utopia842 · 2 years
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utopia842 · 2 years
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utopia842 · 2 years
« للتذكير: أنتَ عندما تنتصر للنبي صلَّ الله عليه وسلم وتغار على دينك؛ أنت تخدم نفسك..
النبي في رعاية ربه الذي رفع ذكره رغمًا عن كل مبغضيه...إنَّما أنتَ الذي تستفيد بإحياء قلبك..
فالذي لا يعظم دينه ونبيه قلبه ميت، والذي قلبه ميت معيشته ضنك، وحياته سخيفة، ونفسه محتقرة حتى أمام نفسه.
وكما قال ابن القيم: (فإن القلب كلما كانت حياته أتمّ، كان غضبه لله ورسوله أقوى، وانتصاره للدين أكمل).»
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utopia842 · 2 years
‏الدفاع عن عرض النبي ﷺ شرف, لا يناله منافق !!
اجعلها شعارك:
لئن فاتني شرف صحبته ﷺ، فلن يفوتني شرف نصرته !!
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utopia842 · 2 years
Are the words of Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of India, & Nupur Sharma, about the marriage of the Prophet true…?
There’s a rumour going around about the Prophet Muhammad, [He is the Prophet of the Muslims].
They say he married Aisha when she was 6 years old & that this is a violation of childhood & rape, but hey! Is this true? Or is it just a conspiracy again Islam and distortion of the image of Islam and the Prophet Muhammad?
Let’s see together the answer to this doubt:
The Prophet Muhammad proposed to Aishah, who is the daughter of his best friend, Abu Bakr, (who supported him and helped him a lot with his message) because Khawalah bint Al-Hakim, suggested that The Prophet Muhammad marries her for this reason, because she believed that Aishah was suitable for marriage and because his other wife, Khadijah, had passed away.
1) The Prophet asked for her hand and the marriage contract took place, BUT he waited for her while she was in her family’s house for 3 years, and he did absolutely nothing with her until she grew up and became 9 years old, only then did they do what usually happens between married couples.
Well, now we have clarified the first fact, that marriage in the sense of sexual intercourse took place at the age of 9, not 6.
But many may object that even a 9-year-old is not suitable for marriage. Is this true? Let’s see together.
2) The Prophet wasn’t the first to betrothed to her, as Jubayr bin Mut’im proposed to her before him, and that was for an important reason, because no one would propose to her before him except that she was fully mature and feminine, or the signs of puberty had appeared.
It is medically known that puberty in hot regions is faster than in less hot regions. Puberty in girls in hot regions reach 8 or 9 years.
2) As Dr. Duchni, an American physician, says:
“A white girl in America may hit puberty at seven or eight, and a girl of African origin at six. It is also medically proven that the first menstruation known as (menarche) falls between the age of nine and fifteen.”
3) Marriage to a young girl at their time was common because of their rapid maturity and puberty.
4 The polytheists and the enemies of the Prophet Muhammad, look for anything against the Messenger in order to attack him with it.
If his marriage to Aishah when she was young was a mistake, they would’ve taken advantage of this and used it to attack him and insult him, but none of the polytheists and enemies condemned that! Because this was a very common & a natural concept for them, to marry whilst young, due to the physical fitness of women & their early puberty.
5) The more important thing here to view, is Aishah’s opinion of this marriage. Did she hate it? Was she harmed? Of course not! Rather, she was very happy and content with her marriage to the noble man Muhammad, peace be upon him, who was kind to her and loved her dearly, served her, sympathised with her, played with her, respected her.
Add to that, She was very sad at his death. If she had been harmed by the marriage psychologically or physically, would she have loved him!? Or mourn his death!? Or miss him and be jealous of him!? Think with your mind!!
6) The Prophet died when Aisha was 18 years old, and the best years of her life were the ones spent with the Messenger.
She remained until she died at the age of 66. She didn’t mention the Prophet badly after his death, so that no one could claim the she might’ve been afraid of the Prophet, or his companions.
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utopia842 · 2 years
بِسْمِ اللَّـهِ الرَّحْمَـٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ
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