vloggyvlogblog · 7 years
Monday, Septiembre 11
Welp... today we have an assembly and we're suppose to walk aaaall the way to the other building for it. Well I'm glad we're having it so I won't have to sit all of my second class in the theatre because they're fixing the gym. I have no clue when we're suppose to have gym again, and I'm glad it's not soon. I don't even have a gym bag. Lost it last year with clothes in it and everything!
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vloggyvlogblog · 7 years
First Weekend Off School
I'm glad our first week of school started in Wednesday. But at the same time I don't like it. We only had three days to get used to the school. Come Monday we need to have the school memorized. Because if we're late we can't use the excuse of "I got lost". How do they expect us to memorize the school in only three days? We'll forget it on weekend! All the teachers seem nice though so I hope they'll let it slide. But I'm always late for Lunch Study. It's so confusing on where it is. I'll have to remember to take the South Wing stairs and head all the way down the hall. Ugh the signs on the wall get complicated at one point. And some hallways are only one way!! Which means we have to go around in a circle if we managed to go the wrong way. Ugh... oh well. Monday is a new day.
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vloggyvlogblog · 7 years
First day of Freshman year.
It went alright I guess. Heard a few upper class mates talking trash about the small and young freshmen. But isn't that what all higher classmates do? Then again this is highschool now. I don't think I'm going to survive. I've been too confident about knowing where my classes are. I got lost more times on my second day than on my first day. Does that even happen to people? Maybe that's just me. Monday starts the first struggles. Oh booooooooy.
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