vamspiders-blog · 5 years
Busting Schizophrenia Myths!
“Aren’t schizophrenic people dangerous-” No. Violence towards other people isn’t a symptom of schizophrenia, nor is it common in schizophrenic people. That’s not to say that no one with schizophrenia has ever been violent because of their psychosis, but it isn’t a symptom of or in the diagnostic criteria for the illness, and schizophrenic people in general are no more likely to be violent than anyone else.
“Isn’t that when you have multiple personalities-” No. Schizophrenia isn’t about having multiple personalities - that’s called Dissociative Identity Disorder and is a completely different mental illness. Schizophrenic people might hear one or more voices in their heads and may feel like their actions or thoughts are being controlled by other people/outside forces, but this isn’t the same as having several personalities as it’s always the schizophrenic persons own personality which reacts to these distressing experiences.
“Isn’t schizophrenia when you’re psychotic like when you hear voices and stuff-” Yes, but schizophrenia isn’t “just” about experiencing psychosis (hallucinations, disorganized thinking/speech/behavior and delusions), it also consists of what’s called negative symptoms (lack of energy, lack of motivation, social isolation, lacking or inappropriate emotional responses, lack of ability to feel pleasure) and cognitive symptoms (impaired memory, impaired concentration, learning difficulties, executive dysfunction and impaired working memory). Schizophrenia is a complex mental illness and psychosis is only 1/3 of what schizophrenic people struggle with.
“You can’t recover from schizophrenia, right-” Not true. 25% of the people diagnosed with schizophrenia are symptom free within 5-10 years of being diagnosed with the illness and up to 80% improve with ongoing treatment and support. Schizophrenia isn’t necessarily a life sentence, and while you can’t EXPECT to recover from schizophrenia and while there’s no known cure, recovery is possible for many people with the right treatment.
“Shouldn’t schizophrenic people be locked up-” No. Schizophrenic people are people just like everyone else, and we have the right to the same human rights and the same freedom as other people. We might need to be hospitalized for our own safety sometimes, but we have as much of a right to be a part of and interact with society as everyone else.
“Real schizophrenic people don’t know they’re sick, right-” Some don’t, but at least 45% of schizophrenics are aware that they’re suffering from schizophrenia, so a person being aware that they’re schizophrenic and having insight into their illness/knowing that what they’re experiencing isn’t real or normal isn’t a sign that they aren’t really sick.
“What if schizophrenic people just have special powers-” I’m not going to deny you your right to your spiritual beliefs, but I’m going to insist that you don’t force them onto me or any other schizophrenic person. Just like I’m not gonna show up at a Christians door saying that God isn’t real just because I’m an atheist, you don’t get to tell a schizophrenic person that they can see into other dimensions or talk to spirits. You risk triggering or worsening our illness by sharing your spiritual or religious speculations, so don’t bring them up. Ever.
“Aren’t schizophrenic people dangerous if they don’t take their meds-” No. Anti psychotic meds are heavy medication that impacts your life in many ways, and taking them should always be a free choice. Some people would rather live with their psychosis than take anti psychotic medication, and this doesn’t automatically make them a danger to anyone.
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vamspiders-blog · 5 years
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untitled comic!!
Written and sketched by Alex
Drawn by Sidney
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vamspiders-blog · 5 years
Y'all: IRON DAD!!1!
Me, an intellectual: Aunt May!
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vamspiders-blog · 5 years
Mcu tony can die in a dumpster fire...
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vamspiders-blog · 5 years
Hey, here’s the mini-documentary I made about stimming! 
This actually turned out a lot better than I thought it would. Right now it’s unlisted because I don’t plan to publicize it until April, but I thought I’d share it with you guys because I’m proud and I need to show it off.
LOUD NOISE WARNING: there are a couple bits to signify what sensory overload feels like and they’re super loud. The time stamps are at the beginning, but if tracking the time makes you anxious you can just watch it on mute, there’s no important audio just music.
I like making videos a lot. One day I shall make so many. Also here’s my YouTube channel.
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vamspiders-blog · 5 years
when i say I’m anti Tony Stark, let me b clear I am anti mcu capitalistic, sexist, entitled, manipulative & mean spirited, government shagging, war profiteer tony stark
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vamspiders-blog · 5 years
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me doing anything on masc days
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vamspiders-blog · 5 years
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vamspiders-blog · 5 years
Undiagnosed autism/adhd experience: people called you spacey & thought you were high all the time
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vamspiders-blog · 5 years
Why is Romeo and Juliet misunderstood?
the tragedy of it isn’t that it’s a romance and they’re starcrossed lovers or whatever, it’s that children kill themselves because they hate the world they live in that much. plays and movies and stuff usually have much older actors play them (that’s how you automatically know the people making it don’t understand the play), but romeo and juliet are only like 13-15 years old
when the play opens, verona’s in the middle of a blood feud between these two families that’s been going on so long they don’t even know why they’re fighting anymore, they just blindly hate each other and are willing to kill just because their parents are like “yeah, those people? we hate them.” people are always like “romeo and juliet are so stupid, they got all these people killed” but like. no, the feud between the families started way before either of them were even born. people were already dying all the time because of this nonsense feud, nothing changed when these two kids started sneaking around together
when romeo is introduced he’s completely in love with some other girl, rosaline. he’s talking about her the way he later talks about juliet. that’s the whole point: he’s a dumb innocent kid in love with every girl he sees, not at all concerned about the blood feud and hatred his parents and older friends are so preoccupied with. part of the importance of romeo and juliet being so young is that ~the world hasn’t corrupted them yet~
in the end, they both kill themselves because 1) they are literal children making rash decisions, but also 2) they see each other as the only good thing in the world, a world where people kill each other in the streets and don’t even know why. that is why the play’s classified as a tragedy, not a romance
after they’re dead, the two families come together and are like “ok wow holy shit why are we like this” and the deaths of these two children are what end the feud. for generations, a whole lot of people died because of this ignorant hatred and it all only fueled the conflict. like “we don’t know why they hate us or we hate them, but they killed x person so let’s go kill y person” back and forth forever. then, two children die for love (not necessarily what we define as romantic love, though romeo and juliet saw themselves as that) and that is what ends all the bloodshed. the deaths of innocents made the adults look at themselves in horror and wonder why and how they let this happen and realize they were the reason
if shakespeare intended for it to be about an actual romance (the way it is commonly interpreted), then the main characters would’ve been adults like in all his other stuff. the feud wouldn’t be as important or even mentioned after setting up the story. the tragedy is, as stated above, that children kill themselves because their world is so hateful and they saw no other options
i would say that i’m surprised society fetishizes pre-teens killing themselves and takes a story about the damage blind hatred has on young people and turns into a mindless romance, but.
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vamspiders-blog · 5 years
I cant believe Dimentio is in DeltaRune
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vamspiders-blog · 5 years
I love ancient religions because often, in the source material, the death and death-adjacent deities are like chill as fuck.
My favorite example is Hades. He gets the Underworld mostly because his younger brothers put their fingers on their noses and said “not it.” So like a good big-bro he goes down there and proceeds to basically be the god of bureaucracy.
He gets everything set up so he doesn’t actually have to do anything. Thanatos is the God of Death (also chill as fuck) and he’s the one who ends lives (but only off the shopping list the Fates give him), Hermes’ psychopomps are the ones who bring the souls down, it’s three dead guys who are the ones to judge your soul, and the fearsome three-headed guard dog… Hades named him Spot.
All the shitty stuff that goes on in Tartarus (Hell), yeah, that’s mostly Zeus’ doing. Hades doesn’t come up with the punishments, just provides the acreage. And when gods come down and want to bring people back to life (often after some god has gotten them killed), Hades is like “nah man, paperwork is finished, transfer’s complete, let them have their rest, find someone else to be your punching bag.”
As for the whole Persephone thing, that is a strange one. I’m like 85% sure the story is mostly Demeter propaganda because that goddess is not chill as fuck. I mean, I guess Hades could have kidnapped Persephone with serious malicious intent, but then did a 180 after realizing he was being a total d-bag. Because, seriously, he pretty much lets Persephone take over everything. Like, everyone knew who wore the pants in the Underworld, the motherfucking Iron Queen herself.
And as much as I love Hades in the Hercules animated movie because of the perfect comedic timing of James actually-a-horrible-human-being Woods, yeah, Hades couldn’t give a crap about what everyone else was doing. He often stayed neutral in wars, be it between mortals or gods, mostly because death does not discriminate, all souls end up with him in the end.
When it comes to the Underworld, Hades is basically the equivalent of the general manager who pokes his head in now and again to make sure nothing is on fire. The rest of the time he’s playing with his shiny rocks because being Lord of the Underworld meant he also had domain over gold, silver, gemstones, basically all the pretties.
Hell, Hades needs an actual Helm of Fear in order to be intimidating because otherwise, yeah, nope. I like to think of him as Skinny!Steve whist his brothers are like, well, Jason Momoa’s Aquaman (aka Poseidon). Let’s face it, Momoa could kick your ass just by looking at you sideways and may actually be a demi-god.
So, please, if you’re writing Hades in anything, don’t make him out to be the modern idea of Satan or Lucifer. He’s really just an introvert with high functioning organizational skills who loves rocks and women who can kick his ass.
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vamspiders-blog · 5 years
Drawing trans men with curves or not binding:
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Drawing trans men with exaggerated breasts, tiny waists and other fetishy things:
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vamspiders-blog · 5 years
welcome to no gender november
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vamspiders-blog · 5 years
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Ok these posts lined up perfectly and I just can’t
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vamspiders-blog · 5 years
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The 90s Nostalgia Series | Instagram | Twitter Buy them on t-shirts too!
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vamspiders-blog · 5 years
hey trans friends
if you need binders/breast forms/makeup/etc but don’t want your parents to know, now is the best time to get it. 
you can order whatever it is online and when the package comes in if the ask what it is you can say something like “it’s a secret!” or even just sssh them. they’ll assume it’s a present for whatever holiday you celebrate and probably won’t press the issue.
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