to-breathe-to-live · 5 years
not to suck my own dick but i’ve pulled myself out of some really dark places and i continue to do so
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to-breathe-to-live · 5 years
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Elfin Ears / Tiaras
Romantic Elf Jewelry on Etsy
See our #Etsy or #Elfin tags
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to-breathe-to-live · 5 years
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to-breathe-to-live · 5 years
for the last 2+ weeks, the Amazon has been catching fire. Yes, it’s the season where that’s normal but because of the sayings (aka incentive) of our new president, some farmers are taking advantage of that and intentionally setting the trees on fire. Yesterday, because of this, the sky of São Paulo looked like this. AT THREE IN THE AFTERNOON.
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Hospitals of the northern states are filling up with people (especially children and seniors) claiming they can’t breathe properly. ALREADY ENDANGERED ANIMALS ARE DYING. THIS IS SERIOUS.
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Germany and Norway, huge donators to the Amazon cause will stop sending money because they don’t see results (that can also be credited to our president, who has been tweeting angrily ever since - not because he cares about the environment, btw). That money gives this guy and his team equipment to save little guys like these:
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THIS AFFECTS EVERYONE, NOT JUST BRAZILIANS. The Amazon is the largest rainforest in the world, and it’s being destroyed. WE HAVE TO DO SOMETHING.
If your country is holding elections, vote for someone who cares about this. Don’t let another Bolsonaro or another Trump have the power to do something and then do nothing. This is going to shape our future — if we have one.
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side note: not to sound bitter or ungrateful but also like what’s up with Europe… y’all exploited South America for centuries but just because you “aren’t seeing results” you stop helping altogether?? if you really wanted to help you wouldn’t stop because you think you aren’t helping lol
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to-breathe-to-live · 5 years
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to-breathe-to-live · 5 years
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Moo b*tch get out the way
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to-breathe-to-live · 5 years
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Zodiac Earrings
Birdee and Star on Etsy
See our #Etsy or #Jewelry tags
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to-breathe-to-live · 6 years
you know what’s wild is that all these crazy standards we hold ourselves to are things that we don’t even value in another person? like i’ve never been like “wow I love that this friend of mine is too proud to ask for help and never complains about their feelings” or “my favorite quality about this friend is that they get straight A’s and never get overwhelmed and has never told me about a problem” or “i love that this friend has never been wrong about anything or slipped up and said something embarrassing once in their life” and yet here we are, pushing ourselves past our limits for and beating ourselves up over slipups of things that our friends probably wouldn’t even rank in the top 50 reasons they like us
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to-breathe-to-live · 6 years
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to-breathe-to-live · 6 years
Something to think about
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Fact 116. Turkeys have a natural lifespan of 10 years but are usually slaughtered at between 9 and 21 weeks old.
Source // https://www.vegsoc.org/page.aspx?pid=539
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to-breathe-to-live · 6 years
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to-breathe-to-live · 6 years
About being a female
I have something I’d like to share with everyone all around the world.
I’m a female. I say female, because it’s my biological gender, meaning that I have been born with female genitalia. Also I have always been called ‘a girl/a woman’ and I have no problem with that. I’m completely content with my sex/gender. I’m in my early-mid twenties, and study to be an engineer and am working as one at a desing and consulting company during this summer, before my last academic year. I’ve received many thanks for my good work during this summer and also gotten a promise of a thesis and hints at a permanent job there after I graduate. I’ve impressed them in just a couple of months. In a field that is generally thought to be masculine.
I think a look to my years growing up to an adult would be useful now. I have two elder siblings, a sister and a brother, a female and a male, in the same sense I introduced myself as. My parent’s incomes were somewhat mediocre, so when I grew up, I got used to wear the clothes my elder siblings had already grown out of. Both my sisters and my brothers. Even today I wear my brother’s old jeans and have even bought a pair of new jeans from men’s section of a store, because they’re just mad comfortable! My favorite outfit today are a pair of jeans, t-shirt, a flannel shirt and my one cherished pair of Converses. I don’t really see a need to show my feminine figure in slim dresses and high heels.
In my childhood I also played with Lego’s (the smaller and more challenging one’s, not the baby versions, Duplo’s). Well yes, I also had some Barbies, when I was little, but I think I always got more kicks out of building Lego’s and especially playing with Bionicles with my brother. My parents never pushed any so called ’girl toys’ for me. The rare chance I got a new toy, they always let me choose.
At my early teens I found my favorite hobby ever. Kickboxing. My parents didn’t see any reason to tell me ’No, martial arts are boy’s hobbies’. The same way my parents didn’t push me any gender specific toys, or hobbies, they didn’t push me any gender specific careers. Once I thought that I wanted to be a dressmaker and I even got an education in it. But then I changed my mind and thought that I want to be an engineer. Even here, my parents didn’t see any reason to tell me that it’s not okay, because I’m biologically a girl/a woman/a female.
Where I’m heading here, is that I personally don’t see, why being a female should in any way define, what I am like as a person. It makes me kind of sad, when I see people struggling to hold up a certain kind of an image based on their sex (still in a biological sense). Of course I’ve also seen females who love to be feminine and males who love to be masculine. What I mean is, being a female or a male, isn’t the same thing as being feminine or masculine. So I don’t personally understand the whole ’let’s call everyone just a person so they’re not put into boxes by genders’ thing. Yeah, it’s alright, and I don’t really have anything against it, if it makes people feel better. I just don’t understand how people are so limited by words such as ’girl’ or ’boy’. That’s because I’ve beed raised to believe, that even thought I’m ’a girl’, that one word doesn’t need to define me as a person. They’re just words. I hope that other people could see that too.
My mother once told me, I can do anything I want. So now I want to tell it to everyone else. You can do anything you want and be anything you want!
 TL;DR: A word such as ’girl’ or ’boy’ doesn’t need to define you as a person. You can be and do whatever you want.
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to-breathe-to-live · 6 years
How about having siblings? They have the same bloodline.
If you don’t manage to have children in your lifetime, you are ending a bloodline which lasted, unbroken, for 3.8 billion years..
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to-breathe-to-live · 6 years
if english isn’t ur first language what is?? tag it
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to-breathe-to-live · 6 years
People die. It’s natural. Everybody dies sometime and I find it weird that it’s so hard for people to accept that it could happen at different stages of their lives. You know lots of animals die when they’re just babies? If animals can deal with death, why can’t people???
controversial opinion but u shouldnt have to pay for stuff that would kill u if u didnt have it??? like not to be that commie bitch but everyone should have access to clean water and food and health care cause without it people literally die. like. actual human lives!
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to-breathe-to-live · 6 years
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This person…. fixes butterflies….. 🦋
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to-breathe-to-live · 6 years
feminism never meant to be about "everyone" u dummie. whta the fuck do you think the word FEM in feminism means? WOMEN! FEMALES! not everyone. this "feminism is eqauity" is modern 3 wave bullshit to make feminism less scary for men. old feminism is women's liberation.
Well, yes I kinda agree with you on that liberation for women part. When feminism began, womens rights totally sucked, so to go towards equality, women were the ones needing rights. We wanted to be equal when compared to men. What I meant with my comment was, that in the post these things called ‘feminism’ weren’t heading towards equality anymore, but to crush and oppress the male sex in turn. Which I personally consider to be quite a bad approach. Why should women with rights scare men? Really to me making womens rights not scary for men is a great idea. It’s definitely easier for them to accept it, if it doesn’t aim to intimidate and hurt them instead.
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