tricklingoyster · 22 days
❖ Um. Void? Space? Time, even? I just kn0w it's... somew♓︎ere.
uow do i get people to stop callign me the singles
6 By Firmly s☨a☨ing your s☨a☨us as no☨ Single, Or Seeking ou☨ a par☨ner. However Since ☨his is a religious focused blog, I Assume you mean☨ '☨he Signless'? 9 6 In ☨ha☨ case, Similar Course of ac☨ion applies. Firmly S☨a☨e ☨ha☨ you are no☨ Him, And If ☨hey con☨inue ☨o insis☨ you are I recommend you use low ☨o modera☨e force ☨o make ☨hem reconsider, As In ☨ha☨ case ☨hey are mos☨ likely ☨easing you over some condi☨ion you have no con☨rol over, Such As off-cas☨e blood. 9
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tricklingoyster · 22 days
❖ A♓︎, n0. I am still 7 sweeps 0ld.
uow do i get people to stop callign me the singles
6 By Firmly s☨a☨ing your s☨a☨us as no☨ Single, Or Seeking ou☨ a par☨ner. However Since ☨his is a religious focused blog, I Assume you mean☨ '☨he Signless'? 9 6 In ☨ha☨ case, Similar Course of ac☨ion applies. Firmly S☨a☨e ☨ha☨ you are no☨ Him, And If ☨hey con☨inue ☨o insis☨ you are I recommend you use low ☨o modera☨e force ☨o make ☨hem reconsider, As In ☨ha☨ case ☨hey are mos☨ likely ☨easing you over some condi☨ion you have no con☨rol over, Such As off-cas☨e blood. 9
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tricklingoyster · 22 days
❖ Well... Seeing as ♓︎0w I'm n0 l0nger... u♓︎, on Alternia, I t♓︎ink I'll be fine.
❖ 0♓︎. T♓︎at's c00l. Rust... ♓︎mm. I ♓︎ad a... bad experience... wit♓︎ a rust-bl00d. But I know t♓︎at d0esn't define the caste.
uow do i get people to stop callign me the singles
6 By Firmly s☨a☨ing your s☨a☨us as no☨ Single, Or Seeking ou☨ a par☨ner. However Since ☨his is a religious focused blog, I Assume you mean☨ '☨he Signless'? 9 6 In ☨ha☨ case, Similar Course of ac☨ion applies. Firmly S☨a☨e ☨ha☨ you are no☨ Him, And If ☨hey con☨inue ☨o insis☨ you are I recommend you use low ☨o modera☨e force ☨o make ☨hem reconsider, As In ☨ha☨ case ☨hey are mos☨ likely ☨easing you over some condi☨ion you have no con☨rol over, Such As off-cas☨e blood. 9
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tricklingoyster · 22 days
❖ Well, I can't exactly w0rs♓︎ip anyone, since I've... ♓︎mm, no, t♓︎at's t00 pers0nal t0 s♓︎are with a stranger.
❖ 0♓︎! W♓︎ere are my manners. My name is Camnyr Fuc♓︎0s. I'm a fuc♓︎sia bl00d, if y0u care f0r t♓︎at stuff.
uow do i get people to stop callign me the singles
6 By Firmly s☨a☨ing your s☨a☨us as no☨ Single, Or Seeking ou☨ a par☨ner. However Since ☨his is a religious focused blog, I Assume you mean☨ '☨he Signless'? 9 6 In ☨ha☨ case, Similar Course of ac☨ion applies. Firmly S☨a☨e ☨ha☨ you are no☨ Him, And If ☨hey con☨inue ☨o insis☨ you are I recommend you use low ☨o modera☨e force ☨o make ☨hem reconsider, As In ☨ha☨ case ☨hey are mos☨ likely ☨easing you over some condi☨ion you have no con☨rol over, Such As off-cas☨e blood. 9
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tricklingoyster · 22 days
❖ 0♓︎! T♓︎at's interesting. And y0u wors♓︎ip ♓︎im?
uow do i get people to stop callign me the singles
6 By Firmly s☨a☨ing your s☨a☨us as no☨ Single, Or Seeking ou☨ a par☨ner. However Since ☨his is a religious focused blog, I Assume you mean☨ '☨he Signless'? 9 6 In ☨ha☨ case, Similar Course of ac☨ion applies. Firmly S☨a☨e ☨ha☨ you are no☨ Him, And If ☨hey con☨inue ☨o insis☨ you are I recommend you use low ☨o modera☨e force ☨o make ☨hem reconsider, As In ☨ha☨ case ☨hey are mos☨ likely ☨easing you over some condi☨ion you have no con☨rol over, Such As off-cas☨e blood. 9
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tricklingoyster · 22 days
❖ W♓︎0 is... "T♓︎e Signless"? I d0n't think I've heard 0f him bef0re...
❖ Seems interesting.
uow do i get people to stop callign me the singles
6 By Firmly s☨a☨ing your s☨a☨us as no☨ Single, Or Seeking ou☨ a par☨ner. However Since ☨his is a religious focused blog, I Assume you mean☨ '☨he Signless'? 9 6 In ☨ha☨ case, Similar Course of ac☨ion applies. Firmly S☨a☨e ☨ha☨ you are no☨ Him, And If ☨hey con☨inue ☨o insis☨ you are I recommend you use low ☨o modera☨e force ☨o make ☨hem reconsider, As In ☨ha☨ case ☨hey are mos☨ likely ☨easing you over some condi☨ion you have no con☨rol over, Such As off-cas☨e blood. 9
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tricklingoyster · 1 month
❖ 15 viles 0f pr0ng-lengt♓︎ viles, right? I d0n't want to disappoint you.
❖ I'd be willing t0 part wit♓︎ my bl00d. Just need t0 figure out ♓︎0w t0 get it t0 y0u...
</> wah!!! are y{}^ a f^schia ??????
</> y{}^ can find m mailb{}x in m pinned p{}st !!!!! *
</> m live {}n bef{}r^s b^t l{}ts {}f {}ther gr^bs have been able t{} send m their bl{}{}d fr{}m {}ther l{}cati{}ns t{}{} !!!
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tricklingoyster · 1 month
❖ Alright. T♓︎ank you.
❖ ♓︎0w many viles d0 y0u want? 3? 5? 10? I need a specific number.
❖ I'd be willing t0 part wit♓︎ my bl00d. Just need t0 figure out ♓︎0w t0 get it t0 y0u...
</> wah!!! are y{}^ a f^schia ??????
</> y{}^ can find m mailb{}x in m pinned p{}st !!!!! *
</> m live {}n bef{}r^s b^t l{}ts {}f {}ther gr^bs have been able t{} send m their bl{}{}d fr{}m {}ther l{}cati{}ns t{}{} !!!
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tricklingoyster · 1 month
❖ Yes. Just 0ne...
❖ I w0uld just like t0 kn0w what y0u w0uld d0 with the bl00d. T♓︎at is all. N0 matter w♓︎at y0u tell me, I'll send it 0ver regardless. I just want s0me ♓︎0nesty.
❖ I'd be willing t0 part wit♓︎ my bl00d. Just need t0 figure out ♓︎0w t0 get it t0 y0u...
</> wah!!! are y{}^ a f^schia ??????
</> y{}^ can find m mailb{}x in m pinned p{}st !!!!! *
</> m live {}n bef{}r^s b^t l{}ts {}f {}ther gr^bs have been able t{} send m their bl{}{}d fr{}m {}ther l{}cati{}ns t{}{} !!!
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tricklingoyster · 1 month
❖ 0n 0ne conditi0n.
❖ I'd be willing t0 part wit♓︎ my bl00d. Just need t0 figure out ♓︎0w t0 get it t0 y0u...
</> wah!!! are y{}^ a f^schia ??????
</> y{}^ can find m mailb{}x in m pinned p{}st !!!!! *
</> m live {}n bef{}r^s b^t l{}ts {}f {}ther gr^bs have been able t{} send m their bl{}{}d fr{}m {}ther l{}cati{}ns t{}{} !!!
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tricklingoyster · 1 month
❖ Technically speaking, I c0uld give y0u m0re bl00d then y0u'd ever know w♓︎at to do wit♓︎ it.
❖ I mean, I don't really NEED all 0f t♓︎is bl00d. My pus♓︎er is beating faster and faster, and then again, it has st0pped. Suc♓︎ is t♓︎e way 0f my b0dy.
❖ S0, yes, I could send y0u many, many viles.
❖ I'd be willing t0 part wit♓︎ my bl00d. Just need t0 figure out ♓︎0w t0 get it t0 y0u...
</> wah!!! are y{}^ a f^schia ??????
</> y{}^ can find m mailb{}x in m pinned p{}st !!!!! *
</> m live {}n bef{}r^s b^t l{}ts {}f {}ther gr^bs have been able t{} send m their bl{}{}d fr{}m {}ther l{}cati{}ns t{}{} !!!
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tricklingoyster · 1 month
❖ Yes, I am a fuc♓︎sia. My name is Camnyr.
❖ I'd be willing t0 part wit♓︎ my bl00d. Just need t0 figure out ♓︎0w t0 get it t0 y0u...
</> wah!!! are y{}^ a f^schia ??????
</> y{}^ can find m mailb{}x in m pinned p{}st !!!!! *
</> m live {}n bef{}r^s b^t l{}ts {}f {}ther gr^bs have been able t{} send m their bl{}{}d fr{}m {}ther l{}cati{}ns t{}{} !!!
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tricklingoyster · 1 month
❖ ♓︎ell0. Welc0me back.
guessss whoss back :>>
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tricklingoyster · 2 months
❖ S0, I'm... s0mew♓︎ere. My palm♓︎usk is c♓︎arged up, and I think I'm 0n Alternia? ♓︎mm...
0 notes
tricklingoyster · 3 months
❖ Finally, y0u say it. I l0ve y0u, t∞, M0zsiy.
❖ I just g0t t♓︎e "10% battery remaining" warning, s0 I'm g0ing t0 l0g 0ff n0w. Just kn0w I'm d0ing everyt♓︎ing I can t0 get back t0 y0u.
happY discipleZ daY...... mY matezpriT iZ fuckinG deaD
anD yeZ iI meaN cCamnyR.. iI don''T knoW wherE hE iZ
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tricklingoyster · 3 months
❖ I d0n't kn0w w♓︎ere I am, eit♓︎er, Mozsiy. I wis♓︎ I was at 0ur ♓︎ive, wit♓︎ y0u.
❖ T♓︎is palm♓︎usk is alm0st dead, as well... It's best I keep 0ff Grumblr f0r the time being s0 that I d0n't kill the battery.
happY discipleZ daY...... mY matezpriT iZ fuckinG deaD
anD yeZ iI meaN cCamnyR.. iI don''T knoW wherE hE iZ
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tricklingoyster · 3 months
after much consideration, ive made it
an ooc sideblog for my homestuck roleplay (aka grumblr) sideblogs
@banefulabodement @tricklingoyster @grumblr-ihardlyknowher @html-equalstypingquirk @5368118-06
and probably more!!! who knows!! i have ideas >:3
call me ghoulbread, ghoul, or gb. he/they + any neos
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