ulisfintech · 3 years
Best Payment Gateway | Collaborate Business With Pach Payment | ULIS Fintech
Payment Gateway for your Website
Newly ventured into an online or rather just created your e-commerce website? Then along with design and smooth interface you a need a safe, trusted and fast payment gateway for website.
Think of the gateway as the metaphorical cash register in an electronic transaction.Like any cash register, it needs to be both secure and convenient to use.
A payment gateway? If you fumbled on this word, then don’t worry! Our blog perfectly guides you to understand what are the benefits of payment gateway for website is and why it’s important for your website. The blog enlightens you about why you need a payment gateway its benefits and the end-to-end transaction journey as well.
Why Do You Need A Payment Gateway For Website?
Recently, the ease and convenience with which customers can process online payments has in return increased the number of online businesses in India. This ease and convenience comes with multiple benefits payment gateways brings in:
1.       Secured & Protected Payments – Payment gateways are highly secured and encrypted. Hence, they protect sensitive customer data such as credit card number, etc., from fraudulent activities or online theft.
2.       24/7 Store – Your customers can make a purchase anytime and from anywhere they want to.
3.       Shopping cart convenience – Payment gateways facilitate customers with shopping carts for better shopping and complete checkout experience.
4.       Tracking abilities – You can track all your transactions (past and present) all at one place.
5.       Multiple modes of transactions – Your customers can make use of a credit card, debit card, net banking, UPI and even international cards to make an online purchase on your website/app.
6.       Multiple Device friendly – A payment gateway provides smooth payment experience to customers, be it on a desktop, laptop, mobile or a tablet, etc.
7.       Faster transaction processing – A payment service provider is much faster than manual processing. Your customers can make a purchase without any inconvenience of waiting in long queues.
8.       Integrated payments & settlements – The effort of individually reaching out to multiple banks naturally reduces by integrating with a payment gateway. It takes all the load on your behalf so that you can solely concentrate on building your business.
Here are the benefits of implementing a payment gateway:
1.       Easy Checkout: The swift and seamless checkout experience is a must from a customer’s point of view. Payment gateway enables these features and makes online shopping as easy as possible.
2.       Impulse purchase: It is observed that more than 40% of customers cancel their purchase if the checkout/payment method is tedious or complex. But, according to a study, it is observed that impulse purchase is responsible for 40% of all online purchases, so being provided with an easy payment option will undoubtedly make an increase in sales.
3.       Payment gateways also
Ø  Integrates with shopping cart
Ø  Provides faster payment processing
Ø  Accepts multiple payment options
Ø  Provides charge back prevention
Ø  Provides fraud management
Ø  Provides recurring billing
4.       Security: Payment Gateways are often compliant with security standards like PCI DSS, etc. providing secure transactions
Invest in tools/partners that don’t store credit card information inside of your business, let alone even pass that data through your platform. Choose a gateway that provides a front and back-end API that sends card data directly to them and shares only secure token data back.
With a better knowledge of price, function, and gateway security, your business will be in the position to choose the right option for your business needs and add a new level of security (and peace of mind) that customers need when making a purchase online.
For more information on your independent customizable payment gateway; fill in the enquiry form, our solution genius will get in touch with you.
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