undeadyetalive · 3 days
i think abt that tweet that was like "voice training? no thanks, maybe you should do ears training" every single day that shit changed something in me
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undeadyetalive · 11 days
this video has been going around for a while but the English subtitles didn't match the energy of the spoken French at all. i had to fix it.
reblog to spread this version
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undeadyetalive · 13 days
"you looked better before you transitioned!"
I'd rather be an ugly ass man than a miserable little girl.
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undeadyetalive · 15 days
thank fucking god I'm not 14 anymore
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undeadyetalive · 25 days
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based on this text post
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undeadyetalive · 1 month
hazard sign i got at a fleamarket for 5 bucks. still not sure what its for, the closest match i can find is a hazardsign for acids. but then again regular acid signs dont look anything like this.
either way i think it goes hard.
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My guess is that it's a variant of W023?
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undeadyetalive · 1 month
if you are a trans boy, especially a teenage trans boy, i wanted to say that as a trans man in their 30's, you have my deepest respects and condolences for what you may be going through right now.
it has become socially acceptable and basically online custom to bully teenage trans boys & mascs, call them cringy, or excuse misgendering them for whatever reason. people put trans boys on this pedestal of "must perform masculinity and manhood to cartoonish degrees" even though they're still children.
people make trans boys fight for their manhood before they can even be boys. i am sorry people can be so judgmental and harsh on you. you are not wrong for wanting to be a boy. you are experiencing something wonderful. it's okay if you still want to be a boy even if people have treated you poorly, or tried to make you feel bad for being a boy. there is nothing wrong with being a boy.
it's okay if you never socially transition. it's okay if you're afraid to come out because it's not safe. it's okay if you never change your outward appearance. it's okay if you try very hard to pass but struggle to. it's okay if you wear "women's" clothing and shoes, bras, makeup, etc., it's okay if you're gay and love other men. it's okay if you're scared of hrt. it's okay if you don't want surgery. it's okay if you mainly occupy girl's spaces still. people will find every reason to pick these things apart and ridicule trans boys for, but they are all perfectly fine experiences that do not make you any less of a boy. you are the one who is in control of your transition, presentation, and state of being- you should be able to prioritize your safety over the comfort of random strangers who have no impact over how you live your life.
i've been put through this too, but later in life as i came out when i was an adult. people still try to make me feel bad for identifying as a trans man, for whatever reason they have in their head to justify hatred of a trans person. i've had enough. there will never be an excuse for how people try to excuse the infantilization and abuse that trans men and trans boys face.
take care of yourselves, no matter what age you are, if you are a trans boy, man, or masc you deserve to know that other trans men care about you, especially when people are scrambling to find ways to punch down on you. there are people who suck, but there are also a lot of people who care about you. keep your chin up. you know who you are
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undeadyetalive · 1 month
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undeadyetalive · 2 months
transition update 10 months on t, 4 months post op
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not much changed tbh, except that i get sweaty a lot quicker now its warming up again.
im getting more dark hairs on my face, like they seem almost black? which is strange cause if my genes are the same as my family i should be getting a red beard, might just stay at these few hairs tho, idk how beard genetics work
also not transition related but certainly gender! i finally got my mohawk piercing finished! i love it sm its so cool and it doesnt hurt at all except when i accidentally lay on it
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undeadyetalive · 2 months
here’s to all the weird little girls growing up into even weirder men
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undeadyetalive · 2 months
"Isn't it exhausting being someone you're not?"
"No! Isn't it exhausting being the same?"
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undeadyetalive · 2 months
today was the first warm day this year so i was biking wearing just a t-shirt for a top and i could feel the wind through my shirt against my chest for the first time in years and i just started laughing it felt so great and so free. :)) i love being trans.
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undeadyetalive · 2 months
ever since i was a little girl i knew i wanted to be a stressed adult male protagonist splashing water on his face in the bathroom
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undeadyetalive · 2 months
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undeadyetalive · 2 months
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Omg it's all you now
(it seems you're giving @pitconfirm some serious competition over who will break my notifs faster 😅😅)
i am unstoppable, my booping power remains unchallenged.
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undeadyetalive · 2 months
i forgot to do this in time cause i had exams so ehh 9 and a half months on t and 3 and a half months post op!!
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i am only now noticing that i also got way more armpit hair on t
also exciting thing going on with my scars, theyre slowly losing their redness and fading to white, it isnt happening in one piece like i expected but its instead lil bits of the scar
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i almost never see ppl who had topsurgery talk about the cute lil dots drains leave behind so circled them here.
ive really been getting back more feeling in my chest, and my nips are less flat than they were before. the chest still is a bit swollen higher up which can sting sometimes but thats also getting less bad with time.
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undeadyetalive · 3 months
How I be sitting when I'm unreasonably hangry, and my adult brain knows I'm only angry because I'm hungry and it'll go away as soon as I eat, but my body acts as if it's some eldritch, divine given fury and I should bite anyone who approaches me but alas - it's simply teen boy hunger from a hormone I willingly put myself through.
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