tronlogic · 5 years
Roses are Red. April is Grey. As of Tomorrow…
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tronlogic · 5 years
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21 People Who Forgot A Word And Just Made Some Shit Up
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tronlogic · 5 years
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hi some tea that i didnt feel like retyping
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tronlogic · 5 years
Unpopular Opinions
• There are only 2 genders - Male and Female
• Pansexuality is just a fancier name for Bisexuality. Even if you believe that there are more than two genders, there are only two sexes. Bisexuality is the attraction to both the sexes.
• You need dysphoria to be transgender. Being trans is not a choice. It’s a very difficult thing to deal with and by saying it’s a choice you are demeaning the struggles that actual trans people face.
• The Fat Acceptance / Health at Every Size movement is bullshit. It’s absolutely okay to be fat. It’s absolutely not okay to spread misinformation that being fat is healthy or that losing weight is impossible.
• The feminist movement is more of a leftist movement than a movement for women right now.
• Reverse racism isn’t a thing because it’s just called racism. If you dislike or are prejudiced against a person simply due to their skin tone, that’s being racist.
• MOGAI identities and neopronouns are not only silly, they are genuinely harmful to the LGBT community.
��� Your race, gender and sexuality are only a minor part of you. They do not make you special. They are not your personality.
• Men face struggles too. Men are more likely to be victims of violent assault and almost never win child custody battles. There are hardly any male only centres for victims of sexual assault. Men do get sexually assaulted a significant amount more than people consider as the definition rape only includes penetration, skewing the statistics. Forced oral sex and the like is not counted, which is why male rape statistics seem so low at first glance.
• Women are not inherently goddesses. Men are not inherently evil.
• There is nothing wrong with being cis, white and male. Not being these things also doesn’t make you a better person.
• Words only have the power you assign to them. It’s silly to be afraid of them, irrespective of their usage in the past. All words have a history. By being afraid of them, you only give them more power and continue to dwell in the past.
• It’s absolutely okay to eat the food of and wear the clothes of other cultures as a means to immerse yourself and learn more. Segregation does no good, it never has.
• Your mental illness doesn’t cure you of your sins. It’s not a get out of jail free card if you were present, aware and in control of what you were doing.
• Your political leaning does not automatically make you a good/bad person. Your actions do.
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tronlogic · 5 years
one of the good things coming out of restricted adult content on tumblr is there’s gonna be no more tits or pussy in the trans ftm tag
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tronlogic · 5 years
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tronlogic · 6 years
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👻🎃 my new Halloween lights are staying up all year round 🎃👻
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tronlogic · 6 years
Can you give us the critic of each stock photo?
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In this image, the robot clearly has the upper hand and the better deal. Its french cuff and four stacked sleeve buttons suggest extreme debonair formality, but it has discarded the traditional black suit jacket for a soft gray plaid, suggesting a tasteful and confident personality that the human cannot hope to rival. The design of its hand is sleek and powerful, and the strength of its grip is second only to the strength of its will - this is not an android to be trifled with. It could have skin if it wanted to, but why bother? Fucking power move.
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This stock photo depicts the same android human exchanging a formal post-coital handshake after swapping clothes and sealing the fate of the planet. 
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Here, the human has the upper hand in the deal, or at least thinks they do. They grip the robot’s hand with unnecessary firmness, testing to see just how strong to the pliable plastic pseudoskin really is. There is malice and jealousy in this handshake. The human needs to prove their superiority and continued relevance in the modern world. This is a benign robot designed for gentle, delicate tasks and affability, but its design is tacky and awkward, like Sonny from the I, Robot movie (soft, realistic eyes in a squishy featureless face.is a bad aesthetic choice).
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The human is holding this robot’s hand like it’s a gun. He means to use it as a weapon - perhaps he is hiring it as an assassin in his plot to take over the world. 
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This is the assassinbot’s “twin” who has been sent to protect the would-be assassination victim (pictured on left). Both bots are equally committed to their mission, and the showdown will end with them tearing each other apart while the would-be victim looks on in horror. They are each damaged irreparably, but the human splices them together, not realizing that their “brains” are spread throughout their bodies. The resulting robot is a strange fusion of both personalities and spends the rest of the story accepting itself as a new individual with free will and complicated motivations. 
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The android is actually on the right in this picture. The hand on the left belongs to its human creator, who is proud of her humaniform “child” but has chosen to use an obviously artificial prosthetic in place of a more realistic one so that she can proudly display her work as the world’s greatest roboticist. 
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This image shows the newest and most realistic android meeting his own earliest prototype. It is a surreal moment for both robots. The tacky 2000′s “futuristic” design of the left robot seems incredibly dated next to the one on the right. It’s almost embarrassing for the humaniform android, like looking at a baby picture… some strange combination of meeting your wizened ancestor and your own infant self. 
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This is a businessman realizing that he can pay his employees $0.00 if he fires them and automates everything. He is eventually eaten by poor people. The robot cites the Zeroeth Law and lets it happen, looking on expressionlessly. 
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tronlogic · 6 years
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Can never have too much Loki, right?
Artwork by Nicana_Micael.
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tronlogic · 6 years
I’m not angry with you, I was being playful. I stabbed you with my fun knife
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tronlogic · 6 years
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When you get passed up for promotion to the job you really want twice
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tronlogic · 6 years
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Meet Nurse Raisin
She’s cute, professional, kind and very efficient!
Photos by Raising Raisin - The Animal Medical Clinic Sphynx Kitty
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tronlogic · 6 years
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tronlogic · 6 years
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tronlogic · 6 years
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tronlogic · 6 years
here’s the thing
for tumblr answer time, i ask every celebrity the same question
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so far i’ve done misha collins
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dj khaled
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troian bellisario
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sean o'pry
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gavin grimm
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tj miller
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and so far not a single goddamn answer. 
i’m gonna keep going until i get a straight answer or @staff​ stops me
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tronlogic · 6 years
2019 tumblr prediction
someone starts kinning seth everman and makes and makes an asksetheverman page where they rp as him. eventually they start claiming to be the real one and get into a fight with actual seth everman
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