OOC- Important!
Ty’s tumble is now here: http://tyleril-silversword.tumblr.com/ I;’ll be using this as a back-up blog mostly.
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OOC- Important!
Ty's tumble is now here: http://tyleril-silversword.tumblr.com/ I;'ll be using this as a back-up blog mostly.
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Why do you heal? It was an innocent question.
Because they need me to. Wounds don’t heal themselves.
But you said sometimes not everyone appreciates it. Cuz, they try to hide from you.
That’s fine. Sometimes people don’t like menders.
It makes you sad sometimes. Why was Samiel behind him asking questions?
That’s ok to. Everyone is sad sometimes.
Samiel wrapped his arms around him, small hands grasping at his Dawnmender outfit. What if things go bad? When you go out and fight? You promised you’d come back home.
They won’t go wrong. My friends will keep me safe and I’ll heal them when they get hurt.
But you’re not going to help. Samiel’s small fingers began to dig into his uniform, wrinkling the cloth.
I do as the Light and Quel’thalas asks. Even if I cannot walk to help them, I will crawl. If I cannot speak I will silently pray and call upon the Light. 
You’re weak. Broken and breaking.
You’re a burden. Samiel’s fingers began to dig into him.
I can’t be more of one than I already am.
But you are. Alexander’s echoey whisper came from behind him and suddenly the death knight’s echoey fingers began to sink into him.The Light has abandoned your army.
But I will stay. Even when the shadows hide the Light. 
The Light has abandoned you.
The Light that was the halo above his head began to dim. It had never faded away completely, not since Tyleril had taken his vows as a novice. He couldn’t move, only watch the Light fade away slowly. 
Alexander’s voice was normally soothing but as he spoke it changed. Blood stained his Dawnmender uniform and Tyleril could only watch as red began to stain the white. When the Light fades I am there. And I will devour you.
Skeletal hands dug into his chest. He couldn't hear his ribs breaking or see what was torn from him. 
Just the feeling of cold, colder than the snow in Northrend as his blood spilled and spattered.  It all went dark.
The Light was gone.
When Tyleril woke up with a gasp he ran to find a mirror. The halo was still here, bright as ever, emitting a soft light. But even when he’d calmed himself from the nightmare he recalled the dream, dampening his attempt to remain cheerful. Even when he hid it behind a bright smile the feeling go... something was there.
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The Felmancer’s Apprentice: In Which Pop Deploys 2/2
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Pop had left a letter for Samiel, tucked away in the weathered book Feyrintha had given him. In the darkness ofr his room Samiel had been tinkering, working on making new spells that were all his own. 
Uncle Cel said he couldn’t copyright spells but he could _sell_ the teaching of them. So with the many books and help Adrianal and Feyrintha has given him together along with Tyleril’s compendium Samiel had begun to work.
He had ignored Tyleril’s letter as he did so, glancing at it from time to time.But it wasn’t until his fel green eyes ached from the strain and his hands shook  that his efforts bore fruit.
Stars were in his hands. Glowing and winking softly at him. Blue, pink- the colors they were changed but that they were stars remained the same. 
Samiel had some of the sky in his hands and he grinned. Carefully, oh so carefully he shifted the stars to one hand where the continued their soft winking. He reached for Tyleril’s letter with the other. He’d started his tinkering to focus with his Pop gone. With the elated rush the success of the spell gave him he had grown cheerful enough to read the letter.
If he could succeed in this then Pop would come home- it worked the last time. A good luck charm.
There was a story when I was young called ‘The Grave- Mound’ I wrote it so you would have something to read when I was gone. - Love, Pop
The Grave-Mound
In Quel’thalas, before the Third War some centuries past a rich farmer was surveying his land. His gardens grew vigorously and his fruit and nut trees were heavily laden with the food they bore. The grain of the year before still lay in such immense heaps on his floors that the rafters could hardly bear it. Then he went into the stable where well-fed hawkstriders, chickens, and fat cows all well tended to and bright as a mage’s scrying glass. At length he went back to his solar and cast a glance at the runed iron chest where his gold lay.
Before he could open his chest to count his riches, there came a loud knock from close by him. The knock didn’t come from the door of his room but at the door of his heart. It opened and he heard a voice say to him: “Have you done good to your family? To Quel’thalas? Have you considered the needs of those worse off than you and shared with them your bread? Have you been content with what you have and paid well the mages and druids you have employed to increase the fruits of your land?”
The heart was not slow in its answer: “I have been hard and pitiless. I have not shown kindness to the druids or mages who are in my employ and to my family I am hard and cruel. If a beggar came, I turned my eyes away from them. Not once have I thought of Quel’thalas and those who serve it.  I have not troubled myself with the needs of those around me, but thought of only increasing my wealth and status. If I owned everything that was beneath the sky and married my child into the royal family it would still not be enough.”
When he was aware of the answer the farmer became greatly alarmed, his knees trembled so badly he was forced to sit down.
Then there was another knock, but the knock was at his door of his room. It was his neighbor, a poor man who took care of a number of children. “I know,” thought the poor man, “That my neighbor is rich and he is as hard and cruel as he is rich.  I don’t believe he will help me, but the children in my care cry for food so I will venture it. 
The poor man said to the rich farmer: “You do not readil;y give away anything that is yours, but I stand here like one who feels water rising above his head. My children are starving, lend me food to last them the rest of the week.” The rich farmer looked at him long and then the first sunbeam, of mercy began to melt away a drop of the greedy ice encasing his heart. “I will not lend you food to last them a week but three weeks. But you must fulfill one condition for me.”
“What am I to do?” Asked the poor man. “When I die, watch over my grave for three nights.” The poor man was disturbed by the request, but his need was to great to refuse. He accepted, therefore, and carried the food home with him.
It seemed as if the rich farmer had foreseen what was about to happen, for when three days had gone by, he suddenly dropped dead. Nobody knew how it came to pass, but nobody grieved for him- not his family, not the mages and druids in his employ. Nobody. 
When he was buried. the poor man remembered his promise, he would willingly have been released from it, but he thought: He acted kindly by me. I have fed my hungry children with his food, and even if I had not, where I have made a promise I must keep it.
At nightfall he went to the graveyard, and sat himself by the grave mound. Everything was quiet- only the two moons of Azeroth cast their light down and an owl flew past, uttering a melancholy cry several times.
When the sun rose the poor man betook himself safely to his home, and in much the same manner as the second night it passed by quietly.
On the evening of the third day, he went to sit by the grave mound and he saw a elf he’d never seen before. He was weathered by battle and his eyes were sharp and looked aroung eagerly. He was covered in a cloak made of leaves and nothing was visible but his leather riding boots and the silvery buckles. “What are you doing here?” The poor man asked. “Are you not afraid of the lonely graveyard?”
“I am looking for nothing!” He answered, “and I am afraid of nothing! I am like the youngster who went forth to learn from the druids, and had his labour for his pains, but got the Sun King’s daughter to wife andgreat wealth to her, only I have remained poor. I am nothing but a paid-off druid who has grown tired of the world, and I mean to pass the night here, because I have no other shelter.”
“If you are without fear,” said the peasant. “Stay with me and help me watch this grave here.”
“To keep watch is a soldier’s business,” the soldier-druid replied. “Whatever we fall in with here, be it good or bad, we shall share it between us and Elune.” The poor man agreed to this and they seated themselves together.
All was quiet until midnight, when suddenly a shrill whistling was heard in the air, and the two watchers perceived the stench of fel emanating from the demon standing bodily before them. “Be off!” The demon cried to them. “the man who belongs in that grave belongs to me; I want to take him, and if you don’t go away I’ll take you to!”
“Demon,” The solder-druid said, “you are not my captain, I have no need to obey you, and I have never learned to fear. Go away, we shall stay sitting here.
The demon thought to itself that surely money was the best way to get rid of these two vagabonds. So he began to play a softer tune, and asked, quite kindly, if they would not accept a bag of money, and go home with it? “That is worth listening to,” answered the soldier-druid. “but one bag of gold won’t serve us. If you give as much as will go into one of my boots, we will quite our watch for you and go away.”
“I have no so much as that,” The demon answered. “but I will fetch it. In the neighboring forest lives a money changer who is a good friend of mine, and will readily advance me.” When the demon vanished the soldier-druid took his left boot off. “We will soon pull the magic-sucker’s nose for him. Just give me your knife comrade.” He cut off the sole of his boot and put it in the tall grass near the grave on the edge of a hole that was overgrown. “That will do.” said the soldier druid. “Now the warlock-sucker may come.”
They both sat down and waited. It was not long before the demon returned with a small bag of gold in his hands. “Just pour it in,” said the soldier-druid, raising up the boot a little. “but that won’t be enough.”
The demon shook out all that was in his bag but the boot remained empty. “Stupid demon!” The soldier druied cried. “it won’t do! Didn’t I say so? Go back again, and bring more.” The demon shook its head, went, and in a hour’s time came back with a much large bag under its arm.  “Now pour it in,” Said the soldier-druid. “but I doubt you’ll fill it.” Gold and mana gems clinked as they fell in, but the boot remained empty. The demon looked in itself with its burning eyes and convinced itself of the truth. 
“You have shamefully big calves to your legs!” it cried and made a wry face.”Did you think I had cloven feet like you? See that you get more gold together, or our bargain will come to naught!” The demon went off and stayed away longer, and when at length it appeared it was panting under the weight of a sack which lay on its shoulders. The baqg was emptied into the boot, which was just as far from being filled as before. It became furious and was just about to tear the boot from the soldier-druid’s hands. But at the moment he reached for the soldier a star fell from the sky to strike the demon. With a loud shriek it fled. The poor soul was saved.
As the sun brok the poor man wished to divide the gold with the solder-druid but the soldier-druid said, “Give what fall of my lot to Quel’thalas and her poor, I will come with you to your home, and together we will live in rest and peace on what remains as long as the Gods are pleased to allow.
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The Felmancer’s Apprentice: In Which Pop deploys. 1/2
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When Pop left on deployment he smelt like vanilla. When he hugged Samiel, Samiel could smell the weapons polish, hear the soft clink of metal and the halo above Pop’s head was glowing brightly. 
It released a handful of sparkles when Pop had hugged him and where they fell on his skin Samiel could feel a gentle warmth. A faint feeling of serendipity.
“D-did you need anything before I leave?”
Several things ran through his mind- lunch money, tell him to finish the sandwich he’d forgotten in the kitchen, Which of Monax’s two dragonhawk hatchlings was which.
I’ll miss you. I love you.
Adults didn’t say that. Samiel shook his head. “I’ll be fine Pop.” HE looked over Tyleril again.
Standing tall at 6′3 with his wavy brown hair braided and tied in a bun. The lines of his Dawnmender’s uniform were crisp and sharp with only a small bleachstain where Samiel’s cleaning had gone awry. His boot buckles were polished and the heavy war mace wasat his belt, in it’s familiar leather bindings so it wouldn’t stay loose. The glowing halo over his head was bright enough to read by. The pack on his back had everything he needed- Samiel had seen him packing potions and medicines/
Pop looked every bit as prepared as Uncle Cel had been. Like a real solider.
Brutalis had been laying by the couch for a while now, the dog resting when he wasn't trying to get Samiel's attention. Aestus had droped the pug off an hour before, handing the dog straight to Samiel without hesitation. "I trust you'll take care of him if I don't come back, right?" He had already been geared and armored, the well loved duffel he'd had before when he had been a guest in the apartment full and slung over one shoulder.
Samiel's fel-green eyes look to Aestus. "Pop won't let you die." Brutalis had been welcome company- despite how short Tyleril's last time in deployment had been the young elf wouldn't quite admit how lonely he had been. Brutalis was welcomed company to keep the lonliness and worry at bay.
"I trust you when you say that, so I'll do whatever I can to make sure your father, Rai'thas and Razail all make it back home. I'll help however much they let me, amd I'll make sure to apologize to Rai'thas for making him feel bad the other morning. I didn't mean to, and I don't want him thinking I did."
One of Samiel's long ears twitches. He doesn't comment on the last part- he was disapointed. He'd spent over an hour practicing devastating verbal burns with Zee, Razail's kitten. "Pop could come home on his own if he wanted. He's a Mender." Pop could heal just about everything, Samiel was sure.The childhood belief that Tyleril was an invulerable elf gave him comfort so he clung to it as if that belief would assure Tyleril's safe return home.
"I'll keep an eye out for them anyway,  though I'm sure you're right." He bent down, petting the pug that had sat by his feet one last time. "You be good you little Brute." He picked Brutalis up and, careful of pressing the dog against his armor, gave the pug one last hug before he handed him back over to Samiel. "Take care, Samiel."
"Bye." Samiel waved at Aestus. Tyleril smiled at Samiel and gently rustled his white-blond hair. " B-be good." He stuttered out the familiar goodbye and Samiel stared up at him, watching as Tyleril closed the door.  He'd continue to stare until Alexander prodded him or found another thing to do.
Upon the rooftop, Alexander was saying his own goodbye with worry over his twin.  Rai'thas was riding with Razail atop his proto-drake, Finnigan, to the ships for deployment.  Once they flew off, the death knight descended the stairwell to open the apartment door.  A gentle smile on his face as he came in and opened his arms to hug Samiel, if the young elf wished for it.  "Just us, and the animals for a while, Samiel."  Alexander had not been gone for long from his twin's side once they were reunited, but there were other things he could do that were just as important as fighting; allowing a little less worry for everyone.
"Yes." Samiel hugs Alexander. "And Mother if she's not busy." While Samiel was familiar with his Mother the young elf showed little interest in her as an actual Mother- more liuke an Aunt.
With his arms still around Samiel, hugging him a moment longer, Alexander nods.  "Yes.  I'll be here for anything you need, or don't want to admit you need."  His voice grows softer, quieter even with the deathly echo ever present, admitting something he may not to any that had just left.  "Like I may need a few more hugs until they're back.  Willing to help me with that?"
"Okay." Samiel peered over alexander's shoulder towards the doorway where Tyleril and Aestus had just left. One ear twitches again as he stares as if Tyleril might come back. "I can do that."
It wasn’t until much later Samiel found the letter Tyleril had written for him
Written with @shampoocommercialelves and @razxion
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“I still remember the forest that we met in. The dark woods and the tall elfthat lived within them. Evey time I remember I still feel the excitement of falling in love- I knew I was lost as soon as I looked into his eyes. The battle was over before  my heart could beat.”
“I was his from that moment onwards.”
“From the first look to the first kiss and the wedding beneath the moon.”
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@felthier @sakialyn @stormandozone @curiouslich @razxion
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Exhaustion: Resurrection
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It had been a long day.
The last deployment Tyleril didn’t have any unfinished work orders before he packed his bags to leave. This time he had to finish the majority that absolutely needed his personal attention before he deployed. He would ask Alexander to take care of the remainder.
Tyleril was hard working and reliable- or so he hoped- and some of his regular clients tended to... fuss. Papers were finished, and each order was cleaned and carefully put aside for delivery or pick-up.
Tyleril had no interest in personally delivering the orders over a hundred pounds without added coin. 
Fortunately, the city of Silvermoon was efficient when it came to her orders and could be reliably counted upon to retrieve them when it was scheduled. It was with great relief the last order was recorded as completed and Tyleril’s logbook of orders was carefully put in its locked case. He had one final letter to pen out.
We have finished your axe as I discussed with you the last time we had met. I was so tired I don’t recall much else, if any. My apologies.
I will be leaving for deployment soon and due to this my shop will be operating under a smaller crew until I can return. Should I be injured it will take longer to return to work though I will do my best to continue working on your order.
I will respond to mail up until my deployment but after that I would recommend you send work-related mails to my shop at the address below and someone will respond as quick as they’re able to.
Silversword Forges
Postal Box #251
Augur’s Row, Silvermoon, QT
Ælexander Bloodshield will be available to speak with you in the event I am not able to.
Light Bless,
Tyleril Silversword
“Pop?” Samiel’s voice came from behind him. He sounded worried. Ever since he’d returned home with news of his deployment Samiel had been denying he was worried. But Tyleril had seen how the preteen had scowled and expressed his worry as subtly as Tyleril had expected. 
He’d been trying to take care of Tyleril’s deployment bags- his clothes and Dawnmender’s uniform as well as food and medicines, oiling his war mace. Tyleril had needed to go back after, fix and put back some things. Hopefully nobody noticed the bleach stain by his belt.  “Something for my d-deployment bag Samiel?”
Samiel looked at the bundle in his arms. It was wrapped in his favorite cloak, a older one of Tyleril’s that had been cut and trimmed for the small elf. “No, I-” He shifted his weight from one foot to the other. “You asked if I wanted anything before you deployed.” 
“S-so I did.” He nodded, squatting down to be closer to Samiel’s level. “I- can you fix this?” The bundle was extended and set into Tyleril’s hands with surprising gentleness. “What is it?” It barely weighed anything in his hands.
Carefully he began to pull the cloth back. 
“Oh. Samiel.”
The small body of a young dragonhawk was wrapped in the cloak. It was a more exotic color with hints of purple on the wings and beak. It looked like one of the more exotic dragonhawks had. “Did you want to bury it with prayers?” They had done that once, long ago when Samiel had found a kitten and brought it home. It had been to weak to survive the night but it helped ease Samiel’s tears. 
“No, I- You could heal it back, right? Back to life?” Before Tyleril could say no Samiel started to talk. “It’s just a baby and you said that whelp needed a baby right? Buttons- he bit my shoe? Buttons could use a friend, right Pop? While you’re gone on deployment.” 
“Buttons?” Tyleril looked at the small dragonhawk’s corpse. He’d never tried to bring something back to life before. It seemed that if he needed to the Light would call for him- wouldn’t it? 
“And- and people use the Light for their own benefit all the time anyway. Even if it’s not good. You have books on how people use it without doing good stuff like you. This time it would be something good. Cause then Buttons would have a friend.”
“I-” Tyleril looked at the corpse again. He could see the chubby green proto-whelp in his mind. Buttons could use a friend. Or maybe his own pet. It worried him to leave Samiel at home. But he could give Buttons something to distract the whelping while he was away. 
“I can try. B-but no promises.” 
Tyleril took a deep breath and closed his eyes. 
It was hard to describe reaching for the Light but it came as naturally as breathing. It was gentlness and grace, serenity and a fire that burned deep in his soul. It gathered to his hands,rising up and curling upwards like smoke. He just needed to direct it.
That perfect state of serenity was gone far to soon.
An angry, shrill screech sounded just as tyleril felt his strength drain. Something hit his face before he could focus. His stomach rebelled and several quick bats from the tiny drgaonhawk made him left go. Just in time for his stomach to empty. 
Samiel had quickly grabbed the dragonhawk and as Tyleril puked he swore the dragonhawk hissed at him.
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Exhaustion: Come back to me.
"I promise I'll be back." I smiled at Samiel as I went about the room gathering my things, prepping for deployment. "But you'll be on the battlefield this time, right?" I nodded. "Y-yes." 
"You're not Uncle Cel though. You're a healer." Samiel kept frowning and shifting from foot to foot. I wondered if he had said the same conversation with Celtrois. "Yes, but we'll come back Samiel. Celtrois is strong and I am needed. They need healers so they don't die." I tried to smile and show him everything was fine. "Uncle Celtrois will keep me from being hurt." Samiel's face showed his worry. "You don't need help though. You have your mace and the Light." The concern drew a smile. "I do. But they're stronger than I am. They'll keep me safe so I can heal them. The Light will guide us." Samiel stared at me, wondering and worrying. "Uncle Cel could it by himself though." Some of his worry eased. "If he really wanted." I nodded. "Reynllin, Razail, and Rai'thas will be with us to. We'll be fine with so many to keep us safe." Samiel's face darkened at the reminder of everyone going off. "Alex is staying?" He asked slowly. "Yes. He'll stay here." Samiel has been lonely when Tyleril had deployed, unhappy. Even with Aestus's pug, Brutalis to keep him occupied alongside Zee might not be enough to ease his worry.  Briefly, I wished I could let Buttons stay with Samiel while I was gone. But Buttons ate to much for a twelve year old to feed almost on his own
"Promise you'll come back?" He asked finally. I nodded and leaned down to gently pat Samiel's head. "I promise. " I left out the unspoken words: And if I do not then Uncle Cel, Razail, and Rai'thas will take care of you in my stead.
@crystal-pyre @razxion @shampoocommercialelves @teamdoodledork
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So was talking with @tyleril-silversword and @shampoocommercialelves and They both kind of convinced me to make a full post of all my copic marker stuff that I’m somewhat willing to share.  Little snippets detailing each below.
Keep reading
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Letter to Ranger-Captain Vaelrin Firestorm
Sent are copies of Intiate Mandil Darkstalker’s medical reports and current status. If I can be of any further service I am always happy to assist. I hope you’re doing well.
Report #1
Report #2
Report #3
Report #4
Dawnmender Silversword.
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Dawnmender Report: Mandil Darkstalker
Mandil Darkstalker has awoken- at this point I don’t know if he has amnesia or if his mind is simply scattered after four months in a coma. Once he’s had a day or so to recover I imagine he’ll be a bit shakey- but his last remaining eye had a fire when Sunward Sunshard reamed him. 
I think he’ll recover. He might be a bit shakey but I think he’ll recover. I’ll contatc Bricini Lightwing and Initiate Araedriel for prosthetics.
I have a bad feeling about Lightwing draining my wallet for coffee but I want Mandil to have options. I want to make sure these menders have availability for him.
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Exhaustion: Only what I am
My duty is to heal.
I will show solicitude to those in my care. 
I will not give forgivness, show mercy, and be kind.
I will not be cruel. I will not hate. I am a Priest of the Light.
I am no Priest if I fail to evince the best qualities of the Light.
It doesn’t matter if they believe, insult, or treat me undeserving of their respect.
All that matters is I’m there if they would like to have me there.
I can do no less.
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Exhaustion: Drowning
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Sometimes having enough to eat wasn’t enough. It wasn’t enough to see Samiel smile or when the twins were there. It wasn’t enough to come home and sleep safely. It wasn’t enough knowing everyone else was happy. It wasn’t enough knowing he’d made more gold off of one rich contract than he had in two months.
It just wasn’t.
Tyleril knew how lucky he was but it didn’t ease any of the feelings that threatened to drown him.
So he sat in his smithy and waited to drown.
He didn’t call for the Light to be a beacon and guide him. He wasn’t supposed to heard home- he finished his work early. Without work to occupy him nothing felt like it was enough.
Tyleril sighed heavily as he stared at his hands. Sadness and ennui filled him, seemingly for no reason. It didn’t seem to need one to grow stronger and stronger until Tyleril covered his face with his hands.
He felt like he was struggling to breathe. It was like swimming and no matter how hard he tried to stay above the water he kept sinking a little bit deeper every time he rose to the surface to gasp for air.
Breath in, breath out.
I’m not really going to drown. I’m not really-
Just choke and sputter as you struggle to stay above water.
The smithy floor needed to be swept.
Just smile.
Just smile.
Smile and pretend nothing is wrong.
Swallowing, Tyleril pushed himself up, looking for the barrel of scrap  in his smithy. He could find something to do with it. 
Head just barely above the water.
He grabbed a twisted piece of metal scrap. Melt it down, make something complicated with it.
Keep treading,spitting out seawater and breath in sweet air.
Work would continue. Work would be just enough.
The wind blowing softly against your face. Something to acknowledge your victory. But the moment you stopped... struggling and drowning once more.
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Exhausted: Devotion
If you let them you’ll find many people who will tell you ‘the way’. The best choice for your to make in life. If you let them they will use you as a moveable pawn. A toy or weapon to me moved and used at their convenience.  
We are not all born equally. But we all have choices. Some choices are better than others and some choices are equally shitty. Sometimes through, luck, work, friends or a blessing we can make something better.  But it is important to have the option.
Through the Light I can do many things. I can heal wounds, strengthen those I fight alongside, and provide the support one would expect from a Dawnmender. The Light to me is benevolent,kind, and forgiving. Even to Death Knights and Illidari- it is not my place to judge any of them. The Light loves them, even if it harms without meaning.
My belief and my dedication is strong. I serve the Light because it serves me. I am able to support and help those that need it. The Light is capable of recognizing my devotion.
But my duty towards my people and my son.
The Light is forgiving but if I have to make a choice.
I will protect my son. I will serve my people.
I am a Priest of the Light.  But I fear a day I might need to make such a  choice.
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The Farstrider's Apprentice-
"I wondered what I would do. We were all orphaned. Each of our parents had died in war, childbirth, or were killed by the scourge. We were survivors to young to go go out and fight." "But I wanted to be like my Mother. I wanted to donate the Blood Knight armor. Her sword was called 'Silvermoon's Light' and it was bigger than I was. It glowed with a fire that was warm to the touch and burned her enemies. When my Mother died in Northrend they gave me her armour and sword." "I will get stronger, get bigger. And when I can wear her armour I'll find out why it was so important to leave me and fight." -Alerial Bitterale
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“Hear me brothers and sisters of Quel’Thalas! Now is our time, for when the red sun rises, it will be our dawn! Now is the time to bring forth a new area! To reclaim what is rightfully ours and secure peace and prosperity for our future!” -Archon Telchis Truefeather
Established in 2009 on the eve of the invasion of Northrend, the Sunguard was formed to protect the life and land of the Sin’dorei in Quel’Thalas. It has since become a fully developed private military force often used by the Thalassian State; an organization that upholds codes of conduct and honor above all else.
The Sunguard is a premier role playing guild located on Moon Guard-US Horde. Its paramilitary function is the preservation of Quel’Thalas, the Sin’dorei, and the culture thereof. As one of the most active and immersive guilds founded on the server, players enjoy intense and gripping stories, a thriving role playing community, rich and complex lore, and a wonderful, inclusive atmosphere.
The Sunguard offers:
Ongoing intense campaigns with well-developed story lines!
An internally developed roll battle system!
Regularly scheduled events ranging from large-scale battles to smaller and more pronounced missions!
Regularly scheduled social role playing events, unit meetings, and guild meetings!
Exciting community-wide RP and PVP events when the server comes together.!
A progressing raid team open for recruitment!
A competitive RBG team!
And more!
We are currently recruiting!
For those interested in joining, please visit our website at: http://www.the-sunguard.com
For those interested in viewing our recruitment thread, please see: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/15142905348
For those who want to view and follow our official tumblr, please check out @thesunguardmg
And finally, for those interested in our lore, please visit our ever-growing wiki at: http://sunguard.wikia.com/wiki/sunguard_wikia
Big thanks for the work of Nick Davis to make this video to support the Tournament of Ages! @officialtoa
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