List of movies in Indigenous languages
"Nudo Mixteco" [+] Language: Mixteco, Spanish. Subtitles: Spanish(only for Mixteco)
Made in 2021. The film tells the stories of 3 characters who return to the Mixtec town of San Mateo after having migrated for different reasons and how they deal with their reunion and grievances, like family, children and love.
"El Retablo" [+] Language: Quechua Subtitles: Spanish
Made in 2017. The film is on Segundo, a young boy from Ayacucho, who is taught the family trade of building altarpieces by No茅, his father. During a trip to sell their products, a secret is discovered that will shatter the family's life, it deals around toxic masculinity and the effects on this father and son.
"13 Baktun" Language: Maaya (Yucat谩n dialect), Spanish. Subtitles: Spanish (Only for Maaya and English.)
Made in 2020(?). This movie is about Jacinto, a man who returns to his village after his father suddenly passes away, and is reunited with his brother J- Poonso who wants to rent the village to COSUMAX, a company that wants to exploit them, Jacinto tries to warn the village but struggles to speak maya so he's in a journey to reconnect with his past before it's too late.
"Wi帽aypacha" Language: Aymara Subtitles: Spanish
Made in 2017, The film tells the story of an elderly couple, Willka and Phaxsi, who maintain their religious customs and who, due to the migration of their only son, are left abandoned. Still, they don't lose hope that he will return, one day.
unlike the ones above this is a dub but the Emperor's new groove dubbed by Zachinin72 in Quechua, Subtitles: Spanish
This is so i can keep track of them, feel free to add more movies from indigenous languages in different regions I would like to make this list bigger <3
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Tips para la marcha del 23A para les que vamos a nuestra primera marcha ever?
No tengo cerebro para esto ahora pero !!!
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Tengo un chingo de tarea y ya me estrese, voy a hacer una pausa para escribir mis groser铆as/palabras favoritas en Espa帽ol, pero que no sean de M茅xico (porque soy mexicano y pues hay que variarle).
Mamag眉evo. Ni siquiera s茅 si se escribe as铆, pero me encanta esta palabra, 10/10
Conchetumadre. Siento que esta palabra ser铆a primo del chinga tu madre, 10/10
Gonorrea. Me sac贸 de pedo la primera vez que lo escuch茅, me encanta, 10/10
Sapo culiao. La primera vez que lo escuch茅 me imagin茅 un sapito nalg贸n de esos que se entierran en arena, ira de estos 10/10
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5. Concluyo este top con pelotudo. Los Argentinos hicieron magia con esta, a m铆 me encanta esa groser铆a. 10/10
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rb si quieres hacer nada hoy
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This blog is brought to you by: South America!
South America is a continent full of people and stuff where things have happened and will continue to happen. You cannot do anything about it.
Please come and visit!
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Caifanes - Viento
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Camino por la ciudad buscando boops
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Porque pones mentiras en el Internet, absurdo, ridiculo.
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Claro que s铆
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Es increible lo RICO que es el pan hermano es adictivo ni la merca debe ser tan adictiva, problemas? 帽am 帽am harina y levadura 帽am 帽am
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no soy persona con muchos mutuals, menos alguien con el ancho de banda para que lo que digo llegue a todo el mundo, pero si hay alg煤n ecuatoriano que lea esto.. fuerzas. no quiero ni puedo decir que estaremos mejor, me muero del miedo y se me hace pu帽ete el coraz贸n de pensar en m铆 familia, en amigos y en todos los que son en este momento v铆ctimas del narcoterrorismo.
y si este post llega a otras personas, por favor inf贸rmense del estado de mi pa铆s, no tengo alientos ya para explicar la situaci贸n, pero al menos la visibilidad ayudar谩 a saber que no estamos solos.
M谩s que el sol contemplamos lucir.
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There IS a Quechua fandub of The Emperor's New Groove on YouTube.
HELL YEAH!! Heres the video!!
The subtitles are in Spanish btw
The creator also has a bunch of other dubs for shows, anime, and trailers so definitely check the channel out!
Here's the paypal and Yape to support the creator!
YAPE: 930617317
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