threshergm · 2 days
Hand me a paper menu or I walk out.
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threshergm · 2 days
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threshergm · 3 days
Halo: The Series - Talia Perez Headcanons
The local bakery's Dutch letters kept her cheeks chubby with baby fat until Marine boot camp burned it off.
Whenever her Navy reservist father went on a deployment; he always left his Saint Christopher medallion, rosary, and leather pilot's jacket. Talia is supremely grateful she has these keepsakes.
Talia will sheepishly admit that she's got an utterly worthless BA in 20th Century Film. Her mother aspired to be an actress, and as Talia cared for her in the last year of her life, they watched old movies together. She got the degree in memory of her mother.
Talia especially loves black and white film. Her favorites are Arsenic & Old Lace and Casablanca.
She's a tea-drinker rather than a coffee-drinker; much to the chagrin of her retired MCPO grandfather (senior Navy NCOs are fueled by caffeine).
Raul Perez runs Perez Trucking and Repair - the family business that propelled the Perez family to being comfortably middle class.
Talia grew up helping at the shop from age ten onwards; first at the front desk and on the phones, then on the shop floor.
She can now rebuild a hydrogen fuel cell, car radio/sat-link, or micro-turbine engine with her eyes closed.
Between experience in the family shop and her training as a Communications Marine, Talia has tested through an AA program in both electrical and mechanical engineering.
She wears the engagement ring Alex gave her on her dog tag chain, alongside her father's Saint Christopher medallion.
Her father's leather jacket hangs on the chair at her work desk in her bedroom.
She's never been terribly girly; largely eschewing makeup and usually dressing down, but she can be rather vain about her natural curls, and wears her hair down whenever she can get away with it.
Her Aunt Lucia does her hair whenever she returns home from a deployment.
She's kissed exactly one man since her fiancé Alex died; her childhood best friend Ervin. She immediately knew it was a mistake.
Talia is incredibly strong-willed. While normally soft-spoken and mild-mannered, once she decides something is the right thing to do or course of action, she will back it up with some serious fire.
Prior to deploying to Sanctuary, she'd seen the Master Chief John-117 exactly once, on a "morale mission" demonstrating the capabilities of the Mjolnir Powered Assault Armor.
She'd always wondered about the man underneath the armor, but never expected the opportunity to find out.
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threshergm · 3 days
Good God, that lantern jaw, haha. What a handsome devil.
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I'm living my best life.
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threshergm · 3 days
Plus, Makee was Naked and Articulate. To be fair, I'd have trouble saying no to Charlie Murphy in a platinum blonde pixie cut, too.
Wait-- why the heck didn't CORTANA speak up during That Scene?
"Hey, Chief, you know this is against Code of Conduct section--"
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threshergm · 4 days
While not purely an OC, my interpretation of Talia Perez has had to fill in enough gaps from the show that I feel she somewhat qualifies; and the people surrounding her in her life definitely qualify.
Talia is a Marine Reservist. Her father was a Longsword WSO, died in action against the Covenant when she was just 10 years old. Her mother, resentful of having Talia so young, skipped town. She was taken in by her grandparents; Abuela Manuela and Abuelo Raul. Raul is a retired Navy man, ironically with the rank of Master Chief Petty Officer, and now runs a trucking company.
Talia met the love of her life at the private Catholic school she attended; a poor kid from Manassas named Alex. She fell for him when she saw the way he cared for his three siblings; already the man of the house at just 15, supporting his mom while she worked two jobs to make ends meet.
Talia noticed he was cutting lunches so his siblings would have something to take home for dinner, so she started bringing leftovers from home and leaving them in his locker. When he caught her, she confessed her love for him, and they were inseparable after that.
More at the link below!
Does anyone have halo ocs they want to ramble about? I love readying profiles on ocs it's like hey how does your little guy's brain work?? I want to know!
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threshergm · 5 days
Lmao I headcannon that the reason "John isn't as into music the way Kelly is" is because he tried it once. ONCE. Kelly was listening to a few 20th century to early 21st century songs when they were about 16-17 years old and John decided to give it a go. Only... he made a rookie mistake and forgot to ask what genre. He cried in the shower to Where's my Love by SYML and other similar songs for damn near two whole hours and he's lived in fear of music ever since.
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threshergm · 5 days
I am sure it was a budget issue as well, but truly massive conflict is alien to anyone too young to have fought in, say, Vietnam. Which is most of us now.
Before you go to sleep imagine John thinking he could have stopped the fall of Reach if Ackerson hadn’t been keeping Cortana in a jar.
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threshergm · 5 days
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‘Who shall separate us from the love of Christ Jesus?’ Romans 8:35
Shall troubles separate us?  Never, no outward trouble can separate us from His love. We are never deserted. Jesus is ever at hand. When we call upon His name He intervenes, sometimes taking away the trouble, and at other times giving us the grace and strength to bear it, and at all times consoling us through His Spirit.
Paul mentions famine, hunger and all forms of deprivation that may hurt considerably, and test us sorely, but Christ will place His divine arms around us. Nakedness, poverty, peril, great dangers, war, disasters, the sword, violence , none of these things can possibly separate us from the love of Christ.
‘Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God.’ No created being or power or force, angelic, demonic, earthly, animate or inanimate, have the power to separate us from the immeasurable love of God. This love is the inseparable bond between God and His people.
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threshergm · 5 days
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threshergm · 5 days
Real-world militaries are actually quite a bit better at war than the UNSC is in the lore, so... we'd actually probably do okay. Once we uncorked the nukes, at least.
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threshergm · 6 days
Thanks for the tag, @lpmurphy
Fave Color: Forest Green
Last Song: Viva La Vida by Coldplay
Last Film: Sicario 2: Day of the Soldado
Currently Reading: Silent Storm by Troy Denning
Currently Craving: Buffalo Wild Wings (spicy garlic, traditional)
Currently Watching: Falling Skies (season 3)
Coffee or Tea: Coffee (splash of sweet cream)
Nominating: @indigograceauthor
thank you for the tag @two-hearts-beat <3
Rules: answer and tag nine people you want to get to know better and/or catch up with!
Favourite colour: purple and green
Last song I listened to: teenagers by mcr
Last film I watched: i think the last movie i actually watched from start to finish was 'smile'
Currently reading: Family Business by Jonathan Sims and The Neil Gaiman Reader (which is a collection of stories by the one and only Neil Gaiman)
Currently craving: the leftover ice cream in my freezer
Currently watching: Doom Patrol, Dead Boy Detectives (i'm like on my fourth rewatch) and Lab Rats with my sister due to nostalgia reasons
Coffee or tea: tea, but i do like coffee as well
Tagging: @icarusdiesatdawn @tessaaaaa @fanandsword @shadow-of-a-cloud @ancient-namess @dasloddl @lyxchen (no pressure of course)
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threshergm · 7 days
The children are learning about the US Civil War. I can’t say it’s going well. (On the bright side, they’re very clear about slavery. We’re solid on that front. It’s the actual war we’re having trouble with.)
“Ms. T, why would his parents name him that?”
I frantically flip through the possible Civil War leaders they could be referencing. “… Well, you know how Stonewall got his nickname, and we’ve talked about Tecumseh, so there’s Sherman, and -”
“No, not them.” They roll their eyes at my ignorance, then pivot back to the point at hand. “That other guy. Useless.” As this describes a number of Civil War leaders, I blink uncomprehendingly at her. “You know, Ms. T, Useless. Useless Grant.”
“Um. … Well -”
Another child raises their hand. “Ms. T, I don’t understand number three.”
Number three is a question about the Battle of Bull Run, asking for explanations about a Confederate victory despite Union advantages. “What paragraph are you looking in?” I ask in a monotone, because I’ve been fielding this question all day.
The student points at the correct paragraph, even focuses in on the quote about Jackson holding off a Union advance. “It says Jackson and the men ‘screamed like furries,’ Ms. T, but why would that help?”
I cough. I cover my mouth with both hands. “That’s ‘furies,’ sweetie,” I inform them, still wheezing. “Like they’re insane with anger,” I elaborate, deciding to skip describing actual furies at this point in time. “Not … not like furries.”
So, here’s how the war is going, one week in: Useless Grant has been made general of the Union forces, but a bunch of furries are preventing him from gaining much ground.
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threshergm · 7 days
I always preferred the Outworlds Alliance because it's basically Space Iowa.
But I am also a big fan of Van Zandt.
Pick Your Battletech Faction:
@infinityactual @hotdoghowitzer @authortobenamedlater you did ask. Here it is.
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threshergm · 8 days
Pay off the mortgage.
Pay off my wife's car.
Pay off my student loans.
Donate $25k to my church.
Buy myself a new car.
Trip to Japan.
Put remaining money into a fixed, long-term annuity at 5% per year.
Go back to work like a normal schlub because I do stupid shit when I get bored.
Retire when we have the second baby to be a full-time Dad and write in my spare time.
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threshergm · 8 days
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threshergm · 9 days
Can we please get the Google of 2010 back, please? Thank you.
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