tyzula-week · 6 months
Tyzula Week 2023
Day 7: Unforgettable & Dreams
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tyzula-week · 6 months
Tyzula Week 2023
Day 6: Secret Admirer & Crush
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tyzula-week · 6 months
Bloody Teeth and Bloody Knives
Tyzula Week: Day 1 Vampire AU/Masquerade
You can read it here on archive of our own as well
A/N: Yeah I'm late, I know. I'm going to blame it on finals, in any case enjoy these two dumbasses(affectionate)
As the vampire’s knife passed by Ty Lee’s cheek, she wondered why she had such rotten luck when it came to missions. As if to prove this point, her hooded assailant swept her feet from under her, and Ty Lee went down with a thump. She rolled onto her feet in an instant, reaching for her dagger. The figure rushed at her, but Ty Lee was faster, dodging and was just barely able to hit a pressure point on the attacker’s shoulder, causing it to go limp.
She pulled her dagger free from her boot, and buried it into her vampire’s side. They let out a cry of pain and went down, hitting the ground like a sack of rocks. Ty Lee knelt down beside them, pulling the knife free from their side and wiping it clean, she wondered if she should just finish the job, or tie the vampire up and leave them for someone else to deal with.
She removed the hood, revealing a woman wearing a beautifully carved masquerade mask. It was made out to be a spirit of some type, and was the typical red and gold of the Fire Nation, but unlike the other ones she had seen, this one was strangely plain, the only gems present were running a trail down the mask, as if it were crying. Then again the only masks Ty Lee had seen were the one in the old museums her parents used to take her and her sisters, to cement the idea that vampires were monsters and the scum of humanity.
Unfortunately their warnings hadn’t worked, because Ty Lee found herself tying the vampire’s hands together and setting her off to the side.
“Lady Li Hua? I could’ve sworn- hey you, go check Lady Li Hua chambers, the function is going to start soon.” A voice called from the other end of the corridor,
Ty Lee panicked, tugging the vampire’s-, most likely Lady Li Hua’s, mask and cloak off, tying the mask on in a haste, and throwing the hood over her head. They looked nothing alike, but they were around the same height, and hopefully with both the cloak and the mask, no one could tell the difference.
The voice rounded the corner and Ty Lee turned leisurely as if she had all the time in the world,
“Lady Li Hua! There you are, the servants are looking everywhere for you- the function is starting in less than five minutes!” The servant practically lunged at Ty Lee grabbing her arm, and she wondered, briefly, if customs were different in the vampire world. If a servant had grabbed her mother’s arm like this they would’ve lost their fingers.
“I’m coming, no need to rush me.” she answered languidly, ignoring her pounding heart. The servant practically dragged Ty Lee behind him, she almost had to jog to keep up with him. A quick cursory look revealed two puncture holes at the base of his throat indicating that he was a blood-servant, not a vampire. This was good news, any proper vampire would have sniffed her out in a second. She had to cut her losses and find a way out of the castle. Hopefully the cloak and mask she stole would mask her long enough for her to run to safety. Ty Lee winced as this most likely meant an hour lecture about upholding family values and tradition, with a side of no dinner but being hungry was better than being dead.
Unfortunately for Ty Lee nothing in life could be easy. The servant adjusted her cloak, his hand lingering on her shoulder longer than strictly necessary, he leaned closer almost as if expecting something. Just her luck, she had taken the identity of the one person whose servant was in love with her, and judging by how bold he was, and how close, she had reciprocated. Ty Lee put a hand on his shoulder, hoping it was a comforting gesture, but based on the way his face fell, it was clearly not perceived this way,
“Did I do something wrong?” he asked, sounding close to tears, Spirits above, what do I do?,
“No, no of course not dear, I’m just irritated that I have to attend another party.” Ty Lee soothed, hoping he would shut up and let her go,
“But- you love parties?” Shit, the one person in the entire goddamn world who likes parties, “I’m simply tired, let’s get this party over with, alright?”
The servant seemed satisfied with this answer. He took her hand and Ty Lee winced, it was uncomfortably sweaty. He seemed far too excited for something as risky as holding hands. Ty Lee was so preoccupied trying to pull her hand away from the servant’s that she didn’t even notice the din of voices growing louder and louder until she was standing in one of the many hallways that lead into the ballroom.
The ballroom that was chock-filled with vampires. At this point Ty Lee might as well take a knife and offer herself to the first vampire she sees, seeing it would be quicker than getting mauled to death by an entire group of them,
“I’ll see you in your chambers later Li Hua.” the servant said with bow and a slight smile and Ty Lee nods fighting the urge to punch him,
“He seems oddly attached to you Lady Li Hua.” a voice, seemingly a women’s, calls from behind her,
“Pardon?” she spins on her heel, caught off guard,
“Your blood-servant, the one who just scurried off, he seems to stick to you like an elbow leech.” she says pointing the hallway where lover-boy disappeared into, Ty Lee fumbles for a reply,
“He’s a little over excited, but it’s better than having a disloyal blood-servant don’t you think?” the party-goer takes a sip from her glass,
“Less blood is wasted when they accept their fate willingly.” she says in agreement, Ty Lee had to physically stop herself from gagging at the thought, the thought of someone completely willing, consenting to be massacred by these, these animals that passed for humanoids,
“Speaking of food, have you had the chance to dine at the snack bar?” she asks and Ty Lee shakes her head, trying not to throw up in her mouth. She prayed that the snacks weren’t all human, if so she’d rather take her chances and try to sprint out of here, consequences be damned,
“Well then, will you grant me the honor of showing you?” she offered her hand, and Ty Lee forced herself to take it,
She took this time to observe the mysterious women. Unlike everyone surrounding her, her hood was off, showing off her perfect hair, pulled into a topknot, held up by an intricate gold headpiece, and not a single strand out of place. Her mask was perhaps even more perfect; carved to be a dragon, it was a startling blue and served to make her stand out from everyone and their Fire Nation red masks. She held herself with the ease and the authority of someone who had everything handed to her on a silver platter. She made Ty Lee’s blood boil.
“I must admit Lady Li Hua, you’ve been awfully quiet tonight, usually you would have at least a few interesting anecdotes.” Dear God, how had she sacked the damn queen of extroverts?
“I’m exhausted, I didn’t get enough sleep last night, so please forgive me if I’m not as energetic as I usually am.” she responded, faking a yawn,
“I’m sure I can think of some reasons why that could be.” Ty Lee could practically hear the sparkle in her eyes,
“What on Earth do you mean-” Ty Lee realized what she was talking about, “Spirits no! Why would you even-” Ty Lee had to stop herself from gagging, even the thought of sharing a bed with that sappy, spineless moron made her shudder. The stranger took this as a theatrical shudder, and laughed,
“I must say Li Hua,” she stopped by the snack bar, “I’m so glad to have found you, you make any party ten times more exciting with your stories, now if you could just do something for me-”
Before Ty Lee could blink the vampire had picked up a knife laying on the station and threw it as hard as she could at Ty Lee and she flinched, bringing her hands up to catch the knife, she caught it by the blade and dropped it immediately stifling a gasp of pain. Blood spurted from the wound and several heads turned to look at her. She grit her teeth, cursing her luck, she looked up, maybe to curse her attacker but to her shock, her attacker pulled her close until their masks were nearly touching. Ty Lee’s heart jumped into her throat,
“I must applaud you for keeping up the charade as long as you did. Most hunters would draw a sword at the very sight of a vampire, but actually used your brain, a rare skill among your kind.” she noted, putting a hand under Ty Lee’s chin “I’m feeling rather generous tonight, and Agni knows when that’ll happen again, so I’ll give you a piece of my cloak, which should mask your blood long enough to run as far as you can.”
“What’s the catch?” Ty Lee asked, trying to free herself,
“Nothing, really. Only… if you do ever choose to return, do be sure to pay me a visit.” she said with a grin, “Do we have a deal?”
Ty Lee nods slowly and the vampire releases her, tearing off a piece of her cloak and handing it to her,
“I have other… duties to attend to so I unfortunately can’t escort you out. Good luck dear.” She said with a small wave, Ty Lee watched as her black hair disappeared into the crowd of cloaked figures, a couple who were staring directly at Ty Lee. She made quick work of wrapping the cloth around her arm, and booked it shoving her way through the crowd, a loud voice echoed behind her,
“Ladies and gentleman, we thank you for joining us tonight” Ty Lee heard as she continued shoving her way through the crowd, turning heads,
“As many of you know, you have been gathered to celebrate the 25th anniversary of Firelord Ozai and his wife the Firelady Ursa” the echoing voice continued, “and though they cannot join us today, they have sent in their place their daughter, so without further ado, presenting Princess Azula.”
This caught Ty Lee’s attention, she turned her head to catch the sight of a woman making her way up a stage.
A woman with a blue dragon mask.
Ty Lee’s heart fell out of her body as the vampire who she had just talked to, reached up to untie her mask, letting it fall into her hand. The woman was beautiful, Ty Lee could tell that even from here. She was smiling, her eyes searching the crowd, and they landed directly on Ty Lee. The practiced serene smile curled into a smirk. Ty Lee felt like a rabbit being scrutinized under a wolf’s eye. Ty Lee ran, she ran like hell pushing her way through the last of the crowd, and broke out into a sprint, her heart pounding in time to her footsteps. She ran like her life depended on it, because it quite literally did. She only stopped running when she was safely in human territory. She only stopped running when she stopped feeling the vampire’s, no, the damned princess of vampire’s, phantom gaze burning into her back.
A/N: Ozai and Ursa? Happily married? It's more likely then you think. In any case constructive criticism is always welcome as long as it's constructive and not plain rude.
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tyzula-week · 6 months
Tyzula Week 2023
Day 4: Role Reversal
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tyzula-week · 6 months
Tyzula Week 2023
Day 5: Reincarnation
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Tyzula Week 2023
Day 4: Role Reversal
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tyzula-week · 6 months
Tyzula Week Day 3: Medieval AU/Dragons
     The dark cave mouth yawned before Ty Lee.
     “H-hello?” she called into the darkness. “Dragon? Are you there?”
     A powerful yawn echoed from the cave. After a few seconds, a young woman in a simple blue robe walked out.
     “Do you have any idea what time it is?” the woman grumbled. “You woke me up, ya jerk!”
     “Sorry, I, uh,” Ty Lee stuttered. “Doesn’t a dragon live here?”
     The girl rolled her golden eyes. “Dragons can shapeshift, dummy. I happen to prefer my human form. Is that a problem?”
     “No, no!” Ty Lee sputtered. Against her better judgment, she found herself inspecting the dragon’s face. She was… not unattractive. “Not at all…”
     The dragon cleared her throat, annoyed.
     “Oh, sorry,” Ty Lee yelped, before kneeling before the other girl. “My name is Ty Lee. I was chosen as a sacrifice by my village. We ask that in return for this sacrifice, you will spare our home for another ten years.”
     “Dammit!” The dragon girl slapped her forehead. “I forgot about the stupid sacrifice thing!”
     “My father was the one demanding sacrifices every decade,” the girl explained. “He died eight years ago.”
     “So… You’re not the great dragon Ozai?”
     “I,” she replied dramatically, “am the greater dragon Azula!”
     She punctuated the exclamation with a plume of blue fire from her mouth and nostrils.
     Before she could stop herself, the word “Hot” slipped out of Ty Lee’s mouth.
     In an instant, the dragon’s confident demeanor crumbled as her face turned red.
     “I-I mean that fire looks pretty hot, huh?” Ty Lee corrected, blushing herself. “Um, so… You’re not gonna eat me, then?”
    “W-what?” Azula’s blush grew deeper. “I don’t — You — Oh, the sacrifice thing.”
     “What did you think I was—”
     “Doesn’t matter!” the dragon insisted. “To answer your question, no, I don’t intend to kill you. My ego is far more restrained than my father’s. I don’t require a ritualistic murder every year to feel important. That being said…”
     “What?” Ty Lee asked curiously.
     Azula bowed her head nervously. “D-do you want to stay in my lair with me? Just for a few days? I’ll make sure you’re well fed and comfortable! I mean, it’s not like your family’s expecting you back anytime soon.”
     Ty Lee smiled, a warm feeling growing in her chest. “Sure, I wouldn’t mind that.”
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tyzula-week · 6 months
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"You messed with the wrong coterie!"
Tyzula Week Day 1 - Vampire AU @tyzula-week
couldn't finish it on time! this is a vtm au! i made azula a tremere and ty lee a toreador!
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tyzula-week · 6 months
Tyzula Week 2023
Day 3: Medieval AU & Dragons
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tyzula-week · 6 months
Tyzula Week 2023
Day 1: Vampire AU & Masquerade
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no mask version :
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tyzula-week · 6 months
Tyzula Week 2023
Day 2: Vacation
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tyzula-week · 7 months
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Tyzula Week 2023 Dates + Prompts
✨ 🔥 December 17th - December 23rd 🔥✨
Day 1 - Vampire AU | Masquerade
Day 2 - Vacation | Permanent
Day 3 - Medieval AU | Dragons
Day 4 - Role Reversal
Day 5 - Reincarnation | Soulmates
Day 6 - Secret Admirer | Crush
Day 7 - Unforgettable | Dream
Late submissions will end on January 3rd !!!
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tyzula-week · 7 months
Tag all your posts with #tyzula week 2023 and @tyzula-week so I can find them easily !!
Any art form is welcome!! (fanart, fanfics, edits, playlists, moodboards, etc.)
No NSFW !!! Anything NSFW will not be reblogged or put in the AO3 collection !
No romantization/glorification of abuse
Properly tag your work based on Tumblr’s guidelines
Include trigger warnings when/if needed
If you have any questions or suggestions for future tyzula week stuff feel free to send an ask!
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tyzula-week · 7 months
Tyzula Week 2023
Day 7: Prompts 1 & 2
Unforgettable | Dream
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tyzula-week · 7 months
Tyzula Week
Day 6: Prompts 1 & 2
Secret Admirer || Crush
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tyzula-week · 8 months
Tyzula Week 2023
Day 5: Prompts 1 & 2
Reincarnation || Soulmates
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tyzula-week · 8 months
Tyzula Week 2023
Day 4: Prompt 1
Role Reversal
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