toughtsofminesworld · 2 months
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toughtsofminesworld · 2 months
““dear self, for the times i didn’t show you enough love, for the times i didn’t love you at all, i forgive you.” - sabina laura”
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toughtsofminesworld · 2 months
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Palestinians perform prayers on the ruins of a Masjid in Rafah
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toughtsofminesworld · 2 months
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toughtsofminesworld · 3 months
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toughtsofminesworld · 3 months
Lahir satu tarikh tidak dapat dipinta. Mati satu tarikh tidak dapat ditunda. Tidak kira siapa yang dahulu, siapa yang kemudian. Kita cuma hamba. Pada kita cuma tadbir, pada Nya segala takdir.
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toughtsofminesworld · 3 months
Someone asked Hasan al-Basri (رحمه الله) 
"What is the secret of your religiousness?"
He replied: "I understood 4 things:
I understood that my Rizq cannot be taken by anyone, so my heart became content.
I understood that no one can do my actions (worship) for me, so I started doing them myself.
I understood that Allah is watching me, so I became ashamed to do wrong.
I understood that death is waiting for me, so I started to prepare for my meeting with Allah."
May Allah grant us understanding. آمين
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toughtsofminesworld · 3 months
““never beg them to stay. be the type of person who holds the door for them and wishes them the best.” - r.m. drake”
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toughtsofminesworld · 3 months
““she always wants more. not in things but in experiences. she was made to learn and grow and that is where many men miss her completely. once she is in their life, they want her to stay the same. and for her, that just isn’t possible.” - jmstorm”
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سلاما على من يختارون كلماتهم خشية أن يجرح أحدا
Peace be upon those who choose their words, for fear of hurting anyone.
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Tulisan: Pesawat
Jika kamu begitu yakinnya pada pilot yang sedang menerbangkan pesawat, padahal mengenalnya saja kamu tidak, sementara ragamu tergadaikan antara jatuh atau selamat.
Seharusnya kamu lebih bisa yakin dan menyerahkan diri pada Allah atas semua yang hari ini kamu khawatirkan. Rezeki, jodoh, keluarga dan semua gemuruh hati.
Ikhtiarkan dengan ikhtiar yang terbaik dan semaksimal mungkin, doakan dengan doa yang penuh keyakinan dan prasangka baik, kemudian pasrahkan pada-Nya dengan sepenuhnya pasarah.
Sebab Tuhanlah yang menjadikan pesawat itu bisa terbang dan landing dengan selamat, Tuhan pula yang memberikan kemampuan dan ilmu pada pilot. Tuhan kita sama meski kita berbeda tempat dan waktu.
Kadang, kita terlalu menuhankan kekuatan dan kuasa kita, padahal kita hanyalah hamba biasa, penuh kurang dan cacat.
Sebab kamu mengenal-Nya, maka Dia akan membersamai dan menolongmu.
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“I don’t think anybody’s necessarily ready for death. You can only hope that when it approaches, you feel like you’ve said what you wanted to say. Nobody wants to go out in mid-sentence.”
— Johnny Depp
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Never mock a person who begins to practice the deen during this month of Ramadan and falls in love with it. Allah knows their struggle and trials but He opened the door of guidance in their heart, and how beautiful is it that He chose to guide them in the blessed month of Ramadan.
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“If Allah subhana wa ta’ala didn’t love you, He would never let you fast the days of Ramadan and let you stand it’s nights.
He gifted you this because He wanted to forgive you.”
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Imam Ibn Taymiyyah:
"If the people knew that missing the prayer is like missing the month of Ramadhan, they would strive to pray at its appointed time."
Minhaaj As-Sunnah An-Nabawi 5/230
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For every decision we make,
Either choosing a place to work, or circle of friends or a life partner,
Will really give impact to your life, here and the hereafter.
Choose wisely.
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لَيْلَةُ الْقَدْر‎
Laylatul-Qadr is among us
I hope Ramadan has treated you all well dears 🌹may the last remaining nights be in your favour and may you reach the level of imaan you desire yourself to be.
But please remember those in sufferring, they need the highest level of strength and hope سبحان الله
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