user2947292649 · 1 year
I collaborated with another class mate, Jack, to make this animation.
I’m not really too sure how to feel about this animation but I’m kinda new to motion and all that so I don’t know whether it’s just because I don’t know what I’m doing much
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user2947292649 · 1 year
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Do I even need to express my opinion of this information post?
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user2947292649 · 1 year
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I spent the morning experimenting with the riso printing. I like the outcomes that I have created and I enjoyed the collage process. This is definitely something I will be looking more at for future projects.
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user2947292649 · 2 years
Secondary research:
Climate change
It refers to the long-term shifts in temperature and weather patterns mainly due to the increase of fossil fuel use and major corporations pumping Co2 into the atmosphere. The UN suggests that the concentration of greenhouse gasses are at an all time high in the past 2 million years. This has resulted in a 1.1°C increase to the temperature since 1800. If this increases at the rate that it does then the impact it will have on the world will be more than just a warmer summer. Ice caps will melt and many habitats will be destroyed as a result of the rising sea levels as the water needs to go somewhere.
This information was taken from the United Nations website:
I personally feel like this is an effective social campaign because it is very straight forward and no nonsense. The graphic design for this page however is very minimalistic which as a design perspective, isn’t very exciting but it’s not made for a designers point of view, it’s made to inform the people on climate change
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user2947292649 · 2 years
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I have spent the day researching DixonBaxi. I started to look into who I could take inspiration from for the brief at the start of this module but I struggled to find peoples work who could directly link to my work. The reason why I’m posting about them is because I really like the way their page is type set and it just makes it easy for me to read. Not only that but their designs stand out and are very unique to me which is another bonus. I will definitely be referring to their website again for my campaign.
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user2947292649 · 2 years
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More images of London
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user2947292649 · 2 years
More of Outernet London
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user2947292649 · 2 years
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Visiting London for the day.
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user2947292649 · 2 years
Stop motion of my chosen word
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user2947292649 · 2 years
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Using motion for typography, I have enjoyed looking at all the different ways people have used motion with their work, whether it’s something I look into in the future is up to whether I can find a use for it.
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user2947292649 · 2 years
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Collaborating with Ben, a photography student, to design a magazine cover style piece of work. Photography is definitely something I would like to use in my work in the future, however this project is would not have much use for me at this point in time.
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user2947292649 · 2 years
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Experimenting with colour, I really enjoyed seeing everyone’s work together all in one place. Felt like it brought the whole project together.
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user2947292649 · 2 years
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My day out observing typography
I really enjoyed going out and observing the different types of things that Birmingham has to offer and i took many pictures. One thing I realised as I was coming to an end of my little adventure was that the majority of the typography i was looking at was down on my phone and was actually in the album covers of songs I was listening to. Some were better than others, for example the cover “Love Will Get You There” by Inhaler is a really well thought through design and is very visually pleasing in terms of typography, where as “Different Gear, Still Speeding” by Beady Eye is a bit all over the place and isn’t really pleasing in terms of typography. I do however think it’s kinda cool how they have a toddler riding an alligator.
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