warphammer1 5 years
Working on some actual chaos space marines!! There will be an army post soon. I'm pretty proud of the list and feels it counters new marines decently well. Wish I had one of these noise marines as a mascot!
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warphammer1 5 years
The Lord Discordant. Currently I am working on painting a triplet of these. A few months ago, these guys were all the rage. How are they standing up now? They have play as three different legions in my opinion: Alpha Legion for survivability, Red Corsairs for CP and advance and charge (weakest option) or Flawelss Host for some of the most insane damage output ever seen in close combat. Diabolic strength, prescience, ultimate confidence, intoxicating elixir... all of these things make the kird discordant one of the most killy options for chaos, or any faction, putting out 30+ wounds on targets much bigger than themselves. I think flawless host disco lords are probably one of the best units for countering the marine meta. While they are squishy as hell, they hit like a freight train. In the right list with tons of other threats (ideally knights, more on this in another post) one or two might make combat and cause havoc in your opponents lines. Even with the insane defensive buffs of Iron Hands a disco still causes damage. Make sure your disco has proper support from psykers and other big smashy models so they can make a relatively safe first turn charge. Try to bait out Iron Hands overwatch with a more durable model like Mortarion or a Knight. These are just some thoughts on one of my favriote models. 7.5/10.
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warphammer1 5 years
Hello fellow wargamming enthusiasts! For those of you that don't know me, my name is Jake Buchman. While I've never had the time to compete for a top ITC ranking I have been playing Warhmmer 40k for quite some time and have placed decently high at several GTs and won dozens and dozens of RTTs. My primary faction, if you couldn't tell, has always been chaos. My first list was screamer star plus Magnus in seventh edition. Since then I mained bash bros for almost three years with a side of poxwalker spam, brimstone spam, the Don Hooson list and the Vesal/Lanigan list. Recently chaos has kind of received an indirect nerf. While something similar happened when imperial knights were released and Magnus became a liability. Recently Space Marines have become a top tier army. Funny sentence, huh? Space Marines counter the 12 model list and the Thousand Sons and Plaguebearer list with terrifying accuracy. Many top tier players think chaos is in a bad spot competitively. While I agree with this to an extent I feel chaos still has some play. Mortarion is still a beast in the right list. Austin Wingfield, my personal 40k hero, has been having great success with him. Disco Lords, which Austin also brought into relivence, are an extremely versatile murder box. Obviously Flawless Host is the best as it has an insanely high damage ceiling but they have play as other factions. In my opinion, our greatest toolbox is Chaos Knights. Moriax, Castigators and Tyrants are some of my favriote knights for the Dark Gods and our best friend, the dual gattling knight, is just as potent as ever. Recently I have been putting the book through its paces and have had success at a few small events. My next event is October 13th at a local RTT. This event will be plagued by eldar/deldar, guard and tau and of course, the boogeyman in the meta, space marines. I will be keeping this blog up to date as I put prototypes of the list through its paces.
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