twokantonianlawyers · 15 days
Do they listen to music when they’re in a car or when they take the bus/train/etc? If so, are they the type of person to imagine themselves in some sort of music video or trailer as they listen to their music? Do they choose songs that match their mood that day?
for both!
I do enjoy listening to music on my travels. Even if it's something mundane, such as a trip to the grocery store, I enjoy having something on in the background. And although I do not picture myself doing/participating in anything whilst listening to music, I generally choose music based on how I feel, or how I wish to feel. For instance, I generally choose to listen to something calming if I need to destress after being overwhelmed or overworked. uhhh yeah. for all of them, actually! asougi's habits have sorta influenced me a bunch.. it doesn't feel right to travel somewhere without music playing, since asougi always puts something on, and I don't mind it. I'm even listening to music now, on the train to Galar! and yeah, the music video thing kinda happens a bunch. especially if it's a song I really like, usually with a bunch of instruments in it that sorta.. blend together. and yes on the last one, too. most of my music taste is based on how much I relate to a song, actually! especially mood-wise dsjfhdsj
-⚔ Asougi & Ryuunosuke ⚖
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twokantonianlawyers · 15 days
II Minor Details About The Muse– Ask Meme
How does your muse answer their phone? Do they get nervous or panic if they hear it ring? Do they answer it immediately or let it ring out? How do they greet the person on the other end?
How do they wake up in the morning? Do they jump out of bed immediately after they hear their alarm go off? Do they turn their alarm off and stay in bed a little longer? How long does it take for them to actually feel awake?
If they’re walking and they pass by a stranger who makes eye contact how do they react? Do they nod their head? Smile? Do they quickly avert their gaze?
What’s their posture like when they walk? Are they a slow, fast, or moderate walker?
If they hear a song they like what do they do? Do they tap their foot? Quietly dance? Nod their head? Etc.
Are they the type of person to hum to themselves when they are alone?
How do they react if somebody puts a plate of their favourite food in front of them? Do they gobble it up immediately? Savor it? Do that little wiggle/dance some people do when they are served their favourite food?
Are they the type to vocally go ‘Mmm’ when they eat?
If their phone/computer announces that they need to update their software, does your muse get right on it or do they procrastinate the update for as long as possible?
When they go out for a walk, are they the type of person to look up at the sky to check the clouds or the stars?
Is your muse a ‘Hey! Look at the moon!’ type of person?
Do they know how to whistle? If so, what type of whistle do they make? A loud one? A soft and airy one? Do they inhale or exhale to whistle?
If it’s a hot day, how do they keep themselves cool?
If it’s a cold day, how do they keep themselves warm?
If a group of strangers happens to pass their way and your muse hears them laughing amongst themselves, if your muse the type of person to instantly think those strangers are laughing at them or does your muse ignore it and rationalize with themself that those strangers are probably not laughing at you but something else?
Are they a fast or slow talker? Do they tend to stutter? Are their words clear and crisp when they speak?
When they tell a story, do they tell a story in a straightforward sort of way or does the story end up getting derailed with other, minute details?
Which of their five senses are the strongest? For example, are they usually the first person to smell something rotten? Are they the first person to see something across the street? Etc.
Do they panic when the cashier moves onto the next person behind them in the queue and your muse is still busy putting their change away?
What sort of unnecessary noises do they make?
What little superstitions do they carry out?
How do they hug?
What is their body language like when they talk to somebody? Are they the type of person to stand close to the other? Do they keep eye contact? Are they the type to touch the other on the shoulder or arm?
How do they react when they see something cute, like a cute animal or something?
Are they comfortable cursing? Do they do it under their breath or outloud?
Do they often fuss with their hair? Clothes? Makeup?
How long can they hold their breath?
Do they listen to music when they’re in a car or when they take the bus/train/etc? If so, are they the type of person to imagine themselves in some sort of music video or trailer as they listen to their music? Do they choose songs that match their mood that day?
Can your muse sleep if they know their room is untidy?
How do they talk to small kids? Is their tone demeaning? Do they go down to their level? Do they feel at ease?
Do they bite their ice cream or lick? Do they eat the ice cream from the top or bite the underside of the cone?
Are they good at telling jokes? Do they end up laughing before the punchline?
Is it easy for them to get engrossed in a book? Do they end up getting distracted by other things?
What do they do with freshly laundered clothes? Are they the type of person to press their face against them? Do they immediately fold them and keep them in a drawer? Do they leave them in a pile or in a basket and fold them little by little? Do they stuff them messily into a drawer or closet?
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twokantonianlawyers · 15 days
Thank goodness for modern technology. We're nearly in Galar, with only a few more hours of waiting. thank you trains ily trains
-⚔ Asougi & Ryuunosuke ⚖
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twokantonianlawyers · 16 days
For context: We have an important case there. We were specifically hired for this one, though as to why is beyond me.
-⚖ Ryuunosuke & Asougi ⚔
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twokantonianlawyers · 23 days
burbger... atleast you didn't have to stay in galar for like a year and a half . the food there is fucking RANCID like that shits RIDICULOUS -Ryuunosuke
close, but no. i've been told that I look like him, though! i'm gonna set up a blog in a bit so I don't have to be confined to anonymously sending asks to you. -an anonymous kantonian
(// ryuunosuke naruhodou faller. he's from the great ace attorney spinoff game series and I am normal about him)
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twokantonianlawyers · 23 days
yep. and i've never been johtonian-unovan ever but that's neat too. duality of man or something. -Ryuunosuke
close, but no. i've been told that I look like him, though! i'm gonna set up a blog in a bit so I don't have to be confined to anonymously sending asks to you. -an anonymous kantonian
(// ryuunosuke naruhodou faller. he's from the great ace attorney spinoff game series and I am normal about him)
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twokantonianlawyers · 23 days
hey 👋 i did the thingy. no longer anonymous but still kantonian
close, but no. i've been told that I look like him, though! i'm gonna set up a blog in a bit so I don't have to be confined to anonymously sending asks to you. -an anonymous kantonian
(// ryuunosuke naruhodou faller. he's from the great ace attorney spinoff game series and I am normal about him)
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twokantonianlawyers · 24 days
okay yeaugh you have . a point. -Ryuunosuke
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twokantonianlawyers · 24 days
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twokantonianlawyers · 24 days
HI KAZUMA. NO IM NOT PLANNING ON LOSING MY JOB. AAUAUagghH. and we had to let him testify because his testimony let us present some decisive evidence to point out a contradiction or whatnot. but yeahhh he could've handled that a whole lot better.. -Ryuunosuke
hate that i can't talk openly about our trials on here because it's classified info and whatnot but yesterday's trial was fucking CRAZY like that shit was RIDICULOUS -Ryuunosuke
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twokantonianlawyers · 24 days
Ryuu. Are you planning on getting disbarred? (Though, you do have a point. I don't even know why we let that witness testify in the first place.) -Asougi
hate that i can't talk openly about our trials on here because it's classified info and whatnot but yesterday's trial was fucking CRAZY like that shit was RIDICULOUS -Ryuunosuke
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twokantonianlawyers · 24 days
hate that i can't talk openly about our trials on here because it's classified info and whatnot but yesterday's trial was fucking CRAZY like that shit was RIDICULOUS -Ryuunosuke
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twokantonianlawyers · 24 days
// THANK YOU! very glad to hear that, this seriously means a lot dkshfdj :))
-mod ryuu ⚖
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twokantonianlawyers · 24 days
// sorta? this is more of an RP one involved with the funny pokemon stuff Hugh likes. but we still just mainly post on hugh's, if that makes sense lol
-⚖ mod ryuu
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twokantonianlawyers · 24 days
Are any of your pokemon friends with eachother? do any of them argue?
Yes. Sou and Hayasaka are good friends. Though, the two of them don't get along that well with the rest of my party. As far as I know, they seem to be on good terms with all of Ryuu's pokemon. -Asougi
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twokantonianlawyers · 24 days
Hello, and welcome to our blog!
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Hello! I'm Ryuunosuke Naruhodou, a defense attorney based in Kanto, alongside my partner, Asougi. In fact, he got me into the whole lawyer thing. Without him, I don't think I'd even be doing this. I use he/him, and I'm 25. I've been in the legal business for a while now, and I studied abroad in Galar for a couple of years.
My name is Kazuma Asougi, though just Asougi is fine. Like my lovely partner Ryuunosuke, I am a defense attorney as well. I use he/they, and I am 25. I also have experience working as a prosecutor, though I would prefer to leave that behind.
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Oh, and before I forget, here are our teams! Neither of us have parties of 6, mainly because we're lawyers first and trainers second, but we are trainers nonetheless.
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(// ooc info under cut)
// Hello! This blog is run by 2 mods, both of which are fictives. I'm mod Ryuu, but mod ⚖ is fine too, and I use he/him. The other mod is mod Asougi, or mod ⚔, and he uses he/they. Yes we are running a rotomblr blog for ourselves, or rather our more canon interpretations. Don't think too hard about it. Our main blog is @shingetsu-online, though it's our host's main blog as well. Also AsoRyuu is canon here.
This also takes place during the modern era, rather than Meiji-era Japan (or in this case, Kanto) since it would be much, much easier to explain HOW they have access to rotomblr in the first place.
This blog is interaction-dependent! Please interact if you're a Pokemon IRL blog, whether you run a canon character, OC, eeby-deeby blog, and everything else inbetween! Although legendary blogs ARE allowed, Ryuunosuke & Asougi will think they're a kid roleplaying.
Ryuunosuke is gay & transmasc, and Asougi is gay & nonbinary! If you don't like this, feel free to block us or not interact at all.
I'm currently playing through TGAA Adventures, and I have not yet started TGAA Resolve, so this mainly runs on my knowledge of the games' events.
Some disclaimers: Don't spam like. It's overwhelming for us. And don't send anon hate either, unless either of us outright says it is okay to do so.
DNI: Proship, NSFW, and basic DNI criteria. Get the hell out of here.
That's pretty much it! Have fun :)
-Mod Ryuu ⚖
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