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[ sympathizer! ]
The brunette quickly covered her mouth from laughing. Oh lord, if she was taking a sip out of a drink, everything would have been spluttered over her desk. What the hell? How in the world does he find these weird looking emojis? Doesn’t he know that these kind of things were bad for her heart, especially since she’ still in the office? Sighing, Ichika stood up. 
She knows how long his superior usually take to lecture Saeki so Ichika figured it was probably best to change clothes. 
20 minutes later
Finally out of her uniform, the brunette began to adjust her mufflered and using a pin to keep it from falling apart. It was quite suffocating at times to keep wearing it but luckily it was winter and Ichika can continue using the excuse of being cold to wear it and hide the collar. Sitting at her desk, Ichika began to organized her pens in a rainbow from red to orange and etc. 
‘How did I managed to collect this many pens again?’
Just as she was about to get lost in thoughts about her pens, Saeki finally managed to show up from the evil clutches of his superior. His superior was a nice guy but his lectures tend to go on longer than people would like them to be.
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“Haha…Saeki-kun, I feel like every time we go out, you’re always starving. Are you just starving each day, hoping and waiting for me to pick up the bill for you?” It was a jest but sometimes Ichika felt like Saeki was doing this on purpose so she would feel guilty to feed a hungry soul. But she wasn’t his parent, he needs to feed himself and not drink himself silly. Shaking her head, Ichika stood up walked passed her good friend. 
It would be boring to just go to their usual pub. It wasn’t like Ichika didn’t have money to spare on drinking but she felt like changing the pace up. Maybe she should cook Saeki dinner and drink at his house, she figured that his fridge is filled with nothing but beer. 
> Choice A: Go to the Pub Choice B: Go to Saeki’s house > click on Choice A
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“To our usual place, Saeki-kun.” It was best to stick to public places incase something happens. You never know what will happen. “Oh but keep your drinking down, your bladder won’t be able to handle it.” How blunt. Dinner first and then maybe they can drink.
"you caught me! how did you know?" he played along with her jest, completely feigning ignorance on the hidden accusation behind the statement. she wasn't necessarily wrong there --- perhaps he has gotten used to her kindness in splitting meals and bills in half. that, and it wasn't a secret he had a drinking problem when he was in his 'saeki' persona.
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"i just can't help myself. the booze at the bar never gets old!" an obvious excuse, but it wasn't like he was lying when he defended himself, "besides, you totally like taking care of me, don't you~~?" a sly grin formed on his face with narrowed eyes, saeki wiggling a eyebrow for dramatic effect. obviously he was joking. probably.
"h-hey!! i was just kidding! don't leave me behind!" he observed her leaving, his eyes widening childishly as he hurried to match her pace, walking side by side with her.  he glanced over at her with inquisitive eye when she didn't respond right away --- did he hit a sore spot? usually when they did silly antics such as this together she never outright showed signs of disdain. perhaps she was considering where to eat for dinner? it was as if she read his thoughts as she confirmed their location, saeki letting out a small chuckle. worrying for no reason. how unbecoming of him. if only rei could see him now,
"to the usual place! i'm glad you got good taste, hoshino. this is why i like you---" his voice cut off as he heard her jab, hand clenching his heart -- more like his dress shirt -- as he showed obvious signs of being 'insulted', obviously he wasn't, but playing theatrics was something he's grown accustomed to doing while acting as the persona of her police academy friend,
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"HEY! i object to that! i'll have you know i have a very strong, reliable bladder! you can be really mean sometimes, y'know? you're breaking my heart, here. just for that, you owe me two drinks. drinking is the best medicine for a broken heart according to the experts... probably." it was rather obvious he was making this up as they went, unconsciously directing her to the location of the bar as they bickered under the city nights. this has become such a regular routine for the two of them. old habits died hard,
"anyway, i'm in the mood for some fried chicken. fried chicken and beer is the best combo. don't let those crooks tell you otherwise, they have no idea what they’re talking about."
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[ sympathizer! ]
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“I want twenty.”
"now, now, hoshino, let's not get hasty --- drinking too much is bad for your health, after all--" please don't make me wash dishes on your birthday
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BOLD all that applies to your muse! 
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repost  /  don’t reblog tagged by: stolen from star lel tagging: none of ya’ll do it if u wanna
• eyes: blue | green | brown | hazel | gray | gray-blue | other (i don’t fucking know it changes in like every official art or smth) • hair:  blonde | sandy | brown | black | auburn | ginger | grey / white | multi-color | other • body type: skinny | slender | slim | built | curvy | athletic | muscular | chubby | overweight • skin: pale | light | fair | freckled | tan | olive | medium | dark | discolored • gender: male | female | trans | cis | agender | demigender | genderfluid | other | doesn’t like labels • sexuality: heterosexual | homosexual | bisexual | pansexual | asexual | demisexual | other | doesn’t like labels • romantic orientation: homoromantic | heteroromantic | biromantic | panromantic | aromantic | demiromantic | unsure | doesn’t like labels • species: human | undead | shapeshifter | demon | angel | witch | ghost | incubus / succubus | werewolf | alien | mutant | other • education: high school | college | university | master’s degree | PhD | other • i’ve been: in love | hurt | ill | mentally abused | bullied | physically abused | tortured | brainwashed | shot • positive traits: affectionate | adventurous | athletic | brave | careful | charming | confident | creative | cunning | determined | forgiving | generous | honest | humorous | intelligent | loyal | modest | patient | selfless | polite | down-to-earth | diligent | romantic | moral | fun-loving | attractive | charismatic | calm • negative traits: aggressive | bossy | cynical | envious | shy | fearful | greedy | gullible | jealous | impatient | impulsive | cocky | reckless | insecure | irresponsible | mistrustful | paranoid | possessive | sarcastic | self conscious | selfish | swears | unstable | clumsy | rebellious  | emotional | vengeful | anxious| self sabotaging | moody | peevish | angry | pessimistic | slacker | thin skinned | overly dramatic | argumentative • living situation: lives alone | lives with parent(s) / guardian | lives with significant other | lives with a friend | drifter | homeless | lives with children | depends on verse • parents/guardian: mom(dead) | dad | adoptive | foster | grandmother | grandfather | sibling(s)  sister(s) (half)brother(s)  | none  • relationship: single | crushing | dating | engaged | married | separated | it’s complicated | depends on verse • i have a(n): learning disorder | personality disorder | mental disorder | anxiety disorder | sleep disorder | eating disorder | behavioral disorder | substance related disorder | PTSD | mental disability | physical disability • things i’ve done before: had alcohol | smoked | stolen | done drugs | self harmed | starved | had sex | had a threesome | had a one night stand | gotten into a fist fight | gone to the hospital | gone to jail | used a fake id | played hookie | gone to a rave | killed someone | had someone try to kill them
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Decipher me, my love, or I will be forced to destroy you.
Clarice Lispector, from The Book of Delights; “The Beginning of Spring,” (via writemeanna)
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[ sympathizer! ]
@urpoliceacademyonenightstand​ (hey boy it’s that one fake route you always wanted)
In the end, Ichika decided to investigate X-Days. After all, the collar told her to but also Ichika herself wanted to know the truth about the X-Day crimes. Who put this collar on her and why do they believe that she was their Sympathizer? It was all too much and there wasn’t much time left but Yanagi and the others assured her that even if they have less than month till X-Day actually happening, Ichika shouldn’t be rushing. As the old saying goes, slow and steady wins the race. She decided to team up with Yanagi and investigate what she can about Adonis, their goals, their intentions, and most importantly, their justice. 
Progress was going smoothly but Ichika felt like she was in a rut. Perhaps a detour was needed. She’s been working nonstop with the investigation, running around from one crime scene to another, and then answering calls for SCPRO, she was pretty tuckered out. 
Sitting at her desk in the office, Ichika just stared blankly at her monitor. It was time to go home but she didn’t really feel like going home just yet. She wanted to hang out with somebody and she just can’t ask Yanagi if he wanted to eat dinner with her and drink. Sure, they were partners but they barely even knew each other, so there was really only one person that the brunette can rely on during these situations. Hopefully he was available. 
🍀 L E A F From Hoshino Ichika: Saeki-kun, are you free tonight? Let’s have dinner together!(◡‿◡✿)
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Ichika couldn’t help but smile when she sent her old academy mate a text. She doesn’t know why but Saeki’s presence in her life was extremely calming. Was it because they knew each other for a few years or was it that he never changed? Regardless, Saeki was one of those few people that can easily put a smile on Ichika’s face. 
the day has been as busy as expected for police box duty --- not that saeki cared about his occupation deep down, only initially wanting to join the police for his own personal reasons. with x-day crimes happening more frequently, it was inevitable that his work load in the force would increase considering all the phone calls the SCPRO had to deal with.
the thought amused him.
regardless, a part of him pondered what to do tonight. surely he could check in with the executioners, but with everything going according to plan he could spare a few more hours as his 'civilian/police force' persona. the days where he'd no longer be able to do this, regardless of the outcome of x-day, were steadily approaching. it wouldn't harm his cause by taking advantage of the last month of freedom he's granted.
a part of him fancied the thought of using ichika to have some plans, but the sound of his LEAF jingle escaping his phone greeted saeki's ears, the man glancing to the side to see if his supervisor was paying any attention. clear.
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ah, it was hoshino. a mere coincidence, but that saved him the trouble by inquiring himself.
[ 🍀 L E A F ]
Saeki Yuzuru:
hoshino! u have the best timing did i ever tell u that? lol
[ 🍀 L E A F ]
Saeki Yuzuru:
i'm about 2 b off in like 15 mins girl u bet i want some dinner i'm so hungryyyyyyyyyyyyyyy (◉۝◉)
[ 🍀 L E A F ]
Saeki Yuzuru:
we're splitting the bill like always right i kinda mayb spent some spare cash on alcohol the other day i feel like i have more dust bunnies than actual ¥¥¥ in my wallet right now
he wasn't necessarily lying when he said that --- of his personal funds he's received from the police force, the majority of it was spent on booze. one of his favorite aspects of hoshino was her willingness to split the bill --- food and beer included --- with him.
he was about to text more to her, but from the corner of his eye he noticed his supervisor staring at him with narrowed eyes. oops. busted. he gave a sheepish laugh as he comically cleared his throat, quickly typing a final response to hoshino.
[ 🍀 L E A F ]
Saeki Yuzuru:
oh snap my boss caught me on my phone and is givin me da evil eye lololol i should go. r u at SCPRO's office atm? i'll pick u up when i'm free from his evil clutches ( ̄ω ̄)
with that, as soon as he was off duty he jogged towards the direction of SCPRO's office --- aside from closely working alongside the crew there, all of them grew accustomed to seeing saeki visit hoshino there. today was no exception if the telling eyes glancing briefly at his way was any indication. not that he minded --- office gossip was meaningless in the grand scheme of things.
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as soon as he spotted hoshino, he gave her his signature smile and wave she's familiar with,
"yo! ready to go? i can't wait to finally get some grub~~~you won’t believe the noises my stomach’s been doing!"
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It’s four a.m. and you can still taste the alcohol from hours ago. You aren’t dizzy but you know you can’t walk. You don’t trust yourself enough to. Everyone is gone and you’re left alone on the floor, wondering where the dried tears on your cheeks came from. There’s an empty Jack Daniels bottle lying beside you. The amber whiskey that remains inside wells up in the corner, unreachable without assistance. You remember opening it, but that’s all. The night is a blur. A swift, faint memory of him shows up again. He’s smiling at you and holding your hand so you don’t fall over. Your cheeks are warm with blush. You love him. Then, just like that, he’s gone again. Vanishing seems to be his favorite magic trick. And with that you realize you never had any of the Jack on the floor; the taste on your lips is his kiss. And like the burn of whiskey, it’s painful, but you still love it.
(via sadistwriter)
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But we love each other,“ she said quietly. "God knows we do. And that’s what’s so fucked up about it all. Love is all we have anymore. And it’s not enough.”
Sue Zhao
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Do not fall in love with people like me. I will take you to museums, and parks, and monuments, and kiss you in every beautiful place, so that you can never go back to them without tasting me like blood in your mouth. I will destroy you in the most beautiful way possible. And when I leave you will finally understand, why storms are named after people.
Caitlyn Siehl (via serious)
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"Oh--" The two letters and their startled sound escapes her lips when she sees him in the doorway. "I umm... got you some coffee, it should help with that hang over."
“hoshino…. you’re my hero.”
saeki looked manly — or as manly as one could look like with a hangover and the thought his life was about to end when one drank as much as he did the night prior, not to mention naked. one of saeki’s pastimes was drinking until he passed out, and… well. he sure did black out after a while. he didn’t even shy away from the fact that ichika was seeing his bare body, such a matter the least of his worries when he has this headache. fuck. it didn’t even register in his mind that she sounded startled at seeing him up and about.
he chugged the coffee as quickly as he could without burning his tongue, wincing just briefly from the bitter coffee taste. ugh. he could feel it aiding his hangover in a way, however, and it helped that it was ichika especially that went out of her way to obtain some coffee for him.
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“you’re a good friend, ya know?” he replies, after a moment, placing a hand against his head rubbing subtly as if it’ll rid him of his killer hangover, a small smile (with a wince) gracing his features as he stared at her; however, the smile died out slowly as he noticed the amounts of hickeys decorating her neck, tousled hair, and was that his shirt?
“fuck,” he whispered under his breath, making the connection rather quickly, hastily looking away. he couldn’t… recall the events of last night, but that’d explain why he’s not wearing anything and…
he finally took a gauge at his surroundings; they were definitely not in his empty apartment. fuck. he knew something was off when he woke up, but his hangover didn’t give him much room for concentration, impulsively deeming it a bigger concern than being in a girl’s apartment. goddammit.
“hoshino, i’m…” sorry that i fucked you while batshit drunk? forgot having sex with you? probably passed out on you as soon as we finished the deed? hogged your bed? made you wake up with the revelation you just had sex with one of your academy friends?
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he groaned loudly instead, empty coffee mug hanging limply on his side, covering his face with his free hand. this… wasn’t part of the plan. how careless was he?
“did you… at least finish?” he inquires, lamely, voice muffled by his palm. god, he was an absolute idiot.
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I see the tragedy It comes to me In bloody broken dreams
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Don’t you ever underestimate my ability to crush you where you stand—
To demolish those you hold dear,
just to make you bleed in the most poetic of ways.
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[ @adonischosen!​ ]
"hoshino, here, i got you a matching pair."
with their height difference, it was rather easy to put on the mascot ears headband on her head, saeki quickly combing his fingers through her hair in order to even out her hair style and not receive a complaint of him purposefully messing up her hair (him? do that? when has he ever?). a grin formed on his face as he took a step back and admired his handiwork, quickly placing his own headband on top of his head with no care of the world. to any stranger outside, they'd definitely look like a couple on a date.
not that saeki cared about such things deep down --- anyone, and her for that matter, can interpret this outing as much as they'd like. he wanted to spend some time with her, and what better setting to see more of her reactions than an amusement park? at a place lively and brimming with activity such as this, it was easy for him to maintain the persona she has grown so close to. that, and he could... enjoy himself?
such a feeling was odd for him to think about, but he couldn't deny that the amusement park's brimming music and colorful flashing lights, with her by his side was making the grin on his face slightly genuine. 
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"man, you look cute with it on, hoshino! i'm no match for you." saeki let out a laugh as he made his way to grab her hand, fingers entwining with her own as if such an action was second nature to him, although in this case it was more-so since the park was packed and he didn't want to lose sight of her. or perhaps he simply wanted to touch her? he didn’t think too much into it.
he originally invited her out here to see more of her positive reactions, after all. her job seemed particularly stressful on her lately... perhaps it was due to the calls from the latest x-day countdown, the blown up schoolroom requested by akito sera for revenge. saeki did have his own hands full at the police box’s post, but it was fairly easy for him to switch shifts with a coworker to align a day off with hoshino’s. it wouldn’t do him any good to have her break down from stress, not when he has yet to show all his pawns.
surely a scenario such as this, for her to unwind would lift her spirits, especially with her... best friend.
nonetheless, he took out the pamphlet he snagged when they first met up, silently urging hoshino to hold onto the other end as he opened the map up and scanned its contents,
"let's see... there's roller coasters, go-karts, some other kinds of attractions... lots of restaurants... a miniature shopping mall... even a merry go round? how old school. i like it," he paused in his observation, glancing at hoshino from the side, an inquisitive look prominent on his face,
"where do you wanna go first? i'll let you pick 'cuz i'm such a gentleman~~ i did get paid the other day, so for once i can treat you to lunch whenever you’re hungry! we’re on a date, after all." he winked briefly, then let out a small laugh at his own antics, “i’m excited~~ let’s have some fun together.”
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truthfully, none of the rides particularly appealed to him. but, with her as company... perhaps they'll be more enjoyable than if he was alone.
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shadows, envy.
“ah, yanagi, was it? i wasn’t expecting to see you here. i guess hoshino dragged you here to be my pity date, huh?”
well, if he didn’t have the collar dangling around hoshino’s neck replaying everything she is able to hear giving out intel, anyway. hoshino had canceled her plans with him at the very last minute, something about her younger brother passing out while practicing for his band. she wanted to be by his side as he stepped to a road of recovery. an older sister caring for his younger brother…
a part of him envied that relationship. yuzuru saeki will never be able to comprehend the bonds of family. his father was better off being nonexistent, his mother never recognized him, and his ’half-brother’ rei was nothing to him but a pawn to be used for adonis. throughout his days as zero, learning more about malice — such familial bonds meant nothing when it came to needing justice. the twins, their situation about their mother killing their father and wanting to murder them next — such an affair was living proof that those mere bonds weren’t enough.
however, that didn’t mean that he wished for the opportunity to experience them himself, even if the fancy died down throughout the years. yuzuru saeki didn’t exist. such bonds would merely tie his end goal down, wouldn’t it?
regardless, those thoughts were irrelevant to their current situation — hoshino had intended to invite yanagi out to one of their outings so he could get acquainted with her ’best friend’, but saeki truly didn’t see the point. unbeknownst to them of course, he knew everything about yanagi thanks to his position — his past through intel, his fears through hoshino, his habits from pawn number fourteen, the list was endless.
he was hugging the shadows of the bar entrance as much as possible, it seemed like. displaying obvious signs that he was uncomfortable of staying here. perhaps hoshino texted him begging the man to spend time with saeki alone in her steed since she had to bail out? he didn’t mind either way — he had intended on drinking tonight, with or without hoshino’s company.
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“i hope you can handle your liquor,” he teased, his mask as ’saeki’, police officer, slipping on his face with ease, “any friend of hoshino’s is a friend of mine, after all! come on!” he swung his arm around the older man’s shoulders, ushering him with passive force to enter the bar building with him,
“did you bring money? ‘cuz i definitely do not have enough cash on me right now to cover both of us. police box salary, y'know?”
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