Final Fantasy X and X-2 "remastered"
I saw one of red dragon's the other day about remasters about how, on the ps4 at least, they were more ports than an actually remaster. And at least for FFX that seemed to be the case. Everything had the ps2 graphics and animations. I mean, they can't even fix that awful lip sync? Remember, this a remaster. I'm no programmer but they could at least take a portion of the budget used for the music arrangements and add it to animation. Is it a fun game to play and relive part of my childhood? Yes it is. Is it worthy of the rank of "Remastered"? No, it's a port. At least you get a few games in one so, that's something right?
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Payday 2 PS4 version: Rethink bank robberies
So I rented Payday for the ps4 and thank god I did. I had visions of a quick bank robberies (the "get in, get out" I keep hearing) but it's just too slow. The lock picking, the looting, the drilling (oh god the drilling), it's all too slow. And the fact that the city can send a small army to stop 4 robbers seems a bit out of proportion. Also get in a few high level games and you get to level 50 in a few nights and ruins the pacing of the system. I mean now 80% of the missions are pointless because the cash is tiny compared to the latter missions, if you can get in one by yourself. So it was underwhelming. One last thing, why can't I buy my attachments out of the gate? I don't need to rob banks, steal from armored trucks, loot the biggest depository in the game and piss off drug lords just to have a chance to put a silencer on my pistol.
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Black Ops 3 Beta impressions
Man Call of Duty sure has changed. I think it was built with people who played advance warfare in mind (for the record I didn't). My days of MW2 don't really help when everyone is zooming around like fish up a fish ladder. Overall I had fun with it, I'm not a good as I used to be but it was still fun.
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Working as “just” a dish washer
Today I had my first job as a dish washer for a small restaurant. It was only for one night and I thought “You know, I am sure that anyone can wash dishes”. I agreed and drove over there. The restaurant it’self was a pretty secluded place, a little place in the forest. But anyway, to the interesting part. This place was understaffed as I could say that I was unofficially promoted to junior waiter.I clean, collected, and served at some points. I was just exhausted at the end of the day. I did not get a shred of break time and I was pretty much sweating the entire time. Was it worth the 12.50 an hour? Call me pretentious but no, it’s not. Not my cup of tea.
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League of Legends
Well, I got back into the game. The difficulty curve is still there but that’s to be expected. I can find a lot of guides online but that makes me wonder, people must had put days at a time into this game to even write these guides. There is also an unreasonable expectation of every player perfectly understanding the meta game which I find ludicrous. I mean I still figuring out who the champions are, much less memorize their match ups.  
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Lindsey Stirling. If you mixed a violin with dubstep and add an upbeat rhythm to it, this is what you would get. Most of her songs are lyric less, but her most recent album has lyrics if you are looking for something like that.
hi can anyone suggest me some music to listen to? im not feeling all that great & i’d like some feel good music or something to listen to while i do some work before i decide to call it a day.
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Well now I'm curious what happened to the first life
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Gamer gurl
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Because, copyright
types of blogs that staff could be cracking down on
pedophilic blogs
porn blogs that harass women
adults who harass trans teenagers
adults who harass gay teenagers
adults who harass bisexual teenagers
adults who harass mentally ill teenagers
hate filled blogs
hardcore neonazi blogs
blog types tumblr IS cracking down on
teenagers who gif things they like
teenagers who post audio posts
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Good thing the circle's there, I would had missed it otherwise 
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Human Traffic - Bar Scene I now have some intensive to watch this movie
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I guess they had a pretty set idea for Nowi, Tharja on the other hand
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awakening ladies + concept art
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You either die a colony or exist long enough to become a super power
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Needs more Illuminati
i’m a film student
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German photographer Julia Christe's hilarious Freestyle Series captures the motion of various types of dogs as they leap through the air.
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Wow. Very Wifi Much Hero
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The power of the internet ladies and gentlemen
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Found you and your work ;)
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On the internet, no one knows you're a doge
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