trukidbabycare ¡ 3 years
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As the experts in kid's skincare, Trukid Eczema Bubble Podz products are developed by a doctor and tested by dermatologists and pediatricians. Our extensive offering of Eczema Care products provide naturally soothing comfort and relief for dry, irritated skin, rashes, and other eczema symptoms. Every TruKid Eczema product supports the body's moisture barrier, which aids against future eczema flareups. Unscented, fragrance free and naturally steroid-free, these products are perfect for the most sensitive child's skin!
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trukidbabycare ¡ 3 years
Trukid Bubble Podz originated the day Jennifer Adams Bunkers,  a mother of six, found two of her children using her wrinkle cream and realized that a concoction used to zap crows’ feet probably wasn’t suitable for young skin. In researching children’s products available, most were unhealthy and full of nasty chemicals, or smelled “yucky,” according to her kids.
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