toobah-z · 5 years
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Doodles for the Stranded AU where Thomas get shipwrecked on a deserted island with hardly any memory of his life before, and his sides, the only thing he does remember, miraculously corporeal.
Bonus close-up on Remus and Deceit below: 
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toobah-z · 5 years
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Elsa with her hair down increases my gayness
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toobah-z · 5 years
Sanders Sides Ships as Song I Heard on the Radio Today
Prinxiety: Love is a Battlefield - Pat Benatar
I feel like this song represents them a lot mainly because of the dramatic sense of the song, and the amazing lyrics and production went into it.
Logicality: I Wouldn’t Mind - He is We
The lyrics really speak to this ship in all honesty, It might be different in some other perspectives, but I believe this song really fits them. The ship seems very soft.
Analogical: Stay with me - Sam Smith
Every time I think of this ship, I think of cuddles under the stars. This song portrays that well.
Dukeciet - Toto - Africa
Yes, I know, meme song. Haha. but seriously, if you listen to the lyrics, in all honesty, it is beautiful. I think It represents them a lot.
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toobah-z · 5 years
when i need you, you’re already there (analogical)
so i saw some INCREDIBLE art tonight by the amazing @flatlinesunrelenting and was inspired to write something based on it! i got their permission before posting this. everyone go check out their art and blog bc it’s fabulous!!
this is written with the intent of being in the same universe as the anxceit thing i wrote the other day. is this going to be a series of dlamp makeouts? maybe. am i sorry? not in the least 
Ship: Analogical focus, mentioned romantic DLAMP
Word Count: 860
Warnings: gratuitous makeouts, mentioned touch starvation
One advantage of having four boyfriends is that there’s almost always someone willing to cuddle or make out or just spend time together. It’s impossible to get five schedules to overlap perfectly, which is why their date nights are so special, but there’s usually someone around during Logan’s free time. And today, when his skin is crawling and he feels like he’s going to burst from jitters, he’s glad that the boyfriend he finds at home is Virgil. 
He slips up behind the younger as he moves towards the stairs, and Logan’s lips attach to Virgil’s neck, pressing gentle kisses and allowing himself a moment to simply breathe in the scent of his boyfriend, the familiar fabric of Virgil’s favorite hoodie soft against Logan’s cheek. 
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toobah-z · 5 years
So, I moved recently. And my new neighborhood is full of kids. I met about 20 of them the day I moved in because they helped me chase down my dog when he got loose and I can already tell you, me and these kids are gonna be besties. They come over to play with my dogs at least once a day. A few little convos we’ve had so far:
(On the day we met)
6yo: My name Kendrick but you can call me KJ cause my friends call me KJ and you my friend now.
KJ: I’ll walk your dogs for 5$!
Me: Imma think about it, okay?
KJ: Ok ok, 3$!! But that’s the lowest imma go. What a deal right?!?!
9yo: You know my Mama’s got a boyfriend.
Me: That’s nice!
9yo: My grandmama don’t like him cause he ain’t got a job.
Me: Oh.
9yo: Do you got a job?
Me: Yeah.
9yo: *screaming across the yard* GRANDMAMA!! THIS GIRL GOT A JOB!
(I might be her new stepmom, y’all. Idk)
12 yo: You ain’t got a man?
Me: Nope.
12 yo: You got a woman?
Me: Nope.
12 yo: It’s just you and these dogs?
Me: Yep.
12 yo: Girllllll! You living the life!
9yo: *banging on my back door* HEY!! Open the door!!
Me: *opening the door, freaking out* OMG! WHATS WRONG!
9yo: Nothing. You got a popsicle?
Me: Ummmm...no.
9yo: You want one?
9yo: *pulls a popsicle from behind her back* I think you need this.
Me: Thank you.
9yo: Alright. Imma see you tomorrow. Bye!!
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toobah-z · 5 years
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Who wants to see Virgil with piercings, painted nails and a choker? This b*tch right here 🙌 @thatsthat24
I am doing this as a #DTIYS on IG! If you post it there or here on tumblr, make sure to tag me and use this #MaddoxEmoVirgil
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toobah-z · 5 years
Okay so just a thought,,,ya’ll know how deceit is based off a python right? Well, pythons are the squeezy snake bois…they capture their prey by literally squeezing them until they suffocate. So imagine the gripping power Deceit has…imagine the cuddles! Combined with the fact he has six arms…just a thought.
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toobah-z · 5 years
“For science” is just Logan’s version of “no homo”
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toobah-z · 5 years
Leaked photo of the new dark side:
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toobah-z · 5 years
ok i have seen a lot of lateteenager-young adult sides getting gay panicked
but imagine
small logan,10-12 years,who has everything tied and its just the perfection in person going to his new school and at first he sees this boy who is so cute and bubbly and nnnnngh
logan is internally screaming and shocked
then he meets his best friend,a little emo and its,,,,,,so cute,,,,
and then they go to take their other friend in the drama club and this kid is ,,,,,,so,,,,,,handsome,,,,,greek god kind of pretty
and then their other friend who taking away his face scar is really pretty but putting the scar HE LOOKS SO BADASS OMG
so that day logan goes home
his parents ask him about his first day
and he just screechs,run to his room and scream in a pillow
his parents are worried until they see that he is blushing and nervous and they know what it is
dont tell logan but the others are also gay panicking
some years later he is just like “mom dad this are my boyfriends i am really gay but not more than roman”
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toobah-z · 5 years
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Two Boyfriends - Zero Tact
Because I wanted to draw smth S O F T
do not use, edit or repost my art
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toobah-z · 5 years
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nice save ((taglist under cut))
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toobah-z · 5 years
HC that Logan has a series of small journals, all a different color, each dedicated to one of the other Sides. Not in a “this is for you” way - in fact, none of the other Sides ever see their respective notebook - but they’re places for Logan to document what he deems important for him to know about and for each one of them. 
Patton’s is powder blue - it’s the only notebook with a sticker on it, one of the golden stars the moral Side gave Logan after they had a conversation about operant conditioning (Patton seemed a little confused for the majority of it, until Logan conjured a pack of the stickers and explained it that way; Patton’s eyes lit up as he took the sheet and immediately peeled off one of the stars to press onto Logan’s shirt with a grin). The first page is Patton’s favorite chocolate chip cookie recipe, transcribed precisely from Patton’s instruction, funny as it is to see “a dash of love” written in Logan’s neat print; there’s a considerable number of jokes that Patton seems to favor more than others, as well as a few pages dedicated to a pun tally, dated and annotated with Logan’s fondly exasperated commentary. The majority of Patton’s journal, however, is taken up by feelings. A headline across the top dictating the emotion in question, subsequent lines filled with explanations and experiences and symptoms and markers, Logan details every new feeling Patton mentions, even in passing, even in abstract explanations that the logical Side doesn’t understand. 
(”As much distaste as I hold for such things,” he confided in Virgil once, though he carefully left out any mention of the notebook itself, “it’s imperative that Patton feels listened to and understood. For Thomas’ sake,” he added hastily.)
Virgil’s is dark purple, written in with far more precision than the others, as if Logan’s afraid to smudge the letters and mess them up in a time of need; it’s apropos, considering how many pages in Virgil’s book are filled with possible relaxation techniques, signs of a panic attack, how to resolve overstimulation, and various ways of rationalizing black-and-white thinking. There’s a few pages that log the self-deprecating comments Virgil makes, and scrawled in the margins are Logan’s notes on how to slowly but surely encourage a healthier expression of self. A brief note takes up a single page, a brand and pattern name, the components of Virgil’s hoodie in case something ever happens to it and needs replacing with exactness- Virgil’s notebook is also where Logan logs the slang he learns (since Virgil is mainly the one who teaches them to Logan in the first place). 
Roman’s notebook, crimson and stained with glitter (Logan isn’t quite sure how it got there), is the most filled; Roman encompasses much more than just Creativity, and he’s by far the most complicated for Logan to log in his journal, especially since they’re so different from each other. A lot of the pages are taken up by an exhaustive list of quite literally every musical Roman has ever mentioned, as well as the dates (written in the margins, of course) that Thomas saw them in person, if he did, so Logan knows why Roman gets nostalgic on certain days, and so he’s able to bring one up in the event that the prince needs distracting from an issue. There’s also a detailed map of the default layout of the Imagination (should Logan or the others ever need to venture in and find him). One page in the journal is taken up by a single line, a date, circled and underlined twice in red pen: the exact day that Creativity split into two; Remus, as Logan has noted on the following page, always grows wilder on that day, a Cheshire cat in the Mindscape as he slams doors and pelts the others with random objects and tears posters and pictures from the walls and disappears before the other Sides can scold him, and Logan noticed years ago - when the twins’ relationship started to grow colder, as much as they were blatantly desperate to hold onto each other - that Roman inevitably locked himself in his room until the following morning, when he’d pretend that nothing was out of the ordinary. Right under that entry in the journal is a list, entries from each year, Logan detailing what he attempted in aiding Roman’s distress that day. He’s found that, surprisingly (though maybe it’s not that surprising), logical pursuits like puzzles, even basic algebraic equations, seem to help best, and though Roman’s eyes are glassy year after year despite the bright smiles he gives when Logan knocks on his door, he’s obviously grateful. Logan makes note of it. 
(There’s also a page in Roman’s journal different than anything else in the notebooks - a page so full of scribbled, frantic notes, it’s resembles nothing of Logan’s detailed and composed handwriting, nearly unrecognizable compared to the rest of the journal collection. There’s no date, but the bits of conversation transcribed - “It’s so hard to create anything I’m proud of-” - are enough of a reminder. The bits that are legible, though it’s all legible to Logan, are ideas and suggestions on how to criticize kindly, moderately, constructively, reminders to consider the merit of Roman’s job and its effects, the stress, on the prince before Logan bashes his ideas. Logan looks at that page a lot.)
Deceit’s is surprisingly full, ink-covered pages between lemon yellow covers. Most of the pages are filled with philosophers and sociologists and important historical events that influenced them, concepts and theories, names highlighted if the snake-faced Side has mentioned them more often than others. There’s a carefully labelled and cataloged guide on how to tell if Deceit is lying or just backward-speaking - backward-speaking, Logan has found, is a much clumsier pursuit, and seems to very often cause Deceit frustration or even distress, leading the logical Side to believe it is, in fact, unintentional - that Logan updates regularly with every interaction he has with Deceit. Deceit is the only Side who has ever seen his journal; he insists to Logan that he hasn’t, but his knowledge of it existing in the first place is enough of a giveaway. Logan isn’t actually too upset; he genuinely trusts Deceit to keep it a secret from the others, and he finds that the snake-faced Side is far more willing to discuss history and social science with him in the times following.
Remus’ - a sickly green color that Logan chose to emulate the radioactive waste that he imagines Remus enjoys - is the thinnest, the most bare, since Logan has only just started keeping enough note of him to warrant a journal. It’s mostly filled with subjects that Remus brings up frequently, however vile, so Logan can formulate appropriate and conciliating responses; however, Logan has made it a habit to pick out things from conversation that Remus seems genuinely interested in. So far, he’s gathered that the duke is fond of Sweeney Todd, vandalism, sea animals, and combat. He’s still trying to figure out how to encourage such interests without also condoning unlawfulness or violence. 
(He also takes note of what Remus does on the Split day; he’s found that the duke only messes with Patton and Roman’s things, while he leaves Virgil, Deceit, and Logan’s belongings unharmed. Logan is unsure of what to do to solve the issue, since Remus always disappears so rapidly, but when he hears choked crying covered by the slamming of doors one year, he grows determined to find a solution soon.)
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toobah-z · 5 years
No matter who you ship Logan with he’s always dating a dumbass it just depends what dumbass energy they have
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toobah-z · 5 years
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Part of my brain still refuses to believe they’re both Thomas
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toobah-z · 5 years
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I just thought of this. I can’t tell if it’s even funny anymore, but it feels good to complete a big comic thing without half-assing it. I’m at least two-thirds-assing it now.
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toobah-z · 5 years
My brain when I’m sitting in class, instead of paying attention to what my teacher is saying:
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