whaleysstuff · 15 hours
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They literally spent half of the adventuring party simping over the fairies 😂😂😂😂
Murph (about the simping): can't believe how long this bit has gone on
Everyone else (shouting): It's not a bit! It's a discussion!
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whaleysstuff · 1 day
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whaleysstuff · 2 days
"You won't find love until you're burnt by a firework"
- Lou Wilson, Adventuring Party
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whaleysstuff · 2 days
Fic Update: like a bird stealing bread out from under your nose
Please enjoy chapter five :)
Eddie and Buck finally talk.
“I owe you an apology,” Eddie says finally, moving to sit across from Buck.
Buck lifts an eyebrow, like, no shit. 
“Okay, I owe you several apologies,” Eddie sighs. “And an explanation, because I know I should have done more. Done anything.”
Buck’s mouth twitches, but he still doesn’t say anything. 
“What I did to you was shitty and-and unfair, and… And I could say it was just because I was drunk, and out of it, but the truth was that I was being incredibly self-destructive. I have been for a long time.”
Most of his life, probably, with intermittent sparks of lucidity.
@epicbuddieficrecs @theotherbuckley @sevenweeksofunrepression @slowlyfoggydestiny @buckleybabyblues
@diazsdimples @exhuastedpigeon @aquamarineglitter @loserdiaz @steadfastsaturnsrings
@your-catfish-friend @incorrect9-1-1 @hawaiianlove808 @babytrapperdiaz @watchyourbuck
@lyricfulloflight @tizniz @aroeddiediaz @estheticpotaeto
@buddieswhvre @l0v3t0hat3y0u @mage8
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whaleysstuff · 3 days
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whaleysstuff · 3 days
seven sentence sunday
a lil something from nonverbal buck fic <3
"Hey, uh are you doing anything on Saturday?" Eddie asks shyly. Christopher gives him a not so subtle thumbs up. Buck can't help but smile. Nope, I'm free. What's up? "We– Christopher was wondering if you'd want to go to the zoo with us? You can say no, it's okay if you don't." Buck feels all warm and fuzzy. They want to spend time with him. Are you kidding? I'd love to.
thanks for the tags 💜 @disasterbuck @tizniz @wikiangela
@smilingbuckley @spotsandsocks @exhuastedpigeon @bigfootsmom
npt 💕 @moonsharky @steadfastsaturnsrings @monsterrae1 @loserdiaz @dangerpronebuddie
@hippolotamus @diazsdimples @underwaterninja13 @father-salmon @watchyourbuck
@bi-buckrights @bekkachaos @theotherbuckley @jesuisici33 @queerdiaz
@evanbi-ckley @neverevan @honestlydarkprincess @the-likesofus @rainbow-nerdss and anyone else who wants to share <3
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whaleysstuff · 4 days
Gorgug: Imagine if someone handed you a box full of all the items you have lost throughout your life
Riz: Self-esteem, haven't seen you in years!
Adaine: Oh wow, my childhood innocence! Thank you for finding this!
Fig: I knew I lost that potential somewhere!
Fabian: My moral code, is that you?
Gorgug: I was just gonna show you this cool trunk my dad gave me but do you guys need a hug?
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whaleysstuff · 4 days
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real quick? you're my best friend.
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whaleysstuff · 5 days
Buddie + "I love you, but I've never been this angry with anyone than I am with you right now" or smth like that
"I love you, but I've never been this angry with anyone like I am with you right now," Eddie fumes as he checks over Buck's injuries.
They're fairly minor - a split lip and a cut above his left eyebrow that slopes into his birthmark, and there's a few scrapes on his forearm, but that doesn't stop the anger, the fear that's bubbling in Eddie's stomach right now.
"C'mon Eds, I'm fine," Buck mumbles as he tries to dodge Eddie's fussing hands. His head throbs at the sharp movement and he winces. " 'S just a scratch."
"It's seven scratches," Eddie counters as he finishes the catalogue of Buck's injuries. "And you've probably got a concussion."
Eddie pinches between his eyes, breathing heavily through his nose. It's not like this is a surprise; Buck's never been one to think through his actions to the logical conclusion, being more of the "act first, think later" type, but Eddie wishes that for once, the man would engage his brain before throwing himself headfirst into a burning building, chasing after a drunk driver on a tiny bicycle, or climbing a tree to fish out the frisbee Christopher had lost moments earlier.
Buck pushes himself up onto his elbows, surveying the broken twigs and leaves that litter the ground around him. The branch that had snapped beneath his weight lies about a foot to his left, and Eddie can see the porous insides, the wood rotten and crumbling. It's any wonder Buck tumbled out of the tree like a kitten learning to climb - that branch would have given way the second he put his weight on it.
"Probably should have checked the branches as I was coming down," Buck says with a strained chucked, his attempt at lightening the mood with humour falling flat when Eddie doesn't respond, his jaw ticking cause yeah, Buck really fucking should have been more careful.
Buck's face falls as he sees Eddie's tight expression.
"A-are you really that mad at me?"
Eddie softens. He's not mad, exactly. His fear and panic often manifests itself as anger, and when Buck had come barrelling out of that tree, crashing to the ground with enough force it could have registered on the Richter Scale, his heart had leapt to his throat.
"I'm not mad," he says gently, and the tension in Buck's shoulders disappears. He reaches out to touch Buck's face, thumb stroking over a thankfully unscathed cheekbone. "I just...you scared me, that's all."
Eddie can feel the weight of Buck's stare, can hear his heartbeat loud in his ears, and then Buck is smiling softly, the look on his face so gentle that it takes Eddie's breath away.
"You don't have to worry about me," he reassures Eddie, turning his face into his boyfriend's hand and kissing his palm.
Eddie can't help the disbelieving snort that leaves his mouth.
"Buck, you choked on bread so hard you nearly died, you've been crushed under a ladder truck, you had a pulmonary embolism and then got washed up by a tsunami, and you've been struck by lightening. You get into trouble more often than not."
Buck laughs, the sound warm and sweet, and Eddie wants to kiss him. He wants to kiss him better, to seal up his wounds with his lips, to kiss away the pain and promise to always be there with him when he hurts.
"Well, when you put it like that..."
Buck's eyes sparkle and his lips are so soft, and Eddie doesn't have it in him to stop himself anymore.
The kiss is light and barely there, but Buck's lips are so warm and pliant against his own, and his heart feels like it's going to beat out of his chest. He can feel the stubble on Buck's chin against his skin, can smell the sharp scent of the lemon bodywash Buck loves to use, and when Buck sighs against him, Eddie feels it down to his toes. There's a slight wince as Eddie presses over the cut on Buck's lip and he pulls away, resting their foreheads together.
"Are you sure you're okay?" he asks again, licking his lips. He tastes the slightest tang of metal - blood, from Buck's lip - and it sets his teeth on edge.
"Baby, I'm fine. Promise."
Buck leans forward and presses another, far gentler kiss to Eddie's lips.
"Now, can you help me up, please? It's cold down here."
Eddie rolls his eyes but complies nonetheless. He takes Buck's wrist and hauls him to his feet, and is about to drag him inside when Buck sways against him, the blood draining from his face so fast Eddie's surprised he doesn't pass out immediately.
"Sweetheart? Are you okay?" he asks, grasping Buck under the arm as he swallows thickly, his knuckles turning white as he clings onto Eddie's forearm.
"You know what?" Buck says as he suppresses a gag, "M-maybe I should go get checked out."
"You think? C'mon, let's get you in the car."
Eddie at least has the common sense to grab an ice cream container before he ushers Buck out the front door, making fast tracks towards the ER.
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whaleysstuff · 6 days
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The d20 caption people are great 😂😂
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whaleysstuff · 6 days
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Are we celebrating something? Ah, we do have a surprise.
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whaleysstuff · 7 days
There was no reason for Buck to be at the Diaz house when Chris left unless he's family, but he was there because he is family. He's not just Eddie's best friend, he's a co-parent. He's a partner. He's someone that the Diaz boys rely on and who relies on them in return.
He's the person Eddie trusts so much that he can let himself break in front of him, and my god is Eddie breaking. He's coming apart at the seams.
He loves Chris so much and he loves Eddie so much and they're a family and their family is hurting and their family is broken but not beyond repair. Not if they work together to fix it.
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whaleysstuff · 7 days
whoa can't believe the 8.01 title leaked already
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whaleysstuff · 7 days
Eddie knowing not to overstep Christopher’s boundaries by forcing Chris to talk to him SHOWS that he’s an amazing father…so these bad dad allegations need to stop.
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whaleysstuff · 7 days
Okay all of the discourse in this world put aside. All of the ship wars put on pause. All of the labelling forgotten for a bit. Just. The purity of Buck and Eddie's relationship???? I am very lucky to understand that. To get that. I'm someone who has never experienced romance or romantic love like most alloromantic people do. Because the people I genuinely fall in love with, I'll kill for and die for and have actually fought to live for? Have been my friends. Who love me with the same intensity as I love them. Who will trust me with their entire being as I will with them. It's. It's love. Idk what's romantic and what's platonic because to me platonic love has always been so so romantic. So yeah I guess why I fell in love with Buddie was because I could just see love. Immense amount of love that supports and understands and pulls you back from hell. And as someone who has had the absolute privilege and gift of having that kind of connections? I feel understood and seen.
So yeah. As someone who isn't alloromantic the way people normally state they are? Buck and Eddie are in love with each other. They love each other. It's the same thing. And it's so fucking beautiful and important and life-changing and vulnerable and solid. Yeah.
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whaleysstuff · 10 days
It Happened Overnight (complete)
had a sneak bunny attack. It’s all @tiny-reader’s fault.
Title: It Happened Overnight, a Maddie Finds Out Story
Fandom: 911
Pairing: buddie
Rating: Teen
Fic summary: It happened last night, and Buck forgot that he’d already agreed to plans for Saturday.
Tags/warnings: second-hand embarrassment. The morning after. One-shot.
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They never meant for Maddie (or anyone) to find out so quickly. This thing between them had been simmering for a long time before liquid courage and an overly aggressive twink trying to come onto Eddie had made it clear to both of them that they were done circling each other in an ever-decreasing orbit, and last night… 
Last night, they’d collided in a supernova. 
Read complete fic here on AO3
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whaleysstuff · 11 days
Buddie reality tv show au
MasterChef and Project Runway are my go-to to watch so I'll use those (plus I wanted shows where dating isn't the primary goal, although a bachelor/bachelorette or love island would also be fun)
Let's start with MasterChef
Buck and Eddie are competing against each other and either
A) one of them gets eliminated but sticks around and cheers for the other
B) they end up on the finale against each other
Either way they get to know each other during the competition and they don't give each other the hardest ingredients in the challenges but neither the easiest either. They know what the other can do so it's like their way of flirting.
Maybe it starts with Buck hating Eddie (as usual 😅😂) but early on they're stuck together in a team challenge and realize they work well together and become besties (you can have my back...)
Idk how reality tv shows work but maybe they have some free time/ a day off and Eddie brings Buck to meet Chris.
(optional Buck/Eddie/Tommy version:
Buck and Tommy are already together and Buck meets Eddie and is smitten instantly. So he tells Tommy about the hot (and nice) guy and Tommy doesn't mind if Buck wants to flirt a little. Then one day Buck and Eddie are hanging out and Tommy FaceTimes Buck (Buck told him he was hanging out with Eddie and Tommy's curious. Sue him.) and Buck introduced Tommy to Eddie and Buck and Tommy have a whole unspoken conversation of
Tommy (raised eyebrow): he's hot
Buck: I know
which Eddie doesn't see.
So that evening Buck and Tommy have a chat and are basically like we should both date Eddie ("Trust me Tommy, you two will hit it off")
They, go on a coupe of dates, they end up together. Happily ever after. The end.)
Doesn't even matter if either Buck or Eddie win, though I do think Buck would win 😝
For the project runway I don't have a clear idea but something like:
Contestants: Buck, Eddie, Chim, Hen
Judges: Bobby, Athena
And they bond through the competition - they're competitive but flirty
Buck and Chim know each other since Chim is already dating Maddie
And it's just good vibes, no angst
That's all I have for this one 😂
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