vicandcix · 1 month
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We probably don't need to explain it here, but meta already has a reputation for many terrible things.
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vicandcix · 2 months
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People, please be careful. There are also people tracking children and people and putting bids on them based on their profile pictures on whatsapp, tracking and kidnapping them. Especially young children, so please be cautious, especially parents who have their children as their profile pictures.
Please pass this on to everyone so that they are aware of the danger. I don’t how it is all around the world but I know it can’t just be here so please please spread the word. Thank you.
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vicandcix · 2 months
Secret 7th option
The red sauce is the problem. Use white sauce and it's fine
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vicandcix · 2 months
reblog to give warm bread to your mutuals
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vicandcix · 2 months
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vicandcix · 2 months
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Damn @prideknights you outdid yourself, the quality is impeccable! I love the poem and feel it in my soul💌
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vicandcix · 2 months
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vicandcix · 2 months
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i am over whelmed !
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vicandcix · 2 months
VERY IMPORTANT a dam in the Netherlands, the weerdsluis lock, is directly on a migratory path for spawning fish. They have a worker stationed there to open the door for the fish, but they can take a while to open it. So to keep the fish from getting preyed on by birds they installed a doorbell. Only, the fish don't have hands to ring the doorbell. If you go to their website, they have a LIVE CAMERA AND A DOORBELL that YOU RING FOR THE FISH when they're waiting, and then the dam worker opens the door for them! I can't express how obsessed I am with this. look at this shit. oh my god.
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Please check on the fish doorbell once in a while :)
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vicandcix · 2 months
Please tell me in the tags who's in the pfps and what you picked! If it's the same person/character think of one as a clone. What would they do to themselves?
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vicandcix · 2 months
Our friends/colleagues told us that action (other than smut) in text was a strong point and we've since seen how rare it can be. Our most actiony one is free btw, if you have a kindle app and can access the US Amazon.
op on the version of this I saw has turned off reblogs while posting lots of frustrated messages about how they don't care about people's actual responses. I'm adding some things they didn't think of.
I care about y'all's actual responses.
I wanna hear all about your writing in the tags. do tell.
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vicandcix · 2 months
You happened to post this one on our birthday :) :)
Thank you!! Here, have more little guys (zoom in recommended)
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req'd by @vicandcix
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text: POTATOES!!
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vicandcix · 2 months
Oh, we found a little guys from a market over the weekend. It's almost potato color
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req'd by @vicandcix
text: Die Potato! NOOO!!
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vicandcix · 2 months
I am Aromantic but i wanna see how ppl think we are valid
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vicandcix · 2 months
わ〜〜〜い!ありがとう! m(_ _)m
We'll find an art or something to show appreciation. Love it!!!
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req'd by @vicandcix
text: Die Potato! NOOO!!
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vicandcix · 2 months
This month is the one year anniversary of posting my poem “Condolences” to TikTok and Instagram, where it amassed millions of likes and tens of thousands of comments.
Since, people have used the poem for adaptive art pieces, short plays, books, and class work. For your piece of art to be transformed into another…it’s difficult to describe.
After several rejections from poetry publications a decade ago, I decided to post my work online instead. The responses were overwhelming. I realized that an official publication doesn’t make you a poet. Writing poetry does, and bonus points if you manage to resonate with just one other soul who needed to hear what you needed to say.
I was utterly taken aback by the response to this piece. People have asked me many times to explain it, but from the response it was clear that the meaning can be explicated with a little time.
Some people who didn’t understand it until it was explained were angry when it came together. It wasn’t written for them.
I’m only grateful that it reached the people who needed it.
I feel that the imagery is part of the piece, but I know not everyone can or cares to listen to a video. Here is the poem:
They buried a girl in my hometown today.
“A young woman, gone too soon, in the prime of her life,” they all said.
My friends and I all knew her. We grew up together.
We were in all the same classes and hobbies and we made up games together at recess.
But none of us went to her funeral. We weren’t invited, because the people planning it didn’t think we’d understand. They said it wasn’t our loss.
So we got together for drinks. We laughed all morning and played card games all day.
At 4 o’clock, we heard the church bells. We saw that long, sad procession of cars stretch like a creek through town, up the cemetery hill.
We heard strange rumors that night, that the casket was empty. That they put it hollow in the ground.
So we went to the plot first thing in the morning. They buried her empty box next to her dad, down the row from an estranged aunt she never really knew all that well.
There wouldn’t be a stone for months, but the little placard had my name on it. But not the one I go by these days.
“How strange,” we all said. “What a waste of good crying.”
All of this mourning for me, and I was down the street the whole time, laughing and drinking.
But some people will never understand. They’d rather plan a funeral than learn a new name.
My friend said she felt sorry for them, in some small way.
What a sad notion—to lose a son who never died—
and a daughter who never lived.
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vicandcix · 2 months
So, disclaimer, this is our solution, our method, and our own experiences. Due to the amnesia we can't claim to be any sort of expert or otherwise learned individuals. However we have a great deal of experience working in depth with rewiring our own brain and communicating between a purely left brained and entity and a purely right brained entity. We know a thing or two about making the mind find a work around solution.
The goal: reinitiating imagination and creativity in a human mind.
The short answer: find a logical way to value the creative aspects of the human experience.
The long answer (buckle in, write down questions. There is no time limit): creativity can be a skill as much as a talent. Regardless of origin—the process, steps, and method of imagining and creating are sequences of events that can be recreated in a mind that is not accustomed to them.
This may look like a lot of steps at first, but it is what essentially happens inside the mind automatically without some people noticing. It will eventually happen faster and more naturally with practice. You may never feel like you can do it the same as someone else and that's perfectly fine. If anyone could create exactly like another, many of us likely wouldn't bother.
After these steps, further explanation is provided.
Step one is Need. You must be in a condition to where you need to create something. A need generates a gap in the mind, a silhouette that can then be filled. You're already here, otherwise you wouldn't have asked for a cure. Consider the purpose of your questions, the purpose of the cure and the purpose of the having achieved a resolution. Your reasons are valid.
Step two is Question. Questions serve to better define the silhouette of what is being created. What do I need to create? Why do I need to create it? Which value of mine will creating this fulfill? Who do I want to show this to? (It can be nobody or everybody or somebody who is not alive or not real or not living yet) How can it be created? Where might I find similar things that have already been created? When was the last time I drank water? (Always important).
Step three is Find. Searching happens while you are holding questions. Often times, you may come across advice from creatives to go for a walk or do some chores or take a shower if you run into a creative block. As long as you have questions regarding a creative project, the mind will be working to fill in those gaps. You need stimuli in order to have something to fill in from. Stimuli that are not already a part of another creative media are often more easily accepted by the mind as being "valid" or new. "Finding" is assigning pieces to gaps within which they fit. This can happen anywhere and at any time. The subconscious mind is working on it while you're not thinking about it. That's why it is important to carry a note pad around, or have a quick access note app on your phone. (when you think "find" think "define" as if "fine" were a part of the word "find") Finding multiple things to fit into the same piece is perfectly fine as well.
Step four is Choose. Deciding which pieces go where is entirely up to you and also may have nothing to do with your own decision. We want this to sound a bit silly. Many times, creatives will stick something somewhere and only appreciate it later. Also, after you stick the random piece into a spot, you will gain what's called "context". This may seem obvious or sarcastic, but we're being very serious in pointing out the specific word and its usage here. Even if you think you can understand what something will look like if you do it, you must still do it. Your brain needs to see it, needs to have that sensory feedback in order to gain more angles from which to consider things. This is feeding your subconscious mind. Gaining context let's you assign tasks directly to your subconscious by accepting them, considering them, and then thinking about something else. This 👏 is 👏 super 👏important 👏. Because without this context, your brain is unable to move onto a new set of questions. You can't ask if something else would look better unless you can see that the random piece looks terrible. You must see it, you must then ask again, you must then find again, and this may happen many many times. You need to choose so you can ask so you can find so you can choose again. This is also called "play" and it's how leaning begins. Being wrong, creating something ugly, being left with more questions—it should all be fun. If it feels stressful, take a breath, relax your shoulders, fake a smile, giggle at yourself, and look away. Then try again.
This concludes our steps. If there are any obstacles or if there seems to be something missing, please ask us questions and we'll do what we can.
All of this will most likely be exhausting the first time, or couple times, you do it. That's ok. It's because you're having to do it intentionally, which takes effort. Go easy on yourself. Maybe start small and find the first thing that comes instead of waiting for the best thing that comes.
Off the bat, this whole thing can be particularly challenging because creativity is often the least urgent need for a human, especially in the world today. However, it gives us a very clear starting point for removing obstacles. Drink water, eat food, take a shower, clean your living space. Just because creating is not urgent, that doesn't mean it's not important. Creatives, story tellers, artists of all kinds have helped humanity survive in a massive number of ways throughout our history.
A note on Choosing: the purpose of an event or choice is often revealed after it's occurrence, regardless of intent. The purpose, or perhaps more accurately the function, of your questions has thus far been the creation of this answer and potential cure. We have gained context for understanding our own situation and you now have a starting point to try something and to ask more questions. You couldn't have predicted this exact outcome but you chose the question.
A note on Questions: a mind that hasn't asked a question is not ready to receive an answer. This is because in order to fill in a gap in knowledge, that gap must already have a silhouette of what an answer might be. If there is no question, there is no gap, there is no answer. This is why shouting information at people is never a way to effectively inform them of something. It also makes teaching quite difficult in public schools. The students must have an interest from some motivation or another to generate the questions, to generate the need for learning, and too often those motivations aren't great. (speaking from the USA school system)
A note on Needs: self-expression is a need just as necessary as any other. Community is also a need just as necessary as any other. Peer identification mechanisms inside the mind serve to inform us of things such as "I am not a wolf".  Feeling the need to create, to express, is as much a part of the human experience as needing to drink water. We said earlier that creating is not urgent but that was a bit of a lie. Indeed, your life will not be at risk as quickly if you do not create as it would if you do not drink water. However, like we also said earlier, much of human history has depended on creativity. When a crisis happens, it is an urgent need of not only an individual but an urgent need of the community, of humanity, that the story be told. Life is precious and finding ways, finding context for avoiding crisis is of utmost importance. Even drawing a strawberry can help to this end by furthering the knowledge of a nutritious fruit. Drawing speculative biology can provide context for understanding why those creatures are not on Earth right now and why the one we have are. History itself depends on the works of creatives—people who observe and translate their observations into understandable words, images, and sounds. Language. If you find yourself wondering if you truly need to do this, know that by having the question it means that "yes. This needs to be done." Throughout a universe, heck throughout a multiverse, there is only one you where you are when you are. Your frame of reference is utterly unique.
A note on Suspending Disbelief: if this is something truly new, get a friend to help as a safety net. Tell them your plan and let them know your progress. The goal is to pick something to doubt. Something that you believe in or know for certain. Doubt that one thing, try to perceive it as something else. Change an aspect of its definition within your mind. Expand its definition to include something that isn't apparent. Give it a name it didn't have before. Question its existence and give it a new answer. Then come back. It was just a dream. You are still in control.
If you've read this far then it's safe to tell you a secret. Some of the information in this post is meant specifically for your subconscious and unconscious mind to process while you sleep and do other things. The better the brain understands the body, the better it is at controlling and regulating the body. This is most apparent to the conscious mind when taking notice of things like food cravings and routines through journaling. The brain also functions better when it understands itself better. That's why we told you the secret.
This answer is so long because initiating creativity in a mind is actually a huge shift for cognitive processes and we want to try as best we can to do some heavy lifting towards that goal.
This concludes the long answer.
The storytime:
A long time ago, in a galaxy... wait no. That's several movies. This was during chronic amnesia—sometimes we get timelines mixed up.
Anyway, a few (9) years ago we were in a state of emotionlessness. Before we had realized that we were losing memories every day (it's harder to figure out than you might think) we assumed that our problem was that our emotions were too strong because of our environment when we were younger. Devoid of emotions, we still had logical morals and values—valuing life being the most important. We are alive therefore we value life. Simple.
One day we got to thinking about selflessness and how to logically justify it, as well as how to logically identify selfishness. To this end, we resolved to quantify the "self". Through visualized meditation, we got rid of everything that was not "me" by eliminating everything from the visualization that could possibly be defined as "mine". It started simple with things like flowers, cats, and planets. Then whole galaxies until we were the only thing there. But then, such thoughts came as "my arm is mine, it is not me" and we got rid of it. We don't recommend actually doing this next part without close supervision. "My thoughts are mine, they are not me." Well we survived that, just barely, but came out of it with the simple realization that "I am everything that the whole rest of existence is not." Thus we are an integral part of existence and can't not exist. Indeed it is imperative that we continue on. For we are unique and the universe will be changed in its definition entirely if we were to cease, for how can it be defined without a mind with which that definition can be formed? Our universe will shift, will be no longer, and will become defined by so many other minds, but it won't be ours anymore.
To sum up, we are alive therefore we want you to be happy. So please, if there's anything more we can do to that end just let us know.
From one of our published works:
"That reality was absolute, but now this one is, too."
You got this.
Ummm, upon re-reading we have realized that was the wrong story, but we already wrote it so there you go.
Anyway, a year or two before all that happened, we were also neck deep in emotionlessness and logic such that we literally began seeing everything as nothing more than frequencies. Every color, every sound, every behavior, habit, and routine—the were all numbers in our head. There was no imagination, no capacity for meditation or stories, no ability to enjoy things really. We perceived frequencies for things which didn't have measurements attributed to them by recognizing patterns within which they fit. All of our reality was reduced to wave patterns.
Over time, however, we came to appreciate those wave patterns. "Just because it's all numbers, that doesn't mean it's not beautiful." The method of observation is less important than the functional response to that observation. We knew that people experienced love, joy, sadness, and even though we had turned those things off for ourselves, we were able to turn them back on through having a method to observe them. It became a decision, just as logical as any other, to emulate those experiences through mimicry at first and then gradual adaptation.
We no longer have the ability to turn off emotions and creativity and it's because we so deeply value those aspects of life. It doesn't matter if it was a logical choice at first or if we still have the cognitive capacity to do it again—we have so long had a conscious choice of honesty, patience, and valuing life, that it would be a lie if we flipped that switch again.
What we're trying to convey here is that whatever your method of observing your universe is, you can choose to modify your interpretation and frame of reference through habitual choice. Choose every day to question an observation. Choose every day to let go of a belief and see if it comes back. Choose every day to point at a cloud and demand lightning to strike the ground, and believe that it might happen. Let your heart beat a little faster in anticipation. Move your body, manifest your thoughts through actions. Try to remember a time before you knew how everything worked and feel those possibilities before they collapsed into a reality. Those possibilities never really went away, they're still there, just a little off to the side, out of focus, and adjacent to your current frame of reference. The inner child never stops wondering how the world works even if the outer adult knows.
By the way, thank you for asking us to write. We had forgotten about this story.
is anyone else completely incapable of making, having, and using original characters?-or writing stories? is anyone else unable, completely or otherwise, to pretend, imagine, or suspend disbelief? has anyone else naturally defaulted to completely disregarding all stories in games and movies in favor of simply experiencing the stimuli provided by them for their entire lives? do you regret this?
if so.. do you happen to have the cure?
one of you must have the cure. there is like ATLEAST 1000 of you on this tumble app
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