ticklace · 22 hours
Gentle tummy scratches
reblog if you agree
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ticklace · 2 days
haven't done one of these in a hot minute, and I'm in the mood to.
fire away hehe 💕
More Tickle Asks 🪶✨
Decided to make some new SFW tickle questions since I've seen the same ones floating around for a while, so @cayjno and I came up with some! Feel free to spread around and have fun!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
What spot is the most flustering to be tickled on?
Would you rather try and fight back during rough tickles or give in and accept them? If you fight back, how quickly would you lose your strength?
What is a tease that melts you instantly?
Do you like to give / be given revenge tickles?
What is your favorite death spot (if you have more than one - if not, pick one that is a bad spot)?
Could you win the "Arms Up" game?
What spot (if any) makes you sleepy?
What is your favorite tickle game?
Would you rather have 2 lers tease you about your spots and reactions, or talk to each other about them like you're not there?
In your opinion, what is an underrated spot that you share?
What is your favorite tool?
Do you like being chased with the threat of being tickled? If so, why?
Would you rather have one ler or multiple?
What tool is the most flustering to be tickled with?
Out of these options, which would you rather - being restrained, being pinned or being left to squirm?
What is your favorite tickle trope (tickle monster, being stuck in a compromising position, massage turning to tickles, etc.)?
How do you feel about mouth tickles (raspberries, nibbles, etc.)?
Can you say the word out loud? And are there any spots that you can't say out loud?
Would you rather plan a session or have it be spontaneous?
What spot of yours would you like to have more attention on?
Pillow under the back during tickles - yes or no? Why?
Would you like to give / be given an impossible challenge (arms up, don't move, don't laugh, etc.)? If so, would you like there to be consequences if (when) you fail?
Favorite pet name to be called during teases / tickles?
Are you sensitive to air tickles (someone wiggling their fingers over a spot, etc.)?
Would you rather be tickled face up or face down? Why?
When being tickled, what technique works best - soft or rough tickles?
What would be more flustering - focusing on one specific spot, or focusing on multiple?
Do you have any uncommon tickle spots?
Reward or punishment tickles? Why?
Would you rather have your arms tied above your head or out to the sides?
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ticklace · 3 days
I hit the like button on this before I even read it and lemme tell you it did not disappoint
Short little ✨thing✨ under the cut, because my brainrot over Avery is absolutely vicious at the moment, and I just had to spin a yarn over it. (Lee!Avery, foot tickling).
How would I tickle Avery? Oh, let me count the ways… 
If I could entreat him to put his large, delicate feet in my lap… Imagine, if you can, the softness of soles that scarcely ever grace the ground, for their light-footed owner’s penchant for hovering… as often as not, the shoes were a formality. Cool like porcelain, yet flushed cornflower at the pads and toes, you’d seldom chance even a glimpse at their tender undersides. 
Still, a sincere request would be dear enough to soften the sensitive cloud’s inhibitions; you’d need only ask, and he would stutteringly comply… even allowing you to remove his socks while he sat primly for you, submitting to whatever your designs might be.
I would not make him wait – starting at his heels, I’d drag my fingertips up the smooth length of his silky insteps, prompting a reflexive curl of his toes to accompany a bashful giggle. Dripping with sincerity, he’d be helpless but to titter out a “that tickles!” or “hey, wahahait!”, serving only to spur my hunger for his exquisite laughter.
My fingers would form gentle claws, beginning to scribble randomly along his pillowy skin, his feet wriggling in place with his effort to remain still. Shy giggles would yield to heartier laughter, his head tilting back as he filled the room with gleeful, unrestrained mirth. His knees would bend and twitch as he fought for control, hands curling into fists as they rested, trembling, on his thighs.
“Stay still for me, Avery…” I’d croon as I administered the playful torture, my spidery digits climbing up to his toes, skittering fiendishly into the soft valleys beneath. How he would howl, then… his body doubling forward as his arms moved to wrap around his torso, as if hugging himself would somehow assuage the tickly assault on his soles. With his ankles unfettered and heels resting on my leg, escape an evergreen option, the challenge would be self-imposed; how much could the compliant, shameless lee withstand? 
“You’re not ticklish on your toes, by any chance… are you?” A rhetorical question he’d bristle to hear, his eyes widening as that wonderful blue shade danced across his face.
“C-Casper, now, wahahait, you already know they’re… ah…”
I’d wait out his speechless squirming with infinite patience, watching the question tickle him inside. 
“They’re what…?” 
“T-ticklish…” He’d squeak, punctuating his admission with a tight curl of his pretty round toes.
“Oh, are they… Would it make you laugh, then, if I did something like this?"
My smooth nails would spring to life, scritching the pads of his toes, sending him into renewed, ticklish hysterics. Then, the delicious begging would start. 
“PLEHehehehease!” He’d whine, his feet squirming, shaking, and wiggling, one foot trying to shield the other, only to be doubly attacked with both sets of whirling fingertips. Then they would switch, the hidden foot dutifully taking its turn to endure the onslaught of affectionate torture.
“Please what?” I’d ask, knowing that sentence was one he’d never finish… and we both knew why. 
“CAHAhahahasper!” Desperation would cling to his voice as he’d cry out his response, glistening tears forming in the corners of his half-moon eyes, a warm, resounding belly laugh echoing off the living room walls. 
Heart soundly melted like a popsicle in the summer of his delight, I’d finally show mercy, massaging away the ticklish tingles from Avery’s obedient feet. A deep sigh would roll from him, endorphins mingling with relief as he’d lean into the arm of the couch, slipping into a heady state of bliss. I’d watch him relax, allowing him to enjoy my soothing ministrations for a while… before eventually, softly interrupting:
“Don’t get too comfortable, peach… after all… we haven’t even gotten to your other spots, yet.”
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ticklace · 7 days
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ticklace · 7 days
the tickle community feels like a collective of bugs underneath a rock and every now and then someone will lift up the rock and we're all just 👁👁
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ticklace · 7 days
lees who wait for a quick tickle and then sorta prod at the ler's hand with that adorable bashful "...more...?" expression
lees who wait for a quick tickle and then just pick the ler's hand straight up and put it back on their tummy or wherever they want tickles (with the adorable bashful "...more...?" expression)
lees that wait for a quick tickle and then get SUPER cuddly so the ler can't escape and has to keep tickling them in order to extract themselves (@ticklishpirate I'm looking at you)
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ticklace · 7 days
dont forget the lees who do absolutely nothing until someone gives them a quick tickle and then they go:
I actually... don't... mind it... that much...
so like. you can keep going.
if you wanna.
wouldn't bother me.
S'actually kinda nice...
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ticklace · 9 days
starting the day off with a MASSIVE dose of cuteness courtesy of Kiki 🥹🥹
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ticklace · 11 days
Yes I love tickling people but not in a "haha I'm so evil I love how much this bothers you mwahaha" way but in a "OMG EEHEHEHEE I LOVE YOU WE ARE FRIENDS YOU ARE SO CUTE I WANT TO MAKE YOU SMILE AND HAVE FUN EEHEHEHE" way.
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ticklace · 15 days
Doing more than one? Choose whichever you found the most helpful. ❤️
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ticklace · 15 days
"Oh no doc! It didn't work!" WHAM
"Better give another!" WHAM
*more laughter*
"I think we're losing them!!" WHAM WHAM WHAM
"Don't worry, I won't give up on you!!" WHAM WHAM WH-
"pLeAsE gIvE uP oN mEeEe!"
tickle defibrillators.
the perfect tool to wake up sleepy lees.
just rub your hands together, make big claws, and WHAM! give em a shock.
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ticklace · 17 days
If this blog looks familiar... you may already know me!
The original @ticklace (my main blog) has been renamed @cozy-clutter-pile and I am now using it as a general-topic whatever-catches-my-fancy personal blog.
I transferred the @ticklace url to this new side blog, which is where I will be posting all my tickling content from now on. (I'm also in the process of transferring old tickling-related posts from @cozy-clutter-pile to here (see note below) - though my life is a mess at the moment, so it'll probably take a hot minute 😅)
NOTE AS OF MAY 17, 2024: If I'm reblogging a ton of your posts right now, I'm so sorry for the notification spam 😖 I'm transferring everything I ever reblogged from you from my main blog to this new one. (As you can see, I really like your content! 😅)
Intro time! Hi friends, I'm Lacey!
Long-time lurker who has finally mustered the courage to join the tickling community officially. Looking forward to making some friends here!
A bit about me... (👇 below the cut 👇)
27F from Southeast USA. She/her 🙂
I like/follow from my main blog, @cozy-clutter-pile (which was originally called ticklace, before I decided I wanted my main blog to focus on multiple topics and split off this side blog for tickling only)
dating the sweetest guy on the planet (read: not looking for romance unless you're @ ticklishpirate 😘)
Asexual :) In a perpetual cuddly mood.
90% ler (10% lee if I trust you a BUNCH... don't count on it 💕)
Might as well go ahead and add that I'm a huge fan of tummy tickles 😅 it's kinda my specialty lol
Hobbies include drawing, listening to music, and cuddling my sweet doggo 🥰
I post (tickly) fandom stuff on @cozy-cinnamon-roll! Be advised, it is almost entirely Hazbin Hotel content right now. 😅 (If you haven't seen me around for a bit on this blog, there's a good chance I'm obsessively posting about something over there... When I hyperfixate, I hyperfixate hard.)
Below are the rules of my realm:
✨This is a trauma-friendly space✨ If you would like me to add content/trigger warnings for anything at all (literally anything), I am more than happy to do so. ❤️
✨This is an LGBTQIA+ friendly space✨ I will block bigots indiscriminately and with relish.
✨This is a chub-friendly space✨ anyone who disrespects my soft friends can get the hell off my dash.
This is a SFW blog. Some content I post might be from blogs that post NSFW content themselves, but you just won't see it here.
This blog is not open to minors. SFW does not automatically mean safe for minors. Ageless and under-18 blogs DNI.
If something I post makes you uncomfy, PLEASE let me know and I will remove it.
I'm always open to new friends! I will warn you I find it much quicker to interact via comments, asks, and posts rather than DMs, since extended one-on-one conversations in text tend to be very draining on me for some reason.* So I tend to be a bit of a slow reply-er... but if you're down for DM chat at the speed of snail mail, I'm your gal 🐌 🐌 🐌
* that reason is that I am far more accustomed to being the roomba friend puttering around in the background than an actual Conversational Being. And I tend to use up all my Conversational Being Imitation juice in real life.
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ticklace · 17 days
my thought process seeing this:
is it supposed to be a... drone?
somebody's Blender project?
an art student learning to model feathers?
another AI abomination? (🤦🏻‍♀️)
*clicks "read more"*
...IT'S ALIVE??!??!?
Petition to crown the
🪶 Feather Star 🪶
As the official mascot of the tickle community
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Also known as a Crinoid, these little critters can have up to 180 arms, depending on the species. Each with a long, fanned-out set of feather-like feelers.
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But don’t they just look like some kind of primal, Lovecraftian tickling creature? The original beast from which all tickle monsters sprang? Imagine this fluffed-out, biblically-accurate-angel-looking sea creature fluttering over the stomach of your favorite lee and tell me it doesn’t deserve to be our mascot.
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Likes, reposts and comments will count as votes. Let’s get him out there, fellow tickle fiends 🪶👹
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ticklace · 18 days
How do you like bellybutton tickles the most? What tickles the bellybutton really bad?
*hands you some cookies* 🤲🍪🍪
I haven’t receive such a flustering ask in awhile🫣
Well… okay so like…. *lee brain buffering*….
The answer to both questions is fingernails🙈💅
I don’t like them too sharp or rough cuz my skin is extremely sensitive in there to the point of being painful if the ler isn’t careful👉👈 but. Nails.
Now here’s the best way to use them:
Ease into it! Sudden attacks are overrated imo. My bellybutton needs time to realize what’s about to happen first… you gotta tease around it, tickle me all over my belly and sides, make me super giggly…. drop verbal hints about where you’re ultimately gonna tickle me next…. make me wait and squirm with anticipation by lightly scritching your nails around my bellybutton, eventually tickling juuuuuust around the inside edges….. and now you may attack! Digging in or continuing with the gentle scritches on every sensitive spot in the little button, I’m quite happy (and squeaky) either way. And here’s the best part- the more you tickle my bellybutton, the more ticklish it gets! I’ll only get infinitely more giggle drunk the longer you keep it up. Another bonus is once my bellybutton has been tickled for a bit it causes the rest of my tummy to become more ticklish too, especially my lower belly and near my hip bones…. the perfect opportunity for a mean combo attack!🙈
To be fair, I have never experienced an electric toothbrush stuck into my bellybutton or a raspberry blown directly into it, so I cannot confirm or deny whether or not those techniques are more effective… but I’m sure someone somewhere somehow will do the honors eventually and I shall update🙈
Now if you’ll excuse me, I’mma go hide in my laundry basket for the next few days til my lers forget they ever saw this because they didn’t….
right guys?🫣
Thanks for the ask Anon!💜
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ticklace · 20 days
There's something really flustering about someone pinning you down and nuzzling your shirt up so they can get your tummy
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ticklace · 20 days
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I made this helpful Venn diagram to showcase a fun bit of parallel thinking between cooks and tickle lovers, seems that both know the importance of caring for tums 😜
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ticklace · 22 days
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snoopy of the day
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