truthdawn2 · 18 days
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Part 2 👍👍
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Things I’ve drawn for different worlds during the school year :] (mostly 4Factions, but also two other worlds!)
(Part 1)
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truthdawn2 · 18 days
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Things I’ve drawn for different worlds during the school year :] (mostly 4Factions, but also two other worlds!)
(Part 1)
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truthdawn2 · 1 month
I asked a friend for her input as a tie breaker and she said corruption references so that’s what I’m gonna do
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truthdawn2 · 1 month
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truthdawn2 · 1 month
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The catevran of the Dutri catevra (aka Andrea’s and Beatrix’s dad).
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truthdawn2 · 2 months
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Variety of design concepts for 4factions
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truthdawn2 · 2 months
I just realized I never said this yet but people of more than two identifiable species in them / people who cannot be identified by at least one species are called Polyuons :]
Before I go any further with this post, it's important to note the main species of the Four Factions world:
Catenae [C] is the species native to Predator.
Sheyan [S] is the species native to Cyber.
Kathariso [K] is the species native to Mystic.
Tortimingu [T] is the species native to Frost.
Mukhtafi [M] is the species native to Dune.
This post is specifically about the hybrids of the Four Factions universe. Hybrids are people who are more than one species. In this universe, there are specific names for different types of hybrids, which is what this post is here to list. The names are under the cut.
C + S = Kaptinmo [C dominant] - Kunbei [S dominant]
C + K = Spefalsa [C dominant] - Frodia [K dominant]
C + T = Intregga
C + M = Khatri
S + K = Miwalan [S dominant] - Ateveil [K dominant]
S + T = Huoshan [S dominant] - Strioshe [T dominant]
S + M = Zhuyuli [S dominant] - Inezalia [M dominant]
K + T = Mastiko
K + M = Ekdiksi [K dominant] - Alaqinti [M dominant]
T + M = Aylera
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truthdawn2 · 2 months
Random thing, but I was coming up with birthdays for my ocs using a random date generator and somehow Jordan and Damien got really close birthdays. Like I'm not even joking, but Damien got December 4th and Jordan got December 5th.
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truthdawn2 · 2 months
Before I go any further with this post, it's important to note the main species of the Four Factions world:
Catenae [C] is the species native to Predator.
Sheyan [S] is the species native to Cyber.
Kathariso [K] is the species native to Mystic.
Tortimingu [T] is the species native to Frost.
Mukhtafi [M] is the species native to Dune.
This post is specifically about the hybrids of the Four Factions universe. Hybrids are people who are more than one species. In this universe, there are specific names for different types of hybrids, which is what this post is here to list. The names are under the cut.
C + S = Kaptinmo [C dominant] - Kunbei [S dominant]
C + K = Spefalsa [C dominant] - Frodia [K dominant]
C + T = Intregga
C + M = Khatri
S + K = Miwalan [S dominant] - Ateveil [K dominant]
S + T = Huoshan [S dominant] - Strioshe [T dominant]
S + M = Zhuyuli [S dominant] - Inezalia [M dominant]
K + T = Mastiko
K + M = Ekdiksi [K dominant] - Alaqinti [M dominant]
T + M = Aylera
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truthdawn2 · 2 months
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Designs for the two kids of the Dutri catevra (fun fact: leaders of catevras are called “catevrans”. I’m so creative). Feel free to ask questions about them!
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truthdawn2 · 2 months
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Two new characters I made today during school
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truthdawn2 · 2 months
Can be compared to the U.S’s system of government (voting system, different branches, etc)
Anybody can be president (do not have to be native to Cyber)
Presidential elections are held every two years
Due to this, the same president can be elected at least four times (with two year terms for each elections)
Has an unfortunately lengthy lost of not-so-great president
Used to support the Frost government (this has since been ended)
Currently isolates itself from world events
Doesn’t involve itself with issues in Cyber like pollution and crime (unless it gets very bad)
Has made passive aggressive attempts to take land (mostly from Predator) but has never made a real move yet
Although male presidents are more common, there have been a fair amount of female (and even nonbinary) presidents
Current president is named Deliah O’Quinn and she is on her second term
It has no real form of government, however there are many catevras (tribes) in Predator
Different catevras have claimed certain areas of Predator for themselves. While you don’t need a permit or anything to enter, you are at risk if you do
One noticeable catevra is the Ventas catevra (they’re well known and feared within the region for a variety of reasons)
Despite not having an actual government, sometimes catevras will come together to discuss important matters (events happening outside of Predator, food supply, etc)
To other factions, the catevras basically make up the Predator government
Outside of catevras, everyone fends for and is responsible for only themselves
There are no written laws and all crime is (technically) legal
This also means that there is no formal education in Predator, however there are teaching systems
Sometimes other factions drop off supplies and such to Predator, which is always appreciated
There have been 3 families who have been in power in Mystic
The current one is the Kyria Bloodline, and the current monarch is Queen Mayea
People within the bloodline are considered royaltly and are rumored to have greater magical abilities than the average kathariso (<- native species to Mystic)
When one bloodline is about to die out, the last remaining monarch of that family will pick a close family to become the next bloodline
Along with Frost, the Mystic government is one of the more active governments in the world
Despite this, the queen rarely ever leaves Mystic due to previous assassinations in other families
Heavily dislikes the Frost government
There have been two monarchs who have been overthrown during their time in power
Functions sort of like a monarchy, where the children of the current dictator will take control of Frost once they pass (if there are no children to take their parent's place, then it gets passed to another person with similar views)
The current dictator is only known as "Kage"
Nobody knows anything about them due to the fact that they're very secretive
Yes, they're a bit of an asshole
Kage has been controlling Frost for nearly 30 years
Frost's government has a tendecy to start problems with other factions, specifically Mystic
Has the biggest military of all factions
Very strict and supressive to the citizens of Frost, espesically with laws
Freedom of speech is not allowed in Frost
Riots frequentally break out in Frost due to this and are usually handled by the military
Dune (not technically a faction, but whatever)
Very similar to Mystic's government
Not invovled in world events at all (rarely ever talks with the factions)
Rather than magic, royalty are considered to have stronger poison than others
There has only been two bloodlines who have run Dune
The current one is the Hadyi bloodline (has a king and queen)
Queens have more say in things than kings do
Although freedom of speech is allowed, participants in riots and such are sometimes punished harshly
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truthdawn2 · 2 months
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First real post on here. Just wanted to do a drawing for some practice :]
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truthdawn2 · 3 months
Hi. My name is Truth and this account is for storing all things related to my original worlds. This post will serve as a masterpost of sorts for them. At the moment I have three worlds that I will be posting here (I have more but like. I like these ones the best :] ). Out of those three, you'll most likely see me post about Four Factions the most. This blog will include concept art, character references, and lore for these worlds. Questions about my worlds and the characters in them are greatly appreciated. Thank you for reading this!
(side note: I suck at naming my worlds btw. the names are very self explantory so they're probably gonna change at some point. also I do sometimes post world art on my main, @truthdawn, but it's mostly fandom stuff there. also, a lot of these worlds are horror-themed. just a heads up.)
LINKS + TAG GUIDE (below the cut)
Four Factions (4F for short)
Andrea + Beatrix ref
Hybrid names
Alexius ref
Into the Woods (ITW for short)
Nothing yet.
Degrading Hue (DH for short)
Nothing yet.
#art <- art tag
#other art <- art that is not for one of the listed worlds
#lore <- lore tag
#concept art <- concept art
#reference <- references
#4factions <- 4F tag
#intothewoods <- ITW tag
#degradinghue <- DH tag
#4F art <- art tag
#4F lore <- lore tag
#4F concept art <- concept art
#4F reference <- references
#4F predator <- posts about the Predator Faction
#4F cyber <- posts about the Cyber Faction
#4F mystic <- posts about the Mystic Faction
#4F frost <- posts about the Frost Faction
#4F dune <- posts about Dune
#4F safe zone <- posts about the Safe Zone
#4F dead zone <- posts about Dead Zone
#4F (character) <- posts about a specific character
#4F (story) <- posts about a specific storyline or comic
#4F (location) <- posts about a specific location
#ITW art <- art tag
#ITW lore <- lore tag
#ITW concept art <- concept art
#ITW reference <- references
#ITW the hunt <- posts about The Hunt storyline
#ITW the silence <- posts about The Silence storyline
#ITW the feast <- posts about The Feast storyline
#ITW the headsman <- posts about the Headsman
#ITW the sightless <- posts about the Sightless
#ITW the wendigo <- posts about the Wendigo
#ITW (animal) <- posts about a specific mask type
#ITW (character) <- posts about or mentioning a specific character
#ITW (story) <- posts about a specific comic
#DH art <- art tag
#DH lore <- lore tag
#DH concept art <- concept art
#DH reference <- references
#DH corruption <- posts about the corruption
#DH purity <- posts about the Purities
#DH red <- posts about Reds
#DH orange <- posts about Oranges
#DH yellow <- posts about Yellows
#DH green <- posts about Greens
#DH blue <- posts about Blue
#DH purple <- posts about Purple
#DH brown <- posts about Brown
#DH (character) <- posts about a specific character
#DH (story) <- posts about a specific storyline or comic
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