unpopularfact · 4 years
You guys are all so goddamn sensitive.
Here’s proof
It’s my middle finger
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unpopularfact · 4 years
Reminder: you’re only transgender if you suffer from dysphoria.
Deciding not to medically transition means you don’t suffer from dysphoria.
You’re not trans
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unpopularfact · 4 years
No one is saying it is a false phenomenon. People are saying that it is to do with a symbol of dominance and power. THAT is false.  It is inconsiderate and nothing more. 
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The Outbursts of Everett True was a comic strip that ran in papers from 1905 to 1927, wherein the aforementioned Everett True regularly beat the everliving shit out of rude people as a warning to anyone else who might consider being rude. Men have not only been taking up too much room on public transport for about as long as public transport has existed, but the people around them have been irritated about it for at least a hundred years. The next time someone tries to claim that manspreading is a false phenomenon, please direct them to this strip so that Everett True can correct their misconceptions with an umbrella upside the head.
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unpopularfact · 5 years
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unpopularfact · 5 years
Maybe I should have clarified it better- but it wasn’t the fact that it’s girls they cosplay
It’s enhancing the effeminate body parts and features.
But you still bind while cosplaying female characters, or had breakdowns when you couldn’t avert your gaze from everything you can’t stand.
Watching someone call themselves “he” saying how much they can’t stand being a girl yet it’s tits and ass out galore- look at that shape, look at that figure look at those boobs.
What part of that makes them think they have dysphoria?
Post T, and having to fake feminine features? Sure. Coz they’re fake. Underneath the disguise is who you are. You can look in the mirror and be comfy
But if I put on a dress, pre-T?
Palpitations, feeling sick. sweating. Won’t leave the house. Feel ridiculous. Look like a clown.
I make Male versions of the female characters I want to cosplay.
Comfort and still cosplaying who I want when I want 👌🏻
I am completely fed up by this point. So I am going to lay this down hard and cold. I will not hold back.
I don’t hate many people, I’m not the kind of person to hold a grudge. This doesn’t mean that I can’t find people unbarably irritating. It doesn’t mean that there are people in this world that don’t cause me internal anguish. The people that cause me more distress than any other type of human beings are goddamned transtrenders.
What is a transtrender?
It is someone who says that they are transgender as a fashion statement. They don’t think they’re trending but they’re easy to spot. They usually ask for a they/he or they/she pronoun picks (or maybe even made up bullshit). They also feel like gender is a social construct, and feel like we shouldn’t have gender because it is just some kind of government controlling scheme or perhaps damaging to society. Because of this, they tend to not dress as the selected gender- because fuck normative thinking. Their last symptom is that they believe that you don’t need to have dysphoria to be transgender.
Let me rephrase that, using the medical terms regarding gender reassignment desires.
They believe that you do not have to have dysphoria to suffer from gender dysphoria.
I can hear them grinding their teeth already. If you feel like you might be called out by the above paragraph, sweethart, you’re a transtrender. I’m calling you out on your bullshit today.
I suffer from gender dysphoria. I am not about to tell you all my symptoms because it would be like handing you the blueprints to something and risking you calling them your own. I’m not telling you these facts because I think less of you, or want to belittle you. You should feel happy that you aren’t suffering with an illness! Celebrate. REJOYCE.
I’m going to lay down some ground rules here, and the first one is going to be a very clear point.
-it IS okay to explore your comfort zones with your body may it be your gender, appearance or otherwise.
-it IS okay to go ‘back’ on your gender decision. Have you learned that you might actually be happy with yourself? THATS OK.
-it IS okay to wear whatever you want regardless of the ‘clothes’ assigned gender.
With all that said, let’s continue.
I see it way too much lately. Someone presenting, living as female with a gender neutral name, going out dressed effeminatly doing feminine things, born female…. telling everyone they’re a man.
You have no goddamn idea what dysphoria is, do you???
Do you know how it fucking feels to have these features highlighted and put on display?
Do you actually think that because you feel comfortable in a mans shirt- that you can sometimes occasionally do masculine makeup and think it would be better if you were a man, so that it’s easier to cosplay guys—- do you actually think that classes you as transgender????
You’re fucking wrong.
That’s not being transgender. You just lack the creativity to find methods of changing your appearance without desiring some kind of cheat sheet.
Especially if you cosplay girls
I think you miss the goddamn point here. That just proves that you aren’t transgender.
Not because you’re cosplaying your bio gender- oh no. It’s because you’re clearly comfortable presenting that body shape. You clearly have no issues with stereotypically effeminate things being emphasised on show for all to see-
“Guess I’ll stop cosplaying girls then” was that your thought just now? Adjusting your habits to try and force the symptom?
Maybe you’re thinking
“Genders a social construct!”
No, it’s not. Gender- your biological sex is a fact.
The way people dress, walk, talk and act- these a stereotypes BASED on gender.
Stereotypes are grown and based on facts that take to the majority of a group of individuals who all have a trait (out of their control) in common.
I.e race or gender.
Just two examples there.
When you- by biological fella, wear girls hot pants because they hug your ass sweetly- you’re breaking stereotype.
You know heels were made for men, right? A break in stereotype means women now typically wear heels- but some men do too- does this make them transgender? It does not. Do you think these guys would rather identify as female? Absolutely not.
Does it mean a biological girl who identifies as a man should have the right to wear heels? Oh theybhave a right. Absolutely. What kind of heels? Pink fluffy stilettos? Okay but just so you know, you’re going to be swaying that booty, walking like a queen. If you’re comfortable with those parts of your body being enhanced then you’re not suffering with body dysphoria.
That’s what dysphoria is. These body parts are so alien to you, like every morning you wake up in someone else’s body. Every single day what you feel like you look like and what you see don’t align. Somethings wrong, this shirt doesn’t fit me like it fits the other girls. I’ve tried all shapes sizes and body types yet when I look all I feel is sick. I look like a man in drag- maybe I am a man in drag.
Want to get your tits out? I’m happy for you. I’m happy you can stand the public staring at them. Thinking about how weird you look- I’m glad you can stand the thought of people believing you’ve got something wrong with you- or don’t you have those thoughts…?
Because if you really don’t find the issue of showing your feminine exclusive parts as much as possible a difficult task, then I fail to see the utter detachment and abandonment of the idea that certain appendeges existed.
On the topic of tits.
Oh my god. This is a fucking laugh. I was binding even before I came out to anyone as Male. I’ve been binding for a very long time. That doesn’t mean I didn’t flash the boobs, but tucking them away ended up being so much better. I tried to get them out and I tried to be pretty and flaunt the amazing tits I have.
But still I looked in the mirror and felt like… I was wearing someone else’s shirt or something. Like I was wearing shoes that didn’t belong to me.
Hiding them was better.
I love boobs. My girlfriend has an amazing body- I desire to touch it and hold it. But I feel so off of i were to picture myself in her body.
I don’t think it would fix anything, looking as beautiful as her.
But I digress- boobs, binding. A transtrenders obsession and need to remind people how long they’ve been binding. Like it’s some extreme danger, an extreme health risk.
“I have been binding for like 20 hours man”
Some kind of desire to get someone to tell you to take it off? What is it? I don’t get that.
Fuck, I don’t want people to know I have a binder on.
I hate the thing!!!! Get it off me- I can’t stand the sight of me. Let me wear it again.
This binders like a bad drug and I don’t want people to hear it. No please don’t tell me to take it off, please.
My girlfriend said I needed to wash it- I cried,
That means going without it!!
I’m asthmatic, too. Restriction on the chest are bad right? Not if you’re wearing the right size. If you’re not breathing right, the binder you wearnis too tight, get a new one- it’s not that fucking complicated.
I don’t care how long you’ve been wearing it, this is not a competition. If you shouldn’t be wearing it take it the fuck off and shut up.
“I binded today. It felt good uwu”
Fuck off. Binding feels aweful. I hate this crutch.
I am very tired right now. So I’m Going to stop. I might make a part 2. I’m basically sick of seeing girls post this cute boi soft aesthetic like its some pretty bracelet, yet still finding so much comfort in their shells- and I’m sat here feeling pathetic and unable to do so. Not even in the slightest.
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unpopularfact · 5 years
🏳️‍🌈This blog supports all sexual orientations and gender identities
Reblog if yours does too.
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unpopularfact · 5 years
Hi, I’m trans (truscum and proud lmfao???) and my girlfriend is cis. Truscum and proud I guess 😂😂😂
She had a “trans” phase
She understand exactly what it means to be transgender. She understands that she does not suffer with dysphoria, found her real illnesses and treats them.
She lives stereotypically as female
I live stereotypically as Male.
We understand being transgender.
i like, just realized, that based off a conversation we had-
my therapist is probably a truscum
shes cis
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unpopularfact · 5 years
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Daily remainder✨
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unpopularfact · 5 years
No shade but fuck non-dysphoric trans people and everyone who defends them. I’m so done with hearing people belittle dysphoric trans people. Especially trans men, we already have to deal with toxic masculinity ten fold trying to pretend we don’t feel shit, that we don’t get so sad, so miserable we don’t wanna get out of bed, that we hurt ourselves just to feel normal. Fuck you for making it almost impossible to be taken seriously, to be respected. Fuck you for making me look like a joke, fuck you for belittling the experiences of actual trans people. And yes I said, actual trans people because you need dysphoria to be trans otherwise you. Are. Not. Trans. I’m not saying being trans is a suffering competition dysphoria fluctuates but if you have never felt dysphoria how dare you step into our community, how dare you take up space in a community made from our shared experiences that you fucking mock. If you are confused that’s fine take time to really figure shit out but stop pretending to be trans when you don’t have dysphoria.
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unpopularfact · 5 years
Correction, he’s not a transphobe.
He says there’s two genders, and that you can transition to either.
But you can’t transition to a nothing, or a star or some bullshit
truscum/transmeds are the Ben Shapiros of the trans community
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unpopularfact · 5 years
Read it. All of it. Read all of it and weep.
You need gender dysphoria to be trans
The desire to transition because you’re a foot in a glove needs to be genuine and not curiosity
when will a transmed include one (1) source on their post
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unpopularfact · 5 years
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THIS IS FUCKING HILARIOUS If you aren’t TRANSitioning then you are not TRANSgender YOU ARENT TRANSGENDER IF YOU ARENT DYSPHORIC ABOUT YOUR BODY- GENDER IS NOT WHAT IS BOTHERING YOU ERGO YOURE NOT TRANSGENDER Truscum and transmed beliefs???? Get your head out your ass and realise what you’re saying My goddamn illness is not your FUCKING accessory It’s not cute It’s not quirky I HATE being trans I WISH I WASNT BE hAPPY YOURE CIS Dress how you fucking want, whatever I DoNT cAre But being TrANSGeNDEr is not part of your outfit If you DONT have GENDER DYSPHORIA then you are NOT TRANSGENDER
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unpopularfact · 5 years
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unpopularfact · 5 years
You do need dysphoria to suffer from gender dysphoria, do be diagnosed with gender dysphoria, to transition to the opposite gender.
Yes you do.
If you don’t have dysphoria and are not transitioning and are just trying to “pass” as the other gender
Because you can
Then you are not transgender and you are literally wearing the term to shoehorn yourself into a minority.
You don’t need dysphoria to crossdress.
You don’t need dysphoria to be androgynous.
But you do need to suffer from dysphoria to be accepted Into the medical help that allows you to transition.
Trans people don’t do it to “look good”.
Trans people don’t do it because of cosplay.
Trans people don’t do it because they look good trying to pass as the opposite gender.
Trans people do it because their brain is not compatible with their body.
Wear what you want. I really do not fucking care.
But unless you actually suffer from gender dysphoria, then you cannot call yourself transgender.
TransTRENDERS have these results:
They either never transition and come up with excuses as to why
Or they transition and want to undo some of the changes. Maybe stop their meds to get some of the other gender back. -They then silently regret it. (The I only wanted top surgery and the low voice group)
Last but not least they revert back to their old Identity.
I’m glad you enjoyed wearing this illness as a fucking accessory.
You’re the reason that some people can’t take other seriously.
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unpopularfact · 5 years
My favourite response to this was being called a failed abortion.
Your resources are merely opinions- just like mine. Also one actually states that you need dysphoria to be transgender, which is funny.
I don’t care about the others. I don’t get my facts from opinions. I make my own opinions, thanks.
I’m sorry if the truth burns you that much that you cannot accept that you actually need to be sick to suffer from an illness. Just saying.
My illness is not your goddamn fashion statement. I’m sorry you have a harder time discovering yourself and are too damn obsessed with trying to be unique and impressive- forcing yourself to be a minority, shoehorning Into a community. It makes me fucking sick 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻
I reply here because I block people that can’t have a constructive conversation without abuse.
I’ve not called out a single point of abuse in my entire statement. I even stated I don’t think less of you, but that doesn’t mean you are doing good things and one-who-cannot-make-mistakes.
I am completely fed up by this point. So I am going to lay this down hard and cold. I will not hold back.
I don’t hate many people, I’m not the kind of person to hold a grudge. This doesn’t mean that I can’t find people unbarably irritating. It doesn’t mean that there are people in this world that don’t cause me internal anguish. The people that cause me more distress than any other type of human beings are goddamned transtrenders.
What is a transtrender?
It is someone who says that they are transgender as a fashion statement. They don’t think they’re trending but they’re easy to spot. They usually ask for a they/he or they/she pronoun picks (or maybe even made up bullshit). They also feel like gender is a social construct, and feel like we shouldn’t have gender because it is just some kind of government controlling scheme or perhaps damaging to society. Because of this, they tend to not dress as the selected gender- because fuck normative thinking. Their last symptom is that they believe that you don’t need to have dysphoria to be transgender.
Let me rephrase that, using the medical terms regarding gender reassignment desires.
They believe that you do not have to have dysphoria to suffer from gender dysphoria.
I can hear them grinding their teeth already. If you feel like you might be called out by the above paragraph, sweethart, you’re a transtrender. I’m calling you out on your bullshit today.
I suffer from gender dysphoria. I am not about to tell you all my symptoms because it would be like handing you the blueprints to something and risking you calling them your own. I’m not telling you these facts because I think less of you, or want to belittle you. You should feel happy that you aren’t suffering with an illness! Celebrate. REJOYCE.
I’m going to lay down some ground rules here, and the first one is going to be a very clear point.
-it IS okay to explore your comfort zones with your body may it be your gender, appearance or otherwise.
-it IS okay to go ‘back’ on your gender decision. Have you learned that you might actually be happy with yourself? THATS OK.
-it IS okay to wear whatever you want regardless of the ‘clothes’ assigned gender.
With all that said, let’s continue.
I see it way too much lately. Someone presenting, living as female with a gender neutral name, going out dressed effeminatly doing feminine things, born female…. telling everyone they’re a man.
You have no goddamn idea what dysphoria is, do you???
Do you know how it fucking feels to have these features highlighted and put on display?
Do you actually think that because you feel comfortable in a mans shirt- that you can sometimes occasionally do masculine makeup and think it would be better if you were a man, so that it’s easier to cosplay guys—- do you actually think that classes you as transgender????
You’re fucking wrong.
That’s not being transgender. You just lack the creativity to find methods of changing your appearance without desiring some kind of cheat sheet.
Especially if you cosplay girls
I think you miss the goddamn point here. That just proves that you aren’t transgender.
Not because you’re cosplaying your bio gender- oh no. It’s because you’re clearly comfortable presenting that body shape. You clearly have no issues with stereotypically effeminate things being emphasised on show for all to see-
“Guess I’ll stop cosplaying girls then” was that your thought just now? Adjusting your habits to try and force the symptom?
Maybe you’re thinking
“Genders a social construct!”
No, it’s not. Gender- your biological sex is a fact.
The way people dress, walk, talk and act- these a stereotypes BASED on gender.
Stereotypes are grown and based on facts that take to the majority of a group of individuals who all have a trait (out of their control) in common.
I.e race or gender.
Just two examples there.
When you- by biological fella, wear girls hot pants because they hug your ass sweetly- you’re breaking stereotype.
You know heels were made for men, right? A break in stereotype means women now typically wear heels- but some men do too- does this make them transgender? It does not. Do you think these guys would rather identify as female? Absolutely not.
Does it mean a biological girl who identifies as a man should have the right to wear heels? Oh theybhave a right. Absolutely. What kind of heels? Pink fluffy stilettos? Okay but just so you know, you’re going to be swaying that booty, walking like a queen. If you’re comfortable with those parts of your body being enhanced then you’re not suffering with body dysphoria.
That’s what dysphoria is. These body parts are so alien to you, like every morning you wake up in someone else’s body. Every single day what you feel like you look like and what you see don’t align. Somethings wrong, this shirt doesn’t fit me like it fits the other girls. I’ve tried all shapes sizes and body types yet when I look all I feel is sick. I look like a man in drag- maybe I am a man in drag.
Want to get your tits out? I’m happy for you. I’m happy you can stand the public staring at them. Thinking about how weird you look- I’m glad you can stand the thought of people believing you’ve got something wrong with you- or don’t you have those thoughts…?
Because if you really don’t find the issue of showing your feminine exclusive parts as much as possible a difficult task, then I fail to see the utter detachment and abandonment of the idea that certain appendeges existed.
On the topic of tits.
Oh my god. This is a fucking laugh. I was binding even before I came out to anyone as Male. I’ve been binding for a very long time. That doesn’t mean I didn’t flash the boobs, but tucking them away ended up being so much better. I tried to get them out and I tried to be pretty and flaunt the amazing tits I have.
But still I looked in the mirror and felt like… I was wearing someone else’s shirt or something. Like I was wearing shoes that didn’t belong to me.
Hiding them was better.
I love boobs. My girlfriend has an amazing body- I desire to touch it and hold it. But I feel so off of i were to picture myself in her body.
I don’t think it would fix anything, looking as beautiful as her.
But I digress- boobs, binding. A transtrenders obsession and need to remind people how long they’ve been binding. Like it’s some extreme danger, an extreme health risk.
“I have been binding for like 20 hours man”
Some kind of desire to get someone to tell you to take it off? What is it? I don’t get that.
Fuck, I don’t want people to know I have a binder on.
I hate the thing!!!! Get it off me- I can’t stand the sight of me. Let me wear it again.
This binders like a bad drug and I don’t want people to hear it. No please don’t tell me to take it off, please.
My girlfriend said I needed to wash it- I cried,
That means going without it!!
I’m asthmatic, too. Restriction on the chest are bad right? Not if you’re wearing the right size. If you’re not breathing right, the binder you wearnis too tight, get a new one- it’s not that fucking complicated.
I don’t care how long you’ve been wearing it, this is not a competition. If you shouldn’t be wearing it take it the fuck off and shut up.
“I binded today. It felt good uwu”
Fuck off. Binding feels aweful. I hate this crutch.
I am very tired right now. So I’m Going to stop. I might make a part 2. I’m basically sick of seeing girls post this cute boi soft aesthetic like its some pretty bracelet, yet still finding so much comfort in their shells- and I’m sat here feeling pathetic and unable to do so. Not even in the slightest.
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unpopularfact · 5 years
I am completely fed up by this point. So I am going to lay this down hard and cold. I will not hold back.
I don’t hate many people, I’m not the kind of person to hold a grudge. This doesn’t mean that I can’t find people unbarably irritating. It doesn’t mean that there are people in this world that don’t cause me internal anguish. The people that cause me more distress than any other type of human beings are goddamned transtrenders.
What is a transtrender?
It is someone who says that they are transgender as a fashion statement. They don’t think they’re trending but they’re easy to spot. They usually ask for a they/he or they/she pronoun picks (or maybe even made up bullshit). They also feel like gender is a social construct, and feel like we shouldn’t have gender because it is just some kind of government controlling scheme or perhaps damaging to society. Because of this, they tend to not dress as the selected gender- because fuck normative thinking. Their last symptom is that they believe that you don’t need to have dysphoria to be transgender.
Let me rephrase that, using the medical terms regarding gender reassignment desires.
They believe that you do not have to have dysphoria to suffer from gender dysphoria.
I can hear them grinding their teeth already. If you feel like you might be called out by the above paragraph, sweethart, you’re a transtrender. I’m calling you out on your bullshit today.
I suffer from gender dysphoria. I am not about to tell you all my symptoms because it would be like handing you the blueprints to something and risking you calling them your own. I’m not telling you these facts because I think less of you, or want to belittle you. You should feel happy that you aren’t suffering with an illness! Celebrate. REJOYCE.
I’m going to lay down some ground rules here, and the first one is going to be a very clear point.
-it IS okay to explore your comfort zones with your body may it be your gender, appearance or otherwise.
-it IS okay to go ‘back’ on your gender decision. Have you learned that you might actually be happy with yourself? THATS OK.
-it IS okay to wear whatever you want regardless of the ‘clothes’ assigned gender.
With all that said, let’s continue.
I see it way too much lately. Someone presenting, living as female with a gender neutral name, going out dressed effeminatly doing feminine things, born female.... telling everyone they’re a man.
You have no goddamn idea what dysphoria is, do you???
Do you know how it fucking feels to have these features highlighted and put on display?
Do you actually think that because you feel comfortable in a mans shirt- that you can sometimes occasionally do masculine makeup and think it would be better if you were a man, so that it’s easier to cosplay guys—- do you actually think that classes you as transgender????
You’re fucking wrong.
That’s not being transgender. You just lack the creativity to find methods of changing your appearance without desiring some kind of cheat sheet.
Especially if you cosplay girls
I think you miss the goddamn point here. That just proves that you aren’t transgender.
Not because you’re cosplaying your bio gender- oh no. It’s because you’re clearly comfortable presenting that body shape. You clearly have no issues with stereotypically effeminate things being emphasised on show for all to see-
“Guess I’ll stop cosplaying girls then” was that your thought just now? Adjusting your habits to try and force the symptom?
Maybe you’re thinking
“Genders a social construct!”
No, it’s not. Gender- your biological sex is a fact.
The way people dress, walk, talk and act- these a stereotypes BASED on gender.
Stereotypes are grown and based on facts that take to the majority of a group of individuals who all have a trait (out of their control) in common.
I.e race or gender.
Just two examples there.
When you- by biological fella, wear girls hot pants because they hug your ass sweetly- you’re breaking stereotype.
You know heels were made for men, right? A break in stereotype means women now typically wear heels- but some men do too- does this make them transgender? It does not. Do you think these guys would rather identify as female? Absolutely not.
Does it mean a biological girl who identifies as a man should have the right to wear heels? Oh theybhave a right. Absolutely. What kind of heels? Pink fluffy stilettos? Okay but just so you know, you’re going to be swaying that booty, walking like a queen. If you’re comfortable with those parts of your body being enhanced then you’re not suffering with body dysphoria.
That’s what dysphoria is. These body parts are so alien to you, like every morning you wake up in someone else’s body. Every single day what you feel like you look like and what you see don’t align. Somethings wrong, this shirt doesn’t fit me like it fits the other girls. I’ve tried all shapes sizes and body types yet when I look all I feel is sick. I look like a man in drag- maybe I am a man in drag.
Want to get your tits out? I’m happy for you. I’m happy you can stand the public staring at them. Thinking about how weird you look- I’m glad you can stand the thought of people believing you’ve got something wrong with you- or don’t you have those thoughts...?
Because if you really don’t find the issue of showing your feminine exclusive parts as much as possible a difficult task, then I fail to see the utter detachment and abandonment of the idea that certain appendeges existed.
On the topic of tits.
Oh my god. This is a fucking laugh. I was binding even before I came out to anyone as Male. I’ve been binding for a very long time. That doesn’t mean I didn’t flash the boobs, but tucking them away ended up being so much better. I tried to get them out and I tried to be pretty and flaunt the amazing tits I have.
But still I looked in the mirror and felt like... I was wearing someone else’s shirt or something. Like I was wearing shoes that didn’t belong to me.
Hiding them was better.
I love boobs. My girlfriend has an amazing body- I desire to touch it and hold it. But I feel so off of i were to picture myself in her body.
I don’t think it would fix anything, looking as beautiful as her.
But I digress- boobs, binding. A transtrenders obsession and need to remind people how long they’ve been binding. Like it’s some extreme danger, an extreme health risk.
“I have been binding for like 20 hours man”
Some kind of desire to get someone to tell you to take it off? What is it? I don’t get that.
Fuck, I don’t want people to know I have a binder on.
I hate the thing!!!! Get it off me- I can’t stand the sight of me. Let me wear it again.
This binders like a bad drug and I don’t want people to hear it. No please don’t tell me to take it off, please.
My girlfriend said I needed to wash it- I cried,
That means going without it!!
I’m asthmatic, too. Restriction on the chest are bad right? Not if you’re wearing the right size. If you’re not breathing right, the binder you wearnis too tight, get a new one- it’s not that fucking complicated.
I don’t care how long you’ve been wearing it, this is not a competition. If you shouldn’t be wearing it take it the fuck off and shut up.
“I binded today. It felt good uwu”
Fuck off. Binding feels aweful. I hate this crutch.
I am very tired right now. So I’m Going to stop. I might make a part 2. I’m basically sick of seeing girls post this cute boi soft aesthetic like its some pretty bracelet, yet still finding so much comfort in their shells- and I’m sat here feeling pathetic and unable to do so. Not even in the slightest.
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unpopularfact · 5 years
Baby it’s cold outside
No. This does not promote rape or undesired adnavances.
The singers are flirting.
Playing hard to get
Being playful.
Flirting is okay. It’s even more okay if the flirting is reciprocated.
If you don’t get that they’re flirting it’s probably a good indicator as to why you’re single.
The song is not offencive so grow a pair of balls already
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