w-alexander · 3 years
Just want to be married.
A small part of Maddie felt bad hearing his sincerity. Not that she loved him any less or that she didn’t want to go through with it, but… It was the fact that she didn’t care that much about it. She and Wes were basically married already anyway, so the piece of paper didn’t hold that much significance to her.
But it obviously meant something to him, and that’s all that really mattered.
Madison pushed her laptop away and made her way to Wes’ lap. She gave him a kiss on the cheek and wrapped her arms around his neck. “Is there anything even remotely traditional about me? Book it, Alexander. Officially put a ring on it.”
Wes beamed up at Maddie. "Really? Alright then, I’ll set it all up!” He didn’t know why he ever thought she’d say no. Ok, so many a part of him thought she had gotten cold feet and with the pandemic keeping them grounded and together so much......maybe she’d prefer to jet off somewhere halfway across the world than live any sort of quiet life — or more so a life with occasionally quiet moments. After almost a year of pandemic-related restrictions, a part of him had feared the quarantines would have made her yearn to flee and go on some adventure somewhere
But now, they’d be tied forever, and Wes could go to sleep knowing that no matter how far her adventures took her, she’d always end up coming home. To him.
“I know you’re keeping your last name, but can I call you Mrs. Alexander for just one day?”
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w-alexander · 3 years
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Daniel Sunjata
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w-alexander · 3 years
Another Question | @Maddie
Maddie had a terrible case of tunnel vision when it came to her work. The engagement had been months ago, but it may as well have happened yesterday or ten years in the past for her. She wasn’t an insincere or detached person, but she very much lived in the present. In the now. So in the moment, she was exhilarated by Wes’ proposal. But as soon as it became clear that the virus was going to keep a wedding at bay, it was quickly shoved to a back burner in the back of her mind.
Wes was a good man, and more than she believed she deserved. She’d done shady things in the name of revealing “the truth”, and he was so pure. So noble. She admired his integrity and respected his ethics.
But Maddie just couldn’t seem to keep up her end of the emotional load that a couple was meant to share. So when he asked her about the weekend, she blinked rapidly behind her bottle-lens glasses.
“Mar-married? This weekend?” She pushed her laptop down her lap and met his eye across the room. “Um. Is that what you want? I figured you’d want to do the whole thing. Like an actual wedding.”
Not an immediate no, so that’s a good sign. Wes smiled at his fiancé.
“Well, I don’t have much in the way of blood relatives, so I’d be inviting a handful of friends and some coworkers, and if it’s going to be a small gathering, we can always have a party later.”
Wes shrugged. “I really just want to be married, and the courthouse is there, so...”
His romantic life had been nothing like he’d thought it’d be. As a child, he figured he’d be married pretty quickly after college, like his parents had been, but life had had different plans for him. And quite frankly, Maddie had been worth the wait, but why wait any more?
“If you’ve got a work assignment this weekend, we can always pick another one, but unless you really want a traditional wedding, I’m ready.”
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w-alexander · 3 years
Another Question | @Maddie
Wes was fiddling around on his laptop while Maddie was on her own in the living room. They often had quiet time like this, each doing their own thing, her on the couch and him in the arm chair. He kept glancing over at her. It was an unspoken rule that they didn’t talk much, but he’d been dying to ask her yet another question as the months had passed since their engagement.
There was no telling when the pandemic would end, and they hadn’t really done much wedding planning because of it — not to mention their jobs still kept them busy, especially with Wes having to take part of Morgan’s caseload once she quit. It only made Wes want to take advantage of the present moment even more, so he broke their silence and asked.
“Do you want to get married this weekend?”
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w-alexander · 4 years
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w-alexander · 4 years
Maddie was a professional.
She knew how to engage with people. How to maintain eye contact without being aggressive. How to coax answers and influence emotions. How to stare stress and anxiety in the face in the middle of a dangerous situation.
So her face didn’t betray her as Wes spoke. She gave no indication that her ears had started ringing the moment he made a move towards the floor. That she didn’t even hear the question he asked, even though she knew what it was.
Her eyes didn’t even glance at the ring.
Maddie didn’t want to see it. That stupid stone was the least important part of this entire practice in her opinion. Just some dumb signifier that would likely get her jumped, robbed, or killed out in the field.
Being truthfully honest, which she always strived to be, she’d probably never actually wear it outside of formal occasions with him.
Her brain came alive at that thought. Shit, are you saying you’re going to marry him then?
She’d never considered herself the marrying type. Madison Coleman was simply too mobile. Too flighty. She was her own person.
And Wes knew that. And he still wanted to commit to her.
How could she ever cope with that pressure?
Maddie finally took a sharp breath through her nose and looked him in the eye. “Are you sure about this, Wes? I know you think you can keep up with me. Maybe even convinced yourself that it doesn’t matter where I go. But… I’m not the one that will be hurt in this situation. So you have to be sure. For yourself. Because once I say yes, and I’m very likely to, you’re in the shit with me.”
Wes swallowed.
She hadn’t said yes, but she hadn’t said no either. Still, the feeling in his stomach was hard to shake. It sank like a stone at the question. She hadn’t laughed or smiled even. Just an even response.
But now was not the time to let his pride get the best of him. Because he was sure. He wanted all of her. Good and bad.
“I wouldn’t have asked, or sat with this ring in my dresser for the past two months if I weren’t sure.”
The Question || @Maddie
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w-alexander · 4 years
She gave an exaggerated pout, but dropped the headphones around her neck. “Don’t you dare tell me they ran out of my ginger sauce. If that’s it, then just save me the heartache and keep it to yourself.”
Swiping one of the plates off the table, she took a deep breath of the steaming food and grinned. Maddie was definitely an eater. Traveling around the world for nearly fifteen years widened your palette a bit and she’d always be a Southern girl with an even wider stomach.
Finally taking a second to look Wes in the eye, she winked at him. “What’s up, cutie?”
It had been awhile since Wes had been this nervous. Work didn’t even get his heart racing and palms sweaty like this anymore. He hadn’t been this nervous since—no. He wasn’t going to think about her now. Today was Maddie’s day.
“Uh, no,” he said, clearing his throat. “They didn’t run out of your ginger sauce. I......I actually have something else for you.”
“In addition to ginger sauce, of course,” he quickly added.
Wes sighed, though the breath didn’t seem to make it anywhere important with how his chest felt. “Maddie, you are hands down the most incredible person I’ve ever met. You inspire me to better myself, you keep me on my toes, and I love who I am when I’m with you.”
“I’m so proud to know you, to see you do what you do, and I always want to be your biggest reader and your biggest fan. I know in the past, you’ve questioned if I could accept how your life is, with how important your job is to you, and I want to make it so you never have to ask that question ever again.”
“Maddie,” he said, as he slid himself off the couch and onto the floor on one knee. Wes pulled out the ring case out of his pocket, opening it, and presenting it to you.
“Will you marry me?”
The Question || @Maddie
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w-alexander · 4 years
Maddie didn’t hear the knock the first time. Or the second time. Her Bose headphones were on full blast with Snoh Aalegra while she scrolled through eighteen open tabs, tracking a multitude of stories and several Google docs all at one time.
It wasn’t until one song faded out that she heard a pretty solid pound on her door that she sat up, glasses taking on the full force of the blue light. She smiled, familiar of their routine. At this point, she had no problem with Wes seeing her in her head scarf. She had to protect her curls and he needed to respect that.
She padded over to the door in her cami, pajama shorts, and crew socks, completely comfortable in their relationship. Which was a first for her. She never was able to reach this point with a guy. They’d typically given up on her at this point.
Letting Wes in, she kissed his cheek, headphones still on and blaring, pointed at the drying rack of dishes on her counter, and made her way back to her nest of blankets in front of her iMac, precariously sitting on top of an old trunk that served as her coffee table.
If it’d been anyone else, Wes would have been irked at having to wait, but he’d long accepted that Maddie often had her nose buried in work— or her head in the clouds.....thinking about work. He smiled as she settled back at her station. In truth, he was happy to have found someone as passionate about work. Sure, hers had her traveling unlike his, but they had an understanding about when work had to come first.
He slid his sneakers off and padded tot he kitchen in his socks, serving their take out on the clean plates before bringing it back to her in the living room. Wes set the plates down on the free spots of the coffee table. “Hey, could you take those off,” he said, gesturing to her headphones. “I want to talk about something.”
Wes was still wearing his coat with the ring in the pocket. If there was one thing being with Maddie had taught him, it was to take advantage of the present moment, and he wanted to do this now.
The Question || @Maddie
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w-alexander · 4 years
The Question || @Maddie
Wes walked up to Maddie’s apartment door, take out bag in hand. It was not unlike their regular plans, but unlike most nights, a small cube weighed down Wes’ coat pocket. 
He’d thought about proposing ever since they had that fight about Maddie’s partners never accepting her life. He couldn’t lie, it wasn’t always easy. Wes sometimes lost sleep over the stress of not knowing if Maddie was ok. Specializing in conflict, there was no telling where they’d send her next, or if she’d have a reliable cell signal or wifi. He had to try his best not to dwell on worst case scenario. He couldn’t let his mind live there. He had to gravitate towards hope.
The ring in his pocket was the ultimate hope — that she was as crazy about him as he was about her.
That he’d finally found a partner capable and willing to love him like he’d always dreamed.
Wes took a breath and knocked on the door.
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w-alexander · 4 years
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w-alexander · 5 years
Choices || Drabble
It’d been on his mind ever since it’d come up months ago. This idea that he’d one day make her decide between him and her job. Maggie had become the most important person to Wes. She brought him alive in ways he hadn’t though possible anymore, and he wanted to make sure she knew, that when it came to choices, he chose all of her. Job included.
He just had to prove it to her
Wes looked down at the rings in the case. Many were large, flashy. They’d impress other women, but not Maddie. The perfect one had to be practical — so that it wouldn’t get in the way when she’s on assignment, or draw unwanted attention to her.
He was about to give up and go to yet another store when he saw it. The perfect ring. “Hi, could I see that one right there?”
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w-alexander · 5 years
“Fuck. This would be so much easier if there was dirt on his wife that we could exploit. I guess I’ll just keep calling him out on my show until his ego frays enough for me to get him to face me.”
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That......might work. I don’t know. Good luck, Tori.
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w-alexander · 5 years
@Wesley Alexander
Diane: I want to know where they engineer people like her. This is going to be a mess and I want no part of it.
Wes: Sorry, D. There's always a chance it won't be a disaster, but I'd prepare for worst case scenario.
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w-alexander · 5 years
@Wesley Alexander
Diane: Wesley, how ridiculous is the Arazi woman? I have a feeling Jeffrey may go behind my back and do this interview. I'd like to know what would come of it if it comes to pass.
Wes: She refused to believe anything I said about you and Jeff turning her offer down. That's where her mental space is. She wants this.
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w-alexander · 5 years
“Mock mock mock all you want Wes, but i’m going to nab this sonofabitch, because that’s what I do, and when I do I expect a resigned sigh of disappointment from you.”
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You misunderstand me. Nothing would make me happier than you taking Saltman down several pegs. I just don’t think it’s going to happen as easily as you’ve laid out.
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w-alexander · 5 years
“I’m not afraid of anything… except the inside of a pomegranate.”
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“Please, strange is relative, and if you keep this up you’re not invited to my next end of season wrap party.”
Yeah, yeah.
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w-alexander · 5 years
My billing rates help keep the lights on in this office.
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Oh come now, Wesley. I’m always right.
And two things are reasons why we pay you the big bucks.
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