un-rivaled · 2 years
Reasons for your characters to be in close proximity
They’re art students who both stay late at the studio to work on their pieces.
They’re the only night shift workers at their job.
They’re college students who study in the shared kitchen at 3am because they’re insomniacs and that’s the only time that it’s quiet.
One of them is responsible for the other person not being able to take their car to school / work so they decide to carpool to make up for it.
One of them is an up and coming musician and the other is a producer who’s helping them make their first album.
One of them is the carer for the others elderly relative.
They live in a dorm that has a communal bathroom.
They both go on coffee runs to the same place at the same time for their respective jobs.
They’re judges for a week(s) long competition.
They’re both lawyers for a couple going through a messy divorce.
A is responsible for B getting injured, so they take care of them until they get better.
They’re at a summer camp and both spend most of their time with the nurse due to their allergies.
A owns a motel that B frequently visits with their hookups.
A spends their summer in a foreign country to teach a B and their family A’s first language.
A plays the main character in B’s indie movie.
They both have neighbouring stalls at a local market.
They’re on the same sports team.
Their kids keep fighting each other in school, so A and B meet many times in the principals office.
A babysits B’s younger sibling(s).
A’s family constantly hires B to do odd jobs around their house.
Also see:
Enemies to lovers masterlist
Reasons for your characters to hate each other
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un-rivaled · 3 years
enemies to lovers prompts that make me believe in love
when you’re in denial about your feelings for your enemy (you refuse to admit the truth) so the antagonist tortures your enemy, threatening to kill them as you’re restrained and watching, and you’re kicking and screaming, begging for their life to be spared
inviting your enemy to dance, who declines because their friends are watching, to which you say “let them stare''
sharing a bed with your enemy, you now consider each other ''acquaintances on good terms,'' and your enemy cracks a joke, which you genuinely laugh at, and then there’s this genuine moment in which your eyes meet, and you can tell there’s something there . you then close your eyes and say good night, but your enemy can’t quite rip their eyes away from you
“screw them, all that matters is right now”
giving your enemy a piece of jewelry that belonged to your Mother, and being awkward about it
stealing something really valuable from your enemy, and then later on deciding to return it
your enemy loses a family member, and you decide to be there for them, because you know what it's like to lose someone you love
carving your name into your enemy's most priced weapon
a kiss that starts out delicate but quickly grows more passionate
going over scars on your enemy's body after sleeping with each other for the first time ''remember this one, right here? you caught me trying to break into your Father's store and you stabbed me.''
you've lost everything, you're all on your own, crying over the situation you're in, and that's when you feel your fingers being intertwined with someone else's... you look up, and your enemy is looking straight at you. an unspoken promise that you're not alone
saying “i love you” for the first time and the other one being in complete shock over hearing those words come out of your mouth
your enemy skips town after you've had a bad argument, and that's when you realize how much you miss them, and how much you've grown to appreciate their presence in your life
bonding while stargazing together, and resting your head on your enemy's shoulder (maybe even falling asleep)
finding a photo of your enemy as a toddler and not being able to stop yourself from smiling over how cute they were, but then your enemy enters the room, and you're caught red-handed
''tell me who did this to you.'' and they got murder in their eyes
your enemy tells you that you can't be together, because you deserve the world, and they can't give it to you . they kiss your forehead, giving you one last smile before they leave
you've lost everything, but you still have each other
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un-rivaled · 3 years
Prompts Masterlist
Ultimate Prompt List
50 ways to say I love you
50 MORE ways to say I love you
Fluff OTP one liners
First date prompts and oneliners
Valentines Day prompts and oneliners
Carried bridal style prompts
First kiss prompts (stoic x cheerful)
Angst Prompts and Oneliners
Angst oneliners
Betrayal prompts and oneliners
50 ways to say I hate you
OTP hurt/comfort prompts and oneliners
Grief prompts and oneliners
Smut oneliners
OTP oblivious pining prompts and oneliners
OTP studying prompts and oneliners
Meet cute ideas and prompts
OTP travelling / vacation prompts and oneliners
OTP sick oneliners
Meet cute prompts (2)
Camping prompts and oneliners
OTP meeting at a funeral prompts and oneliners
OTP funeral / carnival prompts and oneliners
OTP meeting at a wedding prompts and oneliners
Guardian angel prompts and oneliners
OTP Villian height difference prompts
Reality TV Show AU prompts and oneliners
Reunion prompts and oneliners
A flustering B prompts and oneliners
Robin Hood / Royal AU prompts and oneliners
Vampire AU prompts
Dodgeball tournament prompts and oneliners
Friend group prompts
Regency era ball prompts and oneliners
Post Apocalyptic Wasteland Oneliners
Play fighting one liners
Reasons for entrepreneurs to fake date
OTP camping prompts and oneliners
Enemies to Lovers prompts and oneliners
Enemies to lovers while fake dating prompts and oneliners
More enemies to lovers prompts and oneliners
Friends with benefits prompts and oneliners
OTP fake dating prompts
Rivals to friends prompts and oneliners
Forbidden romance prompts and oneliners
Enemies to lovers highschool prompts
Fantasy enemies to lovers prompts and oneliners
Snow day / Winter OTP prompts and oneliners
Childhood enemies to lovers prompts
Enemies to lovers med student au prompts and oneliners
Person x Person
Rich Person x Hardworking Commoner prompts and oneliners
Rich Celebrity x Poor Hardworking College Student prompts and oneliners
Rich Person x Rich Person prompts and oneliners
Royalty x College Student Prompts and oneliners
Ghost x Ghost prompts and oneliners
Villain x Hero prompts and oneliners
Royal x Groundskeeper prompts and oneliners
Goddess x Mortal prompts and oneliners
Oblivious Hero x Villain prompts and oneliners
Royal x Royal prompts and oneliners
Royal x Rockstar prompts and oneliners
Villain x Hero’s Sidekick prompts and oneliners
Writing Advice / Miscellaneous
Reasons for your characters to hate each other
More reasons for your characters to hate each other
Dumb things for your characters to get up to
Flower themed asks for your OCs
Oneliners to cheer up your character
Tips for writing slow burn
How to write enemies to lovers
Enemies to lovers masterlist
Reasons for someone to not want to fall in love
First Date headcanon meme
Character This or That - Headcanon meme
Anon specific advice
How to write and foreshadow a plot twist
Anon specific advice #2
Writing Challenges
30 Day AU Writing Challenge
30 Day Fluff Challenge
30 Day Angst Writing Challenge
January Writing Challenge
February Writing Challenge
March Writing Challenge
April Writing Challenge
May Writing Challenge
June Writing Challenge
July Writing Challenge
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un-rivaled · 3 years
Tumblr media
Welcome to the July Writing Challenge!
Finding something that has been lost for a long time
An unexpected reunion
“Tonight, let’s forget about the rest of the world”
A change of appearance
An abandoned beach
“I can’t believe the train is late”
“Something bad is brewing down there”
A family recipe
Missing shoes
Bucket lists
“Let’s promise to never forget tonight”
A missed opportunity
Dead flowers
“I can’t give you any more chances”
“When I said I never wanted summer to end, I didn’t mean literally”
A body covered in plasters
An old work of fiction
A new coat of paint
Matching jewellery
“What happened last summer, stays in last summer”
“Your jokes aren’t funny anymore”
A talent show
Starting a new tradition
“Your voice has changed”
A box of old wigs
Broken mirrors
The last day
Also see:
Full prompt list
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un-rivaled · 3 years
this page is so blank alexa play desPROMPTSito
“You look like someone’s dad.”
“Two?! That’s more than one!” (”Didn’t know you were so good at math.”)
“What a nuincience.”
“Can’t you see your fighting is tearing this family apart!”
“I was wrong…. about everything.
“If idiots could fly, this would be an airport.”
“What will it take for the people I care about to take care of themselves!”
“Where are your eyes?!”
“I’ve been privileged my entire life, how do you expect me to be able to do that?!”
“They’re talking to a worm…”
“See, I’m not most people, so I can’t do that.”
“That’s not gonna look good on my resume.”
“I’m like, three out of five, so pretty deadish.”
“I need to wash my face.”
“You are horrible cops!”
“I’m just gonna sit here.”
“I find that being a coward keeps me more alive, so no thanks.”
“Somehow, you managed to be the even more idiotic version of me.”
“This is the best conversation I’ve ever had.”
“Are we monks or are we mice?!”
“You came all this way to give it back to me?”
“Do you still have both of your kidneys?”
“You have… personalized pajamas… made for especially you?”
“You’re my friend now.”
“Wait, uninvite me so I can crash it!”
“This is worrying.”
“Take control of your life!”
“Face my wrath, you insect!”
“I’ve got ants in my pants.”
“This is the sad part where my parents die so I can have a dramatic backstory.”
“It must be tragic to be so laughtose intolerant.”
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un-rivaled · 3 years
50 Meet Cutes
You had an assigned seat next to them at a wedding for a mutual friend.
You accidentally sprayed them with yogurt when you opened the lid the wrong way.
Studying at the same table in the library, you see they are pulling the same study resources as you.
They mistook your bowling ball for theirs in the shared ball return.
They caught you when you slipped on ice and nearly fell over.
Accidentally stepping on their heel in a crowded room.
You both do the side-to-side dance when you try to pass them in the grocery store aisle.
Humming a song and having them begin to hum with you without thinking.
Tripping while getting into your seat in the theater and spilling your popcorn on them.
You matched with them in an online chat roulette room.
Both of you wore the same ugly Christmas sweater to a party.
You kick a ball and your shoe flies off, hitting them in the back of the head.
Accidentally opening a door on their face.
They cover the small amount of change you are short on for a purchase.
You both go to the counter, having the same type of coffee called for pick-up.
Riding together up the ski lift.
They pull you out of the way from the busy bike path.
They see your ice cream drop to the ground and buy you a new one.
You see your favorite book on their desk during class and ask them about it afterwards.
You walk out of a dressing room asking if the outfit suits you, but it’s not your friend waiting outside the room like you thought.
Almost spilling a drink because you met their eyes and got distracted thinking how cute they are.
Getting paired up in a line dance.
Happening to sit next to each other on a park bench, reading the same book.
Being paired up at a beginners ballroom dancing class.
Sharing an umbrella at a bus stop as it snows.
They get your attention and return your phone that fell out of your pocket.
You help catch their dog when the leash slips from their hand.
They ask you to pretend to be their date at a bar to prevent an ex from talking to them.
You help pull a loose thread off the back of their shirt.
Meeting their gaze after throwing a coin in a wishing fountain.
Sitting next to each other at a very boring meeting and bonding over your shared lack of attention.
You wear matching masks at a masquerade party.
Holding the elevator for them and getting off on the same floor.
Bumping into each other while trying to pass through a doorway.
They jump into your car breathless and tell you to keep driving.
You throw a snowball at a friend but miss and hit them instead.
The two of you wear costumes from the same fandom at a costume party.
You help a lost child find their parent together.
Walking into the incorrect bathroom and meeting eyes with them before quickly realizing the mistake.
You help catch their hat as it flies away in the wind.
The person sitting next to you on the train is wearing clothes that match your lucky colors from your fortune that morning in the paper.
They knock on your apartment door instead of your neighbor’s.
You both reach for the last umbrella in the store on a rainy day.
You fix your hair in the reflection of a window to see them smiling at you through it.
You get scared by them in a corn maze and lash out and hit them, quickly followed by apologizes.
You reach for the same bouquet in a flower shop.
Texting the incorrect number but continuing the conversation.
Sitting next to each other at a sushi bar and sharing a roll.
You both reach for the final donut in the case at a bakery.
Getting paired up on an amusement park that requires even numbered riders.
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un-rivaled · 3 years
a writing guide to rivals (or enemies) to lovers + writing prompts
note: these are more rivals to lovers than anything, but you can use them for enemies to lovers as well. 
oh, you’re walking through this door? let me just ~politely~ slam the door in your face on the way out
i know we’re technically supposed to be fighting each other with swords, but you ended up on the ground and i fell on top of you, and woah… i never noticed how attractive you are until now, so let me just appreciate for a moment – wHY THE HELL DID YOU JUST SHOVE ME 
you’ve got me pinned against the wall and i’m not sure if i want to kiss you, or kill you. probably both 
‘’i know we’re, like… friends now, or whatever, but… i’d still kick your ass.’’ ‘‘like you could ever beat me.’‘ but they do, in fact, beat them.
so you’re just… not going to respect my take on this whole thing and go against everything i just said? that’s fine. i’ll just do the same thing and – oh, you didn’t like that? okay. O K A Y . and obviously, they’re doing it out of spite 
character A says ‘‘i’m going to kill you.’‘ and character B takes a step close, they’re so close now, if character B bends their head, they’d be kissing, and character B’s intensely staring into character A’s eyes, and character A’s like… shit . THIS DID NOT GO AS PLANNED ABORT MISSION ABORT ABORT ABOR —– 
OH NO – my love interest has said that they don’t care if anything happens to me, but now i’m about to die, and they’re risking their own life by running into a burning building to save me!!!!! also, did they just scream my name before bursting into the building??? god why do they sound so,,, worried???? 
okay, so… did we… did we just hug… dude. let, let go of me. let’s just. let’s just pretend this didn’t happen. *cough* i’m going to walk away now. okay. BYE 
‘‘is that a smile?’‘ ‘‘if you tell anyone about this, i swear to god, i’ll kill you.’’ 
so somebody ends up on somebody’s lap and holy shit maybe the tension is… unbearable 
when they share an intimate moment, or maybe even a kiss, and they’re both so confused by it, they completely derail. like, they just… stop working. because what the HELL just happened and then they just stare  at each other and nobody says a word until one of them turns around and SPRINTS out of the room 
‘‘go ahead, do it. if you’re so convinced you’ll kill me, do it.’‘ faster than a bullet, character A grabs a knife, handing it over to character B, who, of course, despite having spent the last couple of months claiming they would kill their love interest, and leave them for dead, can’t bring themselves to grab the knife, and actually do it
you ever just get so annoyed by a person, and what they have to say, that you snatch hold of knife and throw it into the wall behind them with all of your strength yeah me neither but maybe this fictional couple would
using seduction to try and throw each other off balance, usually by taking their clothes off in front of the other person, and it’s working
you just took a friend of mine hostage, and your crew’s been torturing them… i just found out about it, and i’m so disappointed, and there’s tears in my eyes, and the other character’s like, holy hell it fucking hurts seeing you like that… and knowing that my crew did that, that i did that to you… that i’m responsible… 
when character A is really sad, and just… out of nowhere, wraps themselves into character B’s arms and starts crying… and character B’s just like… what the hell…? we hate each other? but ok i’ll let it slide this time
there’s only one bed, but this time they’re arguing over who has to sleep on the floor, in which nobody agrees to do, so they end up in the same bed, incredibly annoyed that they have to share their space (it’s not like friends to lovers, in which they both awkwardly get into bed and laughs it off. this is straight up just. i will set this bed on fire if you don’t stay over on your side)
do these two do anything other than be at each other’s throats. like. can they hold oNE conversation without arguing over something
so you’re just. you’re just going to chain me up against this tree. okay. that’s fine. that’s totally fine. i’m fine. 
when one of them realizes that they’ve gone too far, and they show up at their love interest’s door to apologize, but the following conversation happens; ‘‘why are you here?’‘ ‘‘i’m here because i want to apologize.’‘ ‘‘well, i don’t want you here, so go away.’’ followed by the character getting the door slammed in their face.
THE FIRST KISS – and total denial after it happened, and they’re convincing themselves that there’s nothing going on between them… and they pull away from the kiss, and look at each other, and they’re just like… yeah. just realized i’m head over heels in love with this person but if i speak i will die
when they’re having a moment, and one of the characters says ‘’you hate me.’’ and the other character replies with ‘’maybe i don’t hate you entirely’’
when character A’s crew has taken character B hostage, and character A finds out they’re to be executed, and suddenly it’s this race against the clock to try and save character B’s life, while also trying to not reveal to their crew that they’re head over heels in love with the enemy
it’s not enemies to lovers if the characters hasn’t tried to kill each other at least once, or betrayed each other, or put a friend or a loved one of the other person in danger 
literally, how much do i have to stress this, enemies to lovers, they’ve got to raise hell in each other’s lives, enemies to lovers is not about sitting around a campfire and singing kumbaya, enemies to lovers means i’m covered in blood, and if you’re not careful, it’s soon be yours
and rivals to lovers is, you’re covered in blood, but since you’re here, i’ll help you clean it up, but if you get blood on my carpet, you better run 
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un-rivaled · 3 years
any beginner writing tips you recommend? (also could you @ some writing accounts that you personally like?)
Let’s start with some blogs I really like:
@feathered-quill @heywriters @thewritershandbook @lizard-is-writing @promptsforthestrugglingauthor @writingwithcolor @develop-your-oc @characterdevelopmentforwriters @prompt-dealer @strangeocquestions @happylilprompts @thewritingnook @scriptflorist @plotlinehotline
I don’t follow many writing blogs to be quite honest, mainly because I don’t have the chance to explore writeblr that much because I’m more focused on creating content than anything, but those are a few who I check frequently. A lot of them are character development because that’s something I enjoy and like to do quite often.
On the topic of tips for beginning writers, here’s a few:
Keep at it. The more you practice, the better you become. 
Don’t fuss too much on the “rules”. For now, your writing journey should be focused on experimentation and finding your voice as a writer. Enjoy and find what works for you, and seek advice but with a grain of salt. 
Seek inspiration in the mundane things.
Don’t compare yourself to other writers. It is useless and even if you could make a fair comparison, you are not them and they are not you and you have different strengths and places to improve than they do.
Everyone has places to improve upon, even the professionals.
I have a whole post about this here.
Happy writing! x
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un-rivaled · 3 years
símbolos & enfeites.
७   ८   १   ९   ४   ५   ॽ   এ   ৎ   ১   ৫   ৶   ੭   ઽ   ૮   ૭   ૦   ଓ   ଘ   ଙ   ଽ   ୦   ୨   ୧   ୪   ୬   ୭   ఽ   ౨   ౿   ೨   ഽ   ໒   ໑   ༺   ༻   ༾   ༿   ᗀ   ᗁ   ᗂ   ᗃ   ᗢ   ᗣ   ᘍ   ᘊ   ᘝ   ᘞ   ᚙ   ᜊ   ᜑ   ៙   ᪤   ᱪ   ᱖   ᱕   ᳁   ᳂   ᳃   ⊙   ⊚   ⊰   ⊱   ⊲   ⊳   ⋕   ⋮   ⌂   ⌔   ⌕   ⌗   ⌘   ⌙   ⌦   ⌧   ⌫   〈   〉   ⌾   ⍝   ⎈   ⎓   ⎙   ⎚   ⏙   ⑅   ┆   ┇   ┊   ┋   ★   ☆   ☓   ♡   ♥︎   ⚯︎   ⚢︎   ⚛︎   ⚝︎   ⚹︎   ⛧︎   ⛮︎   ⛻︎   ⚠︎   ⚘︎   ⚣︎   ✦   ✧   ❍   ❑   ⟃   ⟄   ⟅   ⟆   ⟡   ⟲   ⟳   ⦾   ⧉   ⧾   ⩀   ⩇   ⩉   ⩊   ⩋   ⭑   ⭒   ⭗   ⭘   ⭙   ⭚   ⭛   Ⱶ   ⲷ   Ⳋ   ⵂ   ⵌ   ⸦   ⸧   ⸮   〄   々   〆   〩   ぁ   あ   の   を   龱   ꀯ   ꃳ   ꆪ   ꈊ   ꈔ   ꌦ   ꎺ   ꏳ   ꏿ   ꐑ   ꐚ   ꐧ   ꐪ   ꑘ   ꒰   ꒱   ꔪ   ꔛ   ꔡ   ꔵ   ꕃ   ꕀ   ꔷ   ꔮ   ꕊ   ꕕ   ꕤ   ꕪ   ꖏ   ꖘ   ꖴ   ꗃ   ꗏ   ꘎   ꘫ   ꜔   ꞝ   ꠶   ꠷   ꢏ   ꢾ   ꣑   ꥟   ꩜   ꩐   ꫢ   ꫪ   ꯱                     ﹅   ﹆   ﹟   ﹠   ﹗   ﹖   ﹢   ﹫   ﹪   #   !   +   ○   �   𐀏   𐁇   𐂂   𐂐   𐄹   𐇵   𐌎   𐌆   𐐂   𐐒   𐐗   𐐘   𐐜   𐐪   𐐺   𐐿   𐑀   𐝡   𐨀   𐪔   𐪆   𐪇   𑁘   𑁙   𑁚   𑁤   𑁥   𑁦   𑁨   𑁩   𑁬   𑁭   𑁯   𑂗   𑄻   𑊂   𑐛   𑑙   𑑛   𑑑   𓂁   𓂂   𓂃   𓂅   𓄹   𓄼   𓆇   𓆩   𓆪   𓆠   𓇷   𓇸   𓈀   𓈅   𓊌   𓊔   𓋭   𓋰   𓋱   𓏲   𓏳   𔒅   𔔀   𔔤   𔔦   𔖢   𔗨   𔘓   𔘜   𓈈   𖠘   𖠇   𖠛   𖠗   𖠣   𖠚   𖣠   𖣯   𖦹   𖧖   𖧗   𝄄   𝄜   𝇋   𝇌   🜲   🜸   🜽   🝕   🝙   🝯   🝩   🝱   ❀ ✿ ✩ ✫ ✧ ✦
mojitos !!
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un-rivaled · 3 years
okay but like, i dont like a dark academia with rains and coffees and soft wind while you read by the window. i want dark academia with rebel kids sneaking bongs and gins inside their dorm and creating a secret society that will overthrow the shitty teaching method of the school but in the end they'll just fail the whole plan and gets expelled. at least they had the best highschool/college experience.
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un-rivaled · 3 years
being carried, knowing glances, greek mythology, laying in bed windows opened, pink silk pajamas, making promises, secret admires, handwritten letters, vintage pianos, tight hugs, dancing cheek to cheek, elaborate breakfasts, dark chocolate, morning fog, pink silk sheets, late night dance parties, piano duets, playing dress up, empty perfume bottles, sitting in school halls, white blouses, torrential rainstorms, luxurious naps, signed photos
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un-rivaled · 3 years
I was being dramatic and comparing my pessimistic coping mechanisms to wanting to be murdered, if you know you know, so I made a poem about it.
Did you like what I did?
Smiled as you pushed me into the stars?
You gave me a bitter tolerance,
Now I’m decorated in your scars.
When you told me who I was?
A freak with nothing to offer.
When you took a chance,
And risked all your honor?
I was never ignorant to this,
A part of me already knew.
You would take whatever you could,
Hit any vulnerability you could see through.
Still I was apathetic,
And I needed a place to stay.
Abusive or not,
I was sick of running away.
To you I would be amusing,
Your greatest accomplishment.
Another tick of the clock,
Then I would never be insignificant.
Misery was typical,
And your plot was mundane.
But betrayal doesn’t bother me,
Considering I’m in love with pain.
I did not put up a fight,
I was easy to chase.
My simplicity- a perfect match,
Ready to die in this place.
Your motives were all but clear,
Still it was you who was manipulated.
I got the end I planned for,
Your efforts were all depleted.
You hid everything you could,
Sought to conceal your failed prey.
Don’t you know not to play with your food?
We don’t digest in less than a day.
Go ahead and damn me to the ground,
Dig me a shallow grave.
It wasn’t my blood you wanted,
It was the chase that you crave.
Yes, you ran out of entertainment,
You hid my flesh under the coast.
I’m the one who is supposed to be dead,
Whilst it’s you who is actually the ghost.
It must be difficult to work with,
When the subject is incompliant.
When your plan has been stolen,
And your thoughts are not private.
I can’t help to feel that I won,
You were kind to let me do what I wanted.
To take your satisfaction,
Willing to die and leave you exhausted.
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un-rivaled · 3 years
Some character quirks based off people I know
-collects music boxes and line them neatly on the shelf, trying to set them off at the same time.
-used to buy baguettes every Thursday morning and carry them to school
- great at forging things, because their writing can instantly change
- can beatbox surprisingly
- can unhinge their jaw
- can crack their neck
- brings certain things to a get together just because it is aesthetic
- takes lessons for violin yet spends most of their time self teaching themselves piano
- knows seven languages yet has a mental blank for all of them when speaking to someone
- hunches over and makes themselves look shorter than they are, even though they are one of the shortest ones
- good at a shit ton of things yet does not seem to comprehend simple geography, will believe that Spain is in France until told otherwise
- teaching themselves to be ambidextrous
- smartass since day one
-mildly allergic to cats yet owns one
- can’t swim properly
- writes notes in a bunch of different languages mixed together and sits in satisfaction as their friends scramble to translate it.
- has a guilty pleasure of gay fanfic
- has a guilty pleasure of poetry from the romantic era
- one is a slightly hypochondriac
- uses too many commas, semi colons in their writing
- scared of butterflies
- smells like berries
- so many hand gestures and dramatics while talking.
- calls her friends ‘bub’
- whenever she’s bored and wants to read at the same time the only thing she’ll read is Lemony Snicket
- has to pick out their own cutlery otherwise will get annoyed
- checks their bare wrist as if they’re looking for the time
- has a strange obessesion with time
- really likes ink
- gets vertigo a lot
- prefers inanimate objects more than people
-used to have a room filled with paper planes
- always yawns whenever it’s a social gathering
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un-rivaled · 3 years
Aesthetically pleasing activities that you can start doing right now:
Grab a random book you have at home, read few pages and underline all the words or phrases that inspire you most , search for their meanings or use them to create your own poetry.
Fill out a gratitude list.
Set a daily reminder on your phone to drink water.
Practice belly breathing.
write down about your best self, who is she like ? and how can you move closer into being her ? when you’re done hang that paper you used in a place where you can see it daily.
Stretch for 15 minutes.
put on nice comfortable clothes.
Loose yourself into the internet archives https://archive.org/
Repeat after me, We deserve and still have time to be all the things we want to be! ( if necessary write it on a post it and keep it near you as a reminder.)
Start a recipes journal.
Start a Commonplace book , if you don’t know what that is let me explain  “it’s a notebook/book into which notable extracts from other works are copied for personal use. 
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un-rivaled · 3 years
You end up alone at a strange party
The room is crowded with dancers clad in expensive, jewel-toned gowns and coats, though you can’t seem to make out any of their faces.
The dining table is laden with large plates of shining heaps of meat, and delicately ornate cake platters. The whole arrangement smells of cardamom and cinnamon.
The music is smooth as silk, though you can’t tell quite what instrument it’s coming from.
You begin to feel a little dizzy, overwhelmed by the noise and chatter, when a gloved hand presents itself to you and you take it without thinking. You find yourself dancing with an attractive stranger, their eyes an uneasy sort of yellow, oddly snake like.
You dance until your feet ache, and when the stranger turns their back you fade into the crowd and wander to some secluded section of the house, your back against the cold wall, breathing heavily.
In the dark, you overhear a conversation, though you can’t make out anyone else in the room. The pair appear to be lovers discussing some sort of plot to murder one of their spouses. You panic and rush back to the crowd, but the sweet scents and sultry music quickly distract you, and very soon you have forgotten all about... well, you can’t really remember what you’ve forgotten all about.
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un-rivaled · 3 years
Words to describe someone’s voice :
adenoidal (adj) :  some of the sound seems to come through their nose.
appealing (adj): voice shows that you want help, approval, or agreement.
breathy (adj): with loud breathing noises.
booming (adj): very loud and attention-getting.
brittle (adj): if you speak in a brittle voice, you sound as if you are about to cry.
croaky (adj): they speak in a low, rough voice that sounds as if they have a sore throat.
grating (adj): a grating voice, laugh, or sound is unpleasant and annoying.
gravelly (adj): a gravelly voice sounds low and rough.
high-pitched (adj): true to its name, a high-pitched voice or sound is very high.
honeyed (adj): honeyed words or a honeyed voice sound very nice, but you cannot trust the person who is speaking.
matter-of-fact (adj): usually used if the person speaking knows what they are talking about (or absolutely think they know what they are talking about).
penetrating (adj): a penetrating voice is so high or loud that it makes you slightly uncomfortable.
raucous (adj): a raucous voice or noise is loud and sounds rough.
rough (adj): a rough voice is not soft and is unpleasant to listen to.
shrill (adj): a shrill voice is very loud, high, and unpleasant.
silvery (adj): this voice is clear, light, and pleasant.
stentorian (adj): a stentorian voice sounds very loud and severe.
strangled (adj): a strangled sound is one that someone stops before they finish making it.
strident (adj): this voice is loud and unpleasant.
thick (adj): if your voice is thick with an emotion, it sounds less clear than usual because of the emotion.
tight (adj): shows that you are nervous or annoyed.
toneless (adj): does not express any emotion.
wheezy (adj): a wheezy noise sounds as if it is made by someone who has difficulty breathing.
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un-rivaled · 3 years
Some idioms and phrases you should know about part I :
Salt of the earth: a very good or worthy person.
Gut-wrenching: making you feel very upset or worried.
Make a spectacle of yourself: to do something that makes you look stupid and attracts people's attention.
Pass muster: be accepted as adequate or satisfactory.
Putty in someone's hands: easily influenced by someone else, excessively willing to do what someone else wishes.
Look before you leap: carefully consider the possible consequences before taking action.
Set the wheels in motion : to do something that will cause a series of actions to start.
Off the books: without being included on official records.
A long Haul: something that takes a lot of time and energy.
An end in itself: a goal that is pursued in it's own right to the exclusion of others.
Night owl: a person who prefers to be awake late at night.
Kick the Bucket: to die.
Alter Ego: a person's secondary or alternative personality immediately or extremely quickly; at once.
Freak of Nature: something or someone that is unusual, rare, or abnormal in some way / To avoid attracting attention to yourself.
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