transcendslives · 3 months
i believe that at some point in your journey, you will realize all the posts you read are just reworded of the same concept, and so you realize that you already have all the knowledge you need to shift, you just need to apply it. you could be the most knowledgeable person in the world and know EVERYTHING, but it wouldn’t mean shit if you can’t apply it yourself.
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transcendslives · 4 months
repeat it with me: i am allowed to be jealous when it comes to shifting. i am allowed to change 'canon events' simply because i can. i am allowed to love because i deserve it. i am allowed, i am allowed, i am allowed. i am limitless.
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transcendslives · 4 months
So I just finished the Strange Æons video on shifting.
I don't agree with her of course but I do think she handled it well being someone who thinks it's all fake. I love that she brought a shifter on to actually talk about it. She was respectful, she listened, she presented what shifters believe in a pretty fair way I thought.
I also loved that Kristin and Strange talked about the commodification of shifting, which has been something that's bothered me for a while.
I think the best part was when Strange talked about how it would be genuinely bad for her mental health and would not be a good idea for her to try shifting. I think that's important to talk about as well. Sometimes you just aren't in a safe place mentally to shift, that's okay. Everyone CAN shift, but not everyone should right now.
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transcendslives · 4 months
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(This is an older post I drafted, the creator mentioned in it posted their videos probably a month or so ago)
The unfortunate truth is that we live in a world of social media that begs for people to seek clout and attention. Don't get me wrong, the desire for attention is natural. It's not a bad thing to want people to pay attention to you. However this causes issues when one lies and slanders in order to achieve it.
If any of us are on shifttok we've definitely by now been made aware to at least some degree of another user claiming to be a 2020 shifter who lied about the entire thing (and they aren't the first over the years to cause this sort of controversy and will not be the last). I only partially recognize this current accuser, I do believe they probably had some really successful content back then because I'm sure I've seen them before. They just came out and said they lied about the entire thing, and they tacked some other things onto their own confession: They accused other shifters of lying and claimed a lot of BS things about shifting and shifters in general.
Now I won't go point by point because while I have watched all their videos on the matter, I just don't care enough to go back through them and rebut every point. Their arguments are disorganized and seem to be largely vengeful, I don't really take them seriously. Either way these aren't new thoughts, I don't care to debate with someone who's already made their mind up. But I do want to talk about this subject itself.
A lot of us follow other shifters and find inspiration in them. That's normal and so motivating, I know I have a few who I love and trust and their content just motivates me so much. But! I caution us against resting our shifting journeys upon these people, or any people for that matter.
Unfortunately the shifting community, especially on tiktok, is niche and very small in terms of who will put their face and names to it. When you have a community like that, it's very enticing. You can be one of the brave souls to put their identity onto their shifting in the public eye. You'll gain a lot of followers and praise, and you'll sacrifice the fact that your family and friends and coworkers will forever know that you think you can transport yourself to Hogwarts. It's not easy to be a creator in the shifting world, but it does get you attention. And some people just want attention.
Not only because of this, but also because of the nature of the internet and social media in general, I just caution you to make sure you're putting others' shifting journeys in the proper context. As brutal as it is, you cannot ever truly know if someone is lying. You can follow someone and believe them, and have them one day come out and say they were lying. You can see someone and become convinced that they're lying about their shifting, when they've actually been shifting this whole time. You just cannot know. It's not possible to prove if someone has shifted before.
For myself, I try to be level headed and logical about the people I follow. I definitely follow people who I think are lying, and people who I feel firmly are not. I follow both groups because I cannot possibly know the actual truth. I cannot prove or disprove either way. The only thing I know, is that we are in community with one another, and if this person is sharing motivational posts or things of value, that's what matters to me.
And if they're lying? Well they can still actually shift for real, and I want that for them. I've seen many accounts from people who have disbelieved in shifting and then all the sudden found themselves able to shift. Even those who are currently lying are not unable to actually shift. They still can! Anyone can!
When you're on shifting social media, I just caution you to be wary of the way you're viewing your favourite creators. Don't pedestal them, don't let yourself form parasocial bonds with them. Recognize them for who they are - shifters you don't know who are motivating you. These are people in your shifting club. And there is no verification process to join, only trust.
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transcendslives · 4 months
*boops your nose* send this to ten blogs you think are lovely and deserve a boop on the nose. 🩷💜
(: very sweet. Love you too! Happy Valentines day y'all.
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transcendslives · 4 months
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Whether you've shifted or not, Identical Items can help you stay connected with your DR. Identical Items is just a term I use for something many shifters do already; this is not an original idea, but it's one that I love. An Identical Item is at its simplest; any object you currently possess in your CR that you script into your DR. An item that is identical (or very similar) to something you currently own that you share with your CR and your DR.
An example of an Identical Item that I've scripted into my DR is my Hogwarts mug. This is just a regular Hogwarts coffee or tea mug that I scripted is sold in the school shop. I scripted the mug looks identical to one I use in my CR. I've done this with my pet, with some of my favourite clothing or jewelry items, you can do it with really anything. You don't even have to script it 100% identical if you don't want to, maybe you have a more upgraded version of that item in your DR? Anything you want.
I love this because it adds a tangible thing to connect you with your DR. Even if you haven't shifted yet, you can still look at this item and know it's also waiting at your DR. A little physical thing you can touch and see to aid in the connection.
I use my mug on a regular basis and have associated it almost exclusively with my DR. Every time I drink coffee out of it, I think about drinking coffee with the same mug in my dorm room in my DR. It's a nice passive way to build a connection to your DR and aid in visualization. I highly recommend trying it out!
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transcendslives · 4 months
This is an incredibly good thing to keep in mind while you're scripting. Whether you want it to or not, shifting will change you. Keep this in mind when you're choosing or planning your DR.
thinking about how much i’m literally gonna change as a person due to shifting
like the things i once disliked i may end up liking and the things i did like may be liked for different reasons
things i’m heavily attached to in my cr will hold new meanings, i’ll have new hobbies and new knowledge
and it’s the small things too, like picking up new habits due to being around people in my cr, adopting new phrases or ways of doing things and applying them in your day to day life in your cr
it’s not being able to tell my cr friends and family where i really learned that insanely good recipe from because it would be crazy to just say “oh actually [insert fictional character or person you definitely do not know in your cr] taught me”
or pretending i don’t know how to do certain things because, what do you mean you know how to [insert vigilante/superhero behaviour/action] or know how do skills that take yearsss to learn
but also sad things like how i may not be able to watch a certain movie because it was the favourite of a person i fell out with (wishing everyone has smooth romantic, familial, platonic dr relationships)
i may change my sense of style or aesthetic
and it could be life changing too like deciding i want to purse a different career because i fell in love with the career i have in my dr (and then already being knowledgeable in the field because you literally already studied it 😌)
just excited to be finding out more about yourself and growing as a person
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transcendslives · 4 months
relate this to shifting — ☆
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transcendslives · 4 months
Oh my! I got busy with some irl drama so I wasn't able to really focus on shifting, and haven't been on here. Thank you for all the follows & love on that post (: Will hopefully have a post ready of something I've been doing for a while either tonight or tomorrow.
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transcendslives · 5 months
Man shifttwt is so dead now.
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transcendslives · 5 months
I think the one thing that helped me with my relationship to shifting more than anything was making an effort to separate my DR from my shifting journey. Because ultimately, those two things are so fundamentally different.
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Your DR is a full reality. Your shifting is an activity. You need to be able to separate these two things in order to process each fully. A lot of shifters will talk about the beauty of letting go, of not caring as much, etc. I think this lends itself to the notion that you really just need to separate the reality of your DR from the actual practice of shifting there.
Your DR is a full place, a full reality where you're living. It has places, people, a whole life for you. Your DR is not shifting, your DR is a place you already are. It's a life you already live. When you're thinking about it in your daily life, think of it like that. Think of it like your life. It's just another day! It's just another part of your life. Don't put it on a pedestal, don't associate it solely with shifting. Think about this life of yours as if it is as simple as your CR life. Recall these thoughts and memories as you would those of your CR.
Because shifting is but a means to bridge the gap. Shifting is a method you use to get there. It's a tool. Your DR doesn't exist because of shifting. Shifting exists to get you to your DR. Shifting is a small part of that entire life you're living in your DR.
I encourage you to take time to meditate on your DR and not at all think about shifting. Just meditate on what you're excited for about your DR, what you're expecting in your DR. Meditate on your life there. Meditate on your script. Do not think about shifting, just allow yourself to get familiar and comfortable with your DR itself. Allow yourself to realize that your DR is not shifting. Allow yourself to realize that your DR is its own life, and that shifting is nothing more than a means to get you there.
Feel free enough to ponder your DR without the weight of shifting. Let yourself fall fully into this space without that weight.
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transcendslives · 5 months
my Hogwarts dr moodboard — ☆
— pt 1 —
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transcendslives · 5 months
I'm thinking of rewriting my script completely. I don't want to change much of the actual content, but I'm wondering if simplifying it would help. It's paragraphs right now, just thick writing.
I know people script in different ways but I'm considering trying bullet points to see if this helps? Or some more simplified format. I hate reading my script as it is right now, it's just so wordy.
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transcendslives · 5 months
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✨ Wren / Adult / Female
✨ This is just a blog I've made to chronicle my shifting journey. I came across shifting early in the pandemic like so many of us, and have tried ever since to do so (though not incredibly seriously). I took a break from it for a while to clear my head, but I'm back now, and I intend on being more active in my shifting.
✨ I have several DR ideas, but for now I am focusing on one DR and my WR. I will expand I'm sure once I do successfully shift but for now I'm only trying for those two. Whichever I try for just depends on my mood at the time. My DR is scripted heavily, but my WR is more vibes than anything.
✨ I have always been a very vivid dreamer and interested in lucid dreaming. I have yet to be able to achieve full lucidity in my dreams, but I've had countless dreams so real I thought they were minishifts when I woke up.
✨ I don't have a singular method I use to shift, I go off of whatever feels right in the moment using a combination of techniques that resonate with me. Meditation and visualization are my favourites.
✨ Not really interested in the larger manifestation/loa stuff, or about debates on consciousness/multiverse.
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✨ WR - My waiting room is just a draw from a lot of fantasies I had ever since I was a child. I've always loved lavish royal aesthetics, big castles and poofy ballgowns. This WR is a large castle I live in where I get to indulge in all of that sort of fun. [Haven't shifted yet]
✨ HogU - A very very heavily scripted/edited Hogwarts University DR. None of the canon exists, no canon characters aside from the ones that would have died before I was born. Many other changes. I've chosen this partially to help relate to other shifters, but also because HP was a big part of my childhood and I'm incredibly familiar with it. I wanted my first DR to be a setting old and comfortable to me. [Haven't shifted yet]
✨ More TBD
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