affectionate towards Jim. And it works like a charm. 
Being reminded that Spock is more than his first officer, that Spock is his friend is what pulls Jim finally out of his state of panic. Because, as it is evident in Star Trek III later, Jim loves his ship and his command, but more than that he values Spock in whatever capacity one chooses to interpret their relationship. And he knows he is not alone as long as Spock stands by his side. For all his ship and his job can give him they can do nothing to take away his greatest fear: dying alone. 
But Spock is there with him and he can.
And there’s even more in this episode worthy of addressing. Because after they left the turbolift and tried to fix engineering there is this little scene that wouldn’t be remarkable (apart from Spock voluntarily touching Jim to reassure him) if it weren’t for the lighting. Directing a TV-show is a very delicate affair, especially when the budget is as limited as it was in TOS. So to get great effect one has to use whatever is at hand. In this case: the lighting of the scene. I absolutely refuse to believe that the shadows of Jim and Spock move the way they do by happenstance. 
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There is a connection between our two heroes that is in it’s very essence something hidden, something subtle. Something one needs to take a closer look at to see. Shadows have ever since been used as tools to show hidden agendas, desires (there are quite a few disney moves that come to mind, just as an example) and, yes, also feelings. 
This episode is in the third season, Jim and Spock already survived Spock’s pon farr, they traveled back in time together, they were both accused of mutiny and treason, they risked their lives countless times for each other up to the point of endangering the entire crew for each other and they made it this far.
 Bones already spoke with Jim about his “affection for Spock” (Operation Annihilate) and the good doctor witnessed Spock basically admitting a “genuine, warm, decent feeling” (Bread and Circuses) for their captain. And now THIS^ happens and I’m supposed to believe that it’s an accident? I don’t think so.
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Tarsus IV - Part  1
(to Part 2/Part 3)
The disaster on the colony of Tarsus IV remains one of the most defining, if not THE defining event of Jim Kirk’s life. And to this day there are numerous speculations and headcanons about what happened and in what order the events took place and every once in a while a few new arise. So after researching the event for quite some time I wanted to write a masterpost of sorts.
Canon aka What do we know for sure?
The episode we are speaking of here is S1E13 “The Conscience of the King”. During which we learn that Jim Kirk is one of only nine people to have witnessed the massacre on Tarsus IV in 2246. The deed itself had been the decision to execute 4000 people, half of the colony, to ensure enough rations for the rest. Governor Kodos being the one to determine by his own view of the laws of eugenics who was worth surviving. Starfleet ships arrived unexpectedly early just as the execution took place, but too late to save the 4000 colonists. In the ensuing chaos Kodos managed to escape and built a new life as an actor of the name Anton Karidian. 20 years later Kodos crosses Jim’s path again, at the same time the remaining witnesses of the massacre are assassinated one after the other.
That’s basically what the plot tells us, but to establish a short timeline for the events that happened on Tarsus IV itself:
In 2246 Jim Kirk in his early teens spends an unspecified amount of time on Tarsus IV.
During his stay a fungus infestation afflicts the crops and presumably other plants.
The colony sends for help, but Starfleet is unable to guarantee the arrival of help in time.
Govenor Kodos seizes power over the colony splits the population into two groups, using his own, very subjective laws of eugenics.
Among the 4000 to be executed are Jim Kirk, Kevin Riley and Thomas Leighton. How they are able to survive the massacre remains unknown, just that they did.
Starfleet aid arrives earlier than expected, shortly after the execution of half of the colony.
Chaos ensues and Kodos manages to escape, with only nine witnesses to the mass-murder.  
There are a whole bunch of headcanons and theories for this event, some are almost as old as the episode itself.
The most prominent of them depicts Jim as the leader of the nine witnesses. Since all of them are presumed to be children and we know that Kevin Riley is among them, Jim might be the oldest of them, too.
There also remains a certain mystery about the other six survivors, since there are only three revealed completely, two more,D. Eames and E. Moulton, named without further information. Some authors go as far as including other members of the TOS crew into the group of survivors.
There is also a certain guesswork when it comes to how exactly Jim managed to survive the famine and the massacre itself and what state the colony was in. Did the colonists see the massacre coming? Were they told why half of them had to be executed? Did the nine survivors hide out in the wilderness? Were they kept hidden by other colonists? etc…
Another aspect would be the severity of the fungus. It’s unknown if only the crops were affected or if the entire eco-system of the planet collapsed, plant-life and animals included.
In another common theme Jim is thought of as not initially among the 4000 to be executed, but rather someone Kodos favored (for whatever reason is up to the interpreter).
Apart from the speculation about the actual events of the disaster, there is an uncertainty about the length of it. Including the beginnings of the famine and any riots that may arise before Kodos finally intervenes with his despicable “solution”, the timeline spans from a few days, up to several months. And since canon doesn’t really specify a duration we are left to venture a guess.
One of my favourite headcanons remains the explanation for Jim’s rather short stature (in comparison to his closest friends). The same being a direct result of surviving a famine at a young age, probably correlated to an interrupted growth spurt. 
And there are many more I just wanted to list some of the more common ones. There is an astounding amount of fanfiction some of them dating back even to the original airing dates of TOS. The events on Tarsus IV being a never-ending well of Hurt/Comfort themed stories are often accompanied with themes of torture, rape, non-con, starvation, murder etc.
Originally this entry was supposed to be one big masterpost, but since Tumblr decided to be irritating today I will split the one big post into three smaller ones. This being the first. 
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I want to apologise to
- Britney for making fun of her when she had her breakdown
- Monica Lewinski for judging her when she was a 22year old temp sexually assaulted by the most powerful man in the world
- Ke$ha for ever thinking she was trashy when all she wanted to do was make party music
- Kristen Stewart for ever thinking she was dumb when she’s actually one of the coolest people ever
- Megan Fox for ever thinking she was just a slut when actually she was an actress being harassed by her employer. 
- Hating all the women who made a career out of having a hot body. Being is shape is hard, beauty is a weapon and auto promotion is hard work. 
- All the Mary-Sues, who exist because young girls everywhere want to be part of a story they love so much
- All the female characters I ever snobbed because they got in the way of my ship.
- Hating the color pink during my teenage years, when it’s actually a lovely color and what I resented was society’s pressure to perform femininity. 
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watch until the very end
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The last season of the 100 was trash. Got away from everything that made it good, then they literally killed the heart of the show. The last season didn’t happen. 
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bellarke + touch (part six) — also known as holy fuck 6x10 tho
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♥ Howl & Sophie ♥
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Do yourself a favor. Sound up. Enjoy.
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The Tragic School Bus (photos via dontori)
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Once when the gaang visits the Fire Nation, they’re all just on the side of too tipsy when Zuko leans in with the most grave expression imaginable.
“Aang,” Zuko says, “This has been… haunting me…. Why did your friends need to suck on those frogs?”
And Aang just gasps, and does not explain the frogs, because he has suddenly remembered that Miyuki is still wanted by the Fire Nation and that just won’t do. So Aang demands that Zuko pardon Miyuki for her crimes, which then gets the rest of the gaang to dogpile on and also demand justice for Miyuki. 
Zuko is willing to hear him out. 
…Zuko is significantly less willing to hear him out when Aang mentions that Miyuki is a cat.
(Zuko finds it difficult to believe that a cat is legitimately wanted by the Fire Nation)
But because they are all the worst, he relents and they all drunkenly stumble down to go find the records of Miyuki’s crimes and write her up a pardon, much to the chagrin of the night-shift archivist.
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I been KNEW
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First off:
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*chefs kiss*
hard right jay
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© kokirapsd
※re-posted with permission ※please don’t remove the source
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