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10 posts!
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Plannit uv thuh lezbeins
Plannit uv thuh lezbeins
Maybe we can write , a song together .aybout a plannit uv lezbeins ,hoo oenley wair leather. And thay oenley get praygnant ,by artifishul inseminayshuns, and they giv all Thair male-children , sex change operayshun !
now even thoe , On thuh plannit uv lezbeins , is way out in space ! Thuh plannit uv lezbeins is still a very nice place. That is of course , until thuh day , win thuh sperm bank runs…
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Jack boniface
in my new t.v.show , Keith Hamilton Cobb plays :
jack boniface : at nite , heez thuh shadowman .
thuh shadowman was created by a voodoo cult .
halle berry plays Nettie. She cooks and cleans 4 jack
, Nettie made jack a shadowman 2 deal with thuh madness
of master darque . Master darque has thuh power 2 raze
thuh dead. Shadowman is out 2 trash all thuh drug dealers
in New Orleans . Jack boniface…
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Princess peechee
princess peechee is a millionaire in Scotland ,
she just openned a skool 4 trans girls .
but she did not know wut trans girls was .
peechee thawt trans mint that thay  took trains 2 get 2 thuh skool !
thuh girls was in thuh locker room .
thay was changing out of Lolita dresses
and was about 2 put Thair pretty littul tank swim suits on .
Princess peechee slipped on a banana peel
and fell thru thuh…
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Linda williams
Linda Williams dates a Brit , heez a dude with super speed .
she tried 2 save her dad frum tairrorist .
but she did not suck seed ,
she noze a Jamaican cook , hoo is immune 2 flame !
An evil Russian sykick is thuh dude hoo is 2 blame !
a Japanese kid has lightning on his side .
an American Indian levitaytor can giv his friends a ride .
a South American reporter has a force field and can tellyport…
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Girls with sum thing extra !
Girls with sum thing extra !
jessica Tiffany had her sex change operation ,
but not around here , she did it in a different nation !
let,s fly butterfly had a sex change too , but then she moovd
back to Colorado , I guess thuh west coast left her feeling blue !
nikki Pilawa duz mayk up  in austrailia . She looks a lot like  Megan follows .
Grace robertson is half Japanese , and cums frum down under .
he has a girlfriend ,…
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Alein princess
i keep seeing Victoria justice with crossdressers !
with Dylan sprouse as tyreesha.  And there is those pix
of three girls in matching dresses, Victoria and her ex and sum one else . So thuh alein princess consept popped up in my head .
wut if Victoria was this alein princess , no human boy can
reezist her . But boys she mates with get girleyer , and girleyer
until it’s obvious , yor praygnant…
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Beneath thuh trees
i wuz walking  with a friend at nite , beneath thuh trees,
wair Thair wuz no lite . On soft wet ground , that sank beneath
our feet . We sunk in kwicksand that wuzzint deep . We were walking home , frum a hockey game , and all thuh there knew of our fame.we used our sticks 2 escape thuh sand . And soon were back up on thuh land .we reached thuh streets b-4 thuh rest .
prooving 2 them, we wuz thuh…
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This boy wants to be a girl . An Alein will lead him a magic shower that will turn him female 4 at least 16 days
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Lolita's and brolitas
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Thair is a boy named richard shaefer and a girl named Courtney courtoon , thay look so much alike .
Thay boeth work 4 Disney but that still mite mean
one in California and one in Florida ?
so how can I fynd out if thay are one person ?
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