tsukisusunde · 5 months
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old zoro doodles while i was watching one piece
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tsukisusunde · 5 months
Guys pls look how pretty they are, this is so beautiful
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Goldenpunk Week Day 7: Sun/Moon
161 notes · View notes
tsukisusunde · 5 months
This is the continuation of the previous drawing,
the cat was so done with them XD
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Day 5 of Golden-Punk Week:
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tsukisusunde · 5 months
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Goldenpunk Ship Week Day 2:: Domestic / Far Away
Decided to just make it simple on myself and draw a nice little smooch for them
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tsukisusunde · 5 months
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Goldenpunk Week Day 2: Far Away
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tsukisusunde · 5 months
"Oh no it's messed up, let me fix it for you"
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Day 4 of Golden-Punk Week:
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tsukisusunde · 5 months
A Phone Call Away
this is just goldenpunk fluff idk what else to tell you, there's no plot to this
“Hi,” Pav whispered, as soon as the call connected.
“‘ello,” Hobie hummed. “Wha’ are ya’ upto?”
“Nothing, I’m just out getting some groceries. Auntie sent me out and told me not to come back, until I find the brand of tea she likes,”  Pav smiled and Hobie could feel the sun shining on his face. Then he frowned. “Are you still in bed?” 
Hobie laughed. ”I was readin’ a book,” He said, holding up 1984.
“Gadhe. Tell me you've eaten something, at least,” Pav shook his head, putting a bag of potatoes in his cart.
“Ate some leftover chips, luv’, don’t worry about it.”
“I am going to worry, it’s like 2 in the afternoon at yours, and you’re still in bed. I’m not even there to cook you something.” Pav whined. Hobie felt something warm curl up in his chest.
“Awwh, babe, you love me?”
“Of course, janemann, I love you so much.”  Pav held up a pack of tiny biscuits Hobie recognised to be ‘little hearts’. “I would literally kill to kiss you right now.”
“I’d die to kiss ya’.”
“Yeah.” Pavi stared at something off camera, doing some calculations with his unoccupied hand. “Hey, do you think I should get the family pack for 150 rupees or buy two 4-packs of maggi at 160?” He turned to the camera, showing a yellow pack of noodles to Hobie.
“I don't even know the difference,” said Hobie, finally getting up from his bed, looking for the copper water bottle Pav had bought for him.
Pav hummed, “I’m getting the two 4 packs,” He dumped the said items into his cart. “Should I get schezwan chutney for you?”
“The red spicy one? Oh fuck yea’ ov' course,” He said, watching the shirt ride up Pav’s shirt as he reached for the sauce on the top shelf. “It too high for you, shona?” Hobie asked, seeing the predictable blush rise up Pav's face at the hindi pet name. He loved it when Hobie tried and butchered hindi.
“Jaanu, you know I'm in public. I can't respond like I want to, that's so unfair.”
“I know, mere subah ki kiran,” He said, voice raspy, words feeling unusually rounded yet familiar.
Hobie laughed. He could see the deep, almost-maroon blush high on Pav’s cheeks. 
“Have you been learning from Gayatri again?” Pav asked, voice accusatory, and a sparkle in his eyes.
“I'm not gunna conform o' deny tha',” Hobie finally found the bottle under the bed, and drained it.
“I love you so much, you ass.”
“I love ya too. Wha' time is it at yours now?”
“Around eight pm, why do you ask?”
“I thought we’d eat together, you could have dinner early and I'd’ve a late brekkie.”
“It’s a late lunch at this point,” Pav scolded. “But yes, I'd like that. What are we eating?
“Mac n' cheese?”
“You know that auntie would kill me if i told her that's my dinner.”
“Jus' tell her it's a snack.”
“You are the snack,” Pavi giggled, highly weird behaviour when in public, but Hobie liked the thought of them being disgustingly cute for everyone to see. Everyone to see their love. Everyone to see how important Pav is to him.
Another part begged him to hide Pav away bc what if his enemies hurt Pav to get at him?
Hobie shook his head, because what enemies did he have? He was a tattoo artist and Pav was a physics academic. It's not like they were fighting supervillains everyday.
Pav thought the head shaking was for his comment because he doubled down. “No you definitely are.” 
“Does tha' mean you wanna eat me instead ov' the mac n’ cheese?”
“No- I mean- Yes, but what the fuck Hobie, I’m literally at the supermarket, and yes I have earphones in, but-” Someone knocks into Pav.
Hobie recognised the glint of her earrings a moment before he heard her voice. “Oh my god, Pav! You didn't tell me you were back in India?”
“Gayatri! I'm sorry, I came back like 3 days ago, and I've been too busy with packing Maya auntie’s things, I literally forget to sleep,” Pav laughed.
“Sounds like an excuse, Pavitr Prabhakar, you little bitch. If you had let me know, I'd have helped you.”
“That's exactly why I didn't tell you, aren't you working on that new movie? With Ranveer Singh in it?”
“So what, I could make time? And what kind of friend would I be if I didn't help Maya auntie and you to pack her things- Where's she going by the way?”
“Oh, uh- she's moving to the UK, in with us.”
“Oh, she's leaving?”
“Yeah, Hobie and I thought it'd be better if she lived with us and UK has better resources aur sach bolun to unko mujhe apne paas hi rakhna hai.”
“Yeah that's good, I'm going to miss her, I'll miss you both,” Gayatri's voice seemed sad. “But now I've got an excuse to barge into your house.”
“Wasn't I reason enough?”
“You? yes. Hobie? yes. Dono saath mein? Nope, thank you I'm pretty sure I’d have to bleach my eyes.”
“Shut it. Speaking of hobie, show me the ring?”
Hobie watched as Pav swapped hands, bringing up his left ring finger into view, a familiar ring shining under the harsh grocery store lights.
Gayatri muffled a squeal. Pav’s grin was so wide that Hobie thought it was bleeding off him to Gayatri and him because Hobie found himself smiling into the cabinets as he took out a box of pasta.
“Ohh! kitna pyaara hai! is that real moonstone?”
“Yeah, it's covered with a thin layer of artificial diamond, it's custom made.”
“I'm so jealous. if my next partner doesn't put in at least this amount of effort, i'm breaking up,” Gayatri shoved Pav gently.
“Hobie would love to hear that. Hey, Hobie, did you hear that?” Pav turned to Hobie gleefully, Gayatri butting into the frame with a delighted look.
“Hi Angrez, wasn't stealing Pav’s heart enough? You had to take Maya auntie too?”
“Oh you can’t hear him, take my other earbud.”
Gayatri takes it, sticking out a tongue at both of them.
“Hello guruji,  you are the one 'elpin' me charm them,” Hobie saluted her with the spoon he was using to scoop out salt.
“Oh my god you are so impossible, what's the status on the Kohinoor?”
“Still on the king's head, regrettably.”
“You promised to get it back if I let you have Pav-”
“Hey, am I a tradable commodity now?”
“-at this rate you have to return the entire British museum, including interest.”
“I'd gladly do tha' on its own.”
“I’m going to accompany Pav to yours to make sure you do just that. Okay, guys, you can get back to your mushiness. I need to get going.” Gayatri waved at him and handed Pav his earbud, disappearing out of frame.
Pav looked at him with a giddy smile “I saw you put pasta in water, what do you want to bet I can check this out and get a take out box in ten minutes?”
“Not one euro or a rupee, I know ya can, including Maya auntie’s favourite tea.”
“I already found it,” Pav held up a box and Hobie couldn't resist blowing a kiss.
“You're on then,” He said, holding up a bag of shredded mozzarella. “Let’s see who gets mac n’ cheese done first.”
gadhe - you ass (but this is the animal ass)
janemann - love of my life (not exactly but close enough)
maggi - verrrryyy popular desi masala ramen noodles
copper infusion water is considered healthy hence the copper bottle
schezwan chutney - a chilli garlic paste its delicious idk the recipe
shona - gold/love
jaanu - my life
mere subah ki kiran - my morning sunshine
Ranveer Singh - famous actor
aur sach bolun to unko mujhe apne paas he rakhna hai - and to be honest, i want her to stay close to me
dono saath me - both of you together
kitna pyaara hai - its so cute
angrez - foreigner (of the english kind)
guruji - extremely respectful word for teacher (when i say extremely respectful i mean it)
kohinoor - famous diamond stolen from india during British Raj
this took me forever to edit
i tried a different process of writing which was quicker to finish but took so long to edit iwndiedksndid but ill do this again bc i like this way much better
this fic was inspired by my parents shout out to them for doing long distance straight after marriage with a 1 year old (me) i could never
comment if ya want more bc they keep me alive
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tsukisusunde · 5 months
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Goldenpunk week day 1 & 2!!!
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tsukisusunde · 5 months
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Goldenpunk week day 1 & 2!!!
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tsukisusunde · 5 months
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Day 3 of Golden-Punk Week:
Dressing up
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tsukisusunde · 5 months
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Day 2 of Golden-Punk Week 2024:
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tsukisusunde · 5 months
Black Holes and Stars
or Pav really wants to kiss Hobie, dammit
as always, translations are at the end xx
also the songs are clickable (they take you to Spotify <3)
Pav was never going to order an uber again.
The first two cabs cancelled because of the new year’s rush and the third cab they ordered and had it reach them had a milkshake spill on one seat. Making the seating capacity three instead of four, for their four person group. Pav’s heart jumped into his throat as Gwen called shotgun and Miles called dibs on the seat behind Gwen. Leaving Hobie and Pav to share one seat. Where Pav was right now, sitting deathly still on Hobie’s lap, aware of every shift of fabric, every little breath fanning across the back of his neck, every little hum when at the end of his deep rebervating huffs of laughter.
Now, Pav has had prolonged contact with Hobie, but in the form of extremely complex handshakes, the occasional headlock and the most frequent of all, being thrown straight onto Hobie during fights. This was different. This was intentional and intimate. This was feeling the intoxicating heat of his body for all of the forty minutes of the ride. This was a situation where Hobie could feel the goosebumps erupt all over his skin with the brush of a finger. This was dangerous. Pav zoned back to the conversation, having lost track of it an eternity ago.
“-I’m actually offended that they’re allergic to kiwis,” Miles continued, deep into storytelling to notice Gwen's sickening smitten stare. “Like, they look like they should love kiwis, but noo, they are allergic.”
“Wha’s a kiwi, anyway?” Hobie asked, leaning towards Miles over the spilt milkshake.
Gwen turned to Hobie the same time Miles whipped around. Pav tried his best to shoot an incredulous look at Hobie without shifting his body, a task that proved to be almost impossible.
Silence blanketed them, broken by Kamariya playing on the radio and the occasional horn in the traffic.
“Hobie, have you never had a kiwi?” Gwen had almost fully turned around in her seat and Pav didn't have the heart to point out the police officer scanning the traffic.
“My world’s on the brink of total anarchical collapse, ‘aven't got a scooby ‘bout kiwis because I’ve got other things to do,” Hobie shrugged, fiddling with the window button.
“My bad, Hobie. We need to fix that immediately,” Gwen nodded.
“Wha’? My universe?”
“No, not that. Not yet, I’m talking about a kiwi.”
“Damn, an’ here I though’ you were gon’ fix me problems.”
“Your problem is a government. I can't deal with my own father, the government is a whole another cake.”
“Ye, ye’ those are the fightin’ words, Gwendy.” Hobie leaned out further yet, putting his hand on Pav’s waist, for balance-
Don't ask Pav the colour of anything, he doesn't know. He’s pretty sure his lungs are beeping the same error message as his brain.
“Eat shit, Brown.”
“Alright children, càlmate."
“Ain't you the underage un’?”
Pav was hearing words, but his remaining three brain cells were trying to process the warmth of Hobie’s hand seeping through the thin linen of his shirt, the contours of his hand perfectly fitting around Pav’s side. Waves of shivers ran down his skin like the waxing and waning shadows cast by the amber lights outside.
Pav looked at Hobie, neck straining, to see if he could see his thoughts in his eyes, and instead met his own eyes, thoughts and emotions all reflected in the kaleidoscope of Hobie’s eyes.
Pav wasn't the only one feeling the pull, right? He wasn't. He couldn't be the only one, when Hobie’s eyes grew impossibly deeper, the browns receding, like a blackhole and its glowing event horizon, and Pav had no choice but to crash. A little bit more and-
“Hey lovebirds! We’re here!” Miles called, rapping sharply on their side of the window, opening the door.
Pav reeled back, ridiculously thinking about spaghettification, because his face was on fire and his legs felt like cooked noodles.
“I’ll give ya ‘lovebirds’, you fucker-” Hobie launched himself at Miles, chasing him around, leaving Pav to pay.
“Bhaiya, zara QR code dikhana, PhonePe kar deta hun.” Pav nodded at the driver, who was distractedly chewing some gum.
The guy took out the code on his phone. “A word of advice; do something about that guy. You two were painful, literally ankhon se ek durse ke kapde utaar rahe the. Abhi I need to go, dry clean the seat where the last customer sat, and sprinkle ganga jal where you both sat. Thank you and happy new year, I hope no one else has to witness you both- doing whatever that was- I feel like I need a shot of ganga jal as well.”
Saying Pav felt mortified was a massive understatement. He wanted the earth to crack open under him and swallow him whole as he paid the money, with a generous tip.
Hobie hung back a bit away from earshot, but that still didn't stop him from bugging Pav about what took him so long. Pav valiantly did not blush more as he refused to elaborate.
“You have games here?” Miles’ eyes shone with excitement. “I thought we were just going to get drunk on cheap drinks and dance while other couples make out.”
“You can't technically drink yet, new guy.” Pav pointed at the thick, black ’X’ on his hand.
“I can. I did. At Hobie’s,” Miles grumbled as Hobie put an arm around him.
“Yea’, me’ mandem fucked aroun’ the nuclear subs at fourteen, you definitely could drink and smoke when you are seventeen."
“Stop that, you ass,” Miles hit Hobie upside the head, ducking out of his chokehold. “All of you are so mean to me.”
“I’m not mean to you,” Gwen poked Miles in the shoulder. “I am literally so nice to you.”
“You are the worst offender, Gwendy, you didn't let me ride shotgun.”
“Awwh, but I really wanted to.”
“I wanted to, too.”
“I could make it up to you,” Gwen leant closer to Miles, taking his hand. Pav could see the dark blush take up residence on Miles’ face. Before Pav could interrupt, Gwen was pulling him away, into the crowd with a shout of ‘see ya’ around!’
“We should get us a drink.” Hobie’s breath tickled the shell of Pav’s ear, and he couldn't have stopped the shivers if he had wanted to.
“We can't, Maya Auntie would hit me with the jhaadu if she sniffs out anything suspicious on me.”
“Does tha’ mean I shouldn' drink either?”
“Why wouldn't you? I want you to have a good time.”
“‘know plenty ways to ‘ave a good time that don't include no tumblin’ down the sink.” Pav could hear the smirk in his voice. He didn't know what he could do other than melt into a puddle on the floor. Still, he shot him a mock glare.
“Smooth like sandpaper, bada aaya Romeo,” Pav managed, and for a second he believed in his own bravado. “How about I show you some tumbling?” Pav hooked his finger in Hobie’s collar, pulling him down, down, down, till their faces were level. Pav could feel himself getting lost in the deep black of Hobie's eyes. “Kya bolti tu?” Pav murmured, voice breathless and husky.
Pav could see the exact moment when Hobie’s self restraint shattered. The irises of Hobie's eyes were swallowed up by the gravitational pull of the black of his eyes, and Pav couldn't wait to be swallowed up too.
He leans in closer, anticipating, hoping-
Someone- Someones- collided with them, bringing all of them down. For the second time that day, Pav found himself very acquainted with Hobie's body.
He feels Hobie’s arms holding him, a futile attempt to protect him from the floor, considering he's currently flat against the same, breath knocked out of him yet again, this time for multiple reasons.
“Oh we're so sorry! So, so, sorry- Just, I was looking for my friend and Saswat here was annoying me an’ I wasn't watching where I was goin’-” The person rambled on at a frankly terrifying speed as they got up. Hobie huffed as helped Pav up, “It’s alri’e, jus’ watch where you goin.”
“We’re so sorry, let us buy you something as an apology,” The person gushed, and then hit the guy- Saswat- in the stomach, urgently whispering that sounded a whole lot like ‘kuchh bolna, gadhe’.
“It's alright, really,” Pav conceded, sensing another word vomit if he didn't stop the train wreck of a conversation that was happening. “We should get going, do our own thing, you know-”
“You should join us for a game of spin the bottle,” Saswat winked. Pav wasn't sure what that meant. “We can buy you a drink then. Come with us,” Saswat swung his arm over Pav’s shoulders, walking him straight into a circle with about 5 people in various degrees of inebriation in a loose circle, sprawled over bean bags, and love seats. Pav thought one of them looked familiar. Like really familiar.
“Meet our new friends!” Saswat announced. This is- uh- what's your names?” He hissed urgently in his ear.
“I'm Pavitr, and that's Hobie-”
“Right, yeah, this is Pavitr and that's Hobby,” Saswat declared, gesturing grandly, plopping onto the only empty barstool. Pav and Hobie squished themselves into a wide-ish armchair. At least it was a step up from still on Hobie’s lap, Pav thought wildly, thighs pressed against each other.
“Not again,” The other person groaned, sitting down next to a girl with long greyish dyed hair. “I can't do this again.” They muttered and Pav got the feeling that he wasn't supposed to hear it.
“Saswat, you whore,” The familiar looking person reached over, tugging on his ear.
“Shut up Achari, maine toh kuch kiya bhi nahi hai,” Saswat slapped the person’s hand away.
“You are thinking it, you don’t even have to do something,” Achari replied. “Also I feel like I know the short guy.”
“Hey, watch who you're calling short!”
“But you are! You are practically matchbox sized, you could fit in an ikea bag, or a suitcase!”
“Alright, Athanni stop antagonising Pavitr, we're here to make new friends. Right, Annz?” The silver haired girl turned to the person who caused the collision, who turned an interesting shade of red, muttering ‘yep, ‘spin the bottle’ ek doston waala game hai, definitely’ under their breath. Pav had no idea if the silver haired girl didn't hear that or pretended not to because she went on.
“Here are the rules: spinner kisses whoever the bottle lands on and because we are not big fans of forcing someone to kiss, you can skip kissing and instead take a big sip of your drink,” The silver haired girl- Pav can't just keep calling here that in his mind- said. Annz side eyed the girl.
“Tammy, you know I don't have a drink, and neither do the new kids.”
“Then you'll just have to kiss me,” The girl- her name being Tammy, apparently- responded with a cheeky grin.
“Stop it, I can't breathe with all the UST you guys have, ugh,” Athanni drained the last of their drink in one big gulp, slamming down the bottle in the middle. “Let's get this ball rollin'!”
They spin the bottle.
Pav wondered why he and Hobie were still there, playing a kissing game with strangers, as he watched the bottle spin around, practically blurring.
They could just leave, right? Pav glanced at Hobie, and they met eyes. Pav froze. Hobie’s eyes had never looked so dark as they did now. “Wish we were alone now.” He whispered, only for Hobie, because he did. He only wished they were alone, maybe in this room, maybe in the whole world. Or maybe Pav wanted everyone to just look away and not pay attention, because the only attention he wanted was Hobie’s.
They hadn't broken eye contact for a moment. Pav could see a familiar emotion on Hobie's face, an emotion that made Pav’s stomach swoop with elation, the same emotion that made him want to giggle wildly when Hobie was too close, the same emotion that rose in his chest and up his throat when they were close enough, close enough to-
‘Your turn, short boy,” Athanni’s voice pulled him back to his frustrating reality.
“What?” Pav asked, trying to keep the irritation out his voice.
“Spin the bottle. You know, the game,” Athanni smiled, faux innocence dripping off their face.
“Y- yeah, the game, right. Uh-” Pav reached over and gave the bottle a weak nudge. It leisurely turned around three times.
Before coming to a stop at Hobie.
Pav could have kissed Athanni or even the bottle but he didn't, because he was going to kiss Ho-
“There you are Pav, I've been looking all over for you!”
If Miles was spiderman, he surely could survive a fall from the top of the Qutub minar, right? Pav turned to look at Miles, fighting his way out of a rather thick crowd of people, hand clasped tightly with Gwen's, who appeared to be expertly nursing a drink within the crush of the crowd.
“Gwen convinced the DJ to play some english songs, come join us for a dance!” Miles said, smiling ear to ear and Pav could not stay angry.
He got up, nodding at the group of strangers. “This game was fun, thanks, but now we must go.” Hobie didn't even wait till Pav was done to start tugging him away into the crowds. Pav heard a chorus of ‘byes’ and maybe a ‘go get it dude!’ as he let himself be dragged away.
“I believe you owe me a dance, chodu,” Pav smiled, pushing Hobie over to the masses, where people were swaying to Radha.
“If ya think you can keep up, you're sorely mistaken, me raspberry tart,” Hobie said, leaning on the wall, stretching his arms above languidly and it was all Pav could do to not jump him right there. “You like to dance close?” Hobie asked, resting those arms on Pav’s shoulders like a middle school dance, “Or closer?” He slid his hands down to his waist, pulling him in, and how could Pav breath with them pressed together like that?
In the dim lights and thundering beats of the dance floor, a voice broke through. "Pav! C’n you te’ me where the res’room is- I really need th’ pee." Gwen appeared, giggling and speech slurring, and Pav wished that homicide was legal, not for the first time, not during this night, not in his life. Hobie leaned away, and Pav lamented not cherishing their proximity more.
He didn't think he hated Gwen, but at the moment Gwen was being particularly annoying, of course not intentionally. Or at least Pav didn't think it was intentional, because who would want to interrupt two people desperately trying to have a moment together, that's just weird.
“Hey-uh! Gwen!” Pav smiled, probably way too brightly considering his circumstances. “The restroom is on the other side of the club- uh, where’s Miles? Did he leave you alone?” Pav frowned. Miles was supposed to stay with Gwen. Unaccompanied minors and Gwen’s state aside, they were using the buddy system to not lose track of each other in the crowd. They were being responsible, but not anymore, apparently.
He was realising it would have been better to just stay back in his room with Hobie, because at least no one would fucking pop in with useless fucking questions when Hobie’s hands were ghosting his waist, with his breath on his lips-
Pav shook himself out of his funk. “C’mon Gwanda, We’d better go find Miles before he makes another eldritch entity sulk.”
Pav definitely did not think Hobie’s guffaws lacked a little sanity, nuh-uh.
They wove through the crowd, somehow managing to keep track of Gwen, who wandered off like a kid in the metaphorical candy shop too many times to count. Pav secretly relished Hobie's hand in his, a leftover from their position of moments prior.
The warmth of Hobie’s hand was different than the pressing heat of the bodies around them, more comforting and somehow, more exciting at the same time. Hobie was rubbing little circles on his knuckles and Pav could swear he felt sparks.
They can get through this. If nothing else, Hobie was going to sleep over at his, he was going to have this, nothing could stop him from doing this.
“Pav! Pavitr! Hobie! It’s time for countdown!” Miles called from the little balcony jutting out, overlooking the gigantic Christmas tree in the square. A large billboard counted down in big red numbers, 17 morphing into 16.
Gwen all but collapsed on Miles, who caught her easily, keeping her upright. Pav breathed a sigh of relief.
A breath that got caught in his throat. Because Hobie was looking at him like he wanted to eat Pav alive.
Everything stilled to a stop as Hobie spun him around, holding their hands between them. Pav could hear the dull chanting of ‘ten, nine, eight-’ as he stepped closer. A light chilly breeze blew, whispering through among them, carrying the sweet smell of cheap cherries, a cologne Pav had given Hobie months ago, and a familiar musky smell underneath it all.
A bead of sweat rolled down Hobie’s neck. Pav's eyes were glued onto it, following the paths it took over the contours of his neck and Pav wanted to taste it, to be it.
Hobie moved one hand to Pav’s waist, caressing his sides and his arm, coming to rest on his cheek. Pav let out a shaky breath.
Pav moved closer, their bodies brushing, separated by their clasped hands. Pav let go, pulling Hobie in by his neck. Their faces were a breath apart and-
-his saccharine warmth enveloped Pav in a sweet kiss. Pav’s breath stuttered again as his heart kicked into overdrive. Pav started to return the press, and Hobie pulled away. Pav whined, following.
“Sorry mat bol, kasam se- idhar aa-” Pav pulled Hobie into an open mouthed kiss, as the fireworks went up, lighting up the skies in brilliant gold and silver. Pav’s insides felt like fireworks too, all warm and restless, He wanted to touch, he wanted to feel Hobie all over, his hair, his face, his strong shoulders, his wiry arms, his-
Pav pulled him closer, stepping back closer to the wall-
-Only to find himself hanging over thin air, over the railings of the balcony, over the deafening crowd in the Mumbattan square, supported only by the arms of one Hobie Brown. Pav shivered, the metal railing cold against the small of his back. But Hobie was warm. Pav couldn't resist snuggling closer, burying his hands in Hobie's hair, while Hobie’s mouth did wonderful things down his throat and on his collarbones.
Hobie pushed him further yet, shifting their gravity, dipping him over the railing so he was supporting the both of them from a high drop, and Pav let him, losing himself in his ministrations. If Pav was going to fall, Hobie's arms would only catch him.
He couldn't wait to take an uber back home.
scooby - clue
Càlmate - calm down
Bhaiya, zara QR code dikhana, PhonePe kar deta hun - brother, show me the QR code, I'll phonepe you (phonepe is like cashapp, or apple pay or google pay, you get the gist)
ankhon se ek durse ke kapde utaar rahe the - undressing eachother with your eyes
abhi - now
ganga jal - hindu equivalent of holy water (water for the holy river ganga)
mandem - friend group (i think? i might be wrong but im too sleepy to check rn)
nuclear subs - pubs
ankhon se ek durse ke kapde utaar rahe the - you were literally undressing each other with your eyes
jhaadu - broom
tumbling down a sink (?) - a drink
bada aya romeo - you think youre a player (romeo)? (also desi pop culture yk)
kya bolti tu? - watcha say? (not 'what do you say', important distinction, bc that sentence hella informal and so casual, it also a old bollywood movie ref)
kuchh bolna, gadhe - say something, asshole
maine toh kuch kiya bhi nahi hai - i haven't even done anything
ek doston waala game hai - sure is a friends typa game
Qutub minar - A tall historical tower in India in delhi (? im too sleepy for this, im like 60% sure its in delhi)
chodu - fucker
raspberry tart - sweetheart
Sorry mat bol, kasam se- idhar aa- - don't apologise, i swear to- come here-
istg i gave myself carpal tunnel with them, they just kept missing the kiss on and on
they might be kinda ooc but lets be real we're all here to read them kiss a million times
there are some inside jokes and some oc interactions you might not get but ykw life is short fuck it
a million thanks to goldenpunk artists server for this opportunity and another million thanks to the people in there, so amazing and encouraging
this is for you sera, ghost and starr, yall really made me post this on time (technically its not 2nd jan everywhere yet, stfu)
also idont think im a 100 percent coherent rn, so lemme know if i missed something and thanks for reading, have an amazing day
(and if you got the time pls comment makes me more motivated to write than a national award fr)
36 notes · View notes
tsukisusunde · 5 months
Goldenpunkweek Day 1: First (day!)
It's Pavitr's first day at his designer gig at a new, super-fancy fashion studio. His model is late.
I'm a bit early but. sue me. idc.
18 notes · View notes
tsukisusunde · 5 months
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Day 1 of Golden-Punk Week:
Celebration/ First
172 notes · View notes
tsukisusunde · 5 months
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Sheriff Prabhakar 🤠
492 notes · View notes
tsukisusunde · 5 months
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Starting off strong with the best character in atsv, the one and only 'Obie Brown :]
1K notes · View notes
tsukisusunde · 6 months
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@geat-26 asked for a version of this with the hand, so here it is. Enjoy.
55 notes · View notes