unity-with-divinity · 28 days
Radicalism and extremism on both ends of the spectrum are the cause of our chaos and will lead us to the end unless we find a balance in the middle. Choose your peace of mind. Choose balance. Choose acceptance. Choose to deatch from the chaos. Above all else, choose yourself again and again every single day.
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unity-with-divinity · 1 month
We can all have what we want in life if we learn to balance and fine-tune ourselves to our loved ones in our lives. We can not get what we want until we also take care of others and their needs and wants. Just imagine what a beautiful world it would be if we all took care of each other without being self obsessed... even those with clashing interests would be open-minded enough to find a middle ground to honour each other.
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unity-with-divinity · 9 months
Spirit Guide Types
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1. Masters
Masters (or Ascended Masters) are those who work closely with people who do energy work. There goal is to help humanity as a whole (i.e. Buddha, Krishna, Jesus, etc…). If a Master appears to you as a spirit guide, then chances are you aren’t the only one he/she is helping. It isn’t uncommon for Masters to have access to Akashic Guides, also referred as Master Teacher Guides. 
2. Ancestral
These guides have some sort of kinship with you. This could be Aunt Bell who passed away when you were three or a long deceased relative that you have never met and that have been gone for sometime. These guides are pulled to you because of a blood connection, depending on you path, they can also be referred as Guardian Angels. 
3. Common/Teacher
These types of guides can appear in various forms (warrior, wise woman, storyteller), they appear as whatever archetypal, symbolic or representative guide you are in need of. They are there to lead you down a particular path and once they see that you are no longer in need of them they disappear. They tend to provide insight by way of dreams or mediation.
4. Animal
Many claim to have animal spirit guides (such as myself), but they are more companions than anything else. Animals, because of there intense loyalty, can be known to hang around to help there owner/companion through the grieving process after there owner/companion has lost them. Native Americans or those who follow the shamanic path, may use an animal totem for teachings/protections. 
There are many types of spirit guides, they can appear to you at anytime of your life and guide through important parts of your life. They are there to help, not inhibit you. Respect them and they will certainly respect you, and be weary. Trust your instincts. 
Blessed Be 
(Yes, Mushu isn’t a “spirit”, but he is a guide. Just to show you that spirit guides can take any form they please. Including a tiny, annoying lizard…I mean dragon)
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unity-with-divinity · 9 months
Doreen Virtue’s Angel Numbers
11 – Pay attention to repetitive thoughts and ideas, as they are answers to your prayers. This number also signifies a highly creative person who needs to avoid addictive behaviors.
111 – An energetic gateway has opened for you, rapidly manifesting your thoughts into reality. Choose your thoughts wisely at this time, ensuring that they match your desires. Don’t put any energy into thinking about fears at all, lest you manifest them.
22 – Your deep conviction manifests miracles and wonderful new opportunities. Keep the faith!
222 – Have faith. Everything is going to be all right. Don’t worry about anything as this situation is resolving itself beautifully for everyone involved.
33 – Many ascended masters surround you and assist you in all ways. They’ve come to help you with your mission and to answer your prayers. Tune to them now and ask them any questions you wish.
333 – You have merged with the ascended masters and they’re working with you day and night – on many levels. They love, guide and protect you in all ways.
44 – Many angels are with you now. You can ask these angels to help you with anything that brings peace to you and your loved ones. Don’t tell the angels how to fix the situation; just ask them to fix it. The Divine and infinite wisdom of the Creator guides you (through the angels) to a wonderfully ingenious solution.
444 – Thousands of angels surround you at this moment, loving and supporting you. You have a very strong and clear connection with the angelic realm, and are an earth angel yourself. You have nothing to fear – all is well.
55 – Buckle your seat belt! You’re going through (or about to go through) a major positive life change. It’s time to let go of that which is no longer working, and allow it to be healed or replaced with something better.
555 – Major changes and significant transformations are here for you. You have an opportunity to break out of chrysalis and uncover the amazing life you truly deserve.
66 – Keep your thoughts focused Heavenward during this time, and avoid excessive worry or obsession with materiality.
666 – It’s time to focus on Spirit to balance and heal your life. Tell Heaven about any fears you have concerning material supply. Be open to receiving help from both humans and the angels. 
77 – Congratulations! You’re on the right path mentally and physically. Stick to your intentions and stand your ground.
777 – Congratulations! You’ve listened well to your Divine guidance and have put that wisdom into fruitful action. You’re now reaping the rewards. Your success is inspiring and helping others, so please keep up the good work.
88 – Great abundance is yours. Prosperity is flowing to you in ever-increasing amounts. Feel grateful and be sure to pass along the flow to others as you feel guided.
888 – The universe is abundant and generous and you’ve learned how to step into the shower of it’s ever-present flow. Great financial prosperity is yours, now and in the future.
99 – Get to work Light worker! Your divine life mission is needed now more than ever, and any contribution you can make toward bringing more light and love to your world is imperative. The preparation for your life’s work is complete for now.
999 – Get to work Light worker! The world needs your Divine life purpose right now. Fully embark upon your sacred mission without delay or hesitation.
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unity-with-divinity · 6 years
Lesson 11.5: Recognizing Your Soulmates and Twin Flame
In the last lesson, we covered the three main kinds of soul relationships (karmic relationships, soulmate relationships, and twin flame unions). Now, we’re going to discuss how to identify these relationships. How do you know if someone is your soulmate or your twin flame?
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If someone is your soulmate or twin flame, you will feel very comfortable with them. Soulmates usually don’t make us uncomfortable or afraid to be ourselves. Of course, if you’re inherently a shy person, you may feel hesitant around them at first, but you will soon find that you feel more comfortable around this person than you do others. There will also be a sense of familiarity; with soulmates and twin flames, you’ll get the feeling that you know them from somewhere or that you’ve known each other for a long time. This feeling will be significantly more intense with a twin flame than with a soulmate.
Soulmates are here to help us grow and advance, so we will undoubtedly face challenges with them. These challenges may force us to look within and face aspects of ourselves that we denied before, and it’s painful sometimes to face our own flaws. However, it’s for the best and soulmates will help us to see that. Soulmates, like we discussed before, can be anyone: siblings, friends, romantic partners, or even strangers. Not all of these relationships will have many challenges and the amount of time they last can vary (you can be in a relationship with a soulmate for a week or for fifty years), but the soulmate connection is infinite. They will usually be in and out of your life, coming back when you need them to grow. There’s a couple ways to tell if someone is your soulmate:
You feel a strong connection to them (this connection may feel strong at some points and not-so-strong at others); meeting them feels destined
Your relationship with the person may not last or may feel different once they’ve taught you the lesson you need to learn
Your relationship with the person helps you to grow (especially spiritually)
You face challenges with this person that seem to shift your path in life or realign you with what you were supposed to be doing all along; the challenges teach you lessons
Your relationship with this person reveals hidden pain inside of you and uncovered past traumas, and you are now able to heal after confronting them
You may start thinking about your past lives, or if you were already thinking about them then you’ll start to feel a strong connection to them/more insight about them
You have a similar way of thinking to this person
You also have similar flaws to this person, similar things that you’ve both been working on and trying to overcome
You meet this person just before, during, or right after a significant shift in your life
You feel in tune with the other person’s thoughts and actions
You feel inspired to team up with this person to create.
You feel connected with this person even when you’re not physically with them
Keep reading
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unity-with-divinity · 8 years
I Am the mountains, I Am the Sky, I Am the space in-between. I Am your breath, I Am your lungs, I Am the air you breathe. I Am the pulse of your heart, the blood in your veins, I Am your thoughts and I Am your brain. I Am You, I Am her, I Am it, I Am him. I Am the unfathomable darkness. I Am the blinding Light. I Am the day and I Am the night. When you see no division between You or me, I will meet you in the dimension of Unity. The Cosmos are but a reflection of the Infinity that dwells within and above. When you see Me you will know, I Am everything and nothing but most of all… I Am Love.
@neonalchemy (via neonalchemy)
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unity-with-divinity · 8 years
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Merkaba is the Divine Light Vehicle allegedly used by Ascended Masters to Connect with and Reach those in Tune with the Higher Realms. “Mer” means Light, “Ka” means Spirit, and “Ba” means Body. Mer - Ka - Ba means the Body/Spirit surrounded by counter-rotating Fields of Light (Wheels within Wheels), Spirals of Energy as in our DNA, which Transport Body/Spirit from one Dimension to another.
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unity-with-divinity · 8 years
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This message of self-care and detoxification continues into the middle of the week as we are joined by Quan Yin. This Eastern goddess tells me that our desire to make things happen in our lives can lead to trying to force the world to deliver a desired outcome to us. This force is created by fear and anxiety that what we want will not be available, that we will miss an opportunity or that we will be too late. She tells me that when we fall into this mind set, we create a toxic situation for ourselves where our fear tells the Universe that we don’t really want what we’re asking for, so the Universe responds by placing more obstacles in our way, thus creating more fear and anxiety in an endless cycle of lack-based thinking. She says, “When you let go and relax, you release your fear. When you release your fear, you open the channels of abundance so that the Universe can respond to what you want in your life. Release your need to be in control. Stop trying to force things to happen. Repeat this mantra as often as you need to - ‘Everything happens in it’s own Divine time. I am fully supported. I am safe.’ This will help counter the fear- and lack-based thinking, helping you to stay calm and optimistic about your future.”
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unity-with-divinity · 8 years
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I love this picture! Very informative!
The ascended masters say that they send many blessings and much love :) <3
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unity-with-divinity · 8 years
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Take The Step.
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unity-with-divinity · 8 years
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Psychic Louis
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unity-with-divinity · 8 years
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Psychic Louis
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unity-with-divinity · 8 years
The idea of other dimensions often gets overlooked and seen as fiction.  We’ve heard about the possibility of it through many movies, including the recent, interstellar.  We have also heard about other dimensions from those who have had near death experiences, or have successfully astral projected.  We have also heard about it from those who take psychedelics used for spiritual exploration.  Those who have a spiritual awakening often talk about becoming the universe and losing touch with physicality briefly while they have a paradigm shifting self realization they they are more than their physical bodies and minds. That they are actually one with creation, and that separation is an illusion.  An illusion that enables us to have a subjective experience of life. Despite all of these people, including Indian tribes and people connected to nature in ways most of us can’t imagine, many of us will still deny the existence that there might be something beyond the physical dimension.  Even when quantum physics talks about discoveries such as the god particle, or quantum entanglement, where time and space seem to be irrelevant on an energetic scale.  The field of cymatics shows us how sound can manipulate matter to take geometric form, based upon the frequency it is receiving.   Massaru Emoto and his life work with putting thought and music into water, and flash freezing it to examine the molecular structure is another example, that the physical world is being animated and manifested from what appears to be another dimension. Then we have energy healing modalities where we work with the energetic body rather than the biological body, and see the massive effect a change in energy, can have biologically.  We see this in the form of reiki, or in the form of meditation.  Or even simply in the form of changing our thoughts, our self talk in our own heads.  How a small change in self talk, from hating yourself to accepting yourself exactly as you are, can change your entire state of being.  Yoga and qi gong and so many other energy modalities exist for us to use.  All of them give us access to the energy of life, before it becomes manifested in the physical.  What we are doing, is consciously accessing the dimension of reality that exists from which physical reality is manifested, the pure energetic state of reality.   The deeper we go into this energetic state the more we realize that energy is information, and so great wisdom arises from it, as it contains all the information that has ever existed, and as we bring more energy to us, we automatically come to self realizations and deeper insights into the nature of reality.  To the point where we discover that we are not bound to the body, which is why astral projection, near death experiences, and spiritual awakenings are so profound.  The idea that we can, as an energetic being, explore energetic realms, is thrilling and exhilarating, and the fear of death is lessened as death is not this great big unknown question mark anymore.  The discovery that there is something beyond physicality, is a liberating experience, as you realize that life doesn’t have to be taken as seriously as you once thought.  You realize you are bigger than what happens in your physical life.   You also realize that the universe is much bigger and more complicated, than we can possibly imagine.  Especially when you discover that there are higher beings, many of them are referred to as the ascended masters, or spirit guides or angels and demons, or as modern day people would call them, extra-terrestrials, or as ancient people would call them, gods. That’s when we realize that earth is part of a much larger picture.   That’s when we see the conditioning of humanity, and when we see that our history is kept shrouded in mystery.  We come to this greater understanding of the suffering of the human condition.  It is not because humans are naturally destructive.  It is because humans are only working with a very limited version of who they think they are.  That humans are deliberately kept in ignorance of their own multi-dimensional abilities.
Many movies have hinted at this, as well as many people.   Movies such as, Contact, Fight Club,The Matrix Triology,Men In Black,Interstellar,Jupiter Acending,The Fifth Element,Stargate, and so many more.  Yet because people see it in a movie, they don’t believe that it could possibly be true.  Yet there are many people that have dedicated their lives to helping humanity awaken.  Bashar, Edgar Cayce, Abraham (esther) Hicks,Barbara Marciniak, David Icke,Neal Donald Walsch, Eckhart Tolle,Jim Carrey, Russell Brand, Joe Rogan,Gregg Braden, Bill Hicks, George Carlin,Osho,Ramana Marharshi,Drunvalo Melchizedek,Alan Watts,James Redfield, Mantak Chia, Eric Pearl, Albert Einstien, Nikola Tesla, Rumi, Mark Twain,Zecharia Sitchin,Martin Luther King, Marianne Williamson, and countless others.  There are so many currently still living, more so than ever before in history.  We are witnessing a global awakening. As third dimensional beings, we cannot logically grasp the idea of other directions.  We see up down, left right, above and below.  This makes up our world and because we can see it, we believe it.  Well there is another direction that we can go, which takes us beyond this dimension.  We can go within.  It’s what all the spiritual masters including the likes of Buddha and Christ told us.  Go within.  Within your own heart, is the kingdom of god.  Because it takes you to another dimension of reality, the one in which we can bring back the state of being that represents heaven to experience heaven on earth. One of the greatest realizations we can have, is that we are multi-dimensional beings, because it breaks the chains that have kept us in ignorance.
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unity-with-divinity · 8 years
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They’re different rivers to the same ocean of love
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unity-with-divinity · 8 years
The Ascended Masters
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We live in an exciting time. As the Piscean Age ends and the Aquarian Age begins we have the opportunity to make tremendous spiritual progress. The Aquarian Age promises to be an age of enlightenment and freedom. This is the age of alchemy and transformation and the optimum time for us to enter the spirals of self-transcendence and manifest our highest potential.
You are a spiritual being! Awakening to this realization is the first step on the path to freedom. Once you embark upon this extraordinary journey you will quickly discover that you are not alone. Waiting to assist you on your travels are numerous seen and unseen teachers, helpers, guardians and guides.
Looking up into the night sky we realize how big the universe is and how little we understand it. Cosmos is full of life and complexity. Mystics speak of spiritual encounters with heavenly beings and those who have had near death experiences give accounts of traveling to beautiful crystal cities, visiting magnificent halls of knowledge and having life reviews attended by great beings of light. Millions of people believe in the angels and saints and daily send their prayers to them. Clearly we are not alone.
Who are the Ascended Masters? Today we know a considerable amount about them. For the past one hundred years the Ascended Masters have been weaving the golden threads of illumination and wisdom through their messengers to lay the foundation for the Aquarian Age. This is part of the job of a messenger. They receive special training to be the spokesperson for hierarchy and from them we gain a better understanding about the role of the Ascended Masters in the evolution of the planet and ourselves.
Cosmos is highly ordered and includes an immense network of enlightened beings ranked according to their level of self-mastery and spiritual attainment. The Ascended Masters are an integral part of this complex structure. They belong to an inner group called the Great White Brotherhood. White refers to the aura or halo of white light that surrounds them. Included in this organization are female masters, cosmic beings, Archangels, angels, and even a few every day people that meet specific requirements.
This organization is not a recent new age phenomenon and has existed for thousands of years. It was well known in past golden ages. The lost continents of Lemuria and Atlantis were ancient civilizations that reached great heights. According to the records of akasha many of us were there. We followed the path of the masters and some of us served as priest and priestesses in the temples of light. Back then it was quite common to walk and talk with the masters and attend classes at the retreats of the mystery schools (schools of sacred knowledge).
Unfortunately, these civilizations fell prey to corruption and misuses of the light and many of us got entangled in karma and went down with them. The temples and retreats were withdrawn to higher dimensions with only a handful of the more determined seekers finding the way back to their doors.
When you first learn about the Ascended Masters you immediately recognize many of their names as the great spiritual beings that have walked the earth, past and present. They come from every race, tradition, and culture. We know many of them as the compassionate Buddhas and Bodhisattvas of enlightenment and wisdom, the wise saints and sages of old, and the mystics and prophets of all ages.
Long ago the ancients predicted the Aquarian Age would be the meeting of the paths, East and West, and today we clearly see evidence of this. Many of us have quite a collection of spiritual practices we engage in from meditation and yoga, to reciting prayer and mantra. Even our altars reflect this Aquarian Age spirituality. It is quite common to find statues of the Buddha standing side by side the statues of saints and sages.
As you learn more about the Ascended Masters you begin to see just how much of a role they have in bringing the planet and all us to our present state of awareness. Ancient beings that ascended long ago and some are the unsung and unknown heroes of the age. Coming from different directions on the sacred path each came to the same place as the master before them and choosing to follow in their footprints were able to win their ascension in the light.
We can better understand the role of the Ascended Masters if we look at the light-energy of God. Although defining God is never easy most people can agree that God is consciousness, energy, light and love. One of the ways to relate to the intensity of this powerful light-energy is to think of it as a spiritual sun. The masters call it the Great Central Sun.
From Spirit to Matter this powerful light-energy continuously flows from the Great Central Sun through a vast network of hierarchies, each having millions of beings, until it reaches the Ascended Masters who then safely release it to us. This chain of hierarchy is enormous but without it we could not assimilate that portion of God’s consciousness at a level that is useful to us. Being far too powerful in its original release it would consume us on contact.
You might be wondering, “If there are millions of beings in the cosmos why can’t I see them?” These beings live in the heaven-world or the etheric plane, a plane that is the highest vibrating plane in matter. It is just as real as the physical plane but exists in higher dimensions.
The role of the Ascended Masters takes on new meaning once we come to the knowledge of them. We gain an expanded awareness of the path and nowhere is this more evident than in the Age of Aquarius.
By: Aquarian Path
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unity-with-divinity · 8 years
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The Violet Flame
Ever wish there was a way you could wipe out your past mistakes?  While you can’t go back in time, the violet flame has the power to erase, or transmute the cause, the effect, and even the memory of our past mistakes. Transmutation means to change - to alter in form, appearance or nature. The violet flame changes negative energy into positive energy, darkness into light, “fate” into opportunity. The flame also erases the resultant “bad karma” of our mistakes. 
On the physical level, the violet flame can help heal our bodies by removing the karma that makes us vulnerable to illness and disease. But the real cause of disease is often rooted in our mental, emotional and spiritual states. 
How the Violet Flame Works
The violet flame works by changing “vibrations”. In physics, vibration is the speed of oscillation - the speed at which something moves back and forth. On the atomic level, vibration can be understood to be the speed at which electrons orbit around the nucleus of the atom. The violet flame works by changing vibrations on this level.  Atoms are mostly empty space. The empty space between the nucleus and the electrons is where negative energy and karma can become stuck. When the atoms in our bodies and auras become clogged with this negativity, the electrons whirl slower and slower, and we begin to resonate more with negativity, and less with light - we have a lower vibration, and become less spiritual.  The violet flame transmutes this negative energy. It does not simply surround and remove the energy, but transforms it into light. Because there is less density within the atom, the electrons whirl faster and faster, thereby raising your vibration. 
How to Use the Violet Flame
The violet flame is practical and easy to use.  It is often a good idea to call for spiritual protection before invoking the violet flame. Then find a place where you won’t be disturbed, and sit comfortably in a straight chair with your spine and head erect, legs and arms uncrossed and feet flat on the floor. Rest your hands on your upper legs, with palms facing upwards.  The violet flame is invoked through “decreeing” - a unique form of spoken prayer utilizing visualization and meditation. One of the simplest decrees to the violet flame is: “I AM a being of violet fire! I AM the purity God desires!” Take a few, slow deep breaths and center in your heart. Start out slowly, giving the decree with love, devotion and feeling. Repeat the decree three or nine times to begin with; you can gradually increase this to 36, 72 or even 144 repetitions. Repeating the decree strengthens its power and draws down more light.  Once you are familiar with the decree, you can close your eyes while giving it and concentrate on visualizing the violet flame. See yourself before a large bonfire, about nine feet high and six feet wide. Color it violet in your imagination, and see the flames pulsating and undulating in endless shades of violet with gradations of purple and pink. Then see yourself stepping into the flame, so the violet flame is where you physically are. See your body as transparent, with the flames curling up from beneath your feet, passing through and around your body, clear up over your head.
You can also use the violet flame to help family and friends. Just visualize the violet flame around them while you give the decree, and add a prayer before you start. The violet flame can also help others that you might not be aware of. After you have finished decreeing, you can ask: “In the name of the Christ within me, I ask that this violet flame be multiplied and used to assist all souls on this planet who are in need. I thank you and accept it done according to the will of God."  Even a few minutes of violet flame will produce results, but persistence is needed to penetrate age-old habits you would like to change. You can start out with just a few minutes of violet flame in the morning to help you through the day, and you can add the violet flame to whatever prayers or meditations you currently practice.
Source: The Violet Flame
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unity-with-divinity · 8 years
Three things cannot be hidden: the sun, the moon, the truth.
BUDDHA- (via psychiclouis)
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