tmnttournament · 1 year
What's been happening?
Hi hi, it tis I. So I've been having a lot of things going on in the background and am still asking around for how to make a bracket board. I'm sorry to keep everyone waiting for so long it's just there' some stuff I have to do before coming back to this. Again if you have an idea on how to make a bracket board it would be greatly appreciated for you too hand it over.
Sorry for the wait, I just wanna clear up on why I haven't rlly been doing much here.
Love from,
A tired person on the internet :,)
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tmnttournament · 1 year
Ok so after some feedback I've got, Bay!April will be going up against 'death by termites' Shredder from Mirage, and MM!Raph is going up against the mangey blue clone Shredder from Mirage. (yes, those are the nicknames I'm using after the person lovingly (/lhj) called them that and I dunno what else to called them)
So yay MM!Raph has an opponent!
And again, please, help me, how do I make a brackets, like physical bracket pictures??? How do I make those-
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tmnttournament · 1 year
why is there so many shred-heads???
Ok thank you for bringing this to many attention, I'll probably update the poll match ups to add the two different shredders you brought to my attention at first. MM!Raph has no one at the moment if I remember correctly :)
Additional note: Yep I'm going to use the nicknames you gave them if that's ok-
Which mirage shredder are you using
Death by thermite shredder
Tumblr media
Or his sometimes blue wormy clone
I've never actually read mirage! However, just rq, if they're different people I can add both. If they're just the same person different timeline I'll just mention which version I'm using, it's just depending on the outcomes really.
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tmnttournament · 1 year
Which mirage shredder are you using
Death by thermite shredder
Tumblr media
Or his sometimes blue wormy clone
I've never actually read mirage! However, just rq, if they're different people I can add both. If they're just the same person different timeline I'll just mention which version I'm using, it's just depending on the outcomes really.
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tmnttournament · 1 year
Tournament match-ups (bracket pending)
Helloooo!! Sorry I didn't come back with these sooner, I was trying to find a way to make a bracket but I couldn't so here's the match-ups! All of these were made by a wheel so keep that in mind, on that note, let's see whose fighting in the arena!
A refresher on our contestants:
1987: Turtle bros, Splinter, April, Casey, Shredder
2007: Turtle bros, Splinter, Casey, April, Shredder?? (the concept art we have)
Rise: Turtle bros, Casey, Casey Jr, Splinter, April, Shredder
2003: Turtle bros, Splinter, April, Casey, Shredder
2012: Turtle bros, Splinter, April, Casey, Shredder
IDW comics: Turtle bros, Splinter, April, Casey, Shredder
Mirage Comics: Turtle bros, Splinter, April, Casey, Shredder
90’s Movies: Turtle bros, Splinter, April, Casey, Shredder
Mutant mayhem: Turtle bros, April, Splinter
Bayverse: Turtle bros, April, Splinter, Casey, Shredder
Aaaannd here's the match-ups: 2007!Raph vs 12!Casey
Rise!Don vs MM!Don
Rise!Splinter vs 2007!Shredder
Mirage!Don vs IDW!Splinter
Rise!Mikey vs 2003!Raph
Rise!Leo vs Mirage!Leo
Bay!Raph vs Mirage!Raph
2007!Don vs Rise!April
12!Raph vs IDW!Shredder
2003!April vs IDW!Leo
90!Raph vs 2003!Casey
87!Casey vs 12!Splinter
Bay!Leo vs MM!Leo
Bay!April vs Mirage!Shredder
Rise!Casey vs Bay!Splinter
87!Shredder vs 2003!Don
12!Mikey vs 87!Splinter
90!Casey vs IDW!Mikey
90!Splinter vs IDW!April
12!Shredder vs 2007!Splinter
Mirage!Splinter vs 90!Shredder
MM!April vs 2007!Leo
Mirage!Casey vs IDW!Don
2007!Mikey vs 87!Leo
2003!Splinter vs 2003!Shredder
2003!Mikey vs Mirage!April
Bay!Mikey vs 87!Mikey
Rise!Shredder vs 87!Raph
Rise!Raph vs 12!Don
Bay!Shredder vs 12!April
90!April vs Bay!Casey
Mirage!Mikey vs MM!Splinter
90!Don vs Bay!Don
90!Leo vs 2007!Casey
90!Mikey vs 2007!April
IDW!Raph vs 87!Don
87!April vs IDW!Casey
2003!Leo vs 12!Leo
Rise!Casey Jr vs MM!Mikey
MM!Raph vs (winner of a random match)
We had an uneven number of turtles so we had to put MM!Raph off to face against a winner of a random match.
Poll dates will be announced once a) I find out how to make a bracket board (send tips I'm a dying women over here) and b) that at least like 5 people know about this cus it's not a very effective poll if there's no one here :,)
Anyways, see you guys..... when I figure out the bracket-
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tmnttournament · 1 year
Hi! Welcome to the TMNT Tournament (name pending)
The Round 1 is currently being made but the gist of this is that, I pit all the different versions or iterations of the TMNT characters together.
Inspired by @autismswagsummit, @foundfamilyarena, the tumblr sexyman tournament, @mad-scientist-showdown, @physicallydisabledswagtournament, and many MANY more
Additional Info:
-I've only included the turtles brothers, Casey, April, Splinter, and Shredder (still deciding to add Krang or not) where they are available.
-Yes both Casey's from Rise are included here.
-Mutant Mayhem is part of the list! Even with our limited knowledge of it, it's still apart of the TMNT verse so I say it counts.
-A side tournament might be opened up to include people's submissions for their favourite characters in the TMNT verse but eh we'll see how this goes.
This probably won't get that popular but this is for my own amusement and the few people find this.
Contestant list so far:
1987: Turtle bros, Splinter, April, Casey, Shredder
2007: Turtle bros, Splinter, Casey, April, Shredder?? (the concept art we have)
Rise: Turtle bros, Casey, Casey Jr, Splinter, April, Shredder
2003: Turtle bros, Splinter, April, Casey, Shredder
2012: Turtle bros, Splinter, April, Casey, Shredder
IDW comics: Turtle bros, Splinter, April, Casey, Shredder
Mirage Comics: Turtle bros, Splinter, April, Casey, Shredder
90’s Movies: Turtle bros, Splinter, April, Casey, Shredder
Mutant mayhem: Turtle bros, April, Splinter
Bayverse: Turtle bros, April, Splinter, Casey, Shredder
Remember, I haven't seen all iterations so I might have some info or characters that aren't actually there wrong so please let me know!
(Round 1 brackets out not soon soon, but like in this month :3)
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