vidszzz · 2 months
In search of Random Attentions of Random People, You lose the Significant Ones.
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vidszzz · 5 months
Crazy, crazy things people expect a lot from you, but wants nobody should expect from them, giving them everything. Unknowingly, life is a tale, set in a dreamscape that mixes memories, fantasies and expectations. Desire or wish of someone being affectionate towards you, doing or showing that you are the sun in my morning and the moon of my night, desire of eyes reminding that you are the only one, which is sporadic. As, people are takers not givers, expects but want no expectations.
That's the whole world my dear, so, reconcile and acquiesce .
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vidszzz · 6 months
Story of a Night -
In a sound sleep, sudden awake with fear in heart, shivering body and thoughts running in mind, noticed heart racing. You know what it is , very well aware of what you are facing but still numb, called 'panic attacks'. How it feels? Where it occurs?
It feels as if you have no control on yourself on your thoughts. You cannot explain anyone what you are going through. Another question does it happen at when you are alone or at particular place, Big Answer "NO" , it doesn't.
On the street.
At the office
At home, even though you are surrounded by your closed ones, people doesn't matter.
No relief.
Story of every day, have to be patience and have to be calm
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vidszzz · 10 months
Global Boiling
Era of Global Warming has ended, Era of Global boiling has arrived. Transitioning towards a more intense period of hot waves , climate related disaster. It's very well said " Climate change is a terrible problem & it absolutely needs to be solves, deserves to be a huge priority". July being the hottest month ever recorded, global temperatures shattering the records. Average global air temperature rising to 17.14°C. Global boiling is the result of dangerous combination of climate. Above average temperature & half of weather cycle that alternates every 3-7 years. Winds fluctuate, changing course of warm water from ocean, eventually bringing more extreme weather in winter & summer. It is a Climate Change and it is Terrifying.
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vidszzz · 11 months
Racing thoughts feeling, having a sense of dread or fearing the worst. Having a feeling like world is speeding up or slowing down..Anxiety feelings.
In depth of Anxiety, it feels as if your world falls apart around you. The heavy feeling of despair prevents from feeling anything else. It feels like crawling out of skin. Loud sounds and skin overstimulates as every brush of clothes on back. Heart palpitating wildly. We can't pretend it's not there, but you can learn to use it to your advantage. Due to the threat of Anxiety we can't hold our goals. We need to analyse our situation, reason behind it. It can be due to any reasons emotional attachment,fear of failure/future, buildup of smaller stressful life situations.
Building up our self-esteem & in turn, learning to express needs and emotions authentically, trying to take challenge and working on things which makes us feel good, facing your fears , practicing self-love, traveling. It might take time to get rid off it but your hard work will build up over time into a life you could never have imagined#learnfromdarkness.
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