ultravioletsoul · 5 months
Trying on Argenti’s clothes won.
Of course we all know I can’t help myself and I’ll be doing both but I Must do what the people want-
Cw! suggestive subjects, reader is honestly a bad partner, going behind Argenti’s back by sneaking into his room, stuff like that, kinda angsty somehow
-Trying on Argenti’s clothes-
Argenti is a very traditional gentleman.
A very: let’s wait until marriage kind of man. A very chaste man.
You’ve never shared a bed with him, never even been in his bedroom, nothing like that…and you loved him, and you respected and valued your relationship with him, but you were beginning to feel…lonely in your relationship with Argenti.
Oh you hated the thought of betraying him like this.
But he expressed that he would be busy for a long while piloting the One and Only, and when you had walked by…you noticed his room was unlocked.
And before you knew it…you had slipped inside, as silently as you could muster.
His room is small, given it was on a spaceship, but elegant and elaborate.
He has a desk, with a vase on it, filled with roses.
An image depicting what Idrila might look like hangs on the wall.
And a couple of photographs of you and him decorate the room.
But your eyes first land on his bed. Put together, of course, you couldn’t imagine Argenti not making his bed in the morning.
Plush and fluffy blankets and pillows called to you, and you find yourself running your hands along them, and soon you’re laying down, throwing the blankets over you and burying your face in his pillow, taking in the scent of Argenti.
Roses, of course, and expensive, spicy vanilla cologne.
You can only roll around in his sheets for so long before you get tired of it though. You carefully slide out of bed and do your best to remake the bed…
And you tell yourself to leave. To stop snooping around your boyfriend’s room, reminding yourself that you’ll really break his heart if he catches you.
But your eyes land on the closet.
You remember he’s not wearing his armor right now.
So if you wanted to…you could give it a try.
You know better. You KNOW BETTER. You really, really shouldn’t.
But your fingers are wrapped around the closet handles, and you swing open the doors.
There’s his armor, pristine and clean and shining white and gold…along with his other clothes, all crisp and clean and smelling nice and now you’re pulling on one of his shirts, tugging at the collar, way oversized on you.
Step one done.
You had already come this far. May as well try on the armor.
You don’t know where to begin.
You’re able to get the legs on at least. But unfortunately you drop the chest plate.
Making a loud, unpleasant clang-
You feel the familiar sound of the ship switching to auto pilot, followed shortly afterwards by: “y/n? Are you okay, my dear?” and the sound of his footsteps echoing quietly in the halls.
Saying anything would give you away. So you opt to be silent. Which just makes him even more worried.
You just have to helplessly remain quiet while he scours the ship for you. You can HEAR him becoming more desperate. “Y/n? Y/N?!”
Finally, you can’t bear to hear the panic rising in his voice. It breaks your heart.
“In here, Argenti…”
The sound of the frantic searching stops, and you hear him running in the direction of his own room, before he stops, and hesitates.
Finally the door slides open.
“Y/n? Are you alright?” he’s almost scared to hear the answer, he’s so worried about you.
But when he catches sight of you, there you are, half-dressed in his armor, wearing one of his turtlenecks, a chest plate carelessly abandoned on the floor.
“I-I can explain-“
He looks so…it’s hard to describe.
“You…shouldn’t be doing this,” he says, approaching you.
You’re not scared of him. You’ve never been scared of Argenti. But in this moment you’re afraid of what he’s going to say.
“I’m…I’m sorry…” you say, knowing your words mean nothing. You KNEW better. You knew this was a blatant violation of his trust and your stupid, impatient nature just got the better of you.
“Y/n…I Really don’t want to have to have this discussion with you…” he’s saying, working at helping you remove the armor. “I feel you already know what I’m going to say.”
“Yes. I’m sorry, I’m So Sorry, Argenti…”
‘You have broken my trust.’
He shushes you, gently, but with enough force to tell you he was serious about you needing to be quiet right now.
A few moments of painful silence pass between you while you liberate yourself from the armor.
Once you pull off the shirt is only when he speaks again.
“Please just…refrain from speaking to me for some time. I need to consider this carefully.”
Now you’ve done it.
You’ve shown him that he can’t trust you.
He might be seriously considering breaking up with you.
You slink out of his room, murmuring your empty apologies, feeling tears well up in your eyes and silently cursing yourself out for being so Impatient towards him.
He doesn’t talk to you for the rest of the night, and that evening as he’s laying in bed he finds the evidence of your other trespass.
Your scent was lingering on his sheets.
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ultravioletsoul · 1 year
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Original tweet: https://twitter.com/tunakansuda/status/1580148414179725312
Saga ♥ nudity
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ultravioletsoul · 1 year
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Original tweet: https://twitter.com/tunakansuda/status/1594585736434528257
I’m loving Tuna-can sensei’s humour xD
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ultravioletsoul · 1 year
Imagine being an ainu that leaves the Timeless Halls of Iluvatar to dwell in Arda and unexpectedly falls in love with Thranduil (part 1)
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I've been playing around with this idea for some time, and while I don’t think I’ll ever write a full-fledged fic, at least I wanted to outline some headcanons I had for fun.
This is what happens when you listen to an hour version of Across The Stars.
Throughout the ages, many had heard of the love story between Thingol and Melian the Maia, from which Lúthien came to be. It was in the days when the elves were on their great journey from Cuiviénen to the west, that the Teleri had stopped to rest in East Beleriand.
Thingol was an emissary of his people, the only one among the sindar elves to have ever had any contact with Aman.
He often crossed the woods of Nan Elmoth to visit his good friend Finwë, of the Noldor, and it was in one of such travels upon his return that in the silence of the forest he heard the song of nightingales and the voice of Melian— his heart brimming with wonder and desire. He forgot all about about his people and followed the birds, getting lost in the woods until he reached a clearing and in it Melian stood beneath the starry sky.
From the shadows he watched his nightingale, listened to her song, and in her countenance shone the divine light of Aman which he had seen before.
Both were caught in an enchanment of which they could not wake up for over two hundreds of years, standing together hand in hand under the stars as the trees grew around them, and his people could not find them.
When he returned with Melian, he gathered what was left of the Teleri that had stayed behind for his sake, and claimed the lands of Beleriand as his own, founding the kingdom of Doriath. The place where Thranduil would later be born in.
It was a story you’d heard a lot back in the days of old. After all, Melian was renowned among your people as one of the most beautiful, wisest and most skilled of the maiar, serving the valiër Vána and Estë. And the love between her and Thingol was unique in all of Arda, both in its beauty and tragedy.
Of course, maybe your story wasn't as memorable or even as relevant. Unlike Melian, you weren't a special spirit nor counted among the most powerful of the ainur. You weren’t even among the most distinguished servants of the Valar.
But your story starts during the Ainulindalë, as the elves would call it, or music of the ainur, before the creation of Ea, The World That Is or the universe as a whole.
From the mind of Eru Ilúvatar you came, along with many others. Many of your kind dwelled with Him outside the boundaries of time and space before such concepts were even known to you, and each one was different from the other in temperament and thought.
The ainur were numerous but only few were counted in the glorious tales of Arda or even had names in the tongues of Elves and Men. Not even the Eldar, wise and knowledgeable as they were, knew how many of them existed as not all of them chose to take form and be bound to the fate of Arda throughout the ages. Many chose to stay with Eru and others simply wandered across the vast universe, perhaps lost in other tales unfolding in Time.
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Even when your being was brought into existence, you couldn't compare with the mightiest and fairest of the ainur.
And certainly, your comprehension was no better until you came to learn the other aspects of the All-Father throughout your brethren, not only that part which was assigned to you. Even as He gathered you all together and asked you to join him on the creation of even greater things, you couldn't help but feel small in presence and relevance before the rest as your ideas seemed to be drowned by all the others, and faded in the background. In spite of that, you still participated with joy, eager to see what was it that your siblings had deviced with their powers for the delight of Eru.
However, Melkor's dissonance with the original plan brought strife and chaos, and it terrified you into silence many times.
Small as you were, someone like you could never be enough to overcome him when your siblings couldn't, and only Eru was capable of countering his discord, causing His dwellling and even the Void to shake until He brought the music to an end.
When He showed you all a vision of what you'd created collectively, you and the other ainur were in awe at the sight of it. It was then everyone realized their thoughts had been given substance and even if none could fully comprehend the extent of the work done, you all fell in love with the Universe as you watched its history unfold as if it had life of its own.
When you saw Arda in all its beauty, you were overcome with great joy at the knowledge that you had all contributed to it in some form or other. But when Eru showed you His Children, his creation alone and something neither of you could have possibly imagined, you were all enamored and filled with great longing to dwell amongst them. Then Erú sent His flame into the void and the vision became real, and He allowed the greatest among the ainur to depart for Ëa, on the condition that they would remain there until the end of Time, to be the life of the World and the World their life.
And several of them left but not you.
In spite of your desire to be there to witness the history of Ea and assist in its formation, you were scared to experience something like that. Besides, your power wasn’t on par with that of the other ainur and you doubted you could even be of much help to them. You hadn’t been capable of creating anything tangible that you could see in the vision, and it had greatly discouraged you from joining them.
But that didn’t stop you from marveling and keeping that vision very close to your heart. So you were greatly saddened at the news of war, a concept foreign to you and impossible to imagine, raging on in the place that had been designated as the dwelling of Ilúvatar's Children, for Melkor had claimed it as his own, ruining and undoing the labors of the ainur until everyone feared Arda would never be finished.
But Tulkas would hear none of that and so he departed from the Timeless Halls, in a haste to join the others, and at his valiance you pondered for a long time but you still were restless and fearful.
So your spirit remained outside of Ea, in the Timeless Halls, yearning but never daring to leave the beautiful dwelling that Ilúvatar had created for all the ainur, staring through the void and into a sea of stars, hoping to catch a tiny glimpse of the Little Kingdom. A point so small and distant it seemed unreachable, even for someone like you.
The stars moved as the ages of the World passed until Eru finally spoke in your mind and the eternal light filled your vision as you stood before him. Again so small in comparison to his immesurable being but all the same comforted by his love.
"What is it that ails you, little one? It is not like you to wander these halls in grave silence when your laughter has always been my delight and that of your siblings. Is your heart not content anymore?" And though you knew not what to say to that, you gazed into his radiant face.
“I am, All-Father… It is my joy to dwell in your home with you and my brethren, for your light is all I have ever known and in it I rejoice.”
“Yet you are not at rest since the others have departed."
Your spirit almost shrunk in shame at being caught and mortified for not being truthful.
“To you it may seem so, but I have listened carefully to each one of you and though you may belittle your efforts, they have not gone unnoticed.”
"I know the secrets of your heart, no matter how much you try to keep them from me, and how much you treasure the vision I showed you. Of your longing to explore the vast halls of Ea and see all the wonders that are for you to discover, yet you fear the unknown and the discord Melkor has brought. But know that in the end his deeds will only serve to further the Music in even more wondrous ways as you shall witness... If only you dared to cross into the void and to the stars beyond."
“I don't understand how could that be. Melkor will always be there to undo and ruin, All-Father, and his large shadow is cast upon everything. For what purpose would I go there? I am afraid I cannot be of much help to my siblings in protecting this World. Even during the Music I could never raise myself above the others, always a tune drowned amid the leading instruments of your will and thus I have not contributed anything to your glory.”
"But it is you who always encouraged your siblings to imagine many wonders and celebrated their ingenuity. Despite Melkor’s opposition, you inspired them with hope and it is in this small but important deed that much of the history that is about to be shall unfold.”
Again you pondered in the words of Ilúvatar but kept your thoughts to yourself as you wandered his dwelling, always trying to catch a glimpse of Arda, wondering what had become of it. Until one day you heard tidings that the war was over and Melkor had fled beyond the Walls of Night, in fear of Tulkas. Even more, you were so ecstatic to hear that the latter was going to marry Nessa, for they’d always been close even before the World was made. Before they even had any names, as you’d come to learn.
And when his shadow was gone, your longing to depart grew in your heart, now that Arda was prepared for the arrival of the Children of Ilúvatar, in its beautiful Spring.
Unable to resist any longer, you finally expressed your wish to be part of Ea and Erú acceded, reminding you that once you went into the World, you would be bound to it until the end of Time, unable to return.
You agreed to his conditions and said your farewells to the rest of your brethren, before finally stepping into the unknown, crossing the Void as a light in total darkness, afraid of what you might find in your journey.
And when you reached the edge of the universe, its sheer size left you in awe as the sea of stars that Varda had placed guided your way. You’d spent too many times trying to count them, to no avail, but now you had the chance to see what you’d only dreamed of before. See worlds beyond your wildest imagination: of raging fire, of cold ice, of water and neverending storms, of eternal darkness, of raining gems and homeless planets wandering alone forevermore. Find giant monsters that devoured stars as well as entire worlds and threatened to do the same to you if you got too close.
It was then you realized Ea could be both strikingly marvelous and terrifying to behold.
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ultravioletsoul · 2 years
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“The only one who knew what lied beneath the mask…”
Gemini Saga & Pisces Aphrodite to @zaphiri |  聖闘士星矢
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ultravioletsoul · 2 years
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MAKE ME CHOOSE: @just-linds-things asked Gemini Saga - Evil or Good side?
Kind of cheating, again, but I can’t pick one since they do go hand in hand. What makes Saga such a good character is his rich tragic story and how his evil side affected him, how it basically moved the entire fist Arc and the characters involved. And at the same time, we have how heroic the actual Saga is and it makes you see how his ideals and personality made him even a candidate to become Pope in the first place. Each side made the other shines more.
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ultravioletsoul · 2 years
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Beh, things didn't really improve
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ultravioletsoul · 2 years
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ultravioletsoul · 2 years
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quasi-diplomatic conversation, I say, there are no swords and threats involved
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ultravioletsoul · 2 years
Tolkien describes an important male elf chracter:
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ultravioletsoul · 2 years
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Fingolfin can do nothing right for Father’s Day.
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ultravioletsoul · 2 years
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Just Shaka being perfect and beautiful~ 
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ultravioletsoul · 2 years
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ultravioletsoul · 2 years
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PISCES APHRODITE in Saint Seiya: Knights of the Zodiac Episode 18
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ultravioletsoul · 2 years
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ultravioletsoul · 2 years
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Shaka and Aiolia’s confrontation
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ultravioletsoul · 2 years
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