vilibertatis-blog · 7 years
Anonymously send my muse nightmares. See if you can touch upon their deepest fears
Nightmares will be given a score out of 10, let’s see how many people know the muse’s deepest fears and how to bring them to the surface.
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vilibertatis-blog · 7 years
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Attack of the Clones illustrations by Brian Rood
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vilibertatis-blog · 7 years
i just want a boy who touches me distractedly
like sitting watching a movie and he just kinds of drags his fingers over your skin while watching and he doesn’t have a motive he’s not trying to tickle you or be sexual with you he’s just touching your skin and feeling the shape of your bones under that skin like it’s physically comforting for him to know that you’re there right under his fingertips im so
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vilibertatis-blog · 7 years
Reluctant Allies -- Sentence Starters
“As much as I hate your guts, we’ll die here if we don’t work together.”
“Let’s put our differences aside for now. There are bigger issues at hand.”
“Why must I stoop so low as to cooperate with the likes of you?”
“Looks like there’s someone else I hate more than you. Go figure.”
“Alright… I’ll help you, just this once.”
“Let’s get one thing straight here: I don’t like you.”
“This is a one time deal only.”
“Don’t get used to this. It won’t be happening again.”
“I’ll kill you later, when our lives aren’t in danger.”
“Look, we both want the same thing here.“
“Hey, I’m on your side this time!”
“It’s just a matter of overlooking our differences.”
“What do you say?… Truce?”
“Give it a break for once, this is more important!”
“I’ll take the left, you take the right– No arguing.”
“Stop yelling at me! I’m only trying to help!”
“Ugh! I hate having to work with you!”
“I’ll be glad to be rid of you once this is all over.”
“’Hate’ is a strong word… let’s settle for a ‘great disliking of’.”
“I don’t want to do this as much as you do… but we have to.”
“If you want to make it through this, you’re gonna have to trust me!”
“How can I trust you when not only five minutes ago you were trying to kill me?!”
“I can’t take your sass. I’m calling this alliance off prematurely.”
“Please, for once in your life, just listen to me! We’re all in danger!”
“I don’t like you, but this is for the greater good.”
“It’s either us or them, and quite frankly, I could kick your ass any day of the week.”
“As much as I’d hate to admit it, we’d be powerless on our own against them.”
“Just because I’m helping you doesn’t mean we’re friends.”
“Don’t even think about calling me your friend. We’re not. End of story.”
“Just this once, I’ll help… For a price.”
“If I’m going to team up with you, I want something worth while out of it.”
“I can’t wait til this is over… Then we can go back to killing/hating each other.”
“If we’re gonna do this, we’re gonna do this right, and I won’t let your petty grudge against me ruin it!”
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vilibertatis-blog · 7 years
Protective sentence starters
“I wont let anything happen to you.”
“Get behind me.”
“I would die for you.”
“I’ve got you.”
“I wont let them hurt you.”
“Tell me who hurt you.”
“Who did this to you? I’ll kill them!”
“I’m here for you, always.”
“Sit down, tell me what happened.”
“Take my hand, I got you.”
“C’mere, gimme a hug.”
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vilibertatis-blog · 7 years
Fortune Cookie Starter Sentences
Starter sentences from fortune cookies.  These can be sent as starters or just on anon as advice.
“A lifetime friend shall soon be made.”
“From a past misfortune, good luck will come to you.”
“The only people who never fail are those who never try.”
“To love and be loved is like feeling the sun from both sides.”
“There are times when silence has the loudest voice.”
“Happiness isn’t in having what you want but rather in wanting what you have.”
“Look up in the sky tonight.  Have a moment for yourself.”
“Digital circuits are made from analog parts.”
“He who expects no gratitude shall never be disappointed.
“It’s time to complete some unfinished business.”
“Never ignore a gut feeling, but never believe that it’s enough.”
“Love truth, but pardon error.”
“Those who walk in other’s tracks leave no footprints.”
“Go above and beyond your duty.  You will benefit from it.”
“Diligence and modesty can raise your social status.”
“The best way to destroy your enemy is to make him your friend.”
“Most of us have far more courage than we ever dreamed we possessed.”
“Go for it.  You never know whom you might run into.”
“Allow compassion to guide your decisions.”
“Love is being offered to you, be affectionate in return!”
“The only way to have a friend is to be one.”
“Wealth buys leisure, but not wisdom.”
“To have joy one must share it.”
“The greatest mistake a man can make is to be afraid of making one.”
“Enjoy life.  This is not a dress rehearsal.”
“Look to the next month for some pleasant surprises.”
“Believe it can be done.”
“To think is easy; to act is difficult.  To act as one thinks is the most difficult of all.”
“A rolling stone gathers no moss… but it obtains a certain polish!”
“Go with the flow with make your transition ever so much easier.”
“You are heading for a land of sunshine.”
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vilibertatis-blog · 7 years
Dying rp Starters
"Stay with me. Come on, just a little longer."
"You're gonna be fine, okay? You... You'll be fine."
"No. Oh, no. No no no. This can't happen. No. You can't die."
"Shush, just concentrate on staying awake, okay? Don't sleep."
"Oh my god... Don't give up! You can't give up!"
"You can make it through this. I know you can. Y-you have to..."
"Where did they shoot you!? Where did they sh-- Oh... Oh, god... Oh please no..."
"The doctor explained everything to me... I... I can't just let you go like this. I need you."
"Oh, god. Please be alive. Please still be alive."
"There's nothing they can do. I-- I'm so sorry."
"No. They're wrong. They're wrong, okay? You're not gonna die."
"Please, fight this. You have to fight it. You have to live."
"Don't die... Don't die on me. Please..."
"Listen to my voice, okay? I need you to stay with me. I'm bringing you to the hospital."
"I wish I could tell you everything was going to be fine..."
"Come on, now. You've lived through worse than this. Just... Just live through this too."
"I'm so sorry I let this happen to you."
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vilibertatis-blog · 7 years
National Treasure Sentence Meme
“A treasure beyond all imagining, a treasure that had been fought over for centuries by tyrants, pharaohs, emperors, warlords.”
“They knew they had to make sure the treasure would never fall into the hands of the British.”
“The secret lies with Charlotte.”
“Six generations of fools chasing after fool’s gold.”
“It’s not about the money. It’s never been about the money.”
“Are we knights?”
“You take upon yourself the duty of the Templars, the Freemasons.”
“I’m just relieved that I’m not as crazy as everyone says.”
“We are one step closer to the treasure, gentlemen.”
“Albuquerque. See, I can do it too. Snorkel.”
“There’s no invisible map on the back of the Declaration of Independence.”
“The treasure of the Knights Templar is the treasure of all treasures.”
“In another life, I arranged a number of operations of…questionable legality.”
“I’m not gonna let you steal the Declaration of Independence.”
“From this point on, all you’re going to be is a hindrance.”
“Is it really so hard to believe that someone’s gonna try to steal the Declaration of Independence?”
“Anyone that can do anything is gonna thank we’re crazy. Anyone crazy enough to believe us isn’t gonna want to help.”
“One step short of crazy, what do you get?”
“I’m gonna get straight to the point, someone’s gonna steal the Declaration of Independence.”
“Must have taken you a long time to hunt down all that history.”
“Of all the words written here about freedom, there’s a line here that’s at the heart of all the others.”
“If there’s something wrong, those who have the ability to take action have the responsibility to take action.”
“I’m gonna steal the Declaration of Independence.”
“This is huge. It’s prison huge.”
“It can’t be done. Not shouldn’t be done. It can’t be done.”
“Our evil plan is working.”
“I really couldn’t accept something like that normally, but I really want it.”
“A toast? To high treason.”
“Here’s to the men who did what was considered wrong in order to do what they knew was right.”
“Can I marry your brain?”
“Still a little on edge from being shot at, but I’ll be ok. Thanks for asking.”
“You’d do well to be a bit more civilized in this instance.”
“I take it back. You’re not liars. You’re insane.”
“Who was shooting, who were they shooting at, and why weren’t they getting along?”
“Not to be a nudge, but you do realize how many people we have after us?”
“If you wanted to leave me behind, you wouldn’t have told me where you were going.”
“Promise you won’t be any trouble?”
“What in the world did this guy want to be when he grew up?”
“Are you gonna leave the woman carrying your grandchild standing out in the cold?”
“Unvolunteer before you waste your life.”
“That’s all you’ll ever find is another clue.”
“The treasure is a myth.”
“I am so getting fired for this.”
“Will somebody please explain to me what these magic numbers mean?”
“I wasted years of my life and now you’ve destroyed yours.”
“So you show up at your father’s door and say you’re in trouble and the first thing he assumes is I’m pregnant?”
“My father thinks I’ve been a little too cavalier in my personal life.”
“Have you ever told someone- not a relative- I love you?”
“You get your sense of absolute certainty from him, do you?”
“I feel like I’m so close, I can taste it.”
“I just want to know it’s not just something in my head or in my heart.”
“You don’t know this? I know something about history that you don’t know?”
“If you’re not a steak, you don’t belong here.”
“Is there a door that doesn’t lead to prison?”
“Something I’ve noticed about fishing: it never works out well for the bait.”
“It turns out helping someone escape from FBI custody is a criminal act.”
“A jump like that could kill a man.”
“I don’t think you fully appreciate the gravity of the situation.”
“Cooperation only lasts as long as the status quo is unchanged.”
“Who wants to go down the creepy tunnel inside the tomb first?”
“We’re in the company of some of the most brilliant minds in history because you found what they left behind for us to find and understood the meaning of it.”
“I’ve never been so happy to be proven wrong.”
“The Templars and Freemasons believed that the treasure was too great for any one man to have, not even a king. That’s why they went to such lengths to keep it hidden.”
“There’s thousands of years of world history down there and it belongs to the world and everybody in it.”
“You really don’t understand the concept of a bargaining chip.”
“I’d really love not to go to prison. I can’t even begin to describe how much I would love not to go to prison.”
“They offered you ten percent and you turned it down.”
“Next time we find a treasure that redefines history for all mankind, you make the call on the finders fee.”
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vilibertatis-blog · 7 years
Sci-Fi Starters
"The engines are offline and I have no idea when we can get them running again."
"There's something obscuring the sensors. I can't tell what's down there."
"I think something is on board..."
"You can try to track this transmission, but don't bother. You won't be able to trace the signal."
"All we need to do is lay low for a while. Slip into a busy spaceport and no one will notice."
"I don't know what you think this ship is capable of, but it can't perform miracles."
"It was big and green; that's all I remember."
"I want the shields up and weapons online."
"We just wait here for a search party. We have enough rations for a week and there's just enough power to keep the temperature control systems functioning."
"I don't care what's out there. Grab a phaser and do your damn job."
"We're dead in space and if we don't get this boat moving, we are REALLY doing to be dead."
"I hope there's enough containment suits for all of us."
"The ambassador hates the accommodations."
"There's no damage to the exterior. No immediate reason why the power is shut off... This ship is just floating, abandoned."
"It's been quiet out here among the stars. Almost makes you miss running for your life."
"Hold on! Let me scan it before you touch the damn thing."
"Just because it's furry and cute, doesn't mean it isn't dangerous."
"When we make planetfall I just want to go into the nearest bar and get a good drink."
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vilibertatis-blog · 7 years
Send "Don't you remember?" for my muse's reaction to waking up in hospital with no memory of your muse, themselves or their life
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vilibertatis-blog · 7 years
NUMBERS: 1-130
THEME: song quotes
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vilibertatis-blog · 7 years
ooc;; (( Since I’m (hopefully!) planning to try and catch up with this blog again tomorrow, I went ahead and redesigned my theme background. So, hi. ))
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vilibertatis-blog · 7 years
send me a ᕤ...
And I’ll generate a number and use the following starters below the cut!
(1-146) mix of angst, nsfw-ish, crack, randome, fluff, all the good stuff. All depends on how you interpret it!)
BONUS POINTS for reblogging without looking.
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vilibertatis-blog · 7 years
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Padmé Appreciation: 48/?
Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones
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vilibertatis-blog · 7 years
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This is a happy moment. The happiest moment of my life.
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vilibertatis-blog · 7 years
Reblog if your muse has had a near death experience.
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vilibertatis-blog · 7 years
psychic: *reads my mind*
my mind: (to the tune of yoda’s song in star wars bad lip reading) hm HA hm hm hm HA hm hm HA hm hm hm hm HA hm HA hm hm hm hm hm hm HA
psychic: what the fuck
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