vilp003 · 10 months
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vilp003 · 10 months
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vilp003 · 2 years
У акул челюстные мышцы неспособны самостоятельно прокачивать воду через жабры. Хищницы вынуждены делать это в движении, захватывая воду пастью. Поэтому обычно акула может отдыхать, оставаясь на месте, не более часа. Если бы она надолго уснула, то погибла бы от недостатка кислорода.
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vilp003 · 2 years
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Going to be turning this into a series of paintings and then prints!
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vilp003 · 2 years
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vilp003 · 2 years
the birds will be a witness
to the sun, to the clouds
resilient, through the earth you grow
easy to undergo, when u realize that everything is temporary
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vilp003 · 3 years
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jellyfish are pretty
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vilp003 · 3 years
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One of my first pixel art works
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vilp003 · 4 years
I LOVE SHARKS!! Here’s some facts about sharks:
Sharks are under threat! Humans catching sharks on purpose and on accident is a big crisis right now. In addition, climate change is affecting sharks too! And nobody cares.
Even though sharks are “scary,” they play a really important role as an apex predator.
When you flip sharks upside down, they go into this trance.
Sharks! Have no bones! They’re just full of cartilage. How cool is that?
They’re a special type of fish called an “elasmobranch.” ^^
Sharks have the thickest skin of any animal, and the largest brains of any fish.
Shark skin’s texture is similar to sandpaper.
Sharks don’t like the taste of humans. On average, only about 16 shark attacks happen per year, and only becuase sharks mistake humans for their natural prey.
Scientists measure the age of sharks by counting the rings on their vertebrae.
There are over 500 species of sharks.
Sharks have super good eyesight!
They have these special black spots that let them sense electromagnetic fields and temperature shifts underwater.
Sharks can only swim forward, not backward.
The oldest shark fossils are from around 455 million years ago. Even though they don’t have bones, they can fossilize!
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Whale sharks spots are like human fingertips! They’re all special and unique!
The smallest shark is the dwarf lantern shark. The largest is the whale shark.
Sharks have eyelids.
Different shark species reproduce in different ways. Some sharks lay eggs, some give birth.
Great white sharks can jump up to ten feet in the air!
Even though most sharks are cold-blooded, Great White Sharks are warm-blooded!
Sharks just... don’t sleep! They have to constantly pump water through their mouth or they’ll die.
Sharks have smooth scales, compared to fish which have rough scales.
Sharks typically have around 40-45 teeth in seven rows. They can go by 30,000 teeth in their lifetime because of how often they lose them.
Can hear up to 3,000 feet away.
The biggest threat to sharks is humans! But sharks do have predators; larger sharks, killer whales, seals, and crocodiles.
Hammerhead sharks are one of the few species that hunt in groups.
There are around 440 known species of shark!
I had somebody in the comments suggest a few facts that I haven’t been able to verify yet, but you should see them anyway:
Some shark species eat plants! I find this very fascinating!
Great White sharks cannot be held in captivity.
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vilp003 · 4 years
Temauke 6: food
I decided to put all of the food-related vocab I’ve learned in the grammar book ‘mysteriet om nils (part 1) together in a list: 
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en agurk - cucumber
en appelsin - orange
et bakeri - bakery
en banan - banana
et brød - bread
ei brødskive - slice of bread
en dessert - dessert
et egg - egg
et eple - apple
ei fiskesuppe - fish soup
fløte - cream
(ei) frokostblanding - cereal
(en) frukt - fruit
grønnsaker - vegetables
ei gulrot (gulrøtter) - carrot 
(en) honning - honey
en indrefilet - tenderloin
(en) kaffe - coffee
ei kake - cake
ei kjøttkake - meatballs
(en) kylling - chicken
(en) løk - onion
(ei) melk - milk
en melon - melon
et måltid - meal
en oppskrift - recipe
(en) ost - cheese
en paprika - paprika
(en) pasta - pasta
en potet - potato
en pudding - pudding
ei pære  - pear
ei pølse - sausage
(et) pålegg - everything that you can put on bread
ei reke - shrimp
(en) ris - rice
et rundstykke - bread roll
en salami - salami
en salat - salad
(ei) skinke - ham
(en) sjokolade - chocolate
(et) smør - butter
en sopp - mushroom
ei suppe - soup
(et) svinekjøtt -  pork
(et) syltetøy -  jam
en tomat - tomato
[Let me know if there are any mistakes]
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vilp003 · 4 years
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