toast-writes · 11 months
Struck By Cupid's Arrow (Daryl Dixon x Reader)
Description: It's Valentine's Day (or close to it, at least), and you're trying to come up with the perfect gift for Daryl. Gender isn't specified, no use of (Y/N). [Also I wrote this in February, and haven't wrote in awhile. I apologize if this is kinda bleh, but I figured it was decent enough to post here lololol]
Words: 1,280
Warnings: nothing but sappy good times
You sat at the small, cluttered desk in your bedroom, peering out the window as you watch the trees sway with the bitingly cold wind; the branches and ground below were covered in a blanket of snow.  You thought maybe if you watched nature do its thing, you'd find that groundbreaking inspiration for the project you were working on, because Valentine's Day was rearing it's soft, rosey face right around the corner, and you had no clue what to give your boyfriend.
Balls of paper were crumpled at your feet, each one containing a sappy poem scribbled inside. Your hand lay still on the paper with a pen gently nestled between your index and thumb. 
"Why is this so hard?! I jus- aw, biscuits!" The pen had left an inky puddle onto the paper. You sigh, wadding it up and tossing it behind with the others. Everything had to be perfect. This was your first Valentine's Day as a real couple, and you'd be damned if things weren't gonna go as planned.
"You know what," you speak to yourself, pulling out a pair of scissors and red construction paper, "I'll just make a card." You always thought you were at least halfway decent with the whole "arts-and-crafts" thing, so why not put your skills to the test and just craft something together.
After a another few failed attempts, you look at the little arrow-pierced heart with a slight sense of pride. It looked (almost) like a card you'd find at the store! The hard part is coming up with something on the inside.
You chew absentmindedly on the end of your pen as you ponder over good one-liners, then it hit you. A smile stretches across your face as the ink flows gracefully against the paper. 
       'Cupid, you've struck me with your arrow ♡' '
It was cheesey, sure, but the sentiment and meaning was still there.
Your heart gives a giddy leap as you think about giving it to Daryl. Even before, this time of year always brought joy to you. You loved nothing more than to, well, love. Whether it was family or friends, but this time? You had someone to call yours, someone to share a romantic love with, and that brought even more happiness to you. 
The plan was for Daryl to stop by in the evening, and the two of you would exchange gifts then. You had annoyed Daryl about it all week. 
"Hey, don't forget we've got Valentine's plans in a few days!"
"How could I forget when ya've been talkin' my ear off about it every damn near day." 
Right on schedule, there was a gentle rapping at the door, and you practically flung your self down the stairs with your hand-made gift behind your back. You opened the door with an excited, "Hi!!" and invited the man in, giving him a quick peck to the lips.
Candles dimly lit the living room, their sweet, alluring aroma filled the air. You really did put in some thought to this, wanting every second to be magical. Daryl was not one to "celebrate" this kind of holiday, unlike you. He never really saw himself as romantic, or loving for that matter. He didn't understand the whole concept of a day revolving around chocolates and flowers, or couples being ext-
"Do you want a glass of wine?" 
That piqued his interest. He follows you over to the couch as you tried your best to keep the card hidden from sight before "discreetly" setting it on the end table under a book, and take a seat.
The cork releases from the bottle with a loud 'pop!' and you fill both glasses about halfway.
"I would've made a spaghetti dinner to go along, but I don't have spaghetti." You tell him, a small frown etched on your face.
"S'alright," he replies, reaching for the wine and taking a gulp, "you've done plenty." His words were sincere and you could just melt with the love you felt for him. 
"Mm-" he let out a noise of acknowledgement with another mouth full, "almos' forgot." He pulls out a silvery chain and gestures for you to turn around.
"I thought you said you weren't gonna forget," You taunted, a playful smirk playing at your lips.
"Shut up an' close yer eyes." 
The cool metal nips at your neck, contradicting the warmth of Daryl's fingers. That familiar fluttery feeling worms its way into your chest again as you grow more and more eager to see what laid so delicately at your chest.
Daryl grunts, signaling you to open your eyes, and you let out a happy little gasp. The most beautiful, dainty moonstone necklace wrapped with wire in the shape of the tree of life sat so sweetly against your skin, glimmering in the candle light. 
"Found it in one o'them gift shops up the way. Reminded me of ya." 
You turn back to the archer, engulfing him in a hug. He tenses a bit at your touch, but just as quick melts into your arms, hugging you back.
"This is so sweet of you! And all I did was make you a-"
You pull away, a wave of embarrassment coating your cheeks with a warm kiss.
"What'd'ja make me?" He pushes, curiosity lacing his voice. 
'Oh, god. He's not gonna like my gift. He got me a gem and I made a dinky little card.'
"Um," you start, averting your gaze, "I don't wanna exchange gifts anymore."
You go to stand up, but quickly get pulled back down by your wrist.
"Ya did not talk m' damn ear off abou' this holiday fer days jus' to chicken out at th' las' second."
The two of you stare into each other's eyes at a stalemate.
"I ain't leavin' without no gift." He finalized, leaning back into the couch with his foot resting over his knee.
You reach behind you, carefully holding your little card in both hands and shyly hand it to him, "don't laugh."
His brow creases as he takes the gift into his hold, looking over every detail and snip you made before opening it. 
You palms grow clammy as you watch his eyes flick over the words inside, and his mouth noticeably twitches.
'Fuck, he's gonna laugh at me he thinks it's stupid.'
"I love this." He admitted, a gentle half-smile danced on his face.
"You, uh- you do?" 
He nods, "yeah." His chest swarms with tender love as he reads over it one more time. Not many people have done what you did to express their love or appreciation for him. The fact it was all hand-made, and the time it must've taken to set everything up helped him come to the realization that he is loved. 
Daryl may still not totally get the hype for this holiday, but after everything you do for him, he does understand what it's like to be struck by cupid's arrow.
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