tolvoofovlot · 5 years
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I forgot to upload this last night.
The father of Robert, this is a man who would sail the world in search of a cure to save his son’s life. Willing to fight 1,000 enemies to save his beloved son. The Armored Warrior wears armor that combines European and Japanese designs. It is most visible in his helm which incorporates Menpo, the face mask, and the rope that fastens it in place. In game his proportions are definitely inhuman, he is almost ten feet tall(While that height is possible combined with his armor and joints he doesn't have the normal anatomy of a human). This armor is not entirely accurate, the shoulders are layered the opposite of how they should be and many of the rivets would leave the joints unable to move.
This type of armor was called Nanban Armor, Nanban being the Japanese term for Europeans which meant Barbarians. Contrary to modern views, Europe was considered the South to Japanese people of the Sengoku Era(Though Sekiro takes place just after the Sengoku Era ends, and is set roughly around 1620). China instead would be considered the West(Think about the Journey to the West, they don't end up in Europe but the Western reaches of China). Robert and his father are likely Spanish and/or Portuguese. The Portuguese were who mainly landed in Japan and were who brought the Arquebus to Japan. After Tokugawa took over as Shogun he mostly closed off Japan, so during this era(Edo) Europeans would be an incredibly rare sight in Japan.
Armored Warrior sold everything he could to pay for travel to Japan to save his son. Judging by the cost of travel, of having armor forged in Japan, and that they had to sell even gunpowder items(Firecrackers), Armored Warrior must have been either a noble or a powerful mercenary, perhaps both. What he did would be incredibly expensive, and armor does not travel easily oversea. Though in combat Armored Warrior is not quite as skilled as his story hints, as he often lifts his two handed sword overhead exposing his armpits, which are covered by only mail and are vulnerable to sharp tipped weapon thrusts. Due to his mass and armor if he had kept his arms lowered he would have been invulnerable to all harm save for from guns, magic, and of course, gravity.
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tolvoofovlot · 5 years
Just reblogging once because I realized I often post these in the dead of night when no one is awake.
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Seven Ashina Spears from Sekiro by Tolvo, based on screenshots. The Seven Spears of Ashina are considered to be some of the greatest warriors representing Ashina. Most however are now dead with few surviving. Those in game appear to have the same model save for the Kammon on the backs of their coats. Likely they are a reference to the Seven Bodyguards/Spearmen of Toyotomi Hideyoshi, or the Seven Pillars of Japan. 
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tolvoofovlot · 5 years
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Seven Ashina Spears from Sekiro by Tolvo, based on screenshots. The Seven Spears of Ashina are considered to be some of the greatest warriors representing Ashina. Most however are now dead with few surviving. Those in game appear to have the same model save for the Kammon on the backs of their coats. Likely they are a reference to the Seven Bodyguards/Spearmen of Toyotomi Hideyoshi, or the Seven Pillars of Japan. 
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tolvoofovlot · 5 years
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Here is some art I made of the Corrupted Monk from Sekiro. With Illusion, True, and Blushing. I made these to be Emoji with transparent backgrounds, for the Sekir Reddit Discord. Okay to use just please credit me.
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tolvoofovlot · 5 years
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I took a try at drawing Owl, the father of Wolf/Sekiro from Sekiro. A shinobi who adopted Wolf and raised him in the ways of the Shinobi and taught him the Iron Code.
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tolvoofovlot · 5 years
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I drew the Demon of Hatred from Sekiro, with reference screenshots of my own and reference from his trophy art. I am Tolvo, I haven’t drawn anything in months this was my warm up, took about two minutes maybe. Differentiating all the hair and fire is quite a pain, and I don’t like how his tongue turned out.
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tolvoofovlot · 5 years
Minecraft Tinker Armor and Tools(FTB Revelation version)
So this is just my findings for best tools and armor materials in Minecraft for the stuff included in FTB Revelation. So far I’m using a cobalt headed, conductive rod, soul binding, pickaxe and it is wonderful. Knightly and others will be more desirable when I get them later.
For Tool Materials
 Dark Steel = 550 Durability - Mining Level 4 - Attack 6 - Enderference
 Knightly = 1200 Durability - Mining Level 4 - Attack 7 - Twilit, Stalwart
 Cobalt - 780 durability - Mining Level 4 - Attack 4.1 - Momentum and super high mining speed
 Ardite - 990 Durability - Mining Level 4 - Stonebound and slow mining speed
 Evil Infused Iron = 666 durability - Mining Level 4 - Attack 13 - Evil AUra
 Manyullyn head stats = 820 durability - Mining Level 4 - Attack 8.7
 Demonic for weapon - High damage but less than Evil Infused, low mining level.
 Manyullyn handle stats = .5 modifiers - 250 durability
 Knightly = 1.5 modifiers - 100 durability - Twilit, Stalwart
 Dark Steel = .9 modifiers - 150 durability - Unnatural
Conductive - 1.25 Modifiers - 100 durability - lightweight
 Pulsating - 1.05 modifiers - 260 durability - Vanishing
 Souled - .5 modifiers - 1,500 durability - flammable
 Steeleaf - .8 modifier - 100 durability - Twilit, Synergy
 Fiery - .7 modifier - 400 durability - Twilit, Flammable
 Prismarine - .6 modifier - -150 durability - Aquadynamic(Underwater mining?)
 Paper - .1 modifier - 5 durability - Writable(Extra modifier)
 Sponge - 1.2 modifier - 250 durability - Squeeky
 Knightlsime - .5 modifier - 500 Durability - Unnatural
 Cobalt -  .9 modifier - 100 Durability - Lightweight
 Steel - .9 Modifier - 150 durability - Stiff
 Magical Wood - 1 modifier  - 25 durability - Magically modifiable magically brittle
 Enchanted Tool Rod - 1.1 modifier - 20 durability - Experience Boost
 Plastic Tool Rod - .1 modifier - 1,500 durability - Stonebound
 Pink Slime - 2.5 modifier - 2,000 durability - Slimey,
 Reinforced Pink Slime - 3.2 modifier - 2,350 durability - Slimey, Unnatural
 Manyullyn extra stats = 50 durability
 Knightly = 550 durability - Twilit, Stalwart
 Dark Steel = 250 durability - Dense
 Soul - 1,250 durability - Splinters
 Pulsating - 250 durability - Vanishing
 Conductive - 250 durability - Lightweight
 Energetic - 400 durability - Petramor
 End - 150 durability - Unnatural
 Steeleaf - 100 durability - Twilit, Synergy
 Fiery - 200 durability - Twilit, Flammable
 Prismarine - 100 durability - Aquadynamic
 Paper - 15 durability - Writable
 Sponge - 250 durability - Squeeky
 Firewood - 150 durability - Autosmelt
 Knightslime - 125 durability - Unnatural
 Slime - 350 durability - Slimey
 Cobalt - 300 durability - Lightweight
 Ardite - 450 durability - Petramor
 Copper - 100 durability - Well-Established
 Bronze - 80 durability - Dense
 Silver - 150 durability - Holy
 Electrum - 250 durability - Shocking
 Constantan - 60 durability - Thermal Inversion
 Magical Wood - 15 durability - Magically modifiable, magically brittle
 Enchanted - 80 durability - Experience Boost
 Plastic - 150 durability - Stonebound
 Pink Slime - 200 durability - Slimey
 Reinforced Pink Slime - 270 durability - Slimey, Unnatural
 Steel Plates, Manyullyn Cores
 Magma slime cores are repaired by lava but don’t make you lava immune
 Prismarine trims for aqua speed.
 Cobalt for land speed.
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tolvoofovlot · 5 years
OCD,Symptoms, Resources, Treatments(Reposted)
This is a repost of something I wrote on a forum for a thread on OCD.
OCD, or Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. You may have heard of it, but do you know what it is? Do you have it and want to talk about it or what methods help you or haven’t worked for you? Do you want to learn more about OCD? This is a thread about OCD, the disorder of the brain that effects many people worldwide.
There is a lot of misinformation out there about OCD, especially due to media portrayals of it. Things like the above can contribute to this. And while they said the video was supposed to poke fun at people who don’t have OCD, when you go through comments or many reactions people thought it was an accurate portrayal. Things like Monk, and other portrayals and stories even when the intentions are good can cause problems. On top of the fact that often studios find accurate portrayals not marketable or too frightening so they require changes to happen to characters and stories.
Some things whether intentional or not can give people an idea of what it is like. Neverending Nightmares is a game inspired by OCD, the creator has it and it helps to portray it as the horror it can be. Silent Hill is often my go to example, while that’s not the intent, of what OCD is like for me. So there are also things that don’t directly depict characters with OCD but are inspired by it or are supposed to evoke similar feelings.
So what is OCD then? It is an anxiety disorder, it is a way your brain functions, or how it dysfunctions. Technically you can have symptoms of OCD but not be diagnosed with it. Unless it is negatively impacting your life it is not considered OCD typically. There is also OCPD, or Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder, which is a separate thing that shares similarities but is seen as not as negative and more useful. The distinction between the two can be difficult, with the most basic being that those with OCPD typically see it as mostly positive while those with OCD typically see it as wholly negative.
There are also multiple types of OCD. It can manifest in many forms, and it is possible to have one or some forms and not others. What are the main ones is often debated, and lots of people have broad categories they fit under but have more specific obsessions and thoughts. Some common things are Contamination, Intrusive Thoughts, Hoarding, Symmetry. Hoarding is often associated with OCD and many who have it Hoard but it can also be a symptom seen in a lot of other disorders. Symmetry, or Order, is about making sure things are exactly perfect. This is one people do commonly think of, such as ensuring that things are symmetrical, that things are categorized. Contamination is somewhat commonly known about, in regards to physical contamination or a fear of being contaminated by touching things and needing to be clean. This is a part of why hand washing rituals are so common, but Contamination can be mental. Like thinking about a contaminated thing contaminating your very mind. And then there are Intrusive Thoughts. Intrusive Thoughts can be hard to explain to those who don’t have them. It is like having a second brain, or a separation from your self and your brain. Your brain can feed you thoughts that you don’t believe or think yourself, or it can be obsessed thinking that others can more easily stop thinking about. Intrusive Thoughts can almost be compared to hallucinations, except instead of seeing/hearing/feeling things in your environment, it is like having thoughts projected into your head.
There are other symptoms, such as body picking(Skin picking, hair plucking, nail biting, ), tics, checking(Checking things to make sure they are in the right order, doors closed, doors lock, stove off, etc). Many behaviors due to OCD are not considered rational, and even those with OCD can recognize what they are doing as irrational yet do it anyway. It is a sort of cognitive dissonance that is common in those with OCD, they recognize what they are doing and why it is wrong but do it anyway. Though it should be mentioned OCD is usually not something that will result in harming others, but instead just the self. Those with OCD have lower rates of aggression towards others as it is mostly self-destructive. Thoughts about harming others won’t likely cause someone with OCD to hurt others, but rather hurt themselves to stop the possibility of hurting others.
What needs to be understood too is how obsessive thoughts lead into rituals. Often it is not that you need to do a ritual just to feel calm, that can be a way it works, but is usually the safest way to explain it. Rather than that if you don’t perform a ritual you’ll die, or someone you love will die, or the universe will explode killing all life. Often those with OCD feel immense pressure to do these things because they’re worried nebulous or specific bad things will happen if they don’t. And if you address it, it doesn’t make sense. I know that I’m not Thanos and I don’t have the infinity gauntlet, but also if I don’t wash my hands three times my dogs will explode before my eyes and I can now hear the whimpers from their heads attached to bloody torsos as they look at me asking why I didn’t just wash my hands three times. Which if I mess up doesn’t really happen because it is irrational, but deep down I believe that will happen every time.
Something to keep in mind is OCD is also tailor made to each individual’s brain. A common obsession is one that is a fear of secretly being a pedophile. It’s not because our brains are wired to think that, it’s because OCD often tries to convince you that you are a worthless monster that deserves to die. Since pedophiles are commonly considered the worst type of people, those with OCD often have that fear. If you thought people who put pineapple on pizza genuinely deserve to be executed, and have OCD, you might be afraid of the possibility that you secretly like pineapple on pizza. It is a kind of horrifying concept but it is genuinely your own brain trying to hurt, and even kill you.
OCD is both less common than people think, but actually very common. Not every person who is anal about things has OCD, though it can also be dangerous to gate-keep people just because they don’t have explicitly observable symptoms since many might not be open about it or have outward rituals. Over 1% of people have it in one form or another. In the above clip is Leonardo DiCaprio, who famously had OCD playing Howard Hughes depicting real symptoms of OCD he had such as hoarding jars of his own urine(Though the nudity thing is actually related more to a nerve disorder from crashing planes). It can be tricky with historical figures because unless we have explicit detailed recordings of every thought they had and thing they did, we can’t actually know. Howard Hughes was far more explicit so we do know he had it.
There are quite a few organizations around the world for OCD since it is actually very common. You can usually google for local resources and support groups. A thing about OCD is while it is incurable, it is manageable. While it isn’t entirely understand where it comes from, there is medicine that can really help people and therapy is very useful in treating OCD. CBT(Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) is considered by many to be the most successful way to manage OCD. People with OCD will live their lives with it, and suicide rates are high for those with OCD, but for those with treatment it is much lower. Try to ask your doctors or therapists about it if you think you have it based on some of what you can read above, it can’t hurt to check though if you don’t have explicit symptoms don’t worry about it most people still don’t have it, roughly between 1–2% of the population do.
Now I want to stress that if you can, please do try to seek help. OCD has claimed many lives when left untreated. And while you can learn CBT yourself it is better done with professional assistance. Certain forms of meditation that are good for anxiety can help, but therapy and medication can be very important. Electroconvulsive therapy can help in extreme cases, but is typically a last case scenario. I have used Clomipramine and it has helped, though I’m off it currently due to insurance. It is cheap depending on where you are, and effective, but it does have some strong side effects like body temperature control being lost and sexual arousal becoming incredibly difficult. OCD can also develop in children and manifest early, but early symptoms are rare and it can be very hard to diagnose children with OCD.
CBT being the most effective treatment for OCD does not mean it will work for everyone, but it can be very helpful. It is about altering how you think and recognizing what kind of thoughts you are having and how to diffuse them, how to dismantle negative thinking, and more constructively think. It is best done with the aid of a therapist. Please seek professional help, especially when doing Exposure Therapy. Exposure is in bits forcing yourself to deal with things that are upsetting. Whether it is physical, emotional, mental. If you can’t touch things, being slowly made to touch things, maybe at first it is a door knob, maybe later it is a toilet seat. For emotional, maybe it is talking a bit about a trauma, then later being more detailed. Again it is gradual, and is to make it not so drastic when you have to confront these issues. But it should be done with a therapist, you need someone to teach you and you need someone who can recognize when you’re being pushed too far and might have a severe episode or are being harmed.
For much of my life growing up I thought I was the only person with these thoughts and feelings in the world. So I hid them, worried everyone would think I’m a freak, crazy, that I need to be in an asylum. But I want everyone to know you are not alone out there, if you have OCD in some form there are others like you going through similar experiences, and people out there you can talk to, and ways to get help. For me therapy was the biggest gain I ever had on my OCD, whether it was in group sessions or private ones.
Some comics by Lily Williams on OCD.
Broodhollow is a webcomic by Kris Straub about a man with OCD. It is a cosmic horror and mystery series both about real symptoms of OCD as well as the cosmic horrors that effect the town of Broodhollow. You might notice horror is the main way to convey what living with OCD is like, there is a good reason for this because of how it catastrophizes situations and how it can warp your understanding of the world around you.
I wanted to pepper this a bit with both media about OCD people can check out as well as resources that can aid people. As well as facilitate people sharing their own experiences and asking questions that can help them understand things.
And I know suicidal thoughts are a common part of OCD. I am chronically suicidal myself. But if you believe you are at risk and are considering suicide please seek help, if you can contact professionals for help, contact your doctors/therapists if you can, or use the below link for the suicide hotline in the USA. As well as other sites for helping you find local hotlines.
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tolvoofovlot · 7 years
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My Illustration for Gamers For Good’s Undertale ArtBook, Alphyne love frame ♥︎
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tolvoofovlot · 7 years
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At some point, I should probably finish Undertale, but for now I really like to draw the fishy friend. Undyne’s my favorite character so far.
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tolvoofovlot · 7 years
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After two weeks and checking this over like three times before I decided to post it, I finally finished it! 20 characters with 11 pride flags! I am so happy with how this came out! But I didn’t do it alone. I had some great suggestions from some amazing people, so here they are!
@theartsyskeleton - Thank you for suggesting Aromantic Gaster, Demisexual Papyrus, and Pansexual Grillby!
@a-flamethatneverdies - Thank you for suggesting Gay Nice Cream Guy and Pansexual Bratty and Catty!
@geekydarlin - Thank you for suggesting Bisexual Asgore and Pansexual Frisk and Chara!
@iamallofthetrash - Thank you for suggesting Transgender Mettaton!
@sippyboi - Thank you for suggesting Lesbian Muffet!
@aronautic - Thank you for your drawings that gave me the idea to make Mettaton aroace!
Thank you to all that helped with this, and thank you all for staying so patient! I know this is a week late, but I was determined to finish this, and I am very happy with the result! I hope you all like it! Happy pride to everyone! And don’t forget to be proud of yourself and stay determined! <3
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tolvoofovlot · 7 years
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I'm finally back !!! here is some undyne for everyone!!!
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tolvoofovlot · 7 years
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Anime club! :D undertale by tobyfox
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tolvoofovlot · 7 years
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Hanzo’s redemption arc is real because he’s finally realised the importance of balanced team comps. 
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tolvoofovlot · 7 years
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Welp… xPP I’m crush on Undertale, huh! More ==> vk.com/s0yka
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tolvoofovlot · 7 years
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ready for the cold weather
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tolvoofovlot · 8 years
Kate McKinnon is a huge transmisogynist and it hurts a lot to see everyone praising her after you see just how hurtful her depictions of trans women are. I’m specifically referring to Fitzwilliam in “The Big Gay Sketch Show”, a (to quote Wikipedia, tw: transmisogyny) “gender-confused English boy desperate to obtain a vagina”
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