toxricity · 1 month
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Mega Post of everything from my Twitter that wouldn't make Tumblr hit me with a ban hammer.
Yes, I have fallen down a rabbit hole of drawing the fankid Vax. No I will not stop. I'm the #1 Vax kinnie in the world.
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toxricity · 2 months
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toxricity · 2 months
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Did someone order a silly TV man
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toxricity · 2 months
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A certain twitter poll and a very specific video recommendation on YT inspired me to make this. Also, yes, this...This is Gamer Vox again. BUT, now he has the appropriate amount of grease and sauce stains (Also he spilled some kind of blue drink on his shoulder somehow, idk, don't question it)
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toxricity · 2 months
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guys, pls, no need to clap, I know I make masterpieces
(og was made kupahdraws on twitter)
If you actually clicked on more, surprise!! Here you go, an "actual" piece of art that took me like 3-ish hours instead of 2 minutes. I find this as a crackship way too funny. Also I on purposely didn't draw the wings here because idk how to do those, this is probably the only time I'll ever draw Adam anyways
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toxricity · 2 months
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Saw the hashtags of a reblog on one of my artworks saying we need Val carrying Vox bridal style or something, so here it is.
(@/rainibao I believe it was you who put that hashtag, thank you)
In my mind, Vox is out of his ADHD meds and is just going on and on about his everlasting obsession and Val isn't listening at all but Vox sounds happy so...it doesn't matter because he has the more important mission of making Vox go to sleep. Though he could do without Vox basically yelling in his nonexistent ears.
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toxricity · 2 months
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"You look loney... I can fix that~♡"
A redraw of that one artwork by Ikumi Fukuda/Kotteri but with Vox and Val because, well, what did you expect honestly if you've seen my art before. And as a cyberpunk enthusiast, I did have to add in the quote from Blade Runner 2049 because it just, fit.
Also, if you have noticed, Val's logo is in the back and because I'm nice, here is the transparent version for anyone who wants to use it since it seems no one has made it. It's not perfect but it works if you wanna have it somewhere in the background :)
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toxricity · 2 months
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Can you tell I've never drawn comics? Yeah, I can.
Anyways, these bitches gay
[Also, you cannot fight me on the fact that the fucking TV nerd took until their 20th divorce to actually tell his husband he loves him]
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toxricity · 2 months
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Not the biggest fan of how I've done this one, but spent too long on it to not post it
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toxricity · 2 months
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Wel, did casual gamer Vox, so ofc gotta draw a kind of counterpart to it. Unlike his workaholic-Monster drinking-insomnia having-gamer husband, Valentino gets a nice full 8+ hours of sleep, gets up early to do his morning skin care routine and what not. I genuine believe he constantly smells of fruit and vanilla scented lotions and creams.
Also, the glitter will not stop. I cannot draw this man without shiny things around him.
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toxricity · 2 months
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@fags-and-freaks wanted Vox wearing a gamer shirt but the one he is wearing is much funnier and more fitting. So just imagine him having like 3 other shirts that say shit like "I'm a gamer, not because I don't have a life but because I chose to have many" and he switches between them.
In my personal gaming opinion, this man plays Apex, LoL and Hardcore Classic WoW. Why those? Don't ever question me, I know it in my gut that it's true.
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toxricity · 2 months
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The hat is an ashtray, you can't prove me wrong.
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toxricity · 2 months
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Here you go, eat.
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toxricity · 2 months
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This was supposed to be a dumb little sketch, ended up taking it way too seriously so have another glitter fest and me on purposely ignoring the fact that Val wears a hat.
Take his however you want but my friend and I thought that the idea of a drunken Vox passing out in Val's chest fluff is the cutest shit ever
(also, this is basically my first time drawing Vox and it's him from the back so don't mind him looking like a melted blue jolly rancher)
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toxricity · 2 months
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...I wasn't lying when I said I'm gonna put him into silly little outfits
(The little eyesore fawning over him is this lil man underneath. What is he? Idk some kind of buglike demon, what's his name? idk, what's his story? idk. I just like making characters)
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toxricity · 2 months
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...I really need to stop fixating on horrible, disgusting men that make ME FUCKING CHANGE MY ARTSTYLE BECAUSE I'M NOT GONNA DRAW THIS FRUITCAKE WITHOUT GLITTERS AND SHINE..
Anyways, now excuse me, my autism is making me wanna sketch him in silly little outfits to see just how much i still remember from being a fashion design student and because honestly,,, Idk, Val is kinda cunty, He deserves a cute little outfit that distract ya from his baldness and no-ass-ness
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toxricity · 2 months
Look, I know a lot of people joke about how much of a voyeur Vox is, but can we actually talk about the implications & possibilities this amount of constant surveillance brings.
Vox has cameras everywhere, and I truly mean everywhere. We've seen it throughout the show. He's even shown to be watching Val at one point, it's extremely obvious. It's one of the things that drive me mad about him.
Think about how much this plays into his need to always be in control, to always be in the know, to always be one step ahead. He always knows whats happening around him, because he has cameras set up everywhere. Does he watch them all himself? Is there a way he can do that? Does he have a surveillance team? How aware are the other Vees when it comes to them being constantly monitored?
Especially Val, since it's shown he definitely has multiple cameras in his room. There's a few shown in one shot, and then I'm pretty sure the camera angle Vox is watching in the last episode would be impossible from the cameras that were shown earlier. With how poor his eye sight is, how aware is Val of said cameras? Does he know of any? Does Vox have smaller ones set up as well?
How far does Vox go? Does he stalk those he's absolutely obsessed with? There's cameras shown to be at the club, watching Val. There's cameras in Val's studio. There's cameras in Angels dressing room.
Which that last point also brings in how aware of Val's abuse Vox is. Which like of course. In my mind Vox is an absolute enabler. I think he even enjoys it, but that's besides the point right now. Do you think Val puts on shows for Vox? Knowing he's watching, doing things he knows Vox would like. Or do you think Vox gets off more when Val's unaware, having no clue there's actually a camera hidden away somewhere?
How much of a freak do you think Vox actually is? Or maybe somehow it's still 'cute' or 'funny' to you. Do you think he uses this to buy Val and Vel gifts, things they looked at, debated on getting? Do you think he forgets what was actually said to him and what he just overheard? Do you think he watches them sleep? Work? Eat? When does he stop? Is this something he checks occasionally or constantly has on in the background as he works? How far does Vox go? How many clips does he have, saved videos and photos? Do you think he has folders just dedicated to them? When does surveillance go too far? When does it become less of a 'kink' to you guys and more of the obvious red flag that it is?
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