verdin-sands-wof · 2 years
Hey all!
New SandWing only RP - Verdin Sands!
In this RP, you'll be playing a SandWing, with a potentially devious past/present/and future depending on how you play it!
Moved to, or living in the Scorpion Den, fate may bring it's talons into your path, and a story of grandeur, heists, and adventure may await!
Join us in the desert, in Verdin Sands!
Character Rules;
- Must be an Adult or older
- Must be a PURE SandWing
- No Special Powers
Just dm this account with your application!
Please include these things when applying with your character:
Ref pic:
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verdin-sands-wof · 4 years
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From above, the dragons of red, copper and bronze stand.
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To the gorge, the defective eggs will land.
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Beneath sky's land the eggs will lay, and there eternally they will stay.
Eggs containing Skywings of Firescales, dragonets with the grand powers of Animus magic, strange deformities and hybrids a like are thrown deep into the Skywing gorges every so often.
For the Sky Kingdom, this is a ritual of purity, to rid their land of dragons not fitting of a role within the Skywing tribe.
However, rumours are surfacing that the young dragons tossed into the cavernous gorge have been surviving, congregating into a group of dragons ready to overthrow the kingdom from below.
These rumours are true.
You are a Skywing dragon(net) who survived the fall into the gorge with the assistance of a peculiar, fatherly Skywing known simply as Crane. Together with other dragons who have gone through similar circumstances, you live peacefully hidden away from the society of red dragons that would be more than happy to finish the job they started.
But, tensions are growing, and the threat of the dragons above looms closer.
It might be time to fight back against them, and earn your place back on Sky's land.
A thank you to @kulpit for drawing the art above!
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verdin-sands-wof · 4 years
Applications close tomorrow at 11:00 pm EST! Remember to fill out your consent form and follow the character making rules! Dm me with any questions.
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verdin-sands-wof · 4 years
Odile Trials App~
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Name: Frigid "Janus"
Tribe: IceWing
Age: Roughly 19
Pronouns: They/ Them (Or if the Other pops up, her)
Crime: Arson, Murder of a small IceWing village
- Emotional, but mature
- Bag of nerves
- Tends to keep to themselves
- Tends to calm a situation with reason
- Cunning
- Manipulative
- Prone to violent outbursts, either because of anger or just for fun
Other Info: Has an Animus touched necklace, though to be more accurate the beads are Animus touched. One bead allows Frigid to talk telepathically, and lets them have full use of their extra front legs. The second middle bead is made from solid gold and enchanted to never break. The third one allows the calmer personality to have full control of their body. However, due to the time spent frozen this bead has cracked...
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verdin-sands-wof · 4 years
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Thought I'd apply for @odile-trials-wof since my other rps have slowed down considerably! My consent form is here. I'm gonna keep the details of North's backstory to myself for right now, but basically, the queen of his time was a tyrant. North got fed up with her and acted without thinking it through. Ordinarily he would've been executed, but the princess wanted him to suffer, so she manipulated him into challenging her to a Diamond Trial that he couldn't possibly win.
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verdin-sands-wof · 4 years
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Here’s my application for @odile-trials-wof​! Some backstory and my waiver beneath the cut
Keep reading
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verdin-sands-wof · 4 years
Odile Trials Application
1. Read the character making rules and stick to them, https://odile-trials-wof.tumblr.com/post/627176103592771584/character-making-rules
2. You must be 16 years or older. OT will deal with serious and dark topics so you must be old enough to be prepared for that. This is meant for safety so please don’t lie and if you are caught you will be booted from the server.
3. You must have discord since that is where the Rp will take place
4. No stolen or traced art. Please use your own art, a free base, commission, or with artists permission and credits. If you use stolen art you will not be accepted. 
5. Please have a picture of your character and a short backstory. A personality descripter would also be helpful.
6. Do not make your character overpowered, if you have questions about this please ask me
7. You do not need any prior Roleplay experience
8. If you have questions about applications or rules please ask me or dm me under the stories blog @odile-trials-wof​
9. Please apply before Wednesday, September 2nd. Applications will likely open up again sometime in the future.
10. You may submit the application by posting it and @ it to @odile-trials-wof​ and tagging it with #odiletrialsapp. If you aren’t sure if I have seen it DM me @immab33. If you don’t wish to post it to tumblr you may dm me on discord. 
11.You may be reblogged, this isn’t comfirmation that you have been accepted. You will know you have been accepted if you are sent a Discord link after the cutoff date.  12. Please fill out the rp consent form to the best of your ability.
13: There will be no tester week for this rp so be prepared for that.
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verdin-sands-wof · 4 years
Hey there! Would the accused crime be part of the backstory (hidden and revealed later) or do the other participants know about it
Hello! The crime can be revealed later and apart of the backstory if you do so wish! 
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verdin-sands-wof · 4 years
Character making rules!
*Must be an Icewing or an Icewing hybrid
*No fire breath
*Ask about hybrid powers
*age 14 to 18 (dragon years)
*must have committed a crime or was framed for a crime that warrents a diamond trial
*no animus powers
*ask permission for animus objects
*cannot be related to royalty (we have plans for this)
*No stolen or traced art for your ref, bases allowed.
*have a backstory prepared, your character will slowly have to uncover this
*have alternate names in mind
*Have a backup character in mind
Have any questions please ask! Apps opening in a couple of days.
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verdin-sands-wof · 4 years
You have awakened from death, or it almost felt like death. You wake up to the sight of a cave, surrounded by other icewing with similar scars and the same confused face. You try to remember why you are here....you can’t. You even try to remember your name...nothing. A large golden icewing with broken chains at her feet explains that you lost your trial. You have been frozen. She realizes the only reason you aren’t still frozen is because there hasn’t been a Diamond Trial is a thousand years. The failsafe was activated, therefore the criminals have been set free. How could you be a criminal if you can’t even remember if you committed a crime? That doesn’t seem to matter now....the Ice Kingdom has fallen to a frozen fallout. Every dragon to themself. Welcome to the future...your new present.
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verdin-sands-wof · 4 years
(New Wof Roleplay in the works!)
It's a few hundred years in the future. The icewing class system is slowly crumbling and the lowest ranks are rebelling against the royal family. This leads to a tragic fire during a royal ball, killing everyone in the royal family except Queen Odile. In reality, her granddaughter Odette survives, though no one knows where she could have possibly went. Queen Odile (an animus) in her grief strengthens the curse on the great ice wall making it impossible for anyone to escape or enter the ice kingdom. She shuts herself away from her subjects and the icewing kingdom slowly crumbles without any sort of leadership. The Ice Kingdom slowly becomes a shadow of what it once was as the class system dismantles and the climate becomes colder by the day. What will it look like in a thousand years?
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verdin-sands-wof · 4 years
Hey guys! I’m here with an idea for all my fellow wings of fire roleplayers or people interested!
welcome to the vibe house! here you can advertise rp’s, post your art, and just have an all round good time! Here’s the link! https://discord.gg/MmctRC if something goes wrong with the invite please dm me!
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verdin-sands-wof · 4 years
Applications are open!
Applications for Hidden Wings are now open from 8-14-20 to 8-21-20!
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The rules for the server are as follows- 1-be nice out of character. Remember a persons character often does not reflect them.
2-if unsure about something, ask an admin. Listen to them.
3-no nsfw
4-bring any suggestions or problems you have to the admins, and we’ll work it out.
5-be respectful of other peoples head cannons and such, no hating on them.
6-if anyone asks you to stop doing something because their upset or uncomfortable listen to them.
7-when preforming an action requiring skill, attacking, taking damage, or similar roll a d20
8-this will be 14+
9-swearing is allowed, but keep it mild. Nothing above an f word please. Character making guidelines are as followers- Hybrids are also allowed, and encouraged due to the lore. However not required! Sadly, tribes from Pantala will not be allowed. Characters can be anywhere from 4 to 12 years old. Talk through powers with me if your unsure, but their fine as long as their limited! For example a night hybrid with mind reading and future vision, but no power from their other tribe is fine! And if you wanna mix tribe powers, that’s okay as long as it’s not op. For example a rain-sea who has glow scales and can change their scales but no venom, gills, or webbing would be fine.
No royalty, we already have plans for that.
No animus either, sorry.
If you have any more questions let me know! just dm, or you can question through asks.
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verdin-sands-wof · 4 years
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find out who your REAL friends are by asking them to join a cult with you
@dawning-rain-wof​ stuff
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verdin-sands-wof · 4 years
Applications are open!
Same rules apply! please refer to https://dawning-rain-wof.tumblr.com/post/621766206493458432/please-read-the-character-making-rules-and-the 
Applications will close again on Friday, July 31st at 11 pm EST! 
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verdin-sands-wof · 4 years
sorry if this is annoying at all, but you made a post a while back saying applications were closed but now they’re open again? im sorry, i just got confused and i want to know if it’s too late to join
Its not too late! Apps are open again for the second time.
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verdin-sands-wof · 4 years
Applications are open!
Same rules apply! please refer to https://dawning-rain-wof.tumblr.com/post/621766206493458432/please-read-the-character-making-rules-and-the 
Applications will close again on Friday, July 31st at 11 pm EST! 
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