trailblazerrohit · 2 years
Happy New Year 2022!
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trailblazerrohit · 2 years
#Foodwalk on the streets of Rajendra Nagar, New Delhi. Long post alert.
A brief about this location: Rajendra Nagar is divided into 2 parts, Old Rajendra Nagar and New Rajendra Nagar. This is one of the famous areas in New Delhi.
Furthermore, with establishment of IAS/UPSC coaching institutes, this area has become highly commercial. It's abundant with IAS aspirants from around the country.
So has evolved the restaurants and eateries in this area.
We see a variety of food delicacies from Bihar, to Maharashtra to any southern state. This area and street is prospering with so much crowd for universal food options.
Though I have been eating out a lot in my past, I thought to do a quick food walk to taste few joints.
I along with my wife, strolled around the street, started with famous Pani Puri (or Gol Gappe as we say in North) kolkata style. This has become famous almost every where and we can locate a bundy (they call their thella a bundy in Hyderabad) in every area. We took to some non-veg snacks and tried Chicken tikka from a new outlet, however they made it more like an achari chaap. May be the effect of the chaaps that they sell along.
We then walked to an old meat shop, where they serve freshly minced mutton kabab's. Well, please see the pic and you will feel the authentic taste of this mughlai cuisine. This was as per my expectation, and is a must try for foodies who love mutton kababs.
After few clicks, please note, I am not a good at photography, we moved on to see how this area has prospered.
You name a dish and there is a street vendor for that (e.g litti chokha, Vada Paw, Rolls, pastas, Chinese, chaat bhandars, South Indian, and list goes on etc.).
Then we met an old counter owner from North East, who has been selling momos since years. Trust me these are the best momos, across all near by area. Best in quality, fresh ness and taste.
This walk was about to get over, when we stopped at a Kerala restaurant and tasted their authentic tea. It was made in their style where they boil tea in a separate utencil and then mix it with thick boiled milk. Trust me this tea was so refreshing, I can't even explain.
Hereby, this walk ended with some good discussions however we decided to do a part 2 and many more soon.
Please check the pics and the story might come to life.
Thanks for reading this long post.
#trailblazerrohit #Foodlover
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trailblazerrohit · 3 years
After a day full of work, we should feel tired and the moment we get to bed we should get a good sleep. However, why is it that we can't sleep?
It's because your dreams and goals, don't let you rest. You feel uneasy and some force continues to trigger that motivational instinct to regain your focus and plan.
This is the moment when you really want to take action! Dont stop and make sure you strategize and create your plan.
It's possible and it's you only who can make it happen, irrespective of the difficulties ahead.
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trailblazerrohit · 3 years
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trailblazerrohit · 3 years
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