Another day 2
Warnings: dub-con/non-con, age gap, kidnapping, stockholm syndrome, emotional abuse, physical abuse, possibly other triggering events. 
Characters: dark!Steve Rogers.
Summary: Be careful what you wish for, one day it could come true. And that might just be your savior in disguise, all it takes is a little bit of persuasion. 
Interact on your own accord. You have been warned. 
Any reblog, comment, feedback is well received and appreciated! Enjoy <3 
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You fiddle with the key to your two-room apartment, harshly jamming it in the keychain. If your neighbors didn’t know how you look like, they’d suspect you of being a pick locker. Courtesy of your landlord for not trying to fix the door when you told him about it multiple times. But hey, renting a place that you can actually afford must come with a couple of its own disadvantages, you thought.
Sweet victory, you mumble, as you hear a click from the door, unlocking it. You quickly go in, leaving your coat on the hanger and your now soaked shoes by the door. The apartment is rather dull, not much to look at. Basic cheap TV placed on the wall, a small table in front and next to it a couch that looked older than your grandparents, if they were still alive.
You don’t even need to get started on the bedroom, especially the kitchen. The bathroom being the only decent one in this whole situation. 
Thank god.
You look at the small timer that’s placed on the nightstand next to your bed, 20:00 you read. Enough time to entirely soak yourself in a hot bath, hoping it will make all your worries go away, if only just for a bit.
You run the water, waiting for it to warm up and fill the bathtub. You’re grateful the apartment you’re renting has hot water, not like other ones you’ve lived in even if it was for shorter periods of time, which had to take a lot of time for the water to even be mildly warm. Thus being the only thing you’re actually excited about this whole place. You didn’t even want to imagine the pneumonia you would have had. Would have been the cherry on the cake, bills on top of bills. 
You look out the window, mesmerized by the heavy snow settling on the city tonight. Your mind wanders to your little encounter with Steve, you feel your stomach turn, anxiety washing over as you remember him calling out your name. As much as you try to pick your brain out, you can’t remember ever telling him your name. Even though you should have, it just didn’t cross your mind at the moment. Not exactly professional on your part but no matter, you wouldn’t have forgotten if you did tell him.
You snap back to reality as you feel the hot water reach your arm that you left hanging in the bathtub. You turn the faucet off, stripping out of your clothes and getting in the tub. You let out a heavy sigh as the water swallows you whole. You lean your head back, closing your eyes. 
Everything will be alright, love. It’s just how the world works.
You remember… your mom, her words, everything. You slowly slide your head against the tub, holding your breath as you let your head go underwater. Any sound coming from outside blocked completely, you lose yourself in the silent yet loud ambient noise.
❄️ ❄️ ❄️ ❄️ ❄️
You scroll through the hundred of pages with the best possible secure locks. You don’t quite understand what more he wants than just a mere lock. Any of them should do honestly, there probably is no such thing as an unpickable lock so why go through the hassle of having to search for hours and hours. You were getting restless. 
You scoff. Prick.
At the last second, just as you’re about to close your work laptop’s screen, your eyes land on a lock and you look over the descriptions. Your eyes glint with triumph. You quickly pick up your phone and dial Steve’s number. You are taken aback by his almost instant response. 
You clear your throat. 
“Hello sir, i’m calling for the lock you requested? I think I may have found what you’re looking for.” you say, trying to keep your voice as even as possible. 
“That’s perfect,” he responds slowly “I trust that you chose well so, when can I expect it?”
“It shouldn’t take long. If I order it now, in a couple of hours the technician should arrive at your place and install it.” you say as you pick up a pen, rolling it between your fingers, occasionally tapping it on the table in a rhythmic manner. 
He gives you an approving hum in return.
“I’ll come by in half an hour to make the payment,” he continues “See you then, sweetheart.” he ends the call. 
You notice a weird tone in his voice, you can’t exactly place it. You always try to ignore when he calls you sweetheart. It gives you such an unsettling feeling.
You don’t like it.
❄️ ❄️ ❄️ ❄️ ❄️
You hear the main door to the building open then close. You glance over as you see Steve, you look at the time, exactly thirty minutes passed since your last call with him. 
Your coworker was out today, something about a cold. It’s a good thing you don’t get many customers, it’s not that stressful on your own. But in this case, it means it’s just you and Steve now. Alone. 
You greet him with a fake smile, intended for customers as he makes his way to your desk.
“Right on point.” you say, trying to make a light joke. 
“Exactly how I like to be.” he says with a smirk. 
You try your best refraining from rolling your eyes. Thankfully you don’t slip up. 
“So how will it be sir, cash or card?” you continue with a small smile. You don’t know why, but his presence makes you nervous. 
Really nervous. 
“Card, if you don’t mind.” he replies as he takes out his card from his wallet. 
You introduce the price number on the keypad of the card reader. You feel your body tense as you notice his gaze on you. If looks could burn, you’d be on fire. You hold out the card reader, waiting patiently as he puts his card on top of it, a beep emitting from it, meaning the payment was successful. 
You take out the receipt from it and you nervously glance up at him, you hold out your hand with the receipt in it, waiting for him to take it. He looks down at you with a stoic expression, considering you for a couple of seconds, not saying anything. 
And neither do you, you don't dare to. 
He gives you a stern smile. You look at him, careful with your actions and what you’re going to say. 
This doesn’t feel right.
“When do you usually get off?” he suddenly asks. 
You widen your eyes just the slightest, stopping almost instantly as you try to hide your surprise. 
You consider his question, why would he even ask it in the first place?
“Er… about 5pm?” you tell him, more like a question really. 
He hums and nods his head, still smiling. 
“Right then, here’s my address,” he continues like nothing happened. Like what he just asked a couple seconds ago was the most normal thing.
Nonetheless, you write his address down.
“Looking forward to it.” he says. You see the corner of his lip turn up a little just for a second. 
You think that your mind may be playing tricks on you and this was just your imagination. The interaction between you two before he finally decides to leave is pure awkwardness. At least for you. 
You let out a breath of relief that you didn’t even know you were holding in. This should be it, right? No more interactions with him, no more anything. His lock should be installed in a couple of hours, and voila. Mission accomplished.
❄️ ❄️ ❄️ ❄️ ❄️
You close your work laptop and gather your stuff, preparing yourself to go home and enjoy your free weekend. Mostly just staying in bed, watching tv or reading. So basically doing nothing, like always. 
You exit the building and head for the bus station, it’s pretty dark outside given the fact that it’s just a little over 5pm. Those are the perks of winter, you guess. At least it isn’t snowing as bad as last night but it’s just as cold nonetheless. You try as much as possible to keep the warmth you left with from leaving your body, but obviously, there isn’t much to do about it. 
You wait patiently for the bus to arrive, occasionally looking left and right at the surprisingly empty street, only a couple of cars passing by now and then. After all, this particular bus station isn’t that popular at this type of hour. 
You notice a car that’s slowly coming your way. You don’t think much of it, really, probably just another car passing by. You squint your eyes at the car’s bright headlights as it comes to a stop. 
Right in front of you.
You watch with a blank expression, instinctively your hands clutch your purse harder. You listen to the engine’s low rumble, almost soothing in the silent area. The car window rolls down and you look with curiosity. 
“…Steve?” you say, mostly to yourself. 
In the passenger seat is none other than Steve himself, you raise both your eyebrows in confusion, still not making any movements. 
“Get in.” the silence between you two is interrupted as he suddenly yells out, making sure you hear him from the engine’s noise and the distance you share. 
You give him a puzzled look. 
“What? How did you-…” you start but he cuts you off just before you could decline his kind offer. 
“Sweetheart, i’m not asking. You’re going to freeze to death, get in.” even though he has a calm demeanour and a smile on his face that’s worth a million bucks, it still feels off. 
But against your better judgment and the fact that you were waiting almost half an hour in the insufferable cold for the bus that’s yet to come, you hesitantly get closer to the car, with a frown on your face as clear as day. 
When you’re close enough, you stop. You look at him, trying to find any expression he might give away so that you can have a proper excuse as to why you have this dreadful feeling in the pit of your stomach. All you get from him is what seems to be a reassuring smile.
Oh, what the hell you think as you decide to open the car door and get in the passenger’s seat. Putting all your insecurities at the back of your mind. 
“Thank you…” you say, giving him a small smile, as you buckle the seatbelt. 
He stirs the wheel and takes off to the main road “No problem at all.” he replies, looking straight ahead as he gives a smile of his own, his perfect teeth peaking out just the slightest at the corner of his lip, it could almost be mistaken as a smirk. 
After a couple minutes of silence, what helps you remember that you need to give him your address is the passing of the street the bus usually takes on your way home. You almost jump in your seat at your realization. You quickly turn to face him as you blurt out a little too loud the instructions to get to your apartment. You notice he’s startled by your sudden burst as he looks a couple times back and forth at the road and you, in the end settling on the road once again.
He gives out a chuckle while shaking his head “Nobody ever told you it’s not a good idea to startle someone who’s driving?” 
“S-sorry,” you stutter a reply as you turn your head to gaze down at your lap in embarrassment.
“It’s just… you missed a turn, sorry.” 
He hums in response, you even hear a little “Did I” from him. Your eyes narrow and your brows furrow, that’s a weird thing to say, isn’t it? But you choose not to dwell on it too much.
You wait the rest of the ride in silence, at one point you look out the window, focusing on the passing trees and buildings as they blend in together. Feeling more tired by every passing second, you let yourself drift away. You lazily blink a couple of times as it gets harder and harder to keep your eyes open, you rest your head against the window and eventually, you end up closing them. You don’t even spare a second thought about being alone in a car with a stranger, you don’t think of anything at all actually. 
Your place is only a ten minute ride away, after all.
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tilldeathdoesmedirty · 6 months
Another Day 1
Warnings: dub-con/non-con, age gap, kidnapping, stockholm syndrome, emotional abuse, physical abuse, possibly other triggering events. 
Characters: dark!Steve Rogers.
Summary: Be careful what you wish for, one day it could come true. And that might just be your savior in disguise, all it takes is a little bit of persuasion. 
Interact on your own accord. You have been warned. 
Any reblog, comment, feedback is well received and appreciated! Enjoy <3 
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Another week, another day, another hour. Every single time the same.
It’s like a torturous cycle that’s never ending. Like the universe is playing a cruel joke on you and you’re waiting for someone, anyone to come out with cameras and tell you that you’re on a reality TV show and this was just an experiment. 
Or at least wishing that you were like the main character from The Truman Show and one day you would find a way out. But what a surprise. Life isn’t that simple. 
You let out a sigh as you throw your head back, leaning in the hard chair at your dull job. You look up at the grey painted ceiling, forgetting about the cheap lightbulb that was ironically placed above you in the exact same spot you are seated in as the awful light shines on your face. 
You immediately squint your eyes, reverting your gaze away from the light, regretting that you ever made the decision to look up, getting even more frustrated with the situation you found yourself in. 
You swear internally as you get up from the chair while closing the laptop, yet another cheap object provided by your employer. Your job working at a sales agency never was much of an interest honestly but as long as you can afford your rent and groceries you could never complain that much. 
As you went to take your coat, you look over at your coworker with a defeated smile on your face.
“Gonna go out for a bit, I need a break… Let me know if you need any help.”
He barely gives a nod in return, not even sparing a glance in your way, clearly his full attention being on whatever he was doing on his laptop.
You pay no mind to it though, already used to people not giving you much thought. You make your way toward the exit of the rather small and depressing building, grateful that you were placed on the ground floor instead of the third or fourth floor, obviously no elevator in sight. 
Only stairs. A lot of them. 
Your whole body shivers as you make contact with the cold weather, which probably was like three or four degrees outside. Your coat not doing much either as you look at the fog that was forming at every breath you took.
You wrap your arms around yourself in hope of making the cold more bearable as you look around, at nothing in particular, just observing people walking by, kids playing in the snow and couples holding hands. 
It brought a smile to your face as you enjoy the crowded street, losing yourself in the noise and the nostalgic feeling it gives you. Remembering the old days where you were walking with your mom, just talking and laughing, without a care in the whole world. 
Yet the bittersweet moment doesn't last for long as you are rudely awakened from your daydream. You feel a body crashing into yours. You quickly look up, startled by the sudden interaction. A man with blonde hair and blue eyes, obviously taller than you. 
He looks down at you with an apologetic expression, giving you a sympathetic smile.
“So sorry sweetheart, in this crowd it’s too hard to see much of anything.” he gives a small chuckle. 
You stare at him dumbfounded. He tilts his head as he waits patiently for your response, unfortunately you realize only after a few seconds what has happened. You straighten yourself.
“S-sorry, sir, I didn't mean to be rude,” you shake your head in embarrassment.
“And no, no problem at all!” You quickly add, cursing at how your voice went up a pitch. 
He gives a small hum in return, still smiling, seeming as if he’s pleased with your reply.
“In this case, if you don’t mind me asking,” he looks around. 
“I seem to be a bit lost, do you perhaps know where I can find Elite Sales?” 
Your eyes go wide as you hear him call out the name of the company you work for, but quickly regain yourself. Of course he wouldn’t know where to find it. The goddamn company didn’t even think to at least put up a poster with the half assed, original name as they call it, on the damn building. 
“Good thing you found me then,” you gave the man a smile.
“I work for the company, I can help you with whatever you’re looking to buy.” you say trying to be as polite as possible as you instinctively go into the customer service voice. 
“Here is our, er, building.” 
He took his time studying the building in question as you patiently wait for him to make a move. You watch him with curious eyes, they can't help but wander as you study every single detail. The way he's dressed… long heavy coat, turtleneck sweater which fits his upper body perfectly, showing how well built he is, classic straight slim suit pants and classic leather shoes which on their own probably cost more than what you make in a single month.
‘’I don’t mind the staring sweetheart… but I’m kind of in a hurry.’’
You snap back to reality as you realize how he probably saw you staring at him like an idiot. You feel so stupid and embarrassed, you don't even say anything back. You make your way inside the building, dreading the work that awaits you. Occasionally stealing glances at the man, making sure he is still following behind you. You see your only coworker present in the room, being as busy as ever, still not acknowledging you nor the customer.  
‘’Right then, if you could kindly explain to me what exactly you’re looking for?’’ you say as you take a pen and notebook from your desk.
He lets out a sigh as he folds his arms ‘’Not entirely sure…’’
Your eye twitches just the tiniest bit. Not the first time you have to deal with customers like him.
‘’Sir, I can’t help you if you don’t give me at least an idea.’’ you say as your patience is starting to wear thin.
‘’Alright, alright,’’ he chuckles.
You give him a frown as you don’t find any of this funny, but he just brushes you off as he continues.
‘’Tell me sweetheart, how are your safety locks?’’ he looks at you with a serious expression.
You were taken aback by his sudden mood change. You blink a couple of times until finally, you reply.
‘’…Could you please elaborate?’’
He shifts to lean against the wall, in a more relaxed position.
‘’Let’s say, for example, I put all of my most prized possessions in a room. I need something to keep it safe, locked.’’ he says, not once breaking eye contact.
‘’Not just any lock.’’
You think for a moment, taking in his words. You hesitantly nod your head yes while you write the information down in your notebook.
‘’Alright sir, I’ll see what I can find.’’ you say as you finish writing the last word ‘’Can I help you with anything else?’’
The man gives you a smile as he moves away from the wall, now standing fully straight  ‘’That would be all, dear.’’
‘’Perfect. If you could please give me a name and a phone number so I will know how to contact you?’’ you quickly add, wanting to get this over with as soon as possible.
‘’Steve Rogers,’’ he starts saying then ends the sentence with his phone number information.
You thank him as you finish writing everything down, now waiting for him to just leave and be on his way.
As he gets to the exit door, he stops for a second to look at you. He calls out your name with a smile on his face, wishing you a good day before leaving. You stand in your spot without moving as you stare dumbly at the door that closed behind him.
You never told him your name.
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