tokyokaeritai · 8 months
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From the Neil Gaiman: Dream Dangerously :) (you can watch here in US or with US vpn :) <3)
Terry Pratchett: Neil once said, 'Your fans all look jolly. And my fans all look as if they're about to commit suicide. Wouldn't it be nice if we could get them to marry?'
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tokyokaeritai · 8 months
Hi Mr. Gaiman,
I love your work and your Tumblr posts (do they also count as work?). I have had depression and anxiety for a long time now and your books have helped me a lot through rough days, especially The Ocean at The End of The Lane. I'm guessing it is something you have heard often enough, so this is mostly just another acknowledgement from yet another fan - your writing brings happiness and touches life in the most beautiful ways. Books have always been my happy place and your contributions make it happier. So, thank you, thank you so much for sharing your stories with us.
Side note (Because I would hate myself if I didn't at least ask): Would you please tell me to be brave and that it will get better? It would mean a lot coming from you.
It will definitely get better, and you must be brave. Sometimes it may get worse again and then you must be even braver. Either way, it's your task to carry on, and to find all the happiness you can along the way.
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tokyokaeritai · 9 months
this may come off very blunt and out of the blue, but i need an answer and i can't ask anyone i know, so i apologise profusely if you find this derogatory in any way possible.
i'm 14 and i found out what death means when i was 3 and living with my grandparents. i figured that when someone dies, you can't see them anymore. you can't talk to them, you can't laugh with them. they aren't there anymore. and i cried. i cried so hard i vomited.
ever since i've struggled to think about death and what lies beyond. i'm scared. of growing up, of dying, of seeing people around me die. and i don't know what to do.
i know this will likely get lost among the hundreds of thousands of asks in you inbox, but if by fate you read this, please tell me
how does it feel when someone you know dies?
hank you, and i apologise once again if this is disrespectful. i know it's a pretty deranged thing to ask, especially to a well-known writer who has gone through life. i'm sorry if this brings up sad memories, but i need an answer.
all the best to you and everyone around you, mr neil.
Mostly it feels terrible. It even feels terrible when it’s someone who has been in a lot of pain for a long time or has not really been there for a long time and you know that Death has in some ways been a blessing: suddenly you are mourning the whole person.
It doesn’t get easier as you age. It gets stranger. The point where you realise how many people you used to know and like who aren’t there any longer, and you cannot talk to them or see them or laugh with them is painful in a way that I had never expected. The first time that someone you had a romantic relationship with dies and you realise that there had been moments both of you shared and now you are the sole custodian of those moments and one day you will be gone and they will be lost forever is peculiarly strange and hard.
But there is a comfort. And it’s the realisation that you aren’t alone in any of this. Everybody who lives will die. And we are here and doing things because other people died to make room for us, and we in our turn will die to make room for our children and their children and on and on.
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tokyokaeritai · 9 months
Best of Neil's stage directions/commentary in the good omens s1 script book
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I went back and read this to help me cope after s2, as one does
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tokyokaeritai · 9 months
Hi Mr. Gaiman!
Thank you so much for your work! You and everyone from the team made a wonderful (albeit heartbreaking) season 2!
I have some questions that I've been wondering about since my first watch-through:
Hell has appointed Shax as a replacement for Crowley - did Heaven deem it unnecessary to send a replacement for Aziraphale? Or does he just not know about that?
And what is the reason Aziraphale got to keep his bookshop? Considering Hell took Crowleys flat away and gave it to Shax, it surprised me that Heaven just lets Aziraphale stay there.
Once again thank you and good luck with the strikes!
(PS: I've started reading "The Ocean at the End of the Lane" recently and I absolutely love it, I hope I can still catch the theater production this year!)
Aziraphale owns his bookshop (and some of the land around it). He bought the land in the 1630s, built the bookshop in the 1790s. He always made sure that everything was paid for and only did miracles to obtain things in the most dire circumstances.
Crowley couldn't be bothered with buying things. He bought the Bentley (and, in the 1960s, a full tank of Petrol for the Bentley), but normally in Crowley's world paying for things is something other people do, and it's a minor enough and consistent enough miracle that it's just become a way of life. His flat was paid for by Hell's finance department and as far as Hell is concerned it belongs to them.
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tokyokaeritai · 9 months
Aziraphale was about to confess too before Metatron and his coffee came into the bookshop;
Okay, hear me out. In 2x02, when they’re talking about “how people fall in love”, Crowley talks about sudden rainstorms,
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which is an obvious reference to how he fell in love, about 6000 years earlier (poor demon thinks everyone falls in love the way he did)
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Aziraphale doesn’t get it and answers “seems a bit unlikely”. He didn’t connect the dots, he doesn’t think Crowley loves him that way. All he knows about falling in love is what he read in books. Of course he fell in love with Crowley too, but I’m pretty sure he did in ‘41 when Crowley saved his books from a bomb, and that’s a bit hard to recreate, so… balls.
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That’s his idea, you make two people dance together and they magically fall in love, which is so in-character I want to scream. Now let’s get to 2x05. We know Aziraphale always tried to avoid organizing those meetings, but he’s suddenly so excited about it he is WILLING TO GIVE AWAY HIS BOOKS. Why would he do something like that? There’s no way it’s actually to make Maggie and Nina fall in love. At that point, Muriel doesn’t even care anymore about it, they all know the truth about the miracle is about to be revealed, so there’s no point in being so persistent about Maggie and Nina’s relationship. He’s an angel; of course he cares about humans being happy, but I don’t think he cares so much about two semi-strangers’ love life that he’s willing to give away BOOKS for the off chance that the Jane Austen method will actually work on two humans he knows nothing about. So, my conclusion is, he’s organizing that night for him and Crowley. They are the ones that he hopes realize they’re deeply in love with each other, and that is something worth giving away books for. Which explains why he’s so excited but also a bit scared when he asks Crowley to dance with him.
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It explains why he ignores the fact that Crowley is trying to tell him that something important and dangerous is about to happen, just so they can have a little dance. It also explains this reaction when he sees Gabriel and Beelzebub being in love with each other
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and the way he looks at Crowley while they’re talking about them.
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I mean, I know he always stares lovingly at him, but not like that, right? That’s a face that screams “I’m so going to tell you I love you when all this is over”.
So, my point is:
Fuck Metatron.
That’s my point.
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tokyokaeritai · 10 months
hi Neil! hope you're having a good one! silly little question -- in Good Omens 2 we see that demons have to be invited into the bookshop in order to enter, but Crowley doesnt. is he an exception to the bookshop wards, or does the bookshop have enough sentience/psychic ties to Aziraphale that it just doesn't recognize Crowley as a threat?
What makes you think that Crowley wasn't invited in on opening day, over 200 years ago?
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tokyokaeritai · 10 months
we all must get weirder and more queer. i am completely serious and genuine and this is urgent. please get weirder and gayer now. if you see me acting weird and gay mind your business a little bit.
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tokyokaeritai · 10 months
That nightingale line is ingrained in my brain atm
⚠️ Spoilers for the finale ⚠️
"That's the point. No nightingales."
Both Crowley and Aziraphale were fully aware that "A Nightingale Sang in Berkley Square" was playing while they were at the Ritz
That song holds enough significance for them that Crowley will bring it up in this conversation knowing that Aziraphale will understand what he's saying
They were aware that there was a nightingale singing when they were at the Ritz
They understand the significance of the nightingale in the song and therefore the significance of the actual nightingale and what that represents in their relationship
What Crowley is effectively saying here is "Remember when we were dining at the Ritz? And the song playing in the back was a song about a nightingale singing in Berkley Square while two angels fall in love while dining at the Ritz? And remember that there was an actual nightingale singing in the square when we were there? Well, there aren't any nightingales here."
I'm going to cry
It's their song and they both know that it's their song!
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Extra point: A Nightingale Sang in Berkley Square played as soon as Crowley got in the car, and he was hoping he and Aziraphale would spend some alone time at the Ritz, so did Crowley have it set up to play on the way there???
This finale broke me
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tokyokaeritai · 4 years
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the GazettE LIVE TOUR18-19 THE NINTH / FINAL 「第九」 @ Yokohama Arena [2019.09.23] ↳ Kantou Dogeza Kumiai ( 関東土下座組合) - A smiling Ruki  
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tokyokaeritai · 4 years
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Here’s a preview of the - uncoloured version - drawing for the @caprifashionzine “ÉLÉGANCE is a digital Captive Prince fashion zine made by 24 artists and 3 writers. More than 80 pages of content are waiting for you!” The Captive Prince fashion zine will be out TOMORROW ! I hope you’ll get it and I’m sure you’ll love it !
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tokyokaeritai · 4 years
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ronsey for the soul, a sequel
the dream thieves / call down the hawk
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tokyokaeritai · 4 years
Best moment 😭🤧
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tokyokaeritai · 5 years
im al ready on one, sorry not sorry 
I love you guys but I think a lot of you are the kind of people who are susceptible to falling in with a cult.
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tokyokaeritai · 5 years
gays be like “im so tired but id fight god to be with you rn” and then follow it up with “no homo”
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tokyokaeritai · 5 years
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tokyokaeritai · 5 years
How many times I've imagined this xD I think both
Are you a “ I need to sit in a girls lap” lesbian or a “I need a girl in my lap” lesbian?
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