voxplusherizes · 5 years
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Commission of Michael from Drakengard 3. A really fun guy to make!
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voxplusherizes · 5 years
The Bunchacrap Update
So it's been a while since I posted about stiff I was working on and wanted to do here. Lets do that now :)
First off is the fact that I've gotten a job at a fabric store, something I absolutely adore. It's been a bit hard to learn and develop social skills for retail work, but absolutely worth it.
The downside is now I don't have as much time for other things, which is a shame, but I'll learn to juggle.
And second downside is I wanna buy all the fabric.
In terms of plush projects, I've just finished a commission so I'm looking forward to relaxing and working at a leisurely pace with my personal projects.
Here's a sneak peek at a few ideas I've been working on.
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The main project I wanna focus on is a dragon all for myself. I havnt yet decided what kind he'll be (elegant and detailed or fat and cute) but I really look forward to working with the fabric for him.
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This is minky btw. The tag called it watercolored design. I was originally looking for another fabric that I didn't find, and stumbled across this. I shouldn't have spent much (I got five yards) but God it's just so gorgeous.
The main idea I had for it was as a secondary accent (underside of wings, frills, maybe belly) to a white or pale colored dragon. (I plan of doing a black one later, this kinda fabric is amazing with both colors.) I want to do this style of wings again.
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This was petty fun and the result is really nice.
I would also love to put an armature in him as well. That way the frill could be posed, the tail curled, that kinda stuff.
I purchased this fabric a couple of weeks ago. I want to work with it, but not as much as the watercolor minky.
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I also want to make a level 3 Angelus at some point. Maybe I'll order that fabric when I order the color I was looking for when I found the watercolor lol.
Inbetween all this sewing stuff, I also have some beads and stiff for earrings I wanna make, yarn for knitting, a diamond dots project, preparing for nanowrimo, and other Adult Stuff too.
I'm gonna crash eventually, but I'll just enjoy the energy and motivation while it's here :)
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voxplusherizes · 5 years
Minor Update In Progress
I’m doing some cleanup and updating for this blog. If you still see this post, that process is still ongoing. This will be deleted when everything is done.
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voxplusherizes · 5 years
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Now that this little beauty has arrived at her home, here are some pics! Level 1 Angelus I was commisioned to do!
This was a really fun project, and I learned quite a bit during it. The main body fabric was dyed a shade close to red from the pumpkiny orange the fabric really was. This was the first time I tried dying any sort of fabric, but it turned out really nice! Her horns were super fun, so puffy!
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voxplusherizes · 5 years
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Now that this little beauty has arrived at her home, here are some pics! Level 1 Angelus I was commisioned to do!
This was a really fun project, and I learned quite a bit during it. The main body fabric was dyed a shade close to red from the pumpkiny orange the fabric really was. This was the first time I tried dying any sort of fabric, but it turned out really nice! Her horns were super fun, so puffy!
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voxplusherizes · 5 years
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A bonus for you all bc this is hilarious.
She was stuck like this for over a week in a box.
Angelus: "Someone is going to die for this."
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voxplusherizes · 5 years
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Now that this little beauty has arrived at her home, here are some pics! Level 1 Angelus I was commisioned to do!
This was a really fun project, and I learned quite a bit during it. The main body fabric was dyed a shade close to red from the pumpkiny orange the fabric really was. This was the first time I tried dying any sort of fabric, but it turned out really nice! Her horns were super fun, so puffy!
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voxplusherizes · 5 years
Ooof. Four sowing projects over the course of three and a half months is something I never want to do again.
It's satisfying work, but exhausting.
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voxplusherizes · 5 years
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With greater scale comes greater agrivation.
Tail thing looks far too big I home the addition of the wings and legs and horns fix that.
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voxplusherizes · 5 years
Note to Future Fucking Self: WING TOO BIG, AGONY TO SEW!!!
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voxplusherizes · 5 years
Hey here's some pics of the current project I'm working on. It's a personal creation, a dragon named Gimoren.
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Pic 1: Tail tip. Two large prongs with inner gussets, as well as two rear hooks. It's the largest thing sown thus far, you can see the other stuff in the bag beneath it.
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Pic 2/3: Top of the head. This is the main experiment of this plush, to have an open mouth that looks decent. It's not perfect and it'll prolly look derby once he's all together, but I'm really proud of how well it's actually turned out. I was going to do this test with the previously posted Angelus, but I did not feel confident testing it with something I wanted to give to my friend. This is definitely a method I'll be dabbling with again.
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Pic 4/5: Talons and toes. Gimoren has rear legs, wings, and a wing arm that holds onto the wing. The toe talons are different from his hand talons, they're longer and narrower. He'll have two toe-thumbs while his hand will have four total fingers per hand.
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Pic 6/7: Bottom jaw. It's completely separate from the main body and top head, which means I'll have to figure out how to reattach it. Something I haven't thought about yet. But this was done in the exact same way as the top of the jaw. I made the full shape of the jaw (all four sides) and then I did the blue lip detail/"embroidery". The two lip sides were then sown to the bottom blue jaw peice and then the purple was slipped into the blue like a glove. The lips were pinned in place on the sides, the inside purple was stuffed (which in turn stuffed the blue) and lastly the lips were ladder sown into place on the purple. The entire piece was super poof after being stuffed, so I needed to ladder stitch the inside down to the bottom of the jaw to reduce its bulk and shape it.
The minky on the lip area was also trimmed a little to make it cleaner looking. The lips have an inner layer of stuff fuzzy felt too support their shape.
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Pic 8: Unstuffed horns. Gimoren will have five horns in a Crest on his head, two side, one center. There's also a nose horn I keep forgetting about.
Pic 9: Wing talon. This thing is the wing thumb claw. It might need some reshaping to reduce some of its bulk.
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Pic 10: The wings. Gimoren 's wings are the largest I've ever attempted to work on, both the bundles in the picture are the wings, a wing per bundle. I needed to purchase 2 large artist sheets of paper tapped together to even sketch them out at the proper size.
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voxplusherizes · 5 years
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Pictures of a handmade manticore plush made for @allisonpick
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voxplusherizes · 5 years
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Detail shots of plush Angelus. Just noticed realized I got the horns wrong. Gdammit.
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voxplusherizes · 5 years
Reblogging here, in case.
Do you make Drakengard plushies? I’d love to buy one!
Hello! I appologize for the delay in answering this, i was searching for the last ask i received about the plushes, as i couldn’t remember what i’d said.
I do indeed take commissions on dragon plushes! The Gabriella I made is a medium sized plush, while the Angelus (2nd Lvl) was designed to be a bit smaller but would still count as medium-sized.
I previously estimated Gabriella costing about $400 USD, because of time (roughly two months of work), material (minky, super soft but pricey), and labor (I do little machine sowing so it’s mostly hand-sown).
Angelus would land just about $350, given her smaller size and less detailed design. She roughly took just about a month, probably less (I’ve I was also working on a second plush at the same time) but she is also made of minky and was mostly hand-sown as well.
I currently have a complete pattern for Gabriella, Angelus (2nd Lvl) and Mikhail (2nd Lvl; although that one needs tweaking, the original made turned out wonky.)
I’ve been working on a pattern for Angelus 3rd Lvl, however I haven’t touched Legna at all. If you’d want a plush of a dragon without a pattern, it would take a little longer to make than it would if one with a finished pattern. Regardless, I would happily do any dragon you would want, any form. They would take about a month to a month and a half to complete, plus the additional shipping time.
I would also be willing to make smaller, albeit less detailed, versions that I’d price at $150 - $200, size for these would be in the 1 foot to 1 ½ foot (nose to tail) range.
I’ve also been contemplating doing keychain-sized ones, for $50-$75. These would be made of fleece rather than minky, as minky is impossible to work with on such small scale.
I hope this info is helpful! Have a wonderful rest of your day!
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voxplusherizes · 5 years
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Detailed shots of the Gabriella plush.
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voxplusherizes · 5 years
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Full-body pictures of the second level hand made Angelus plush made for @allisonpick
I didn't get many good ones bc she was a little wonky to sit up. I think it was her giant ego weighing down her head.
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voxplusherizes · 5 years
I posted this on the wrong blOG
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Full-body pictures of Gabriella from Drakengard 3, handmade plush gift for @allisonpick
This was made eons ago but I forgot to post these so it’s a thing now xD
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