ttttrashpoetry · 3 months
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ttttrashpoetry · 3 months
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Lots of love xx
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ttttrashpoetry · 2 years
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Flash sheet by me 😇 IG: tttrashpoetry
#flashsheet #tattooflashsheet #illustration #nft #nftart
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ttttrashpoetry · 7 years
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Magazine Cover by me inspired by @toiletpapermagazine about the recent findings of sugar’s effect on our brain. 
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ttttrashpoetry · 7 years
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Porto 2016.
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ttttrashpoetry · 7 years
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ttttrashpoetry · 7 years
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Shoreditch, October 2016.
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ttttrashpoetry · 7 years
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ttttrashpoetry · 10 years
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Penso che la cosa più assurda di Auschwitz sia il pesante silenzio che aleggia nell'aria. Ti permette di concentrarti sul dolore. Quando ti ritrovi davanti ad una teca contenente migliaia di scarpe di bambini bruciati non puoi fare a meno di fermarti a riflettere, di chiederti: "chissà come si chiamava il bambino che possedeva quelle blu". Questo posto, in un certo senso, ti cambia. Ti sputa in faccia la malvagità dell'uomo, la pazzia, l'ingiustizia. In quel momento è come se i muri ti soffocassero e i colori diventassero sbiaditi. Auschwitz è il posto più triste del mondo. I reckon the most absurdly thing of Auschwitz is the heavy silence that stands in the air. It allows you to concentrate on the pain. When you stand in front of a showcase containing thousands of burnt children shoes, you can't help but think over, wondering: "whose were those blue shoes?". This place, in some way, changes people. It spits in your face the men's evil, the madness, the injustice. In that moment walls choke you and colors shade. Auschwitz is the saddest place in this world.
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ttttrashpoetry · 10 years
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"The man’s inability to understand something that is neither good nor evil, neither cruel nor merciful, but simply callous, makes him feel incomplete and excluded from this "natural system", conceiving nature as devoided of any morality -typically human- and building a completely artificial one that can follow its social rules. 
Locked up in this synthetic and illusory world, the only way by which the human being can truly become part of it is through death or when -according to the atomistic theory- the atoms that constitute him return to be part of everything that first excluded him and to which he could not give a meaning. 
Human existence, so, is dictated by ongoing attempts to achieve a connection with nature, without ever succeeding. This failure results in a feeling of longing and emptiness that man deceives to make up through the artifice and fiction."
"L’incapacità dell’uomo di comprendere qualcosa che non sia né buono né cattivo, né spietato né misericordioso, ma semplicemente insensibile, lo porta a sentirsi incompleto ed estromesso da questo “sistema naturale”, concependo la Natura come priva di qualsiasi moralità -tipicamente umana- e costruendosene una totalmente artificiale che possa seguire le sue regole sociali.
Rinchiuso in questo mondo sintetico e illusorio, l’unico mezzo con il quale l’essere umano può diventare veramente parte di essa è attraverso la morte ovvero quando -secondo la teoria atomistica- gli atomi che lo costituiscono ritornano ad essere parte di tutto ciò che prima lo escludeva e al quale non riusciva a dare un significato.
L’esistenza umana, per cui, è dettata da continui tentativi di raggiungere un legame con la natura, senza però mai riuscirci. Questo fallimento ha come conseguenza un sentimento di struggimento e di vuoto che l’uomo si illude di supplire attraverso l’artificio e la finzione."
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ttttrashpoetry · 10 years
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Self Portraits - August 2014
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ttttrashpoetry · 10 years
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Praha, magic and damned city, is the subject of these photos. I went there last march for five days and I really liked its architecture, its language, its art and also its people, even if there were so many tourists. The thing I liked the most is Moldava River, the longest of Czech Republic, that fullfilled my heart with joy everytime I looked at its clean and deep waters.
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ttttrashpoetry · 10 years
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Praha, March 2014. 
This is Theresienstadt, a former military fortress and adjacent walled garrison town in the Ústí nad Labem Region of the Czech Republic. A sad place, a silent place. So, are my photos, representing the feelings that this place filled up my heart with. I had the pleasure to expose these photos for an exhibition in Brescia (IT) in June 2014.
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